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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I’m glad to see 1.2 come out but the 30 day free for 50 is insulting. I order a CE and beta this game. Have a 6 month sub and I love the game but I work a 12 hour sift 5 day a week and have other obligation on top of that.


So I have only reached 44 on my main. This says people who got the game last month and power leveled are more important than those of us who been here since day one. I want to enjoy my leveling experience but once again I feel like I’m being punished for not rushing to end game.

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Originally Posted by twistedmonk

It should be everyone who was at launch or has subscribed for a certain period that gets the 30 days free time, we have all played through the game for a few months and those of us with altitus now are being treated as second class players.



Make it happen Bioware, many of those players have been here since day 1. They have earned it just as much as I and all of the others. We've all supported this game in that way.

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They didn't even have to do it. First it was complaints about the rated warzones. Now this.

I'm not 50 yet but I ain't even mad. Stop being so entitled seriously. If you're mad just unsub, simple. But if you're going to quit over something so trivial as this, you need to grow up.


Dude, i like the game, i really do. Been here since beta, then early acces, bough digital deluxe upgrade, i endured the bugs, poor customer service, didn't complain even once, because i LIKE the game. I chose my way of playing, alting like idiot, thats the way i play mmo. Bioware says that you should enjoy the story, try other classes, cool i like it. And then they reward only those who got to 50 lvl, and calls them their only loyal players.....

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^ This.


The free month's sub is neither here nor there for me.


If I want to play I'll find the money, even if it means a few less pints down the pub.


But I don't want to play in a game where I have been told I'm not a valued customer.


All The Best


i still will play but i get you'r point , i'm not bouthering about the money, but it's a slap in the face of many loyal players who are not 50lvl due to different reasons

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It's funny how everyone's idea of how it "should" work involves them getting the free 30 days.


Hey how about the fact lapsed subscribers get free 7 days. Are you going to demand Bioware gives you an extra 7 days to your sub, because otherwise you'd be treat "unfairly", right? Or how about the people who are buying the game for $40 instead of $60. Maybe Bioware should refund you $20 so it's "fair" and "equal".


Bioware gives everyone something for free (pet), gives some people another thing for free, now the people who got 1 thing are more upset about the fact that they didn't get the 2nd thing, than if Bioware didn't give anyone anything.

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Vote with your wallet and get rid of this contraption they call a game


i m sure another company will bring out another mmo soon


as for me i m a lvl 50 and i think it s complete BS


You have also been bashing the game for ten hours a day since you got here.


Agenda much?

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We could have played MORE than them MORE ACTUAL HOURS.




NOT space barring and zerging to 50.




The game released in December which is plenty of time to level to 50 without zerging or spacebarring anything.

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Dude, i like the game, i really do. Been here since beta, then early acces, bough digital deluxe upgrade, i endured the bugs, poor customer service, didn't complain even once, because i LIKE the game. I chose my way of playing, alting like idiot, thats the way i play mmo. Bioware says that you should enjoy the story, try other classes, cool i like it. And then they reward only those who got to 50 lvl, and calls them their only loyal players.....


I think that's what people are missing.


Is my money not as good as a level 50 player's money?


I've been here since day one too. I'm sorry that I like to play different characters, and have a life outside of SWTOR that is busy. Apparently that makes me not as loyal of a customer.

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I don't know what is worse....the way Bioware treated those of us who didn't level to 50 since launch or the way we are being talked to by the basement dwelling trolls on this topic, who may or may not work at Bioware.


Get over yourself.... Lol.


How would they go about giving everyone a free month, it would probably be costly and not everyone deserves it. So they have to set the limit somewhere and the easiest way is probably to set the lvl50 limit since that means the player spent some time in the game. They could probably have set another limit as lvl50 across several characters? But they cant be expected to think of everything either.

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Bioware how about you give a free month to people who have been playing this game since early access, pre ordered it, are founders but play lots of alts and don't have a level 50 yet?


Do we not count as LOYAL CUSTOMERS AND PLAYERS in your book?

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I don't post much on the forums but I felt compelled to here.


As someone who works for a software company doing design, development and testing I'm fully aware that you occasionally need to take back commitments (such as the PVP rankings). I saw that and went "well I'd rather not have it than have it broken." Hell I think most of the folks on the forums that are complaining about that don't have a clue what it's like working at a software company trying to meet a deadline and making what you're about to release works. Too many people had unrealistic expectations for this game out of box and time is needed to flush out the game. I on your side there Bioware.


But when I got home from work today and saw this...I'm sorry it's a slap in the face to your casual player base, especially those of us with you from launch/pre-launch (CE myself). Now you have your PVP base and your casual base upset with you. For those folks out there claiming I should have a 50, well I choose to play alts, have a life outside of this game, keep my job, and my wife not furious at me being online all night. If Bioware would have announce a free month for 50s, yeah, I'd have grinded out the the last couple levels. If I didn't make it, my fault. They didn't do that though.


The free month should have been based off of subscription time, plain and simple. You have 2 ways to resolve this now.

A) Give EVERYONE not 50 a free month right now as well.

B) Give EVERYONE not 50 a free month when they hit 50.


If you want to see a good system for rewarding long time subscribers, go check out how NCSoft does this for City of Heroes. Their Vet Reward System (it changed last year to some other name) did a great job rewarding players for every 3 month (additional character slots, badges (aka titles), special abilities, costume pieces.


Bioware, your choice of words "one of our most valued players" that leaves me with two thoughts. Who's your most valued? and Horrible choice of words. You could have gotten away with it had it be a "congrats on hitting 50!" You dropped the ball there.


This is the first time I've considered leaving the game...

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Ok bioware, I can see youre neck deep in the **** right now so I wont go on about it anymore. In fact Im going to give you an out.


You can say that you meant to type "founders and level 50s" . There I fixed it for you.

Edited by FrankieCook
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Bioware how about you give a free month to people who have been playing this game since early access, pre ordered it, are founders but play lots of alts and don't have a level 50 yet?


Do we not count as LOYAL CUSTOMERS AND PLAYERS in your book?


Hell no

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Vote with your wallet and get rid of this contraption they call a game


i m sure another company will bring out another mmo soon


as for me i m a lvl 50 and i think it s complete BS


Im not an MMO fanboy, im a Star Wars fanboy. If this game were anything other than SW alot of us wouldnt be here. 1000000000000000 MMO's can come out that are better but as long as thier fantasy / harry potter / lord of the rings crap we wont play them.

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Im not an MMO fanboy, im a Star Wars fanboy. If this game were anything other than SW alot of us wouldnt be here. 1000000000000000 MMO's can come out that are better but as long as thier fantasy / harry potter / lord of the rings crap we wont play them.


Hey hey no need to get all nasty on LOTR :mad:

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Get over yourself.... Lol.


How would they go about giving everyone a free month, it would probably be costly and not everyone deserves it. So they have to set the limit somewhere and the easiest way is probably to set the lvl50 limit since that means the player spent some time in the game. They could probably have set another limit as lvl50 across several characters? But they cant be expected to think of everything either.


No the easiest way to set a benchmark for it is active subscription time.


A new player who bought the game and subbed last week could have a 50 and get free time.


A player who has been here since launch may not have a 50 and gets shafted.


Maybe its just me but i fail to see how anyone can defend that logic

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It's funny how everyone's idea of how it "should" work involves them getting the free 30 days.


Hey how about the fact lapsed subscribers get free 7 days. Are you going to demand Bioware gives you an extra 7 days to your sub, because otherwise you'd be treat "unfairly", right? Or how about the people who are buying the game for $40 instead of $60. Maybe Bioware should refund you $20 so it's "fair" and "equal".


Bioware gives everyone something for free (pet), gives some people another thing for free, now the people who got 1 thing are more upset about the fact that they didn't get the 2nd thing, than if Bioware didn't give anyone anything.


The free 7 days is very different. They're trying to attract old cancelled subs.


Giving only level 50 players a free month is slapping those of us in the face that have been here since the start, yet don't have a 50 because of various reasons.


The post I saw summed it up best. What's next? Free month for commandos only? bounty hunters? etc. They clearly didn't think it out very well. I'm a loyal customer. But I don't have a 50. So I shouldn't get anything?

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It's funny how everyone's idea of how it "should" work involves them getting the free 30 days.


Hey how about the fact lapsed subscribers get free 7 days. Are you going to demand Bioware gives you an extra 7 days to your sub, because otherwise you'd be treat "unfairly", right? Or how about the people who are buying the game for $40 instead of $60. Maybe Bioware should refund you $20 so it's "fair" and "equal".


Bioware gives everyone something for free (pet), gives some people another thing for free, now the people who got 1 thing are more upset about the fact that they didn't get the 2nd thing, than if Bioware didn't give anyone anything.


Not sure if troll or just dont understand whats this about. Once again specialy for you, 15$ is not a big sum shove it up your ***. I am supporting the game loyaly and i demand being treated as such dammit.

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