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Pre-Ordered, played since day 1, but I'm not as valued...


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...as someone who bought and subbed a few weeks ago and powerleveled lvl 50.



I mean sure, I take responsibility for not having gotten any of the 5 chars I've played to lvl 50 (as if I should somehow feel guilty for not having a good internets work ethic...) but seriously, I'm not valued?


The fact that I've played since day one, had an active subscription since day one, doesn't make me valued?


Playing the game as intended, enjoying the content rather than the grind, trying out all the different classes, makes me less valued?



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...as someone who bought and subbed a few weeks ago and powerleveled lvl 50.



I mean sure, I take responsibility for not having gotten any of the 5 chars I've played to lvl 50 (as if I should somehow feel guilty for not having a good internets work ethic...) but seriously, I'm not valued?


The fact that I've played since day one, had an active subscription since day one, doesn't make me valued?


Playing the game as intended, enjoying the content rather than the grind, trying out all the different classes, makes me less valued?




I honestly don't see how you don't have a 50 by now if you've been actively playing? Unless you've just been deleting your characters once they hit 49. I've been playing quite leisurely and sporadically, and I managed a 50 over two months ago.


Unless you need to examine and screenshot every doodad in the game, and write a paragraph on the existence of each one, I cannot comprehend how you don't have a 50. Likewise, there is no grind to levelling in SW:TOR, unless you are repeating content.

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I honestly don't see how you don't have a 50 by now if you've been actively playing? Unless you've just been deleting your characters once they hit 49. I've been playing quite leisurely and sporadically, and I managed a 50 over two months ago.



If they're like me, you only need to be level 48 to complete the final class quest at which point I have no interest in the "endgame" such as it is. Been playing since early access.


I can see why they would want to work harder to keep level 50s who only care about endgame, but the wording and implementation of this promotion was horrible...absolutely horrible PR.

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I'm with you. I don't care so much about the free time, but the implication that I am somehow less supportive of them because I don't have a 50?


I beta tested and gave feedback, I preordered, I bought the digital deluxe version of the game. I have subscribed outright with no breaks since the game came out.


However, because I only have a 40 and a 46, rather than a 50, because I quit my scoundrel (the 40) when they nerfed their burst when I was already feeling like the class was kind of weak in PvE content, and picked up a few other classes before settling on my assassin (the 46), I am somehow unsupportive, or at least less supportive than those who hit 50.


I've played this assassin for a few weeks now. I've not been powerleveling, so I could have done it faster, and I'm still already almost 50. People who bought the game a month ago, and are still in free time can have 50s, and get rewarded for how "supportive" they are, but people like us who've played for five months are implied to be less useful.



As I said at the beginning, it's not so much about the free time, since I'll continue to pay to play anyways. It's about the fact that they're implying I'm not a worthwhile customer because I level slower or play multiple characters.

Edited by Toraxa
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...as someone who bought and subbed a few weeks ago and powerleveled lvl 50.



I mean sure, I take responsibility for not having gotten any of the 5 chars I've played to lvl 50 (as if I should somehow feel guilty for not having a good internets work ethic...) but seriously, I'm not valued?


The fact that I've played since day one, had an active subscription since day one, doesn't make me valued?


Playing the game as intended, enjoying the content rather than the grind, trying out all the different classes, makes me less valued?




I completely agree. I've been playing all 8 of the classes and haven't gotten to 50 on any of them but I have been playing and paying for a subscription since day one. My friend however has one character that he leveled to 50 and hasnt touched this game in over a month and yet he gets a free month and I dont. Hardly fair. Loyalty rewards need to be evaluated... :mad:

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...as someone who bought and subbed a few weeks ago and powerleveled lvl 50.



I mean sure, I take responsibility for not having gotten any of the 5 chars I've played to lvl 50 (as if I should somehow feel guilty for not having a good internets work ethic...) but seriously, I'm not valued?


The fact that I've played since day one, had an active subscription since day one, doesn't make me valued?


Playing the game as intended, enjoying the content rather than the grind, trying out all the different classes, makes me less valued?



Huh? In what way are you feeling devalued as a paying customer who didn't power level to 50? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Even if a person is super casual how can he or she not have a lvl 50 by now? assuming that you are playing regularly since release? i just don't get it. Unless you just resubbed now recently.


I have yet to hit 50, I play pretty casually, also I've re'rolled on 4 different servers because the friends I started playing with are there, then they quit. I have 2 lvl 40's and 3 mid 30 characters, plus numerous other characters inbtw 10-20. I've played those to test the other classes, as well as different factions.


I feel the same as the OP

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If they're like me, you only need to be level 48 to complete the final class quest at which point I have no interest in the "endgame" such as it is. Been playing since early access.


I can see why they would want to work harder to keep level 50s who only care about endgame, but the wording and implementation of this promotion was horrible...absolutely horrible PR.


They gave a free month to the majority of their players. I hardly see that as bad PR. Of course there are going to be outliers, but yeah, sucks to be you. They chose a great measuring stick. I am not without sympathy, but to try to set the reward up as some sort of demonic/moronic ploy is asinine.

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They gave a free month to the majority of their players. I hardly see that as bad PR. Of course there are going to be outliers, but yeah, sucks to be you. They chose a great measuring stick. I am not without sympathy, but to try to set the reward up as some sort of demonic/moronic ploy is asinine.


If the point of a promotion like this is to get a segment of the subscribers to keep subscribing, then alienating another segment of the subscribers while doing it is...well dumb. It's bad PR. You may feel its a great measuring stick, and maybe it is. Who knows. But I'm seeing it have a lot of backlash which completely defeats the purpose of a promotion like this.


It's not a demonic ploy, but it's definitely moronic.


And there's no point in debating who the "majority" of players are. I know who the "majority" of whiners are, the people whining about the endgame -- hence this promotion.

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Even if a person is super casual how can he or she not have a lvl 50 by now? assuming that you are playing regularly since release? i just don't get it. Unless you just resubbed now recently.


I'm in management for a large retail operation, I simply don't have time like I used to. But I really enjoy the time I DO have to spend in game.


That being said, it's $15 which isn't going to break the bank, it's simply the idea that the only valued players are the most hardcore ones that burn out in a few months, rather than someone like me who plans to take their time and enjoy the long haul, who would still be here next year.


I'm not saying I'm cancelling over it, but it's a pretty bone headed, rookie mistake for whatever marketing genious thought it would be a good idea.

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I honestly don't see how you don't have a 50 by now if you've been actively playing? Unless you've just been deleting your characters once they hit 49. I've been playing quite leisurely and sporadically, and I managed a 50 over two months ago.


Unless you need to examine and screenshot every doodad in the game, and write a paragraph on the existence of each one, I cannot comprehend how you don't have a 50. Likewise, there is no grind to levelling in SW:TOR, unless you are repeating content.

Well, there are plenty of players who can only do 5 or 10 hours a week. I'm a 15 - 20 hour a week player myself and can see how not having a 50 by now is possible. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Here's the thing...


It's not people who are having fun playing alts that are leaving.


It's people who are at level 50 saying they've done the content and have nothing left.


If you are not 50, then you have not run out of content - plain and simple.


Doing this is actually better for those who have not hit 50 yet, as the free month gives those who have hit 50 a reason to stay, and therefore stop the hemorrhaging of end game players in order to increase the end game numbers and thus activity.


This is a smart move on their part. Not to mention there will be more sub numbers come quarter end as well.

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I laughed when I read their announcement. I have a few level 50's and thought they were pretty much spitting in the face of everyone else that doesn't. Like yourself there are many people that don't have a single 50 but have played many characters since release....


I guess they aren't "valuable" enough.

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If the point of a promotion like this is to get a segment of the subscribers to keep subscribing, then alienating another segment of the subscribers while doing it is...well dumb. It's bad PR. You may feel its a great measuring stick, and maybe it is. Who knows. But I'm seeing it have a lot of backlash which completely defeats the purpose of a promotion like this.


It's not a demonic ploy, but it's definitely moronic.


And there's no point in debating who the "majority" of players are. I know who the "majority" of whiners are, the people whining about the endgame -- hence this promotion.


as is demonstrated time and time again, Bioware is as sharp as a bowling ball.

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Even if a person is super casual how can he or she not have a lvl 50 by now? assuming that you are playing regularly since release? i just don't get it. Unless you just resubbed now recently.


Playing the game since day one as a casual means you don't rush through the content. You don't spacebar through everything.


It also means you probably aren't playing a single character. I know more than a few who play 4 different characters based on what day of the week it is, or whom they are grouped with.

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If they're like me, you only need to be level 48 to complete the final class quest at which point I have no interest in the "endgame" such as it is. Been playing since early access.


I'm the opposite. I have two 50s and one hasn't completed her class story yet. She also hit 50 about a month and a half ago. I've hit fifty on Voss both times.

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My 2 cents.


I personally do not care to get anything for free. But I also do not understand this logic of giving 50's a freebie.


Just something else to think about. Did it occur to BW that this promotion is in someway rewarding all those people using Chinese farmers out there power leveling ?


Perhaps total log in time across 2-3 toons should have been factored into the equation.

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Day one 2nd wave early access Collectors edition 6 month sub player here, had a lvl 45 toon on a dead server that was "full" during EA. Rerolled on a new server but no lvl 50 here. I work 6 days a week - 10 hours a day, have a new home im remodeling, a 3 year old and a 4 month old....so yeah i dont have hours upon hours to play atm and just feel a bit screwed TBH.


I've never really said anything negative about the game, defended BW through and through, i've been in MMO's for going on 10 years now so i know most of the negativity is overblown QQ'ing by noobs....but im kinda miffed about this decision. I think it was the "valued customer" line that really got to me.

Edited by TKMaster
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