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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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Quote from patch notes:


"The amount of Valor, Commendations, and credits awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone."


Stop spreading false information! Losing teams DO get rewards!


..and what is the problem with the winning team gaining extra rewards? If you take away that, you take away the incentive to even want to win a warzone to begin with.


In no way does this nerf the rest of us, or specifically the brand new level 50's in anyway (as many have claimed, its just not true). Omg esspecially when for less than 100k you can gain near ~900 expertise with the new Recruit PvP gear! My fresh lvl 50 PT BH does just fine with Recruit + Centurion set. Just fine.


The part of this thread I DO agree with, is they need to offer a brief penalty for deserters. 15 minutes would be ideal (so its like they have to sit one out). However, it's not any bigger of an issue now than it was when the game debuted.


Also, the new warzone is a blast. If you guys consistantly hate this game, what are u still doing here?



I played one match this morning (new warzone, which was cool), and I was top healer on my side and got 0's across the board.


I understand that it's worst-case scenario (pretty bad loss and me only getting healing medals), but still......I think I'm done with pvp in this game, despite it being the thing I usually spend the most time on.

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Holy crap.


No 8 man queues (hell, like I could fins 8 guildmates to pvp with half the time these days anyway!), and severe penalties in line for solo/small man queueing?


Where were the beta testers on PTS anyway? Were they asleep? What about internel testers? What genius thought it was a great idea to royally screw losing teams?


The PTS forums were all over this with feedback. BioWare has very poor community relations, and we never heard a response, nor was a dialogue ever opened.


Another issue is that they had a very poor turnout for PvP testing, which was because they wouldn't transfer 50's from PvP servers. So you have a bunch of PvE testing going on, and all the serious PvPers had to start from scratch, so many of us didn't bother.

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Picture pretty much sum's it up for a loss. This is by far the WORST design in MMO History you took a good system and made it horrid. W T F were you thinking... Let me guess you were not you just threw some crap at a wall and it stuck.


For a loss with 8 Badges you get 40 Comms and 91 credits....... Pre 1.2 it would have been 4 medals getting you 80 coms and you would have gotten around 2.5k credits..... As a pvp only player due to no dungeon finder and a small guild this is the worst change you could have done to maintain a healthy game after you took away ranked PVP at the last moment possible.


I have lost all faith in the pvp dev team for this game

Edited by Painted
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I'd like to know what makes the reward system any more polished than the Rated Warzones?


It's amazing to me how you could stiff us on Rated WZ's (the day before the patch went live) and then implement a reward system that appears to be in every way meant to kill your subscriber base.


No matter how much you "polish" this turd, at the end of the day it's still a piece of ****.

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Okay, I don't know if I'm just misunderstanding or in denial after reading all this. Just so I'm clear, if you play through a full match of warzone (let's pretend it's a really close match of CW), regardless of your stats/medals, you get 0 (ZERO) commendations unless you win? Is this what I'm reading?


Can we get clarification on this, because if true it is a poor PvP design decision on par with the Ilum debacle and the RNG Bag Reward system. It would literally be de-incentivizing people to PvP.

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Yeah I always said to myself I am no quitter. I am at work, went home at lunch to start downloading the patch and cant wait to see how soon it takes me to realize that there is no point to staying in what will be a clear cut loose and next to nothing for a reward.


But when I am with my boys and we are running pre-mades I guess it will be business as usual.

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Before 1.2, I usually top the chart even though my side(republic) lost 95% of the time. I still stayed because there was incentive to stay even if we were outnumbered or losing. Most people on my side would do the same. I think many people will quit now and for folks who stick around, we will be severely outnumbered with no chance of winning or getting commendations. For people that say pvp for the fun of pvp, it's not fun when you're severely outnumbered and undergear compare to your oponents. I'm all for getting rid of all these commendations and pvp gear progression but Bioware probably won't ever go that route. I think I found a solution, reroll as an imp and play same side vs same side and perhaps unsub if I get bored leveling to 50 again.
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The simple fact is, until they actually introduce rated warzones, they need to either increase the commendations/warzone or decrease the cost of the new gear to make up for the fact that we cannot earn rated commendations directly.


Currently I'm looking at a warzone gear grind equivalent to my current /played time just to go from BM to WH gear..


Not gonna do it...

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The rewards pre 1.2 have been great, there was no need at all to change them.

Looks like a pretty stupid change, but one i'm confident they will fix soon.

If people are about to get stomped, they will just leave the WZ if they dont get a reward that is worth the time spent.

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I just got into a Huttball where my team was down 4-0 with 3 minutes left. I played hard to try to help the team out, but only ended up with 2 medals before the game ended. I got 0 comms.


Bioware -- FIX THIS NOW. You have to discourage players from quitting losing WZ's, and encourage players to stay in losing WZ's they get thrown into. The fact that this isn't obvious is beyond belief.

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IA Operative Healer here.


I just did a few WZs and solo queuing won 3 lost 2.


In my losses I still got 2k valor base, plus ~80 coms. PLUS whatever I had for medals (Lowest medal # so far today has been 8, highest 15.. yes yes I know you only get rewards to 8).


And the daily and weekly give coms both WZ and Ranked...


Quit yer b******. It's not bad at all.

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Holy crap.


No 8 man queues (hell, like I could fins 8 guildmates to pvp with half the time these days anyway!), and severe penalties in line for solo/small man queueing?


Where were the beta testers on PTS anyway? Were they asleep? What about internel testers? What genius thought it was a great idea to royally screw losing teams?


It was mentioned on the PTS form in at least two different threads. This is just another example of BioWare's failure to account for the difference in system design vs. performance.

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IA Operative Healer here.


I just did a few WZs and solo queuing won 3 lost 2.


In my losses I still got 2k valor base, plus ~80 coms. PLUS whatever I had for medals (Lowest medal # so far today has been 8, highest 15.. yes yes I know you only get rewards to 8).


And the daily and weekly give coms both WZ and Ranked...


Quit yer b******. It's not bad at all.


I agree...getting the 100 comm games are nice. I started out today with 4 of those. But when you get tossed in a losing warzone and get 0 comms through no fault of your own, there IS a problem that needs fixing.

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If you have pre 1.2 BM gear your lucky (Im sure you earned it). For those of use coming in on new 50's barea@@ we are doomed. the new nerf gear sucks and theres noo hope of getting the hero gear with the current comm rewards. They took a system that needed a little twicking and destroyed it in 1 patch. My subscription is up soon and I have no intention of renewing, they took a fun game and destroyed it.
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I'm split on my opinion. On the one hand I agree that losing should net you 0 reward. It's just not logical that failing to win a competitive game still gets you massive rewards (which is what the system was like before).


On the other hand, this is a casual game, and a lot of people have about 10 hours a week that they can devote to playing. This will severely limit their rate of progression, and I can see a string of multiple losses being solved with saying "**** it,", followed immediately by an unsub.


Tough call. I hate the idea of rewarding failure, but I don't want to see this game become any more of a ghost town.


If I had to guess, I'd say you're on a server and faction where your team wins most of the time, and thus you don't care about the effect this would have on the game itself.

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If you have pre 1.2 BM gear your lucky (Im sure you earned it). For those of use coming in on new 50's barea@@ we are doomed. the new nerf gear sucks and theres noo hope of getting the hero gear with the current comm rewards. They took a system that needed a little twicking and destroyed it in 1 patch. My subscription is up soon and I have no intention of renewing, they took a fun game and destroyed it.


You just need to calm down and wait for 1-2 days..

There is no wonder that expirienced hardcore players are eager to test new 1.2 on live..

So as i understand, joining the WZs right after the patch is applied have a very big chaces to pick on very good opposing team..

A little after you`ll be joining Wzs against such people as you are..

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I have been defending this game and the devs since day 1, but they way WZ's are now.........I don't understand. you start the game with 4v8 and it continues? this is encouraging people to quit WZ's. leave, you get nothing; stay, you get nothing. I understand the; you should have to win to get rewards, but at least put us on a level playing field. Earlier, we had a 3v8! awesome game balance.:rolleyes: the way it is now, to get BM gear, is like working for $2.00/hour trying to save up for a vacation. I honestly never thought i would ever say this in the forums, but I am going to give it a few more weeks, if not fixed..........
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I too never quited an warzone, even if my team was losing, because in the end i get at least 40/50 wz commendations, no matter if it would take a lot time to get pvp gear, but in the end i would make it.

Now i am killed in 2 stikes or 3 because everyone is on bm gear, and the buy recruit gear is not answer.

i would prefer the old way to get gear without any doubt even if take much time, even with valor rank, now i cant even get fun at all in pvp.

If losing means no reward then why should we do wz?

this way is totaly impossible to get wz tokens.

Gratz bioware you just totally destroyed your game, and with the next mmo coming you should have think very on this decision. Now if you lose a great amount of subs, well don't hope they come because they are disappointed.

and btw, even out of this topic, mercenary nerf? you must be joking, you simply have just made them even more op with heat-seeker missile damage increase, tracer missile is pretty much same cast speed with the alacraty stack .

Edited by Zez-Kai-Ell
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I agree...getting the 100 comm games are nice. I started out today with 4 of those. But when you get tossed in a losing warzone and get 0 comms through no fault of your own, there IS a problem that needs fixing.


The only problem is people leaving when they're losing. If they sucked it up and stopped acting like children you wouldn't get tossed into their losing games near the end. They would get the comms they deserve (however little or many that may be) and you would get into a new WZ. The end.


But this is a MMORPG and unfortunately sometimes you have to deal with other people being jacka**** that's what happens when you play with other people. They're not always as cool as you are. :rolleyes:

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Absolutely **edit**ing stupid design. The best geared, stay that way. This is the foolishness that destroys PvP. The moronic idea that gear should play up to 25% of your damage is just...unimaginably stupid.


And yes! You reward the losers or you end up losing them as players. Incentive gets people playing.


As the OP said, screw it. If you're losing, get out.


Agree, if i dont get anything even when losing bye bye.

So sad how they failed on pvp in this game.Worst pvp system ever.

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The only problem is people leaving when they're losing. If they sucked it up and stopped acting like children you wouldn't get tossed into their losing games near the end. They would get the comms they deserve (however little or many that may be) and you would get into a new WZ. The end.


But this is a MMORPG and unfortunately sometimes you have to deal with other people being jacka**** that's what happens when you play with other people. They're not always as cool as you are. :rolleyes:


We are not even talking about joining some leavers spot, games are starting 4v8.


I'll say it again to try and clear this confusion up for you.











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