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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Sure seems that way.


To be sure I think the thread was hijacked by trolls awhile ago who just wanted to come to spout off at how much they hate the game. I think anyone who was seriously offended by this are the ones who aren't threatening to unsub.

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Give the free month to everyone with the founder's title. That's how you reward loyalty.


If you want to reward people who did bug testing (as some here claim) give the free month to those who completed chapter 1 on the PTS and got that title.


We did bug testing on massive scale long before the PTS was even up. It was called EV and because we did, you don't have to.

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No I would have taken what was given to me and not been mad about it. If they decided to give something special to only a portion of the community I would be fine with it. Furthermore, I wouldn't be offended by this even if I wasn't getting free time.


Your full of it.You know that right? giving you a title that says super duper lvl 50 l33t would be fine with me.Giving you free game time and a email speaking about being such a loyal customer when the rest of us paid for our copy of the game and sub fee's same as you did is bs no matter how much you dress it up

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it's just a BW gimmick begging all the level 50's not to leave their game.

seems they are the ones they are catering to anyway in PVP.

why else would they now deside all the classes needed major tweaks to DPS and Healing.

Seems the x amount of years they had to develop and test this game wasn't nearly enough.

how can you release a game and in less than 6 months deside nearly everything needs revamping??? Where we still in the beta stage all this time??

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The simple fact that some one could have bought this game last week and power leveld to 50 and they get the "Loyalty" reward. While someone who has been here all along and for what ever reason doesnt have a level 50 and they dont, is a kick in the teeth to every body who plays this game.


If Bioware can't see the wrongness of this promotion then they have no business running this type of game and need to go back to making solo played rpgs cause they spit in faces of a pretty good portion of thier customer base and further eroded the player community.

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Sure seems that way.


I'm sure it seems that way to people on the side of the cut off line that got something for nothing. but on the side that got nothing but an off handed caressless insult, it has nothing to do with greed. I don't care about the damn 30 days. I'd be complaining if it was merely a title, or a thank you email.


My pride was insulted. It has been implied I am less of a valued customer than the person who had 4 more bubbles of xp than I did.

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it's just a BW gimmick begging all the level 50's not to leave their game.

seems they are the ones they are catering to anyway in PVP.

why else would they now deside all the classes needed major tweaks to DPS and Healing.

Seems the x amount of years they had to develop and test this game wasn't nearly enough.

how can you release a game and in less than 6 months deside nearly everything needs revamping??? Where we still in the beta stage all this time??


You don't play a lot of MMOs do you?


Literally every single MMO does this(theme park MMOs that is).

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I'm sure it seems that way to people on the side of the cut off line that got something for nothing. but on the side that got nothing but an off handed caressless insult, it has nothing to do with greed. I don't care about the damn 30 days. I'd be complaining if it was merely a title, or a thank you email.


My pride was insulted. It has been implied I am less of a valued customer than the person who had 4 more bubbles of xp than I did.


I'm sorry you feel that way. If it's any consolation, your signature made me smile.

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We did bug testing on massive scale long before the PTS was even up. It was called EV and because we did, you don't have to.


Maybe some of you. But not every 50. In fact most of the peopel with 50's i know didn't. they did what i did, they finished up the class storyline and moved on to another character. They just made 50 before finishing. I didn't.


Your reasoning is flawed. If they wanted to reward peopel who did that, they would have given it to everyone with a particular codex entry for beating a particular operation. but they didn't. they gave it out based on xp. and you can get xp from damn near anything in this game, up to, and including, just afking in warzones.

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You don't play a lot of MMOs do you?


Literally every single MMO does this(theme park MMOs that is).


Oh tell us oh great one every single other themepark mmo that does a huge revamp on everything within 6 months.Won't be hard for someone who knows everything like you do.

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I'm sorry you feel that way. If it's any consolation, your signature made me smile.


It is, in fact, a small consolation.


I wish I'd started playing a Scoundrel first, and not my juggernaut. Maybe I'd had been 50 in time.

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Guys, calm down. If this is what they give for just being 50, imagine what people who pre-ordred and subbed for months are gonna get.




Not much until a veteran program is introduced- if a veteran program is introduced. ;)

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Well, my two cents. I don't have a 50. I'm trying to join Alpha Company so I rolled a trooper. I've got a 36, 35, 30, and 25. I've played all but a week or two since early start. I have taken my time to enjoy the game, and honestly that's what I pay my 15 a month for. I wish I got a free month, but I don't begrudge those with 50s getting something. I'll be happy with my tauntaun. The truth is Bioware, you should have at least gave a week to all active subs. Sure reward your other criteria, but at least give us something you're giving to people not paying a cent. Maybe once I get a chance to actually download the 1.2 patch, I'll be upset, but as it stands, meh. As a hardcore crafter, I've been awaiting this patch.
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Guys, calm down. If this is what they give for just being 50, imagine what people who pre-ordred and subbed for months are gonna get.




I participated in general testing starting in August, I pre-ordered, played from day two of early access, and have subscribed every month since. I also happen to have a 50.


What do I get for all the extra stuff?

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"Not getting something for free" = "A slap in the face"


We've come a long way.


No giving a free month of play time to a select group of your paying subscribers and excluding the rest who pay the same=A slap in the face

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No giving a free month of play time to a select group of your paying subscribers and excluding the rest who pay the same=A slap in the face


no, a slap in the face is the lousy level 50 pvp content they've given us so far.


I figure that's why I'm getting a free month.

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Anyone can be under level 40 and roll 3 alts...


Anyone can be lvl 50 in 2 weeks


Whats your point besides trying to pat yourself on your back


Getting 50 isnt hard,

not being 50 doesnt make someone a bad player (or less loyal as Bioware states)


Being 50 doesnt make you a good player!


If this had a real level curve to it, then being 50 might be veiwed as a accomplishment


As is, if you feel 50 something to be proud of, you need to set your standards much higher!


Many players are not 50 because it wasnt important to them as there was no feeling of accomplishment attatched to it.


Frankly Im far more impressed with a player of 6 alts all level 40 then some space barer with 2 50s and meaningless armor.


I harp on storyline, crafting, rolling alts, and enjoying the full game. I also have a 50.


So what now? How do we get past this?


We get past it with you stop deluding yourself your special as you have a 50 and look at the whole picture, the entire veiw of all players!


If player 1,2,3 all pay same monthly amount yet play vastly different amounts of time and play styles.


None are more loyal or deserving then the next!

They are all EQUAL and should be treated equal


Thats the part you seem to have trouble with.

Your not special, your really not


Lvl 50 is not some holy grail number!


I can hammer out a level 50 in 2 weeks because I played closed beta and learned all the ins and outs of game


I choose not to!

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