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PVP has been ruined


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I have to agree, this patch has ruined pvp for me. I feel like all my efforts have been for nothing.


Anyone can get bm gear now, whoopie! Valor has no meaning now except for a title. Great, thanks for making all my hours to achieve my valor rank for nothing.


My 1000 merc comms are worthless, and you want me to trade them 1-1 for wz comms? Hey, Bioware, YOU made them worthless, not me, so let me trade them 3-1 like when I bought them. Why do I have to throw away 2k wz comms?


My 2 bm comms that I was saving for my weapon are now worthless to me. Why can't I still buy gear with them?


Now the pug q's are even worse than before, with kids with 12-14k health filling the group. Totally worthless.


None of the PVP UI elements were taken into acount on their sweeping UI customiztion nonsense, so now my wonderfully customized UI blocks all the pvp stuff. Am I supposed to build my UI around the pvp elements? Did you really not even THINK about the pvp elements when you made the UI customizeable? Super lame, and not very well thought out.


I've gone from excited for the patch yesterday, to not sure if I even want to play any more over night.


yes because they have 12-14k health they must be kids. it COULDNT be alts NOOOO.


**** nub

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they screwed theselves over by going with a themepark game design that has nothing but instanced minigames to offer at lvl 50.


open up a post 50 sandbox world for player housing, player towns, player built basesd.....and fight over them. simple.


mmos are not meant to be console style wz minigames, they are meant to be RPGs


somewhere along the line people forgot the rpg in mmorpg.

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they screwed theselves over by going with a themepark game design that has nothing but instanced minigames to offer at lvl 50.


open up a post 50 sandbox world for player housing, player towns, player built basesd.....and fight over them. simple.


mmos are not meant to be console style wz minigames, they are meant to be RPGs


somewhere along the line people forgot the rpg in mmorpg.


Well I agree with your first statement but the rest is garbage, non instanced player towns etc would take years of specific programming for that alone. Be realistic, they aren't going to budget millions until they get at least that much in net profit, atm they still haven't made all their money back.

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PvP has been completly ruined in this game. The lack of end game pve was bad enough but for 1.2 to ruin the last good thing SWTOR had.....final nail for me. Sub is cancelled.


Same here, until they fix it it'll stay so, hope it's before the free time runs out otherwise it's highly unlikely.

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Same here, until they fix it it'll stay so, hope it's before the free time runs out otherwise it's highly unlikely.


I have about 20days or so left. I doubt that it will be fixed by then and that means I am not renewing my sub either.

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PvP has been completly ruined in this game. The lack of end game pve was bad enough but for 1.2 to ruin the last good thing SWTOR had.....final nail for me. Sub is cancelled.



me too.

i really liked this game (2 level 50's, a bunch of alts around level 30).


but I really liked the pvp, flawed as may have been.


now....unsubbed a few days ago. still sad and mad about them ruining it.

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ya i dont believe in rewarding mediocrity or failure. I wouldnt want my kid to get a trophy in little league just because he played. It completely takes away from the victor.

guess what i understand it sucks but get with a good team and work harder to deserve getting more comms.

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ya i dont believe in rewarding mediocrity or failure. I wouldnt want my kid to get a trophy in little league just because he played. It completely takes away from the victor.

guess what i understand it sucks but get with a good team and work harder to deserve getting more comms.



you comment would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that you are only 1 of 8 players on a team, if there were no gear disparities, and if every match had the same number of players on each side.


because right now, you can be the best player in the world and get no rewards for it. which is the exact opposite of what defenders of this patch say they want (for skill and effort to be rewarded).

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ya i dont believe in rewarding mediocrity or failure. I wouldnt want my kid to get a trophy in little league just because he played. It completely takes away from the victor.

guess what i understand it sucks but get with a good team and work harder to deserve getting more comms.


If the team your kid plays against got better bats, balls, cleats and an artificial statistical advantage as a reward for winning ...


Get back to me on that one, will ya?

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I have yet to cancel my subscription, but I have one foot out the door..


first off, I'm an op, who's stayed with the class since the 1.1.1 nerfs.. I have adapted, I have gotten full bm gear, the conq title and respect/fear on my server...


1.2 I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall. Full BM gear I can hardly kill an equal geared sorcs(light armor), yet undergeared marauders are killing me even with 1k+ resolve, and an extra 2% to my defenses..


That being said, WZ's and biowares retarded wisdom of trading regular WZ comms for ranked comms on a 3 to 1 basis without lowering the prices of the WH gear to compensate for the fact that your not supplementing your ranked WZ comms with rated games makes me want to quit pvping all together.


Combine this with the fact that, as a person who mostly ques solo or duo with an operative friend of mine, the matching system likes to put me/us up against the servers empiral premade groups consisting of all the current OP classes, (marauders, juggs, tanksins, and your random healer) every game I am in is a loss. I work my *** off to get 8-10 medals a match, yet I get rewarded with 30 medals, yet my wins (which are 3 out of 15 games on average) give me in excess of 100+


This is honestly stupid. What happened to the statement given at the guild summit that you AREN'T BLOCKED FROM GETTING GEAR BY NOT WINNING. *caps for emphasis*


so, your telling me because I choose to solo que, or group que, I can't get my gear in a timely fashion where as the team that facerolls constantly can get their gear in 3/4ths of the time. To me, that's punshing me as an active pvper in full BM gear just because I choose (and most of the time there's no room on these faceroll teams) to run a small group?


I'm all for rewarding effort, but It's frustrating to work my *** off,(I'm already doing an uphill battle for being an operative) for an entire match, only to lose at like the last second and get almost nothing for my efforts???


30 days bioware.. that's all you have from this paying customer to show some effort to aknowledge the issues.

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Why waste the time to even play a WZ and loose if you can easily get NOTHING for what amounts to 10 to 15 minutes of wasted time because you fail to get 3 medals ?


Support the abandon the WZ concept even more - LAME

Edited by qchia
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A dreadful patch.Already the complaints have started that warzone queues are taking too long on my server.


Im amazed that anyone could think reducing rewards so drastically could have had any other result.

Its blindingly obvious to anyone with an iq over 50 surely.

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People like you live in fantasy land-


The exact oposite is going to happen the more you lower the rewards, people will just stop quieing at all, not try harder to win.


stop quieing means quiting the game... there is nothing else to do unless your in a good raiding guild.

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