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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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So if I read this correctly, only accounts with an active subscription (i.e; one with a credit card on file or a game time card used) will be eligible for the 30 days free game time? I may be a bit weird in this department as I add my credit card to pay for a month then cancel the sub to keep my credit card information from being stored and add my cc information again to resub each month. I have an "active" subscription still, but this practice disqualifies me from the promotion?
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Nice gift... I had let my account lapse for a couple of weeks after playing beta since 2010 and just resubscribed yesterday, freebie month + pet = win :D.


I can't help but boggle at people complaining about it only being for those with 50's: we played the exact same story as you are trying to, we just did it already. People with 50's are obviously more dedicated players who care for the game more, or they wouldn't be 50. We're the ones actively contributing to the game's economy, pve endgame, and pvp. :)

Edited by Ancen
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Sincerely, those "prizes" just got me even more pissed with this game, EA and bioware. My server is still dead, and now I need to swallow not only the fact that any "loyal" lvl 50 rusher is getting prizes, but also that any "loyal" customer who reactivates its cancelled subscription will ALSO get prizes. Meanwhile I, the idiot who is not considered "loyal", the idiot who never cancelled its subscription and the idiot who unfortunately have only not lvl 50 chars, was just left twiddling my thumbs.


My server is still completely dead, bioware. So, shove up the 1.2 patch and your prizes, and start to merge servers and offer transfers.

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I bought 2 copies at launch and my wife and I have been slowly playing since some time in Jan. I guess we're not 'most valued' players...


Which is ironic because we've been paying the fees but couldn't care less if they introduce any more content because we haven't seen it all yet. So we're much cheaper to cater for.


So I guess 'most valued' is code for 'most likely to leave' and FU to everyone else.


well said!!

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lol. Well, I think that anyone who cannot see the REAL reasons why Bioware are doing this, are just naive.


Bioware, are proving that they know full well that whilst 1.2 added certain elements that were needed in the game, it nevertheless fails to "flesh out" the game very far. Rolling out a warzone, flashpoint and operation (content that they have been working on even before launch) are, in my opinion, just not enough to breathe life into a game which some feel is a little "lifeless" at the moment.


The Guild Summit was nothing more than a showcase for 1.2, with very little else in the way of information provided in regards to future content. Which, whilst being Bioware's m.o., such a reluctance to give out such information may ultimately bite them in the proverbial ***.

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I have been playing since Beta, never let my account lapse but have deleted multiple characters and played around on different servers with friends etc... resulting in no lvl 50's, so I don't get a free month :(


I have played just as much if not more than most people with a 50 I just never got a toon to 50 I have a bunch of 10-30+'s on multiple servers

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Have to say I'm a little annoyed that ONLY level 50 players get the free 30 days. I bought the CE and got a 6 month sub and haven't had time to play due to RL stuff and am only at lvl 31. Guess my money isn't good enough so I'll take it elsewhere.
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Anyone care to bet that they try to redress this PR fubar and end up with a bigger one, instead?




What they'll likely do is add a stipulation for time played. Which I'm sure people here will still find a way to bash. Bioware has been very accommodating to every request so far and people still act like they're just here to make free money.

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Have to say I'm a little annoyed that ONLY level 50 players get the free 30 days. I bought the CE and got a 6 month sub and haven't had time to play due to RL stuff and am only at lvl 31. Guess my money isn't good enough so I'll take it elsewhere.


You're still getting EXACTLY what you paid for: 6 months of gameplay time. I have a CE also and have played since the mid-2010 beta as well, not sure what that has to do with it. Level 31 takes a week for a slower player, so I'm not sure why you'd care quite as much as it sounds if in 4 months you've failed to even reach a week's worth of normal gameplay...

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Sucks if you don't get a free thing. I do see the point, though. Those who have gotten to 50 and aren't really into alts and had nothing to do yet are still here, those are the ones that BW is trying to reward. They're the ones hanging on in hope and living on promises. They're the 'most loyal' in the sense that their loyalty has been tested the most, but they're still supporting the game even though there's not a lot here for them any more.


Well, there is another way to look at this. There are those of us who have played MMOs (many) before and KNOW that a new MMO is going to have level-cap issues (IOW, not enough, usually, or needs work) and made the conscious decision not to hare to level-cap and take our time enjoying the ride.


Many, many of us have been here since release, taking our time so as to not become one of those 50s who are understandably irritated by the level-cap issues. Now this "loyalty" reward is being restricted to only those who got to 50 and ignoring those of us who are more laid back, willing to give BW time to get level-cap content sorted and settled.

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Well, since my thread on this specific topic was closed I guess I'll complain here.


I think it's extremely lame that I don't get 30 free days just because I'm a slow player and don't have a level 50 character yet. I've been a subscriber for three billing cycles and my main char is almost level 45. I guess I should have logged off in rest zones.


Very lame. :mad:


I'm just as upset. I pre-purchased the game. I've been an active subscriber since launch. But I'm being penalized because I'm an altaholic and like to take time to explore.


I strongly suggest that Bioware/EA revisit this particular bonus to ensure that they actually reward their LOYAL PLAYERS and SUBSCRIBERS. They may have already screwed the proverbial pooch with their insistance that you have to have a level 50 character, but that doesn't prevent them from extending the bonus to those players who have actually been contributing and supporting the game since launch.


Unless, of course, this "bonus" is really targeted at those hardcore players who all left after hitting 50 in the first month, and is designed to entice them back.


I'm going to take a wait and see approach. I don't think I am alone in saying that this particular "bonus" was not given enough thought.

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Count me as one with 2 level 48s and a level 44 and several lower level alts. I've been playing since early access. I guess I'm not one of the "most valued players". I still like the game for its story and I could care less about "endgame", I'm not even mad I'm just bewildered that BioWare/EA could possibly make such a tonedeaf dumb decision.


I mean...really? Lol. :rolleyes:

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Sincerely, those "prizes" just got me even more pissed with this game, EA and bioware. My server is still dead, and now I need to swallow not only the fact that any "loyal" lvl 50 rusher is getting prizes, but also that any "loyal" customer who reactivates its cancelled subscription will ALSO get prizes. Meanwhile I, the idiot who is not considered "loyal", the idiot who never cancelled its subscription and the idiot who unfortunately have only not lvl 50 chars, was just left twiddling my thumbs.


My server is still completely dead, bioware. So, shove up the 1.2 patch and your prizes, and start to merge servers and offer transfers.


I don't know that free pet seems pretty gracious. This compensation balances out pretty well if you ask me. As far as its concerned, the game was meant to be played as single player. I will still pay to play my single player MMO (heck, i would actually pay more just to continue this excitement). :wea_15:

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Well here you have it.


If you are not level 50 and you are not dumb enough to think repeating the same old same old day after day is "fun and exciting" content then BioWare just don't care about you.


Well done BW, well done.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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Is something stopping you from rerolling? It's obviously not a level 50 character, so you playing on a dead server is your own fault. I leveled a Guardian up to around 35-36 a month or more ago, the server was always "light", so I rerolled a Vanguard on a heavy server. He's now lvl 36 and I've had a blast the whole way. What's stopping you?

I didn't reroll because I've already done the starting zones 4 or 5 times and couldn't stand the thought of doing them again. Part of the reason for that is the fact that I leveled all of the republic characters during beta and provided a ton of feedback to improve the game. I also bought the deluxe edition with early access which they screwed up so that I couldn't log on until a few days after the game was open to everyone. Despite being stuck on a dead server I still payed my subscription fee just like those that got to enjoy the game on well populated server. According to Bioware I am not a valued customer.

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Sucks if you don't get a free thing. I do see the point, though. Those who have gotten to 50 and aren't really into alts and had nothing to do yet are still here, those are the ones that BW is trying to reward. They're the ones hanging on in hope and living on promises. They're the 'most loyal' in the sense that their loyalty has been tested the most, but they're still supporting the game even though there's not a lot here for them any more.


This. We also oftentimes have multiple 50's, and have really given the game a go as compared to hardly playing, barely participating in the server community, etc. We are those who have actually been playing the game regularly and been the most loyal. Yet, people seem to be acting as though Bioware is insulting them because they didn't meet the criteria for the freebie... amazing. God forbid anyone be given anything for doing something more/better than others!

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Its not about " free thing", its like, you run a store, and have 2 valuable customers. First buy 2 things for total 50 $ every day, the other buy 10 things for total 50$ every day. Exact same amount. Then you go to first customer, with the second nearby and watching, and say "you have been such a loyal customer, here, have a free beer", while the second gets a smile from you. Its not about a beer, that costs nothing, but it gives second customer a feeling that he is less appreciated.
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Let me get his straight:


In order to make sure that you receive your in-game Legacy Tauntaun Ram, your account must meet the following criteria by April 12, 2012 ,12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 21, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT:


For players who activated their accounts TODAY, but at 12:01PM CDT, no Tauntaun Ram Pet will be rewarded?


Also, what is meant by April 12, 2012 OR April 21, 2012?

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So, a father of 4 kids who works 10 hours a day but who has been a paid subscriber since day 1, and has managed to play fairly consistently but for only short periods of time, is not a valued customer just because he has only managed to make it to level 48?


I guess I'm glad I already pre-ordered Diablo 3. Maybe they'll value me.


This is pretty much my opinion. I have to study hours a day after classes and just do not have much time to play. I could have gotten to level, but I am just taking it slow and enjoying it and this has come back and punched me in the face. You should never punish someone just because they did not level fast enough. Bioware, do not punish us who can not play daily. If you are going to give free time to subscribers, give it all to subscribers. Playing favorites really isn't nice.

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Well at least I know now that Bioware doesn't value my business. My sub renews in 7 days. I was going to bump up to the 6 month plan, but after this slap in the face, I think i'll drop down to the 0 month plan.


6 characters, combine level of 165. Played in the beta, started playing live during early access, and have never once considered quitting despite all the bugs and issues. But I am now, unless this is made right- not that Bioware will care, seeing as I'm not valued anyway.

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I think this is ridiculous.


I bought the game as a pre-order. I bought the game. I bought the digital deluxe ánd after a month I bought the Collecter's Edition. I like the game but I'm a busy person, so I can't play as much as I would like to. Next to that I prefer Story over Leveling so even thought I have been playing from the very beginning, I haven't made it to level 50 yet. Give me one good reason why I wouldn't deserve 30 days of extra game time.


If you want your costumers to stay, I say you give everyone the 30 days. Alot of people that already reached level 50 are getting bored and will probably quit playing in a few months. Those who haven't reached level 50 because they enjoy the game because of it's Story are bound to stay much longer.


Thusfar I appreciated everything you guys did, but this is ********.



This 100%


I am amazed by this actually, it still seams like a bad joke.


Hey let's disregard players who have been with us since pre order, early access, who are enjoying all the stories and play alts, and maybe are busy and can't and don't want to rush through content.

Lets tell them that they are clearly not as worthy as lets say a person who subscribed a month ago and have a level 50 character.

Lets tell them that if they have played various alts for example and brought most of them close to 50 that the joke's on them.


This is bull**** and everyone who is disappointed (i most certainly am) has every right to fell that way.

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Nice gift... I had let my account lapse for a couple of weeks after playing beta since 2010 and just resubscribed yesterday, freebie month + pet = win :D.


I can't help but boggle at people complaining about it only being for those with 50's: we played the exact same story as you are trying to, we just did it already. People with 50's are obviously more dedicated players who care for the game more, or they wouldn't be 50. We're the ones actively contributing to the game's economy, pve endgame, and pvp. :)


More dedicated? More actively contributing to the economy? Dood! One of the reasons I'm taking my time to 50 is because I spend time crafting. I contribute, a good bit!


Gawd, I wish this mentality that seems to be pervasive that getting to level cap is the be all and end all of a game would be put to rest ESPECIALLY when the developers of THIS game made it clear that they wanted people to enjoy the journey. Well, some of us are doing just that but instead of one character at a time, we're doing several (or more).


This does not mean we aren't contributing (both real financials and in-game), in fact, we probably contribute a large chunk having alts. that interact with the economy.

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Well, there is another way to look at this. There are those of us who have played MMOs (many) before and KNOW that a new MMO is going to have level-cap issues (IOW, not enough, usually, or needs work) and made the conscious decision not to hare to level-cap and take our time enjoying the ride.


Many, many of us have been here since release, taking our time so as to not become one of those 50s who are understandably irritated by the level-cap issues. Now this "loyalty" reward is being restricted to only those who got to 50 and ignoring those of us who are more laid back, willing to give BW time to get level-cap content sorted and settled.


^ This.


All The Best

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