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SWTOR Negativity


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I'm not even going to read the 3 pages of replies, because the of the sheer nonsense of the OP to begin with.



Lets complain about ......people who complain!


Because clearly, this is productive.



Referred; to the redundant department of redundancy.



Edited by DaxCloudchaser
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Please don't make generalizations about WoW as some others here are doing, blaming that game for stuff here.


Go and look on the WoW forums. WoW does not care about this game, does not feel the least bit threatened by it... WoW is it's own game, as this should be. No one there talks of SWTOR on the forums.


The site you linked has nothing to do with WoW and is simply some griefers personal blog who wanted to get some exposure and people are falling for it.


There are some pretty eyebrow raising decisions being made with this game in the last several months and the devs here have to take ownership of that. The issues people talk about here are of this game's own doing and the fixes to those issues lie within and not in blaming outside sources.


I wish a few people (like even myself) who had some idea how MMO's work would be put into places of important decision making, make good decisions and be sturdy and transparent in those decisions.


I dunno, i think wow has alot to answer for, the hatred built up from there and brought to here is easy to see, remember the path of the titans being pulled people left, the pvp armour debacle a bit back on wow, even now wow is building hatred with the mop betas and the annual pass people being left to last and alot of that gets transfered here.


Bioware did the only honest thing they could and dropped a part of the update until its fixed but you would think they turned off pvp with the way people are complaining. And thats all due to built up hostility and lack of faith in mmo developers.

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I wish a few people (like even myself) who had some idea how MMO's work would be put into places of important decision making, make good decisions and be sturdy and transparent in those decisions.


I was like this once!


Before I got my first design job I used to sit at home and analyse games and think 'If only I were a game designer! I would have made this a much better game!'.


Then I actually got to be a game designer! Yay me! I had a very rude wake up call. Every game ever made has to be made within a time limit, and a budget. No exceptions.


That 'great idea' you think is simple will take time and money to design, implement, and test. When there are 100 other things that need doing, that idea, no matter how great, is likely to be left out.


I even worked on an MMO where every person in the company (apart from me!) was in love with WOW. They loved everything about it! We started off with the best of intentions and a kick *** design!


Did the game have any of the features or polish of WoW? No.




Time and money. Or lack thereof.


If you want to prove you have what it takes, why not make your own game? And I don't mean that as a snarky or rhetorical question, but rather as a challenge.


You can find some very cool game-making programs on the net, a lot of them free to use.


For PC you have stuff like game maker.


On Mac you have something like GameSalad that allows you to make 2D iPhone games.


Both of these have powerful free versions and require no coding at all, just logic. They're drag and drop game makers, and you can make some groovy stuff with them very quickly.


If you don't mind coding a little with lua, you can try Corona.



On a more MMO based theme, you could try Star Trek online. It's f2p. They have a feature apparently that lets you design your own missions for others to play. Why not *SHOW* people your ideas in an actual MMO?


Or why not make some Mods for popular games and see how people like them?


Build up a portfolio of projects and you might end up working for a big company one day. An even if you don't, you'll certainly get a better appreciation for the development process of a game!




tl;dr - it's easy to say 'if I was in charge I'd do things different' when you're not employed to make games. The reality is very different.



Hope that helps!



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I'm not even going to read the 3 pages of replies, because the of the sheer nonsense of the OP to begin with.



Lets complain about ......people who complain!


Because clearly, this is productive.



Referred; to the redundant department of redundancy.




In each of my posts I was constructive and tried to look at both sides of the argument. Read my original post before you start acting all cool.


I was / am genuinely curious about the criticism the game gets and if it is warranted.


You are the one that is not productive.

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This isn't an incentive to start a flame war, or an attempt to troll or bring out a bunch of trolls. I am honestly completely curious about all the negative SWTOR crap that seems to come from outside the game (any WoW forum etc.).


Kotaku's latest article:



All of their articles have been bashing SWTOR since early beta up to during the release. I'm not sure I am playing the same game they are playing. I've encountered no game breaking bugs during play, at most I've gotten stuck somewhere and had to use /stuck.


I thought they had a great launch for an MMO, of course it wasn't perfect but it was certainly the best I've seen. I thought the game had plenty of content and was very playable, with some slight issues. From what I've observed the game is doing great.


The only questionable issue is that of lower server populations.


Have you guys encountered these game breaking bugs? Do you think the game is unplayable or that Bioware had a terrible launch? Maybe there were some issues that I didn't have, but saying the game is dying or dead?


I'm honestly curious, what are everyones thoughts on this?


SWTOR's launch offered nothing 'better' than WoW. It was the same thing as WoW, only painted with lightsabers and The Force instead of swords and mana. In fact, SWTOR's launch was so plagued with bugs and problems that people saw no reason to switch games basically.


Two camps of logic dominate SWTOR:

"SWTOR's launch is as bad as WoW's launch!"




"SWTOR isn't competing with WoW's launch, it is competing with WoW today."

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I don't understand either! I've played WoW for years, from hardcore life turned me into a casual player, and seriously, I CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW PPL COMPLAINT ABOUT THIS GAME!

If you think about EVERY complaint haters point in swtor, WoW still have them, AFTER 7 YEARS!!!!

gamebreaking bugs? experiencied much more on WoW.

Class disbalance? Don't even need to explain why: WoW is A LOT WORSE.

Server disbalance? there's not even a single server on WoW that is 50/50.

Empty server? please...WoW has a LOT of ghost servers, you don't even need to look harder to find it.


I'm not saying this game is perfect, it needs a lot of work, but at least we can notice Bioware is doing a excelent work on that.

I just hate haters...


And I hate you

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Kotaku is the internet answers to the Weekly World news if they can't find a story they will make one up and when they are caught in a lie they always fall back on "We are editorialist not Journalist. " Which in their minds gives them the right to commit Libel.



So telling players they are not valued is libel?

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SWTOR's launch offered nothing 'better' than WoW. It was the same thing as WoW, only painted with lightsabers and The Force instead of swords and mana. In fact, SWTOR's launch was so plagued with bugs and problems that people saw no reason to switch games basically.


Two camps of logic dominate SWTOR:

"SWTOR's launch is as bad as WoW's launch!"




"SWTOR isn't competing with WoW's launch, it is competing with WoW today."


SWTOR launch was worse than WOW? Really were you playing wow at launch. they had a whole serve off line for weeks, when you went to the AH you would crash the whole game. Some were force to grind mobs out because 2/3 of the quests in crossroad were broken.


This game will be fine. Yes i have had my moments of not liking what they did but this game has more potential than wow. Wow still can not balance classes and are constantly nerfing or buffing them after 7 years folks.

Edited by LordTie
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I've recently purchased a sub for SWTOR, thanks to my younger brother. Upon returning and creating a new character, I haven't found anything wrong with the game thus far.


In fact, I'm having a bunch of fun. My main game is EVE Online and I'm currently awaiting my foolish mistake of a year-long WoW sub to end, but I have the extra cash to start a new journey.

Edited by PaxCorpii
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Kotaku is the internet answers to the Weekly World news if they can't find a story they will make one up and when they are caught in a lie they always fall back on "We are editorialist not Journalist. " Which in their minds gives them the right to commit Libel.


However they apparently are not making up the bit about only level 50s getting free game time since some people supposedly got the email.

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Have you guys encountered these game breaking bugs? Do you think the game is unplayable or that Bioware had a terrible launch? Maybe there were some issues that I didn't have, but saying the game is dying or dead?


I'm honestly curious, what are everyones thoughts on this?


From levels 1-50, I encountered almost no bugs. Back then I would've said the game was perfect. Back then there were still people on my server.


I've been 50 for a couple of months, and end game was considerably more buggy than leveling. I'm using past tense because they're supposed to have fixed these problems in 1.2. To be fair, the number and frequency of bugs still wasn't that high, but when they occurred they were extremely problematic and could ruin an entire evening for 4-8 people. As a guildmaster I found the bugs particularly irritating, because it made people less enthusiastic about showing up for raids.


In my opinion, the anger stems from population problems. For the fraction of the player base who were unlucky enough to end up on a ghost town server, it's impossible to group for pretty much anything: warzones, heroics, flashpoints, raids. You spend an awful lot of time by yourself, and the game feels empty. For the fraction of the player base who started out on The Fatman, there are now lengthy queues because too many people from low population servers have re-rolled there. If it weren't for the population problems, I think people would be a lot more tolerant of the occasional end game bug.


BioWare's customer service droids have exacerbated the frustration by claiming certain bugs were "working as intended" and by refusing to address the population issue at all. Now people are angry, and justifiably so. We've been patient for several billing cycles.


If you're playing on a server with a healthy population and you haven't reached 50 yet, you're probably wondering what all the fuss is about.

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A very unprofessional article that is biased from the start. There are problems with the game, but you are supposed to write it from a bigger context and an unbiased point of view.


If you want to use this kind of language, I've played WoW from 2005 to 2011. So much money has been poured into Blizzard to support it during it's much more "tumultuous launch" with server crashes, emergency maintenances that disrupted bugs, etc. But I stuck with them for a long time.


Did they ever give me anything for my loyalty no? They give a free Diablo 3 game and free mount to people who have to remain subbed for 1 year. The 5-6 years that I stuck with them meant nothing and someone new who chooses to remain subbed is worth more in their eyes.


But I bet Kotaku would never write an article claiming that the desperate tactics by WoW to give free Diablo 3 and a mount implies that they need 1 year to fix their problems.

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Talking about haters. I know someone in real life who keeps criticizing SWTOR since 2010. I don't know why but it's like he wished this game fails miserably. No matter what Bioware does, he wants to see SWTOR fail real hard. It must be his allegiance to WoW, I don't see any other reasons.


I hope SWTOR fails as well. Not out of some petty sense of spite, or hatred for the developers not making the game I wanted, or misplaced loyalty to another company.


I hope that SWTOR fails, because there are so many genuinely bad design choices that I can only hope that a massive failure will shake them up a bit and help them to change their approach for the next time they tackle a project this size.

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Working Illum ?


100 vs 100 player PVP battles that Bioware advertised ?


Ranked WZ's ?


Etc , so how could a pvp player not be negative about Bioware's complete lack of knowledge or ability to make it work ?


^^ This.


Level 50 PvPers are bored and frustrated. There was simply not enough content for us at launch... and now there is even LESS content since Ilum has been deprecated.

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This isn't an incentive to start a flame war, or an attempt to troll or bring out a bunch of trolls. I am honestly completely curious about all the negative SWTOR crap that seems to come from outside the game (any WoW forum etc.).


Kotaku's latest article:



All of their articles have been bashing SWTOR since early beta up to during the release. I'm not sure I am playing the same game they are playing. I've encountered no game breaking bugs during play, at most I've gotten stuck somewhere and had to use /stuck.



I don't really have a strong opinion regarding your topic, I apologize, I just wanted to mention that Kotaku is pseudo journalism that caters to the lowest common denominator in a quest for page hits (ad revenue). And it's transparent in its goals. They have no integrity and the sooner people stop reading it, the better.

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Curious about the negativity towards SWTOR?


Really... Well I can't say it isn't justified. I had high hopes for this game, I stuck it out long enough to see patch 1.2, I had hoped it would've added something to make spending a monthly fee on this game viable. Unfortunately 1.2 has fell short. Legacy is okay... but I really have no desire to roll up and level new characters so I can.. roll up and level new characters... so I can roll up and level new characters so I can play a specific race class combo. Plus half of the legacy garbage costs credits.


They added a new flashpoint, which I'll never see because trying to find a group in this game is retarded, thanks anti-dungeon finder tool rejects.


they added more for operations again see above.


New warzone is just another WoW rip off


actually the only decent thing they added was UI customizations, but I'm so far over this game. They haven't really added things we NEED in this game but some pointless fluff because they decided to make a game where the point was to run alts rather than just adding more stuff to keep you occupied.


combat is a bore

questing is a bore

farming is a bore

leveling alts is a bore

this game is a bore.



And let me just let many of you in on a little secret...


When a game starts handing out free months to people... It isn't doing so hot.

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^^ This.


Level 50 PvPers are bored and frustrated. There was simply not enough content for us at launch... and now there is even LESS content since Ilum has been deprecated.

Wait wait.. PVP is about content? I thought it was about prooving your skill against other players at all times.


Oh no wait, these are MMO PVPers, where with 'content' they mean 'more gear to grind so I can get an edge over others because of the time I invest instead of the skill I have'.



I'll be worried once they give us a free new game and a mount for being subbed for 1 year.

Hehe, you owe me a new coffee! It just went up my nose ;)


I had high hopes for this game, ...

And here you went wrong. Never have high hopes for unreleased software, you will always be disappointed. Nothing can live up to expectations created without ever seeing a product.

Edited by Devlonir
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This isn't an incentive to start a flame war, or an attempt to troll or bring out a bunch of trolls. I am honestly completely curious about all the negative SWTOR crap that seems to come from outside the game (any WoW forum etc.).


Kotaku's latest article:



All of their articles have been bashing SWTOR since early beta up to during the release. I'm not sure I am playing the same game they are playing. I've encountered no game breaking bugs during play, at most I've gotten stuck somewhere and had to use /stuck.


I thought they had a great launch for an MMO, of course it wasn't perfect but it was certainly the best I've seen. I thought the game had plenty of content and was very playable, with some slight issues. From what I've observed the game is doing great.


The only questionable issue is that of lower server populations.


Have you guys encountered these game breaking bugs? Do you think the game is unplayable or that Bioware had a terrible launch? Maybe there were some issues that I didn't have, but saying the game is dying or dead?


I'm honestly curious, what are everyones thoughts on this?


What are you going on about? That article isn't negative at all it is simply reporting what is happening at the moment as journalists are supposed to do. Also wth are you suddenly talking about lauch and "game breaking bugs" because that article definitely has nothing to do with your stream of conscience.

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I don't understand either! I've played WoW for years, from hardcore life turned me into a casual player, and seriously, I CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW PPL COMPLAINT ABOUT THIS GAME!

If you think about EVERY complaint haters point in swtor, WoW still have them, AFTER 7 YEARS!!!!

gamebreaking bugs? experiencied much more on WoW.

Class disbalance? Don't even need to explain why: WoW is A LOT WORSE.

Server disbalance? there's not even a single server on WoW that is 50/50.

Empty server? please...WoW has a LOT of ghost servers, you don't even need to look harder to find it.


I'm not saying this game is perfect, it needs a lot of work, but at least we can notice Bioware is doing a excelent work on that.

I just hate haters...



People seem to be spoiled and want more, want now, don't want this, blah blah. Instead of building up the community, and helping BW (and the Star Wars experience) get better, they rage/QQ about their own issues. And of course, others follow and make it worse, or at least do not help the cause.



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What are you going on about? That article isn't negative at all it is simply reporting what is happening at the moment as journalists are supposed to do. Also wth are you suddenly talking about lauch and "game breaking bugs" because that article definitely has nothing to do with your stream of conscience.


"Perhaps they should have started with a smaller game and learned the ropes instead of consistently screwing up one of the biggest MMO releases of the past decade."


Yeah, totally unbiased and merely reporting what is happening at the moment.


You watch Fox News too because it is level-headed don't you?

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"Perhaps they should have started with a smaller game and learned the ropes instead of consistently screwing up one of the biggest MMO releases of the past decade."


Yeah, totally unbiased and merely reporting what is happening at the moment.


You watch Fox News too because it is level-headed don't you?


So someone say the truth out loud is being biased? Got ya!

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People are discontent because this game does not deliver on many of the promises made by Bioware.

It is also buggy, but every MMO is at or near launch.

One of the dealbreakers is the terrible graphics rendering system and the FPS freezes still present, even if you do have an excellent PC.


Another thing a lot of fans are worried about is the massive player population drop across most servers. My main and alt servers are dead. Just like the servers I transferred to from previously. It is a worrying trend.


This game has a lot going for it, but it was released way too early and it shows.

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