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PVP has been ruined


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As long as this person wasn't being entirely sarcastic I completely agree with this person right here completely.


You see all you people complaining about how awesome you are but how crappy your team is are the same people who, when in a war zone, would stop focusing on objectives and just start doing whatever the hell it is that gets you the most medals so that regardless of whether or not your team wins you still get your 3 kills towards your ilum daily and a butt ton of medals regardless of whether or not you won. Which ruins the game for people who actually do NEED wins.


Well, now they fixed it. PvP war zones are TEAM GAMES. If you do a crappy job of being a team player and focusing on the objectives then your team gets a crappy reward. I know for myself that I'll only be queueing with my Guild members.


This is a positive change. Now winning war zones is more important than anything. It motivates everyone on the team to function as a team and try to actually win warzones instead of just going in and beating on people for medals regardless of whether or not you win. This is a positive change in my book.


Hope you enjoy playing by yourself. When all the pvper's quit, who are you going to que up against? NPC'S?

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New characters now cant even win a Warzone thats sadly, when you have 2-4 people with just champion gear (get in on your mind JUST T2 Gear pre 1.2) they get steamrolled as hell against a team with more BM gear, just from the expertise changes.


NOW it comes also the heal changes, the reward changes, the dps changes etc.


In the End:

Real Premade Win now more easily, new players/charakters dont have a chance, and Pugs get even more steamrolled then before even if they have good skills as players.


So it will be a never see you again BIoware , but what to do with the freetime? clear the new wannabe content in the f2p 30 days and step to d2, gw2, tera. Or just play more eve again...


Where Devs really get into their game and patch fast gamebreaking mechanics.

like the anti warp webber tactic :)


The sad thing is the new pve content is real nice and challenging, but the nerfs i guess will not make the old content on nightmare playable, couldn't test it cause locked out allready ^^

Edited by Elkantar
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I had to post, I really don't see what the big deal is... The only thing I'm annoyed about is that BM gear is accessible to fresh 50's but other than that I'm fine with all the changes. You girls complaining about the rewards really need to grow a pair.


You get 40 odd comms for a lose and BM gear is like 1000 comms a piece. Just get more medals and try harder to win you bads. Join the slow grind to war hero gear like the rest of us and wait for the rated warzones with x-server queuing.


Don't you ever use a WZ stim or medpac during a WZ?


Didn't you see their price double with the patch?

Edited by JMCH
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All these people talking like rewards don't matter are missing the big picture. It's easy for you to not care when you have your gear. But gear matters so much now that anyone who doesn't have it will be a hindrance to any team they are on.


1500 coms for a chest piece, means you 500 matches to get a single piece if you are getting 30 coms per match. Assuming you can even get the 3 medals you need to get ANY reward at all, because your gear is low.


Expertise makes so much difference now that you are banging your head against the wall if you aren't geared, and sadly you won't be geared anytime soon unless you can find a team to carry you.


They raised the cost of all the pvp gear. Even the level 20 stuff is about double what it used to be. You'd never complete a set before you were ready for the next set if you can't get on a winning team, and the highest I have seen a winner pull was 86 coms (with 16 medals).


It's all fine and good for the people who have a team that is dedicated to PvP, but some of us don't have that kind of time. We can't be on every day, or 4 hours a day.


When you all but double the cost of things, you don't cut the rewards in half too. It's just insane to think that you'd need 50 matches for a SINGLE piece of gear.


Anyone who thinks that's "about right" should keep on playing that way, I don't know anyone who thinks that's right. I don't want gear handed to me, but this is ridiculous.


Then when you figure in you need how many more coms for WarHero gear....


Yeah, you'd need a year of PvP. By then, we'd be looking at a new set of gear to buy. It wouldn't be such a big deal, but as I said...you need that gear to compete with those who have it.


It's not like we can pick to join "Battlemaster Only" PvP lines. I have one character with a full BM set minus 1 piece. The rest of my characters are screwed.


It seems strange to me that they are making it such a grind to get this gear when they are promoting altism so much. They want you to have 50 alts, but they want it to take such a long time to deck them out? Well, I guess that's one way to force people to sub...


Or piss them off so badly they quit. PvP is supposed to be the endgame. It's what you do when you have done everything else....but it's not fun when you get your rump kicked every match because you can't compete because you get your rump kicked and afford to buy the gear you need to compete.


It's like not being able to get credit becuase you have no credit. I can't get gear because I can't win, and I can't win because I can't get gear.

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these rewards, the low ones for the losing side anyway, should only apply to premades/ranked queues (when implemented).


Most people join, lose an objective or two, then leave match. Sad part is, i cannot really blame them. why waste 15 minutes of your time for nothing when you can quit, rejoin another mini and have a 50-50 chance of being on a stomp team that wins/gets a reward?


They should have some sort of formula, like the losing team gets 50% of the valor/comm rewards the winning teams get as a base (before medals), then everyone (winners and losers) get an extra 10 comms for every medal earned up to 10 medals. That way the winners have to potential to get twice as many medals depending on performance, and the losers still get something worthwhile to finish the match for them.


Then put in a system where you cannot leave a wz. If you click on the leave button, your put in a 'penalty box' in the match and not returned to the world until match is over. And at the end of the match, substract the amount of valor/comms earned by the losers from the quitters personal valor/comms, plus interest.

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Yea the amount of comms you get for losing is *********** atrocious. You pretty much get double for winning a WZ. It's not right. Winning should give 100, while losing should give 70. That would be fair.


I also don't like that the amount of valor/comms I get is based on the entire team's effort. I try and play better than most players, I should not get dragged down because several of my teammates are terrible. If it was a group Q, I'd understand, but I'm solo Q ing. If I solo Q, I should get rewarded based on my own efforts.

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I'm also pretty upset about this.


I liked logging in and playing a fun game, win or lose. Now if you don't win, you just wasted your time. It's REAL fun getting into a game where the opposing team has 2+ healers and a tank or two. Might as well just quit right there.

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In a world you thought could get no worse comes... posts so full of win, that you can litterally taste your unsub getting closer with every keystroke...


How about when you lose a Wz you actually DIE!!


A USB device, with electrodes hooked to your man area, with some electrical love thrown your way every time you are killed. A x10 jolt when your team loses.


THAT would be some sweet motivation!

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I am extremely upset with this new patch, iv'e been waiting countless days for this "exciting" new patch coming out to only find out that I have to put about about 3 times the time playing Warzones and about twice the effort to earn only about 50 commendations? Just last match I played Voidstar and we DESTROYED the other team...I was happy with about 12 metals (8 being the cap) to only find out in the end I only ended up with 57 commendations. Needless to say I was pretty angry.
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18 is metals cap now,gz 19 ranked warzone coms..... the items cost only 2-3.5k


so jo need only 105 more voidstar wins..............for 1 warhero armor p


say avg void is 10min 18h non stop pvp winning for 1 armor item(with insta pop,no prep time and insta loading)

Edited by gwrtheyn
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18 is metals cap now,gz 19 ranked warzone coms..... the items cost only 2-3.5k


so jo need only 105 more voidstar wins..............for 1 warhero armor p


say avg void is 10min 18h non stop pvp winning for 1 armor item(with insta pop,no prep time and insta loading)


...well when you put it that way!


Seriously though, I guess I'm done with PvP until some changes get made. That was basically all I was doing in the game, so... hmm.


I cancelled a few days ago and just resubbed to get my game time and pet... I guess once I get that I'll save my money until some meaningful changes are made.

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Don't you ever use a WZ stim or medpac during a WZ?


Didn't you see their price double with the patch?


This, it's hard to actually break even on the consumables now. 9 minute wz using the med pac on it's cool down is 6 med pacs or 120 commendations.


Sad state of affairs really.

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I don't know exactly what they did to PvP, but I know they screwed it up MAJORLY. I was having a lot of fun in PvP over the last week or so and post 1.2 the amount of DPS flying around is absurd. There is also WAY too much dependence on expertise now as well. It's all out of whack.


I don't like it at all, and it seems I'm not the only one. On my tank spec assassin, I'm getting ripped to shreds like I'm wearing paper armor in 1.2. Ranged DPS is dropping me so fast, it feels like they are bypassing my armor and defensive stats completely. I can't even put guard on anyone because it's basically insta-death (not that I survive much longer by not using it). Before 1.2, I could go into a Warzone wearing freaking PvE gear and have better survivability than I have now with a full set of PvP gear. It is absolutely absurd. What's the point of being a tank if you can't tank ANYTHING?


I can only assume that there are some things that are not working as intended, and hopefully they will patch those things in tonight's update. I know one thing for sure, though, they took a feature I was having a great time with and completely trashed it to the point where I don't even want to play this game anymore. Take that for what it's worth, but I plan on speaking with my wallet and cancelling this garbage if something doesn't change. I have better ways to spend my time than this.

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Recruit gear is purchasable with credits.

Recruit is crappy kamikaze gear, too.


With some math, at ~150 WZ comms each pre-1.2, a Battlemaster armor piece took the same number of runs... not counting the consumables which were twice cheaper and not counting champ boxes with their ~20% chance of BM token.


The issue is, even then every match didn't net a positive amount of WZ comms, now with 2 medpacs per run if you have no luck you'll never be able to buy BM stuff, whatever some stupid steamrollers say.

Edited by JMCH
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Recruit is crappy kamikaze gear, too.


With some math, at ~150 WZ comms each pre-1.2, a Battlemaster armor piece took the same number of runs... not counting the consumables which were twice cheaper.


The issue is, even then every match didn't net a positive amount of WZ comms, now with 2 medpacs per run if you have no luck you'll never be able to buy BM stuff, whatever some stupid steamrollers say.


Recruit is better than the old champ, which plenty of people including myself were perfectly fine with before BM gear.

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Recruit is better than the old champ, which plenty of people including myself were perfectly fine with before BM gear.

Have you tried it on a training bot?


I know what I've seen, and it's nowhere near equivalent : more damage done, more damage taken, less hit points => crappy kamikaze gear.


Edit : pre-1.2, PvP stuff was on par with same tier PvE stuff at ~500 expertise, which was the sweet spot. Anything past that netted less than stats boosts.

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for 10-49 wz's, loading in an seeing a team made up of 13's and 14's = pretty much a guarenteed loss = total waste of time


in the pvp changes they specifically stated that there was an incentive for losing teams to keep at it and try to stay competitive...def seems the opposite to me.

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240 end is 2400hp, that's enormous, and that's what you lose between champ and recruit.


Other stats follow a similar trend, so that in fact recruit falls quite under champ.


In this build of 1.2 (hopefully soon to change) expertise is king... and champ/cent expertise wasn't upgraded like BM was. Recruit gear, like it or not... is the new champ gear.

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