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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Solution for Bioware: One, apologize for your wording. Two, I would suggest perhaps rewarding those who have been playing since day 1 with a little more, perhaps a small discount on their payment.


I do not care much for the wording, since I am a very loyal customer and have not yet reached level 50. However people need to calm down, yes it a little offensive, but it is not a huge insult.


I am myself am a little disappointed with not receiving the 30 free days, but am not devastated. I will continue to support the game by playing, because despite the errors and mistakes this game is awesome!


An apology would indeed be nice. But frankly no matter what Lucasarts, Bioware, and Ea do they cannot please everyone. There are those who are loyal, and there those who are not. Also for your information, quitting the game takes away your label of being "loyal" for considered if a friend said they were loyal, but then ditched you, would you consider them loyal?


So, yes it is nice for those level 50, Congratulations, but ultimately not a good decision.


So thank you EA, Lucasarts, and Bioware for a good game! Next time think through what you are doing and what its impact will be. Sorry for all those who didn't the 30 free days of game time, like me.


Be Happy! It is still a good day!


-Loyal customer, who wishes for a little more appreciation.

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All I can see on the forums since the little faux pas with the update.


**** happens get over it and move on. To those threatening to leave, please do maybe it will speed up server merges for those that don't leave.


For those wanting compensation. You just got 30 days free what are you moaning about. If you didn't get the 30 days then you may possibly have a valid complaint depending on how long it takes to fix SO WRITE A TICKET.


These things happen with content updates please stop complaining about it, it's the nature of the beast.

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Game Update 1.2: Legacy is finally here, bringing a wide range of new game features and playable content to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! With Legacy, you can now create your very own Legacy family tree, sharing the skills mastered by one character with everyone in your family tree. You will also be able to experience new adventures, including the new Operation, Explosive Conflict, the Novare Coast PvP Warzone, and much, much more!


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Do you mind charging me half the price of cost until your done fixing ur huge mistakes?????

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So im not considered to be a loyal customer if i havent leveled one character to 50? Tbh your most loyal customers are probably the ones who have a number of characters that are a moderately high level. Poor choice of words BW, youve bassicly just insulted a chunk of your best customers. If you are giving a gift to a small number of ure community then you are making the other half benefit less.


It really punishes two specific playstyles.

- Altoholics, who might have say, six characters that are all between level 20 & 35, I'm pretty sure that in between those six they've gathered enough exp to have two level 50s, but since they spread their efforts across several characters they're being denied a free month, which for Europeans is worth €13/$17, not a world of money, but still worth money.


- Heavy RPers, I know people who basically have been on every night since launch but never made it to level 50 because they've been role playing most of the time. PvE is something they do when there's no one to RP with.


I really don't see how some people find that the Tauntaun, a bunch of useless pixels should be seen as equal in value to something that costs genuine money that could've been used elsewhere.

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Here we are fighting amongst eachother about whining and complaining and you don't deserve it and i deserve it more. This is the kind of thing that tears mmo's to pieces underneath your feet BW. Make it right and just apologize. TO MAKE IT CLEAR NOONE GIVES A DAMN ABOUT THE 30 DAYS. WE JUST WANT TO FEEL AS IMPORTANT AS SOMEONE WHO SPENDS ALL HIS TIME LVLING 1 CHARACTER. WE DEMAND AN APOLOGY.


My one complaint, my one complaint.....Is that I can't play cause servers are down. They can keep everything else.

T7/ Server + operating peak time = :)

T7/ Server + offline at peak time = bucket + fail

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If you click read more at the start of this thread, you get an official release blurb. Just wanted to make that clear since people seem to be talking about emails or whatever. Here is a quote from their official release.




As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


This says level 50s are their most valued players. That is why the rest of us are angry.


Also on a side note, servers always seem to be down when I have the most free time to concentrate on solo play (10ish to 4ish BST). Seriously AT LEAST 40 hours downtime over the last month...... and now 2 whole days of the same thing.


So I am not valued as a customer, because you have continuously F**KED up my available play time?? Thanks. Won't be re-subscribing.

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I really don't see how some people find that the Tauntaun, a bunch of useless pixels should be seen as equal in value to something that costs genuine money that could've been used elsewhere.


Here's a reason: because gifts have value beyond their physical or monetary value. You see it as a bunch of useless pixels, but other players--I'm sure--find it exciting and are happy with the gift. As evidenced in this and other threads, there are people who find no value at all in the 30-days free.


The value of an item is purely subjective; you'll find meaning in it if you want to. I believe this is why people say, "It's the thought that counts."

Edited by Dezzi
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It really punishes two specific playstyles.

- Altoholics, who might have say, six characters that are all between level 20 & 35, I'm pretty sure that in between those six they've gathered enough exp to have two level 50s, but since they spread their efforts across several characters they're being denied a free month, which for Europeans is worth €13/$17, not a world of money, but still worth money.


- Heavy RPers, I know people who basically have been on every night since launch but never made it to level 50 because they've been role playing most of the time. PvE is something they do when there's no one to RP with.


I really don't see how some people find that the Tauntaun, a bunch of useless pixels should be seen as equal in value to something that costs genuine money that could've been used elsewhere.


I have 50's and several other characters 25+, it benefits people that are active. MMO's don't really come into their own until max level.


If you aren't there yet then you may not understand but it is the same in all MMO's. It takes longer to get fully geared then it does to level then theres all the other content that comes out.


As long as this gets fixed it is really not that bad just stick it out and see.

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Look here is my take on the reward time of 30 days. I have been playing since a week before release. I have 8 characters on 1 server.

2 levels 50s (Jedi Sage and Sith Sorcerer)

1 level 46 ( Gunslinger)

1 level 41 (Trooper)

1 level 40 ( Sith Jug)

3 level 20 + ( Operative, Jedi knight and Bounty hunter)

I am already up to a legacy level of 30.

I have been able to enjoy much of the story line for all 8 of my characters and still manage to make at least one to 50. So for all of you, I like to have alts but don't have any 50s, players who want to whine about the 30 days I don't really want to hear it. Not having a 50 just because you enjoy content is a poor excuse especially since you are missing some cool stuff by not following through all the way to the end. My jug is going to be 50 within another week and then I will level another character. I have given some pretty cool speeches upon completing the end of the storyline and plan to give many more. The idea here is to use an easily identifiable way to find those people who have put the time and effort into making this game fun. Guess what guys. You don't know there are bugs until some one can report it. SO DO SO. I do all the time when I find things in the game not working right. That is my partnership with Bioware.


Way to go Bioware on a really cool game. Sorry that "Ship Droid" didn't come out the way I expected but I am sure like rated warzones that will come too. I look forward to the future updates and thanks for the tauntaun and 30 days.

Edited by Soteri
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Here's a reason: because gifts have value beyond their physical or monetary value. You see it as a bunch of useless pixels, but other players--I'm sure--find it exciting and are happy with the gift.


The value of an item is purely subjective; you'll find meaning in it if you want to. I believe this is why people say, "It's the thought that counts."


I would rather if they didn't insult us ... they can keep the mini.

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While I have a 50 several of my friends are altaholics who haven't managed one yet despite playing for quite a while. I think it would be nice if some consideration was paid to those who have kept up their subs but haven't gotten a toon to 50 yet.


I was starting to wonder if anyone with a level 50 character would speak up about this agreeing with those that aren't level 50. I am glad to see at least one person who has managed to get to level 50 with at least one of their characters seems to feel that those of us, for one reason or another, that has not yet reached 50 with a character is getting the short end of the stick with this promotion.


I am also one of those alt-aholics as well as a mother of 2 boys, 4 and 7, and for those with families you know how hard it is to play consistently through the day. Yes I may have many alts but that still doesn't mean that I would have gotten even my main to level 50 by now had I not made my alts. With my kids I have very little time to dedicate to the game. I often find myself soloing because I never know if I will be able to sit down for an uninterrupted extended period of time to do a Flashpoint or work on a group mission. This is why I make so many alts, because I do want to play but I also want to be able to do my missions without failing or trying to find a group and then have them be patient with me during my many AFK's that can last sometimes more than 30 min.


Despite everything that people have complained about since launch I have stuck with the game, I played during beta and even convinced my husband to get him and myself both a pre-order of the game so that we could be apart of the early launch group. I have not let my subscription lapse no matter what, and I have only taken at most 2 weeks in one stretch from the game due to personal reasons with my kids. I think more than anything that shows dedication.


No matter what you do for us, there will always be some of us who feel left out when it comes to specials like this. I know this and that's why before I saw the quoted post I wasn't going to voice my opinion on this matter even though I very much agree with what seems like 90% of the posters on this forum.




I am happy to see that you, BioWare, are trying to make your players happy. Your trying is much better than I can say for many games I have played. So even though I feel left out I will keep hope that you will at some point reward the rest of your Dedicated player base in a way that is equally amazing as you are doing for those players that have reached max level already.

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All I can see on the forums since the little faux pas with the update.


**** happens get over it and move on. To those threatening to leave, please do maybe it will speed up server merges for those that don't leave.


For those wanting compensation. You just got 30 days free what are you moaning about. If you didn't get the 30 days then you may possibly have a valid complaint depending on how long it takes to fix SO WRITE A TICKET.


These things happen with content updates please stop complaining about it, it's the nature of the beast.


Listen pal, maybe I should rob your wallet of 15 bucks and say, "QQ, QQQ, QQQQ. **** happens get over it and move on."


This server down during peak hours nonsense happened earlier this year. Did they learn their lesson? No. Did they offer compensation? No.


Let me borrow 30 bucks.

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I would rather if they didn't insult us ... they can keep the mini.


So you would be happy if they came out and apologized for their wording, and then reworded their original announcement?


Or would you need the gift too?

Edited by Dezzi
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You've turned it into an "us vs them" argument. Why?


I just don't understand why people can't be gracious enough to accept the gift they got and move on.



Because the "us" and the "them" were determined on an arbitrary measure.

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Look here is my take on the reward time of 30 days. I have been playing since a week before release. I have 8 characters on 1 server.

2 levels 50s (Jedi Sage and Sith Sorcerer)

1 level 46 ( Gunslinger)

1 level 41 (Trooper)

1 level 40 ( Sith Jug)

3 level 20 + ( Operative, Jedi knight and Bounty hunter)

I have been able to enjoy much of the story line for all 8 of my characters and still manage to make at least one to 50. So for all of you I like to have alt players but don't have any 50s who want to whine about the 30 days I don't really want to hear it. Not having a 50 just because you enjoy content is a poor excuse especially since you are missing some cool stuff by not following through all the way to the end. My jug is going to be 50 with in another week and then I will level another character. I have given some pretty cool speeches upon completing the end of the storyline and plan to give many more.


Way to go Bioware on a really cool game. Sorry that "Ship Droid" didn't come out the way I expected but I am sure like rated warzones that will come too. I look forward to the future updates and thanks for the tauntan and 30 days.



Look here as you put it maybe you got alot more free time than other people who have more of a rl and not as much free time as you do to sit and play for hours on end.Point is I pay the same fee as you do each and every month,I purchased the game same as you did.

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So you would be happy if they came out and apologized for their wording, and then reworded their original announcement?


Or would you need the gift too?


Just the wording.


Edit: And maybe the week ... since that is what ppl who quit the game get to celebrate 1.2.

Edited by Repefe
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Oh dear guys & girls




I am a bit of a noob and have been playing for a month but I have 3 characters( lvl 39, 37 and 12)


I don't mind not getting a free month I much rather the pet as it looks cool (I hope you can make it dance with you for a giggle)


and I'm sure in the future people that have had a subcription for a long time will get rewarded


your making a mountain out of a mole hill

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Because the "us" and the "them" were determined on an arbitrary measure.


I didn't decide to be "us" or "them." I don't want to belong to a camp on either side of the debate. I just want to be a person who plays the game and has an opinion in the discussion.


In other words (and I'm guilty of this too), the labeling needs to stop. If there's any anger or disappointment at all, it should be aimed at BioWare in a clam and respectful manner.


I take issue when people get on me because I received a gift I didn't ask for...

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I have 50's and several other characters 25+, it benefits people that are active. MMO's don't really come into their own until max level.


If you aren't there yet then you may not understand but it is the same in all MMO's. It takes longer to get fully geared then it does to level then theres all the other content that comes out.


As long as this gets fixed it is really not that bad just stick it out and see.


Really? According to many players it seems that the only difficulty was either fighting the raid bugs or finding enough lowbies/ungeared 50s to stomp. With orange gear and mods from dailies you could be ready to raid within a week of hitting 50.


If MMOs "don't come into their own until max level" then maybe Bioware shouldn't have pushed story so hard as a selling point. Apparently the game really does start at 50 and the story was just a cute filler to make the grind a bit more bearable.

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Oh dear guys & girls




I am a bit of a noob and have been playing for a month but I have 3 characters( lvl 39, 37 and 12)


I don't mind not getting a free month I much rather the pet as it looks cool (I hope you can make it dance with you for a giggle)


and I'm sure in the future people that have had a subcription for a long time will get rewarded


your making a mountain out of a mole hill


I will not calm down. I want to play the game and the servers are down at peak times.........AGAIN!!!!!!!

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