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1.2 Sound *argh my ears*


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I agree with all post claiming sound is trashed since 1.2; I have actually played LESS since update because its so annoying.


I am one of those players that NEEDS sound to help with immersion. BAD or IRREGULAR sounds ruined it.

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Unless I missed something in the patch notes... can the Developers please tell me what you did to the sound effects / sound codecs for the game.


From my computer it sounds like the Surround Sound is completely broken....


Constant Jet engine noises in Station base.

Companions sounding too far away, then too close, then too far away again.

Space Combat is defeaning with Auto-Cannon noises.

Sound effects are cutting in and out.


P.S. After a closer listen, it seems that the sounds are playing at wrong locations, and duplicate sound effects are not overlapping.

a) Companion voices is coming from the nearest companion of that type... ie if someone else has Khem Val out, its coming from that Khem Val.

b) The sound effects are cutting out, cause someone else is causing that same sound. (ie if I do a flamethrower... then someone else starts theirs. Mine cuts out, and theirs plays)



What did you do ?

What options in game undo it ?

What options out of game (ie sound drivers - Asus Xonar) undo it ?


more fail from the abomination that is EA/Bioware.

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More sound stuff...


ambient conversations... On Balmorra I heard a conversation the way it should be. the volume faded as I went away and returned as I came back. I took note of it as that was the first time since the release of the game that I had heard an ambient conversation work correctly.


That's also the only place it worked correctly... right now my character is on Nar shaddaa and it's back to: run past npcs... they speak at full volume. Get out of reasonable hearing distance from them... hear them speaking at full volume again after a period of silence.



in space combat today I've had the sound cut out with a staticy click at the start of the cut out and at the end.

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Unless I missed something in the patch notes... can the Developers please tell me what you did to the sound effects / sound codecs for the game.


From my computer it sounds like the Surround Sound is completely broken....


Constant Jet engine noises in Station base.

Companions sounding too far away, then too close, then too far away again.

Space Combat is defeaning with Auto-Cannon noises.

Sound effects are cutting in and out.


I second that there are sound issues. I know that /bountyhunter emote will cause that neverending jet-engine sound however. Try to avoid it.


I also think that lightsabers sound much louder than they used to be, which is a problem if other effect sounds have remaind the same. Toning down the volume means that certain sounds wont be audible.


I know that random NPC dialog that you hear at various bases is bit borked. When you are near the NPCs, you hear them normally. As you go further away, the voice volume correctly goes quieter. Then when youre supposed to go out of range, the dialog is back as if you were standing next to the NPCs. This doesnt bother me that much however.


ps. the autocannon sounds in space I think are working as intended as you propably have (like me) power directed to the blasters with the conversion module. When you switch it off or direct power to the shields, the blasters go quieter. I think that sound cue is working as intended.

Edited by Karkais
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I especially hate the lightsaber sounds. I used to walk with them drawn between pulls (when questing), because it looks cool, but now I can't get them away quick enough. I'm even thinking of rerolling to a class without lightsabers if this continues. It's awful :(
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"Corrected an audio issue that could cause a loud, perpetual "jet engine" sound that is most noticeable on the Republic and Imperial Fleets. "




Yay! Now to see if the sound borking out in warzones is fixed too.

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Jet engine in the fleet base. Holy jesus!


I can't confirm this but it's most likely due to people using Rocket Boots. The sound they make persists even after the boots are used, filling a large area. I have wondered if others hear this or only the people using the boots.


Imagine the impression new players are getting when they log in to the lowbie areas and it sounds like your constantly playing in the middle of the runway for a major airport.

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Smuggler ship is awful.

PvP was awful.

Eternity vault was awful.


All of them had the radio static wailing.


Audio queues keep shutting themselves off on ship, flashpoints and ops. Dialogue with companions just doesn't work at all in some cut scenes now.


All companions sound like they are talking to you from a 1980s walkie talkie when you click on them when summoned.

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My mount also continues to hum as though in motion when it is not. It's weird.


Yea I got this too.


Unfortunately, now I have no sound at all! Happened when I started my first fp after 1.2, and I haven't had sound back since. Kinda sucks. Although I had none of the other sound issues mentioned, so I guess it's a tradeoff? lol

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anyone else having conversations sound drop out?


They'll be speaking and them when they go to say the next block of text or the other person starts speaking there is no sound. this just started today and within the last few hours.


I've had some dropping of abilities sound as well.



Happens to me after 8 hours of play... on any character. class quests and regular.

Edited by FITorion
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Game was patched yesterday, and we still have the same sound issues. Nearly everyone in my 8 man group has an issue where sound effects just stop working or only work sporadically. All weapon effects just see to stop working. Example, grav round just stops making its distinct sound. It may do it 1 in 10 casts, and even then it is distinctly quieter than it normally should be. Exiting completely from the game fixes the issue for about an hour or so.


This needs to be addressed in an emergency patch asap. Sound is just as important as graphics.

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Hey everyone - thanks for reporting the sound issues you've seen since 1.2. I can confirm that fixes for many of these issues (including the loud sound on the Fleet, volume issues in Space Combat, and more) are in the works right now and will be deployed as soon as they're ready. Please note that not all issues may be addressed in the same update, but we've seen your reports and have fixes coming!


I don't get it. As we were able to test 1.2 on Testserver, I was already reporting it by ingame ticket system. But you can guess how much interest your company had. As usual: Nothing. I got not even the usual copy and paste answer. The ticket was simply not answered until today, it was just ignored and directly closed!


So what the heck are you guys doing/thinking? Therefore I was not surprised at all, that bugs from testserver went live. And sound problems were only one of them.So please understand that I will not report anything again about issues found on testserver, as you just ignore it and close the tickets - and don't be so surprised, if you don't care about community feedback.

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