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Put a fork in it, it's done


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I will firmly disagree. The "vast majority" of players are not part of this particular audience that plays for story exempt of high end raiding and PvP. I don't doubt that Bioware will retain a player base (however small) but they are failing for their particular crowd that is used to a more polished MMO experience. Like the probably million or so that joined as a result of other failing titles, hoping TOR would be their saving grace. :mad:


Well, you seem to be superimposing previous MMORPG experiences onto TOR. That's fine. But TOR was clearly not going for a common MMORPG experience since it put a considerable amount of resources into story mode. Story mode is what appeals to fans of Bioware. It is what Bioware hopes will differentiate TOR from other games.


Look, if you are the type of player that only plays one character (hates alts), then TOR might not be the game for you. I think that is what people are missing.


You are supposed to make alts. The Legacy mode supports this.

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The game will be here for years. Far too much money has been spent to allow it to die, especially not because people leave during vanilla.


Everyone "leaves" during vanilla. When Warcraft launched with no PvP of any kind except world PvP (no battlegrounds, honor or rewards) and the servers went down for whole weekends, you would not believe the number of threads they had that were just like this one.


"I have nothing to do". "This game has no future". "This game is dying".


No one explained to these people that vanilla games are like this. However, all this is moot since the OP has basically stated that he hates pace and Star Wars, so seriously, who gives a crap from this point on? OP was just looking for a game to play with his friends, and now he has no reason to.


Cool story.


Except no, because WoW was the best thing around at that time. DAOC was great for pvp and what not, but what did WoW really have to compete with. FF11, DAOC, and what else really. WoW's vanilla is about 8 years old, and yes, it did have a rocky start. Thing is, that game was 8 years old. This game is a 2012 game, WoW paved the way for this game in all aspects. All they had to do was fix what they did wrong and not duplicate them. THEY FAILED.


You can say this game will be around for years, and yeah it probably will, but with how many people playing? 12 million? no i doubt it.


I am not even a wow fanboy, that game went to complete **** and I will also never play that game again, but as I stated before, this game was promising, and yeah i had fun for 2 months. But cmon man, at least wow's vanillia had a semi difficult raids to go to. Not puzzle bosses...

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I don't give a flip about Warzones (and I'm certainly not alone).


Bioware destroyed the ONLY open world PvP incentive with 1.2. THAT is what has me disgusted with Gabe and the rest of the inept PvP team.


Bioware has done NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH to improve PvP. EVERYTHING they have done has been to the detriment of it actually.


Warzones are not PvP. They are mini games and already beyond boring and exhausted. Adding one per update doesn't help...they suck and that will not change, not even with cross server queuing.


I'm sorry, but their development team for PvP needs to be removed and replaced.


Amen to that, replace this group of "PvP Masters" with a real edevelopment team please.

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It's ridiculous how BW has treated PvP and the PvP community

Treated you?


You bought a game and pay $15 a month to play it. I spend that each day on coffee.


What exactly did you think that entitled you to? The greatest gaming experience ever right out of the box? A game so tailored to what you wanted that you could just quit your job and play all day every day until you died?


Seriously kids, grow up. If you see someone mentioning how silly all this is, it probably isn't because they're a die-hard SWTOR fan... we've just been playing mmos for so long that absolutely none of this is surprising, shocking, or game-breaking for us. We might log in tonight. We might not. Either way, we're not losing our cool about it.

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Amen to that, replace this group of "PvP Masters" with a real edevelopment team please.


As a friend of mine posted in another thread:


How about just reinstating Ilum as it was pre 1.1.5 until they have something better?


Like I said, we PVP'ers log into the game today with LESS than we had at launch!

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The game will be here for years. Far too much money has been spent to allow it to die, especially not because people leave during vanilla.


Everyone "leaves" during vanilla. When Warcraft launched with no PvP of any kind except world PvP (no battlegrounds, honor or rewards) and the servers went down for whole weekends, you would not believe the number of threads they had that were just like this one.


"I have nothing to do". "This game has no future". "This game is dying".


No one explained to these people that vanilla games are like this. However, all this is moot since the OP has basically stated that he hates pace and Star Wars, so seriously, who gives a crap from this point on? OP was just looking for a game to play with his friends, and now he has no reason to.


Cool story.


You obviously didn't play vanilla wow...It had nothing but World PvP because the quest hubs for both races were always near eachother after level 20.....In Swtor Every section of the map from 1-20 is on different planets...then 20-50 they are on complete different sections of the map and since the game is so damn linear you actually have to go out of your way a good 5 minute ride on a mount to the enemy quest sections...I leveled a toon to 50 on the fatman there would be 250 imperials in a zone and 120 repubs and you wouldn't run into eachother....

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Remember, a bunch of the same PvP people at BW did also screw the Warhammer IP.


SWTOR is worse than WAR at this point. At least there was good RvR in WAR. Same PvP team, same results.


War was awesome with the open RVR, taking keeps, getting to the enemy capital city was fun, after playing SWTOR even fighting the zergs in War is amazing.


Ill take Warhammer Zerg, Bright Wizard/ Sorc AOE op premades anyday compared to the lack luster pve/pvp that SWTOR came up with.

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Well, you seem to be superimposing previous MMORPG experiences onto TOR. That's fine. But TOR was clearly not going for a common MMORPG experience since it put a considerable amount of resources into story mode. Story mode is what appeals to fans of Bioware. It is what Bioware hopes will differentiate TOR from other games.


Look, if you are the type of player that only plays one character (hates alts), then TOR might not be the game for you. I think that is what people are missing.


You are supposed to make alts. The Legacy mode supports this.


I make alts, I love story mode. But that doesn't help me AT ALL endgame. Story doesn't continue with any real moving forward, there is a breadcrumb trail effect with each update and that is it. pvP and PvE endgame content are the most important part of any MMO and to fail on those fronts is to cause the longevity of your game to come into question. What am I supposed to do now that I have completed the stories and absolutely detest Operations and Flashpoints? Had they chosen to not provide the extra planet the 7th largest thread in the whole of the SWTOR community would not be one created less than 24 hours ago announcing no Ranked WZ. They chose to take one of the most important portions of 1.2 out. I would have said it went in this order, Ranked WZ, Legacy, Q 8, New Planet, New Gear, New Operation Content. They took out what I would have valued as the #1 and #3 parts of the update. If the gear and the planet had been removed so Ranked could be in I believe you would have about 10% of the people pissed that are ragequitting right now.

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You obviously didn't play vanilla wow... It had nothing but World PvP

You obviously didn't read my post, because that's exactly what I said.


All it had was world PvP. The reason why all it had was world PvP is neither here nor there.


Seriously? Now I'm getting responses from people who don't even read my posts and who disagree while agreeing with me? Good lord...


As for what Warcraft was competing with? Try SWG.

Edited by Blistrich
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If you guys already unsubbed. I don't see why you still blatantly post stuff like these in the forums. I mean come on why don't you just go play the game you want since you have nothing to do here anyways.


Dont worry after the 27th when the subs go unsub mode you wont see these posts anymoar.

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If you guys already unsubbed. I don't see why you still blatantly post stuff like these in the forums. I mean come on why don't you just go play the game you want since you have nothing to do here anyways.


they are getting the most out of the last of their game time by making the forums full of hate for the devs. i would do it too if I were unsubbing instead i will just complain while hanging around and hoping cuz i am a total fanboi.

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Look, if you are the type of player that only plays one character (hates alts), then TOR might not be the game for you. I think that is what people are missing.


You are supposed to make alts. The Legacy mode supports this.


Funny thing is I do and I have. The problem is that the Legacy system was released too late for my tastes and now I have no plans to level more 50s (especially since they pushed back the one thing from Legacy I would have utilized which was experience through warzones).


How about your characters who have actually hit 50? Oh, I guess you mean to stop playing because end game is laughable. Let's not forget that the leveling worlds are quite barren with low server populations anyway, so they might as well make SWTOR offline single player for the audience you describe.

Edited by havacooki
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Okay, maybe someone can explain this to me. I understand that people are upset that Ranked PvP didn't make the cut for this patch. But if Ranked PvP is a make-or-break feature for you, then why the heck would you buy a game without it?
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they are getting the most out of the last of their game time by making the forums full of hate for the devs. i would do it too if I were unsubbing instead i will just complain while hanging around and hoping cuz i am a total fanboi.




agree...might as well get your money's worth, if your that angry.


Me on the other hand, i have been bouncing from MMO to MMO since I grew bored of WoW. I dont like the inconsistancy with the way things are being done here, but Im not sure if I can stomach another nerf, buff, renerf, overhaul that is another new MMO, the stress that comes with making your toon work just right, just to have it completly revamped begins to grates on ones soul.


I will not be unsubbing, but the announcement is definatly a dissapointment.

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Okay, maybe someone can explain this to me. I understand that people are upset that Ranked PvP didn't make the cut for this patch. But if Ranked PvP is a make-or-break feature for you, then why the heck would you buy a game without it?


Look at it like this:


-Bioware announces Ranked Warzones after PvP in their game is a surprising success.

-Bioware announces that Ranked Warzones will be implemented in 1.2 (keep in mind by this point many players have quit due to lack of endgame content)

-Ranked Warzones are tested on PTR, Bioware says nothing about them being incomplete.

-Bioware announces the release date of 1.2 and players who left resubscribe and regain interest.

-A day before the launch of the patch Bioware cancels the one feature these players were looking forward to after being told that it would be coming soon and would be amazing.

-Rage ensues :p

Edited by havacooki
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I make alts, I love story mode. But that doesn't help me AT ALL endgame. Story doesn't continue with any real moving forward, there is a breadcrumb trail effect with each update and that is it. pvP and PvE endgame content are the most important part of any MMO


Endgame content is only important in games that rely upon endgame content as a means to extend subscriptions. To put it another way, it's a game design decision, not an automatic feature that is innate in MMORPGs by design.


A long time ago, there were MMORPGs where it took a long time to reach level 50. EQ is a good example of this. Yes, there was a lot of end-game content, but a vast majority of the population never even got there because it was a pain to organize 40 people to raid one of the Planes. So, that content was reserved for the truly hardcore players.


Leveling in EQ was pretty slow and there was a death penalty. There were about two or three dungeons every ten levels that you could go through. So, the content focus was shifted to the 1-50 which was consistent with most muds. In most muds, the "real game" did not begin at max level.


This idea -- that the real game begins at max level -- has become a mainstay mostly due to the commercial success of WOW. This is one reason I detest WOW. WoW is a great game for what it is -- but it has severaly changed MMORPG game design because most companies are not going to invest a game that does something different.


I would have said it went in this order, Ranked WZ, Legacy, Q 8, New Planet, New Gear, New Operation Content. They took out what I would have valued as the #1 and #3 parts of the update. If the gear and the planet had been removed so Ranked could be in I believe you would have about 10% of the people pissed that are ragequitting right now.


Your feelings are reasonable and it sucks. Not discounting that. Still, the target market for TOR does not care about hardcore ranked BGs. Of course, I could be wrong so we'll have to see the subscription numbers in the following few months.


Of course, I could be super cynical. Perhaps the goal of TOR was to 1) recoup the initial investment and 2) create a "brand" that can be extended in the future. This is, after all, the state of the game industry today. Release a mediocre game and then keep releasing sequels. Build upon your brand.

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Okay, maybe someone can explain this to me. I understand that people are upset that Ranked PvP didn't make the cut for this patch. But if Ranked PvP is a make-or-break feature for you, then why the heck would you buy a game without it?

Because people had their eyes on a bright future. Then they realized that this mmo was like all others in that it launched broken and still has issues, and the forums are the perfect place to drop by and let everyone know that they have just figured out what many of us have known for more than a decade...


There is no such thing as the "MMO I wanted". It does not exist. It never has, and it never will. And because they have only just discovered that their overblown expectations are not going to be met immediately, there is only one logical course of action - unsub and whine on the forums.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback focus on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ itself, and that it is constructive and as detailed as possible.'


To continue discussion on topics presented by the OP regarding Ranked Warzones and Server Population please use the provided threads:


Server population is dropping...


Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


We thank you for your time and your understanding that we've closed this thread.

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