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The penalties for losing are TOO severe


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The current system is exactly like the OP said. You are now PUNISHED for losing. I'm not sure what strange alternate universe that the developers live in where people want to get punished for losing to a better team, but it's certainly not the universe I live in.


Nobody is getting punished for losing. They just aren't getting the same amount of reward as the people that win. Please show me anywhere in our society, aside from the Special Olympics, where the winners and losers get the same reward.


If you lose, you get about half of what the winners get, depending on your performance and the time you were in a WZ match. This seems perfectly reasonable to me.


Now there are cases in Huttball that I have heard about where players got nothing at all because they failed to score. This certainly is not acceptable. I believe this to be a bug and I suggest anyone that experiences this to Bug Report it immediately.


The problem is that peeps were rewarded far too much pre-1.2 for losing. That was a mistake BW made which I am glad they corrected. The present system makes much more sense.

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Nobody is getting punished for losing. They just aren't getting the same amount of reward as the people that win. Please show me anywhere in our society, aside from the Special Olympics, where the winners and losers get the same reward.


If you lose, you get about half of what the winners get, depending on your performance and the time you were in a WZ match. This seems perfectly reasonable to me.


Now there are cases in Huttball that I have heard about where players got nothing at all because they failed to score. This certainly is not acceptable. I believe this to be a bug and I suggest anyone that experiences this to Bug Report it immediately.


The problem is that peeps were rewarded far too much pre-1.2 for losing. That was a mistake BW made which I am glad they corrected. The present system makes much more sense.


I don't think it's a bug, but more of an oversight on the part of BW when implementing their system.


Either way, I agree, it should be looked at a little more closely.


Maybe I haven't gotten a 0 reward game because Huttball is the only WZ I'm pretty much guaranteed to win.

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This game doesn't promote team play. How can it when you're grouping with randoms and don't have any means of communication other than a chat box.


How else can you communicate with a PUG? WoW tried to implement in game voice chat, nobody really ever used it

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In my opinion it needs to go back to how it was 1.1.4. Coms and Money for playing. Why just for participating? Well because without people playing the game and getting ***** by other

players and factions out gearing the hell out of them, what is the point. The original system

gave the winning side just few more comms a bit more money and a bit more xp.


To all those who now have gear like me who got all their bm gear from nov through feb have

no room to talk as we were allowed to get that gear during a time were losing gave us a incentive to stay.


People talk about "I'm tired of people thinking they should just be given gear". Im tired of

people thinking that getting the hell beat out of you for 12 mins is being given gear. Hell

i'm tired of people who think that having received gear from the RNG gods think they

won it with skill lol. No one did.

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I believe the current amount of WZ commendations rewarded (win or loss) is equivalent to what you get from ranked WZ's which makes more sense.


It does for RANKED ones.


Since the exchange rate is 3:1 on WZ to RWZ comms.

and 1 item costing 600 WZ comms up to 1.6k wz comms.


Either judge by individual preformance (like solo queue Ranked) or up comm gain from a loss.


Heck, my fiance just lost a match: 14 medals, 51 commendations, 1700 credits.


10 medals 42 comms 1.7k credits loss on a sniper 2 mvp votes

Nope still doesn't encourages me

Edited by Monkeybusiness
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yes this new medal system is stupid it encourages ppl to leave the match or not want to play anymore and sit on a node or corner. This has made pvp not fun anymore, i hate having to go into a warzone and at the first sign of possible defeat ppl leave and therefore causes us to definitely loose. But stopping them from leaving wont fix the issue. You need to make it so ppl have a reason to stay and play the match even in defeat, make it enjoyable and still offer reward. You should get more for winning but when you do a voidstar and you spend the entire 7min 30s first trying to plant the bomb do over 250k damage and get 6 medals and then the other teamn plants makes it past the first door and its over and I get 25 coms come on.
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I think there should be some incentive for joining a PvP match late. A lot of times when one gets assigned to an on-going match it's because the side you got assigned to is getting rolled and people are quitting.


Also, by diminishing the losing side's rewards, solo que'ers like me will take longer to get our gear while people who roll in premades will be getting their gear faster. That will just make the disparity between the two greater over time, making it less fun for premades because no one can put up as much of a fight and less fun for solo que'ers because we're constantly getting rolled and not able to gear up any time soon.


No complaints here. Just my feedback.

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And those are the people you want to give better rewards to? <.<


I do "get it". Probably a heck of a lot more than the person I was quoting, honestly.


No, I want to give better rewards to the 4 that stayed.


I think it's a fundamental question of what you want out of PvP. I want a competitive match. I say give everyone full War Hero gear...I really don't give a piss. I want a match that is more about skill and teamwork than stats.

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No, I want to give better rewards to the 4 that stayed.


I think it's a fundamental question of what you want out of PvP. I want a competitive match. I say give everyone full War Hero gear...I really don't give a piss. I want a match that is more about skill and teamwork than stats.


The 4 that stayed should have received around half the rewards of the winning team.


I think any more than that and it begins to promote the problem we had before, where no one cared about winning, just getting 4 medals and afk'ing.


That wasn't fun either.

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Nobody is getting punished . . . Now there are cases in Huttball that I have heard about where players got nothing at all because they failed to score. This certainly is not acceptable. I believe this to be a bug and I suggest anyone that experiences this to Bug Report it immediately.


The problem is that peeps were rewarded far too much pre-1.2 for losing. That was a mistake BW made which I am glad they corrected. The present system makes much more sense.


Actually it's not just Huttball. The new WZ...I forget what it's called....same thing happens.

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Hit 50 3 days ago. Managed to get a few battlemaster pieces but my server is dominated by premades. I can handle the grind. I just wish that a cross server pvp system would be implemented soon. With WoW every match was different once the cross realm/battlegroup system was developed. Even accomplishing the daily is awful for me at the minute.
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The problem is that peeps were rewarded far too much pre-1.2 for losing. That was a mistake BW made which I am glad they corrected. The present system makes much more sense. <---



hmm.. clearly your confused an havent been playing the game for long i guess.. until the last craptastic update you had to EARN your rank an gear.. if anything the new system is EVEN MORE OF A JOKE.. Besides the fact people get screwed because bioware cant figure out how to do pvp properly.. They gave everyone crutchs an allowed you to buy champion level gear for cash, an made a grind pretty straight forward if you want to waste your time.. Roll it back to the original if anything an take out the wheelchairs!

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I don't think it's a bug, but more of an oversight on the part of BW when implementing their system.


Either way, I agree, it should be looked at a little more closely.


Maybe I haven't gotten a 0 reward game because Huttball is the only WZ I'm pretty much guaranteed to win.


I think the nature of Huttball means in a 6-0 you probably wouldn't be able to even touch the ball on the losing team, which means you've pretty much no chance at objective points. The 6-0 blowouts in Huttball, even before 1.2, tend to reward the losing side very little because they'd be lucky to have 2 medals, and having objective medals doesn't hellp when you can't get to the ball before you die.

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I think the nature of Huttball means in a 6-0 you probably wouldn't be able to even touch the ball on the losing team, which means you've pretty much no chance at objective points. The 6-0 blowouts in Huttball, even before 1.2, tend to reward the losing side very little because they'd be lucky to have 2 medals, and having objective medals doesn't hellp when you can't get to the ball before you die.


Honestly, before 1.2, you got pretty crappy rewards from WINNING a 6-0 blowout in Huttball, unless you took the time to stop and farm 4 medals before scoring.


As one of the ball carriers, I'd usually carry most of those goals in (solo a lot of the time, but usually setting up relays w/ my fiance), and work my little behind off for the win.


0-2 medals, depending on how fast we'd beat the other team. lol.

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why don't we just cut out rewards and pvp for fun?


No? Ok, go back to arguing.


I would love this. But as it stands you need a competitive amount of expertise or you die within a single stun.

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Yeah its ********, unless u have bm armor your ****ed and its ll about kills now, so constant farming. And if ur on a **** team, no points anyway. Hours of queing and playing for no rewards lol waste of time. Legacy system seems like it will be good thought
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Actually it's not just Huttball. The new WZ...I forget what it's called....same thing happens.


This is the first I have heard of it happening in Novarre Coast. Honestly, I would Bug Report it if you were able to acquire the base number of medals.



clearly your confused an havent been playing the game for long i guess..


Only since EGA. Not long at all... >.>


until the last craptastic update you had to EARN your rank an gear..


Not sure I understand what your point is...actually, I'm not sure you understand what your point is. Rank means nothing in 1.2 and BM gear is easier to obtain than ever in this game. What does that have to do with the rewards players receive for losing a WZ?


They gave everyone crutchs an allowed you to buy champion level gear for cash, an made a grind pretty straight forward if you want to waste your time.. Roll it back to the original if anything an take out the wheelchairs!


Actually, I am an advocate of the present system that enables players to gear up faster. I prefer good fights and find competitive PvP to be infinitely more fun than steamrolling lesser geared opponents which is boring. I think your analogy is properly applied to the opposite argument. If anything, gear is a crutch for many players. The sooner BW closes the gear gap, the better the fights there will be.

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lol, you are just so wrong about your assumptions about me that I can't help but be amused. Just look back a few pages and maybe you'd see that I'm not upset at all, and while I think there are some valid gripes, the "rewards" for losing isn't one of them, imo.


I'm an "elitist" because I think that victory should be sweet, and defeat should sting?


I mean, this is such a simple concept, and here you are getting all bent out of shape that anyone in the entirety of the world may not agree w/ you.


Sorry, but your entire post smacks of "Whatever, if I can't win, I'm taking my ball and going home!".


Okay, go home. I don't tend to play w/ people who feel that way irl either.


When everyone goes home... what happens?

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Hmmm, the whiners are "EVERYONE" right, and the people that say they're still playing and go ahead and leave don't count as people right?


Strange logic.


Nothing you've said makes sense.


My point is that the more people leave, the longer the queues will be for the people remaining. PvP will slow down, and even the people who say the "whiners" are unjustified will start to lose interest. Before too long PvP is dead.

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Honestly, before 1.2, you got pretty crappy rewards from WINNING a 6-0 blowout in Huttball, unless you took the time to stop and farm 4 medals before scoring.


As one of the ball carriers, I'd usually carry most of those goals in (solo a lot of the time, but usually setting up relays w/ my fiance), and work my little behind off for the win.


0-2 medals, depending on how fast we'd beat the other team. lol.


Yeah, that too. I swear sometimes the loser team could get as good rewards as the winning team pre 1.2.


I had 15K attacker points in one of the 6-0 wins. I don't think I even attacked anybody aside from throwing instant abilities on whoever was in front of me while I had the ball since I had the ball the whole game.

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Not everyone feels the same way you do.


It's cute that you think they do, though.


I think you're adorable too. You preach about whiners, etc. You haven't really read or understood anything I've said... at all. Nor tried too, which is ok hehe. I'm more happy to provide your daily entertainment. You've certainly entertained me. 8-)


You should maybe.... read a few of the other threads instead of refreshing this one. There more people unhappy than happy..... but I digress (look that one up if you need to)


I think I'll quit while you think you're ahead. Peace.

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