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0 Credits from Losing Warzones. Really?


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So you think loosing should be rewarded.....


My old ma used to say... If at first you dont succeed... try and try again!! :D


So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in and try harder... you suffer no repair bills for PVP loses... so why should you get rewarded for loosing....


Remember... IT'S JUST A GAME!!


Actually losing should be rewarded due to the effort everyone put in, so now if someone has broken armor and weapons in a story area and no credits, then they have to win a warzone that might take forever to get queued into in the first place. (it is possible to get stuck in a story area with only one elite enemy in the Jedi Knight story). Bioware you need to think things through instead of just implementing ****, you are making your game worse.

Edited by Tuscad
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From the ridiculous to the absurd.


Of course winners should receive greater rewards. Is anyone contesting that? But BW, having seen some light and figuring out that unranked PvP before 1.2 had a fairly high gear incline, has now flattened the incline in gear yet made it more difficult for new PvPers to walk up the slope. This is progress?


No one appreciates afk or drops; no reason to reward them in any fashion. But the derisory rewards currently for losing sides will only shrink the PvP population further. Cries for cross-server PvP mistake the symptoms for the cause of the ailment. Anyone with half a brain will want mechanisms to encourage new cannon fodder. Of course, a brief survey of many PvP posts is a bit too revealing on the half-brain bit.

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But this affects not just level 50s. The costs of leveling; repairing gear, buying gear for companions, the ever increasing cost of abilities, That 20K punch in the face for your speeder license.


Warzones offered a means to make credits when everything is a credit sink.


Besides, come on even if you win as a level 50 right now you get like between 2000 and 4000, that is not much. It was fine before


I am fine the comms being lower, whatever. That is a gear issue, but credits affect overal gameplay for all levels.


Thats honestly a good thing. Besides your mount, your crew skill points (almost worthless if you dont choose the right ones), and the occasional repair, what do you really need the credits for? I know people who were running around with 2 million credits, 3 weeks after hitting 50. Quests, dailies, pvp.


If you have nothing to spend it on, the value of the money plummets, and the server economy is effected negatively. There is almost NO circumstance in a closed-economy where the value of a single credit/dollar/gold/whatever isnt better off high, rather than low.

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I played a few warzones today where my team lost and I received nothing. Not only no creds but no xp or comms. They should keep it the way it was. If you put up and valiant effort and fight well you should be rewarded. Otherwise pvp is a waste of time if you are trying to make progress with your character. Mark my words, no rewards for participation = pvp death.
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Thanks for everyone contributing to this post. There's an update on the situation in the first page post. I am urging everyone to test this out and chip in with their results. I think this might be a bug.
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So you want to be able to show up, do horribly and still get something just for showing up? That basically a win would only give you pride because losing is always a netted gain?


Nothing meant as offense meant directly at you, but seriously people? Have we seriously taken the "everyone is special" crap to the next level? I mean, I was a bit perturbed by not getting money for losing a match, but I also knew that there were two other reasons I played WZ: to play with other players and TO WIN!!! I don't go in thinking, "golly gee, I hope that I win so that my feelings don't get hurt or that I'm not wasting my time gaining valuable lessons in tactics or how to better play in a PvP server." I go in thinking, "Hey, I hope I win." The end. If I lose, then I lost and I'll try better next time.


Stop thinking that you deserve something at every friggin corner of everything!!! These people work hard to bring you this game. You have the game now and you have other means of making credits. Don't like it? Don't know what to tell you. Get over it.



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I've been waiting the last few matches, so I will pay attention for future games to see what the credit income is.


This isn't a problem on my server, but wouldn't this system of zero credits for losing adversely affect Republic side players on servers with a major population imbalance in favour of Imperials?

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Quite frankly, the reward was too big before for losing. I think this will force more people to make premade WZ groups rather than just randomly queue. I know I have been unable to win one all day on The Fatman Imperial side on my own.


No this won't force more people to make pre-mades. It will force more people to un-sub and quit. Wishful wishful thinking.

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So you want to be able to show up, do horribly and still get something just for showing up? That basically a win would only give you pride because losing is always a netted gain?


Nothing meant as offense meant directly at you, but seriously people? Have we seriously taken the "everyone is special" crap to the next level? I mean, I was a bit perturbed by not getting money for losing a match, but I also knew that there were two other reasons I played WZ: to play with other players and TO WIN!!! I don't go in thinking, "golly gee, I hope that I win so that my feelings don't get hurt or that I'm not wasting my time gaining valuable lessons in tactics or how to better play in a PvP server." I go in thinking, "Hey, I hope I win." The end. If I lose, then I lost and I'll try better next time.


That's well and good, but you need to realize that many (most?) don't think like that. It's very rare that someone finds MMO warzones "fun" in and of themselves. What keeps most coming back to them is the sense of accomplishment, however slight. As long as they got some comms for participating, they felt like they accomplished something, and the activity was therefore not a waste of their time.


And as for this:


Stop thinking that you deserve something at every friggin corner of everything!!! These people work hard to bring you this game. You have the game now and you have other means of making credits. Don't like it? Don't know what to tell you. Get over it.


When I screw up at my job, I don't get to just say "but I tried really hard!" and have my boss totally forgive me, so I don't really feel the need to pay that one forward.

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No this won't force more people to make pre-mades. It will force more people to un-sub and quit. Wishful wishful thinking.


Exactly. When someone loses they're a lot less likely to carefully analyze why they lost, adjust their build/playstyle accordingly, and find some like-minded people to make a pre-made with than they are to say "well, **** this, back to raiding".

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Is this happening with pre 50 pvp as well, i have been doing WZs from time to time because i can still get money/xp/comms as well as (hopefully) learning my class for pvp.

I also liked the idea that i would have enough comms to start a reasonable entrance set (you know for better gear balance) for end game pvp. Not sure how many people will want to step in with people that massively out gear them?


Leveling pvp effects end game pvp too it seems, the winners keep winning and the under geared (due to mentioned factors) don't progress. WZ queues get long etc etc.


I'm not complaining because i havent had a chance to check it out yet but from what i've read so far this is the theory i've come up with. If i does restrict diversity in pre 50 progression i will make a constructive suggestion to BW.

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the way PvP was structured before everyone hada good time and participation earned rewards. Now, unless you win, and win big, PvP sucks, and there opportunity cost of not questing and following story line is high. The end result will be a massive decrease in playing doing PvP. TOR had a unique and fun PvP system, now Bioware has decided to cater to the minority and ruin PVP.
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I completely agree with the "No pain no gain" philosophy. But not in the case of Warzones, because it is a Team Effort.


1 player alone does not control the outcome. 1 player can do his best, but if the rest of the team don't put in the effort then u lose. Why should 1 or more players be penalized because the rest were too lazy?


There should be a flat amount of credits awarded per Win or Loss. Say 2500 Credits for a Win, and 750 for a Loss.


There should also be a fixed sum of credits per Medals, and then one according to your Game Objective points that you get at the end of the match.


That would make things fair for everyone.

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Exactly. When someone loses they're a lot less likely to carefully analyze why they lost, adjust their build/playstyle accordingly, and find some like-minded people to make a pre-made with than they are to say "well, **** this, back to raiding".



especially since some of the main reasons they may be losing are because of gear and faction imbalances.

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Quite frankly, the reward was too big before for losing. I think this will force more people to make premade WZ groups rather than just randomly queue. I know I have been unable to win one all day on The Fatman Imperial side on my own.


If folks were not doing premades before 1.2, chances are good they won't bother after 1.2 ... they'll just move on to something that suits them better.


The developers here are clueless, the people that defend them, even more so.

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Althought i do agree with you


But pvp should never had credits and xp attached to it,, Althought losing should grant some coms like a base amount etc... But im not sure it even counts as daily grind for 30 warzones played.. They totaly took out the 4 medal thing now its really pointless too even count ur medals earned in game


This is going too get alot worse, when players start hitting war hero gear and start steam rolling players especially pugs..lol.. you might play all day and never win..


Only thing i can say jsut drop warzone like huttball if behind by 2 in last few minutes of game


as far as teh others well you can predict how to play that and leave lol...There is no debuff for quitting and if your losing whats the point of staying


and for the really low pop servers have fun crafting//lol wait thats me..lol

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So you think loosing should be rewarded.....


My old ma used to say... If at first you dont succeed... try and try again!! :D


So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in and try harder... you suffer no repair bills for PVP loses... so why should you get rewarded for loosing....


Remember... IT'S JUST A GAME!!


My old ma used to say... Its not if you win or lose... its how you play the game!! :D

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The first few matches I did, I got about 4 or so medals ( was getting used to my new spec ) after losing I got 0 comms and 0 credits. After pounding out about 15 more matches with 9 wins, I noticed i was getting about 85 - 200 comms for wins and 30 - 50 for loses. These next 15 though I was getting about 8 - 12 medals per match.


I like the new system although i think everyone should get a set amount of comms for a loss. My reasoning for this is when new people enter warzones, you tend to have to carry them due to there gear. I should not be punished because I lost a match because half my team were new 50's. The new 50's in turn should not be punished because they are going up agianst geared and skilled pvpers and cannot do much of anything. these xtra comms would help them gear a little faster so that they can compete with the much more geared and skilled pvpers.


Just my 2 cents. I know alot of people are upset at the new system only because it seems much harder than pre 1.2. I think a set amount of comms for win and loss would balance things out better and make everyone feel that their pvp experience is worth while.

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Well, I play on the Republic side and 99% of all wz's I enter are losses. I also play a sage healer. So, there is absolutely no reason for me to continue playing WZ's, they're all BS now. They take personal performance out of the factor, and punish you for playing a healer. Screw em all, I can do without the 0-180 credits and piss-poor comms. I'm done with pvp in this game. The bad thing is that it was the part I had the most fun playing... :confused:
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Honestly no matter what the score you should be reawrded for the medals you earn. If I get 15 medals I should be rewarded for it. If you get 0 you ghet 0 credit. you get a bonus for winning and no bonus for losing. dont take away what i earn cuz the team as a whole doesnt win.
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I've been waiting the last few matches, so I will pay attention for future games to see what the credit income is.


This isn't a problem on my server, but wouldn't this system of zero credits for losing adversely affect Republic side players on servers with a major population imbalance in favour of Imperials?

Had 3 on the overpopulated Empire team, of which one had a net result of -100 WZ commendations with the stim/meds I used...


The comms should be about the same for each team, what has to be different is Valor, as you have to gain more when you win.

Edited by JMCH
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Well, as there is another patch tonight, hopefully it will address these issues. Personally I reckon that by pulling the ranked matches at the last minute they inadvertently broke something in the rewards system. I really hope that this is the case, cos if it is 'working as intended' then this will be a dark day for pvp as a whole imho.
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Yeah, no credit for loosing is... a bad idea, to put it mildly.


I'm on a faction imbalanced server, so even when I'm in a premade we tend to get dismantled pretty quickly. Since PvPing from day-one of early access, I'd put the win to loss ratio for my faction at about 1 to 5... I'm not going to cope with getting no reward 5 out of 6 matches. I hope the other faction enjoys Huttball.

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