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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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You can appreciate that they tried to do something nice for people without spending a **** ton of time figuring out who, out of 1.7 million subscribers or so, was "deserving".



That's not at all what I'm saying or suggesting. What I'm saying is that you cannot possibly please everyone all of the time. That it's an extremely time consuming process to determine who's "worthy" in this particular case. And that something for a large section of the population is better then nothing for everyone.


I think this is bang on

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thats their problem for obtaining it so fast.


No, it's Bioware's problem for failing at game testing. Time and again. It's their fault for bait/switching the Rated Warzones. For having a busted *** PvP planet, and game breaking bugs in Operations.


You might have a valid point if this were month one or maybe two.

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Same here, unsubbed 2 hours before the deadline......

Helping out guildies was the only thing that kept me playing ah well.


EA/BW are sending mixed messages about this. But let's use the general rule that the final message is the overruling one.


And according to this from SWTOR twitter, you do get 30 days of subtime if you have a lvl 50 char, and an active account...... It seems like the word "recurring" was misplaced in the article linked in the OP.


Anyway, tomorrow will tell (emails being sent.)

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For crying out loud, you are not being punished if you don't have a 50. You are simply not getting something that someone else gets. Bioware is not charging you an extra $14.99, pushing your grandmother down the stairs, and putting hemorrhoid cream in your toothpaste containers. They are not taking anything from you. They are providing what the subscriber and Bioware both contractually agreed to when you signed up per the EULA; they provide a game a servers to play on and you pay them money.


When I go out with my married friend he and I pay the same for food and drinks, but as he is much more handsome than me he gets hit on repeatedly. Do I demand that he turn those fine honeys over to me because it's not fair since he can't take them home anyway? Heck no! I up my game for the next time we go out.


Glad to see some more rationality in this thread. It was getting a little...disturbing


/level 49, not 50

//don't mind in the least

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Too funny...lol.. They have great management there...lol... I can see it now..Customer service we are unaware of any free 30 day game time...lol... can you hold please....


Pretty much I've been put on hold 3 times now. I'm getting an actual answer if it takes all night. The level 50 requirement is a slap in the face to everyone who chose to play multiple classes, have a life, have a job, kids, etc. I know I've paid them my pound of flesh, 6 months of game time pre paid at launch, and because I don't have a 50 yet I'm apparently not loyal.:sy_blaster::eek:



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No, it's Bioware's problem for failing at game testing. Time and again. It's their fault for bait/switching the Rated Warzones. For having a busted *** PvP planet, and game breaking bugs in Operations.


You might have a valid point if this were month one or maybe two.





Wish I could spend 40-100 hours a week on this game.

Edited by Morvazel
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Way to go Bioware! Thanks for ignoring 6-month subscribers that enjoy playing a variety of classes and/or those of us that are dedicated paying subscribers that have paid 6 MONTHS IN ADVANCE, yet maybe haven't had the time to get to level 50 yet, because we have a life outside of SWTOR.


I guess due to the above reasons my money isn't as good as someone with a current level 50!


Oh, but those friends of mine that have 50s but have already canceled their memberships deserve a free month! Ridiculous!


Looks like I'll be taking my 6-month recurring membership elsewhere!


Who is the genius that thought up that idea?!



Well after hearing all the level 50 whine and complain about the lack of content at 50, I drug my feet. I have a 42 and had 10 other toons from 20 thru level 30. Spent hard earned money for the 6-month sub, but it won’t happen again! Look at my account and username devs, I have spent thousands of dollars since EA and Bioware started, won’t happen again!

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Happy to hear about the Tauntaun, but since my highest lvl toon is only 48, well, I guess I'll just ignore that free-month thing.



Ignore it?!? WHAT?!?!? You have to RAGE about it!! I mean, that's FIFTEEN SMACKERS!! That kind of money doesn't just grow on trees!!!

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Agreed on this move being foolish on TOR's end. Essentially if you enjoy playing different characters simultaneously and divide the time you *do* have evenly amongst alts, you aren't being rewarded. This promotion essentially rewards one type of customer over another- all based on style of play. It's unfair to people who've had active subscriptions since release, yet didn't choose to focus on any one character up to 50. The idea that this promotion might alienate players having *not* occurred to the devs, is... alarming, at best. Been an active subscriber from the beginning, yet.. my time and money apparently aren't the deciding factors to Bioware here... how the devs think I should be playing *is*. This may call for a boycott of the one month I won't be receiving, because of how I choose to play a game that I'm paying to play. It's good thinking, Bioware. Solid reasoning.

Who needs logic anyway?

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Well after hearing all the level 50 whine and complain about the lack of content at 50, I drug my feet. I have a 42 and had 10 other toons from 20 thru level 30. Spent hard earned money for the 6-month sub, but it won’t happen again! Look at my account and username devs, I have spent thousands of dollars since EA and Bioware started, won’t happen again!


Man this guy is special aint he?

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heh... the way i read the "you will get a month free" is "hi, this is Bioware. We are aware that we #¤%"#¤%¤# up big time with the messiah patch, and we are scrambling as mad to try to fix it. You dont have to pay while you wait, just dont leave".


Pretty sad in other words :)

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You know, I get you don't want to give away a ton of free time to everyone Bioware but thanks for the slap in the face. I've been patient with some of the issues and have not really complained, watched as my server slipped into lower and lower population territory which resulted in it taking me FOREVER to try and form groups, queue for warzones, etc. and being a working adult I don't have the time to spend every day committed to a game, though I would log in about 3-4 times a week (which I think is showing some commitment to a game). So I'm finally almost to 50 (47 atm) and while you pander the the QQ's who rushed through the beautiful content filled game play, anyone who was just shy of that isn't VALUED enough. I honestly think who ever decided on that language usage should be canned. Thanks for making my time, my money, and my patience with your game feel completely undervalued. So glad I've stuck around, not complaining . . .
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thats their problem for obtaining it so fast.


Dude...1 50...that's all that's required for this promotion. It's been 4 months. I'm in no way hardcore...I very much consider myself to be a casual player...but I've leveled 2 50's in that time and yes I am an altoholic (14 characters across 3 servers). In this game that is not "fast".

Edited by Thunder-God
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I think the free month is kind of funny.


I had a main character trooper at about lvl38, and saw the big month+ hype push on LEGACY 1.2 . Bopware really promoted having legacy alts, and so I starting making more characters and spending time leveling them up.


If I knew there was a free 30 day extention for reaching level 50 I would have finished my main character to level 50 rather then making alts for the LEGACY update.


I imagine a number of people did the same thing.

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No thanks wouldnt resub for this game if you gave me a year of free gameplay... replace your entire pvp team and i might consider it until then keep your sneaky tactics to yourself.



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Wish I could spend 40-100 hours a week on this game.


It takes about 100 hours total to level someone to 50.


It takes maybe 200 hours if you do it slow and 'casual'. I know, because I did with my first guy. Took about 8 days played and change.


Let's do the math: 200 hours for lolcasual leveling, divided by 16 weeks is...


(I'm sure you can figure this out. Here's a hint - it's way, way less then 40 hours a week!)

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Ty for the free month. Can't wait till the Herd of Pet's gets run over by the huge buses that rove the Fleet!


Honestly, game just finished updating, looking forward to exploring the new content!


See y'all in game.


That brought up a disturbing visual.


Roadkill grill-pizza on some of those wide-loads.



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Celebrating what??? The update that ended SWTOR?? Nice Job "New Team" EPIC FAIL on your part... People can now SOLO and BUY their way to having the best gear in the game minus the BONUS AFFECT... You just made this game a noob friendly game!... Congrats on the best update yet.




*Standing Ovation*

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