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PVP has been ruined


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Sweet changes. Now we just need a hughe punishing system for leaving warzones and people might actually try to win them.


With no rewards for losing and huge penalties for quitting in a closed PvP two-faction system, the side that usually loses just stops PvPing.

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try the new warzone --- we stared with only 4 people and fought the whole battle and got 0 (zero) -- no credits,valor or comms


You too, eh? That felt a bit harsh to me. Losing is usually plenty punishment for me - taking away the chance at any kind of gear progression on top of that, it felt a little like a slap in the face. And once again, I don't recall the devs giving any reasoning for these changes. Communication is out the window.

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Sweet changes. Now we just need a hughe punishing system for leaving warzones and people might actually try to win them.




As long as this person wasn't being entirely sarcastic I completely agree with this person right here completely.


You see all you people complaining about how awesome you are but how crappy your team is are the same people who, when in a war zone, would stop focusing on objectives and just start doing whatever the hell it is that gets you the most medals so that regardless of whether or not your team wins you still get your 3 kills towards your ilum daily and a butt ton of medals regardless of whether or not you won. Which ruins the game for people who actually do NEED wins.


Well, now they fixed it. PvP war zones are TEAM GAMES. If you do a crappy job of being a team player and focusing on the objectives then your team gets a crappy reward. I know for myself that I'll only be queueing with my Guild members.


This is a positive change. Now winning war zones is more important than anything. It motivates everyone on the team to function as a team and try to actually win warzones instead of just going in and beating on people for medals regardless of whether or not you win. This is a positive change in my book.

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You too, eh? That felt a bit harsh to me. Losing is usually plenty punishment for me - taking away the chance at any kind of gear progression on top of that, it felt a little like a slap in the face. And once again, I don't recall the devs giving any reasoning for these changes. Communication is out the window.


BTW, that's a bug. It happened 2 me once or twice in the dozens and dozens of war zones that I did during the PTS. It's rare but it happens. That's not working as intended and will be fixed. Just so you know.

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As long as this person wasn't being entirely sarcastic I completely agree with this person right here completely.


You see all you people complaining about how awesome you are but how crappy your team is are the same people who, when in a war zone, would stop focusing on objectives and just start doing whatever the hell it is that gets you the most medals so that regardless of whether or not your team wins you still get your 3 kills towards your ilum daily and a butt ton of medals regardless of whether or not you won. Which ruins the game for people who actually do NEED wins.


Well, now they fixed it. PvP war zones are TEAM GAMES. If you do a crappy job of being a team player and focusing on the objectives then your team gets a crappy reward. I know for myself that I'll only be queueing with my Guild members.


This is a positive change. Now winning war zones is more important than anything. It motivates everyone on the team to function as a team and try to actually win warzones instead of just going in and beating on people for medals regardless of whether or not you win. This is a positive change in my book.


Nope. I'm not a PVP monster, I play casually. I'm not part of a massive guild that has a huge pvp team. This effectively kills PVP for me. SWTOR is now a one-player game that will not be re-upped when the time comes, as long as I complete my current storyline.


Before the patch, it didn't matter tremendously that I was in Pugs, we won some, lost some, and I kept getting closer to my goals. Well, no matter how much effort I put in towards team goals and winning, I'm not going to get those goals anywhere close to soon. So F*ck you very much, BW.

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Hmm. I seem to recall alot of people complaining about wins not mattering anymore since the rewards were the same as losing. Now people complain because wins and losses aren't the same reward wise anymore.


Seems theres no pleasing you cry babies. You lost? then you don't deserve as much rewards as someone who won. Sure, is the balance a little out of whack? maybe. Should you get a bit more rewards when you lose? maybe. But throwing a fit because you cant afk through a wz and get your gear in the same amount of time solves nothing.



wanting a change does NOT mean that ANY change is a good thing.

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BTW, that's a bug. It happened 2 me once or twice in the dozens and dozens of war zones that I did during the PTS. It's rare but it happens. That's not working as intended and will be fixed. Just so you know.

You actually PvPed on the PTS and tested this ****ed up patch? You're part of the *********** problem *******...

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Well this patch has totally done it for me, and i'm not usually the one to complain. 9 medals a bit ago, and I only picked up like 35 comms.


Also my main toon feels more squishy now, and I'm considering unsubbing until they rethink what they have done and put it back as it was.


The way you also spend any left over cent/champ comms is **** aswell because I decided to pick up a heavy box and got a silly 718 credits from the box.


I got 35 days left on my subscription, so they need to sort this shyte out before they lose any more subscriptions.


Sorry for my vent, but I had to do something. :D

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As long as this person wasn't being entirely sarcastic I completely agree with this person right here completely.


You see all you people complaining about how awesome you are but how crappy your team is are the same people who, when in a war zone, would stop focusing on objectives and just start doing whatever the hell it is that gets you the most medals so that regardless of whether or not your team wins you still get your 3 kills towards your ilum daily and a butt ton of medals regardless of whether or not you won. Which ruins the game for people who actually do NEED wins.


Well, now they fixed it. PvP war zones are TEAM GAMES. If you do a crappy job of being a team player and focusing on the objectives then your team gets a crappy reward. I know for myself that I'll only be queueing with my Guild members.


This is a positive change. Now winning war zones is more important than anything. It motivates everyone on the team to function as a team and try to actually win warzones instead of just going in and beating on people for medals regardless of whether or not you win. This is a positive change in my book.



it's a problem if you think that people only lose warzones in which they themselves play badly. if you really think that, you are totally clueless.

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LOL I just got pulled into a warzone half way through.

The other team destroyed us and only 1 of us had over 4 medals ....so the entire team got 0. Solo pvping gets you put on some really bad teams and today Ive had 4 matches with 0 payout **** THAT.

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You actually PvPed on the PTS and tested this ****ed up patch? You're part of the *********** problem *******...


the testers told bioware that this was a problem. some guy earlier linked to bunch of different threads about it in the tester forum.


the problem isn't that the testers didn't tell bioware. the problem is that bioware didn't listen.

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Saw an operative healer in WZ earlier get a little over 300k healing, he got 3 medals. Meaning he walked out with 0 wz commendations, 0 valor, 0 credits, and 0 exp (not that exp matters at 50, still...). Doesn't seem fair at all.


but so-and-so said on the forums he was able to get 40 when he lost, so it's not a problem and so-and-so is just superior to you and me and everybody else.


don't forget that.

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My only beef is spending 15 minutes in a warzone, pulling 10 medals and getting 31 coms as a reward because the team lost.




One hundred percent with you on that...



I pop into voidstar, we the defenders start with only three (3) active and rolling out the gates against eight (8)...the match steamrolls.


We hover between a max of 5-6 all match...latecomers dropping back to back, my attempts at disarms and plants thwarted because I was ALWAYS going to be outnumbered.


I stayed all match, fought my tush off...for 30'ish comms.

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The biggest gripe i have with the changes is that after weeks of farming for valor to be eligible for battlemaster gear now means nothing... The 3 weeks i spent grinding pvp dailies to get broken bags to only get 2 comms enough for a single piece of bmaster gear. But now thise comms are useless so i could have saved my time and levelled an alt.


im in full cent gear so basicly im a fresh 50 again after 2 months of pvping i am not happy at all... i understand there has to be progression but why make battlemaster gear the easy obtained gear? My mate who has only been playing for a month will have the sane access to gear that i do and ive been playing since launch. i feel like they dropped the ball a bit with this. hopefully they will patch it so i can use my well deserved bmaster comms for something useful...


New wz is fun for now tho

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You see all you people complaining about how awesome you are but how crappy your team is are the same people who, when in a war zone, would stop focusing on objectives and just start doing whatever the hell it is that gets you the most medals so that regardless of whether or not your team wins you still get your 3 kills towards your ilum daily and a butt ton of medals regardless of whether or not you won. Which ruins the game for people who actually do NEED wins.



Completely wrong, with Pugs an individual can play steller/perfect/fill his role/work for objectives and be more or less punished by this new system because his team started 2 men down and some random kept dropping.



There is no more "well, at least I did the best I could do for the team in order to win".

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They completely ruined the rewards/medal system It was working fine the last time they adjusted it.


Once again dropping the rewards to crap -9000 for losing players. There is once again no incentive to even waste time in a losing match, whats the point? A player can quit and queue for a different match where they might actually win (No penalty for quitting still) as opposed to wasting 15 minutes in a match where they are going to get basically nothing.


At this point the PVP team may as well just be fired and hire a team combination of chimpanzees and gerbils to create your changes from now on.


A smarter way of giving rewards would be too do so based on objectives, not just medals and not just winning.


So you have 16 people in a warzone. Team A wins with a fairly even objective point split. Team B loses, 5 of the members ran around like buffoons just working on damage and kills, the other three players got a ton of objective points because they tried to kill ball carriers, carrier the ball and defend. Those 3 players on the losing team worked hard, they should be rewarded for it. But you know that system would make some sort of logical sense. Can't have that.

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They completely ruined the rewards/medal system It was working fine the last time they adjusted it....


...A smarter way of giving rewards would be too do so based on objectives, not just medals and not just winning.


So you have 16 people in a warzone. Team A wins with a fairly even objective point split. Team B loses, 5 of the members ran around like buffoons just working on damage and kills, the other three players got a ton of objective points because they tried to kill ball carriers, carrier the ball and defend. Those 3 players on the losing team worked hard, they should be rewarded for it. But you know that system would make some sort of logical sense. Can't have that.


The most sensible PvP statement/argument/suggerstion I've heard so far...



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The change has been very noticable for me


i have a fully bm geared (which was modded but i had to buy a spare set ) shadow which steamrolled everything before 1.2 , now its just silly its not even a challenge with constant 5k crits


i logged onto my commando healer alt, only 1 piece of BM +implants the rest is champion gear


and OH MY LAWD is it terrible


pre 1.2 i could tank 4/5/6 bm geared players and survive and running hyrbid i could still pump out around 300k damage and 300k heal per round


now its a complete joke, grav round is lucky if it hits 1k

and the importance of expertise outweighs any other stat


the diff between 500 expertise and 1000expertise in full bm is ridiculous, it makes me completely useless


i have no idea what they were thinking, the gap between fresh 50 and geared bm is retarded, i dread to think what its like doing lvl50 pvp in recruit armour if my champ armour is this poor

Edited by MiuBorn
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I had to post, I really don't see what the big deal is... The only thing I'm annoyed about is that BM gear is accessible to fresh 50's but other than that I'm fine with all the changes. You girls complaining about the rewards really need to grow a pair.


You get 40 odd comms for a lose and BM gear is like 1000 comms a piece. Just get more medals and try harder to win you bads. Join the slow grind to war hero gear like the rest of us and wait for the rated warzones with x-server queuing.

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People like you live in fantasy land-


The exact oposite is going to happen the more you lower the rewards, people will just stop quieing at all, not try harder to win.


Nope. Pugs might stop queuing for a little while or try and find a guild. Competitive groups will still queue because they are there to win, not chain lose and farm comms.

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