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Social X


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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


Ah yes, the good old bioware two-step :D. An excellent source of saying nothing while saying something. They seem to be better at it than most politicians these days.

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


I don't get how it was detrimental to others gameplay...It made you dance, big deal. All you had to do was walk away, problem solved.

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Why not just crank up the cooldown so it can't be 'spamed'? I'm sure once every 24 hours would satisfy both the people that don't like it (they will not often see it), and those that want to use it (they still get to use it, just alot less).
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my galactic party bomb and party instigator was removed, too. I spent countless hours and now it is gone..thanks Bioware. As you can see, it is no bug, I just reseived an answer for my ticket:


We apologized if the Party Bomb and Party Instigator was removed, since 1.2 patch had just recently started. Our Developers might have something on their sleeves in the future that will make the Social level be useful again and bring back the fun in the game.


It was stated that the item broke on the PTS, freezing people inside of it's radius, which explains why it wasn't included on the patch notes and wasn't otherwise referenced. I think the majority rules here, being in favor of this item and like items, as a developer can never keep everyone happy, and if they removed everything people complained about.. There wouldn't be a game.


Looking forward to what they're going to replace it with.

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


You remove these items because they are detrimental to others gameplay...

But you release the Rakghoul Plague... Something that can be forced onto other players, and NOT as easy to end by those who received the "gift."


Yeah. Makes sense to me... :-/

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.

You remove these items because they are detrimental to others gameplay...

But you release the Rakghoul Plague... Something that can be forced onto other players, and NOT as easy to end by those who received the "gift."


Yeah. Makes sense to me... :-/


This is sooo true and i think BW just shoot them self in the leg with that Statement

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You all should have used your party bombs more wisely. You ended up getting all the non-special butterflies who don't roleplay annoyed.


In a more serious note, how can this be a surprise lol? Annoying item is annoying and it will eventually be removed, because annoying others can be ultimately construed as harassing. Welcome to Corporate Country.

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While they are at it might as well remove the human and zabrak racials since they make my char move to. Only reason to have this removed is if it was freezing people on test as they say it was. Otherwise why have the racials that do same thing and the rakghoul virus blowing people up be ok. Edited by shundis
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While they are at it might as well remove the human and zabrak racials since they make my char move to. Only reason to have this remove is if it was freezing people on test as they say it was. Otherwise why have the racials that do same thing and the rakghoul virus blowing people up be ok.

This. You can also remove players from open area, because sometimes they mess with my mob spawn when soloing. And also remove them from the fleet, sometimes I loose some FPS.

This is a MMO game, if you don't want social interaction of any sort, you should stay in your cave playing some solo game.


There were nothing wrong about social X items, rally and zabrak racial stuff. Hell, it can even be FUN sometimes !


Also, you were able to break the forced dance animation. Just sit, use a mount.... it was not so hard.

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Yes, because it stopped you from going into your bank, or doing anything. You're posting on forums is detrimental to my gameplay, I want the Devs to ban you. See how that works? Instead I can just ignore you and we both continue to play. The same feature could be implemented in the game so both of us are happy. Instead you want the game to adhere to just YOU.


Its "my" avatar. I don't want anyone else controlling it.

No, it doesn't cost me anything but annoyance, but why should I get annoyed, when "you" spam it outside of a RP / cantina event?

Edited by Asdran
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It is funny that they say detrimental to other people's play. I have thrown down the party bomb and you can run straight through it without slowing down or even dancing. Half the time people would stop to see what it is and the auto dance function didn't work and they would just stand there. So it was fairly easy to make yourself not dance and they say that is detrimental, but with the Rally Human Racial move you can't stop yourself from cheering at all. I am just amazed bby how bioware thinks one thing is detrimental to others gameplay when there are other items in the game that are the same thing but not detrimental to others somehow.


For the people who dislike the party bomb and party instigator, do you also hate the Rally move and the Zabrak Racial move?

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Because ignorant RP'ers complained about immersion and they didn't take a second thought on it. Doublelaser is nowhere near worth the time you can buy it for 150k anyways...They took away any benefit from having social X for the whim of immersion needing Role playing.
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I really think that "aggressively pursuing" social levels is the problem with the whole social system in the first place. Gaining social levels should be as painless as gaining legacy xp... surely the developers did not intend for players to have to run 500 Black Talon/Esseles runs in order to be "social".


I think that a vastly superior solution would be to give social points any time XP is gained while you are in a group and within X range of at least one of your party members. This would encourage players to group up, and allow players to gain social points for, go figure, actually being social.




How many of us have obtained heroic quests and spent 30 minutes or more gathering a group for it, only to receive no social points because the turn-in had no dialog choices? The ones from mission boxes are particularly obnoxious in this regard. The game doesn't reward being social, it rewards making dialog choices while grouped.

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You remove these items because they are detrimental to others gameplay...

But you release the Rakghoul Plague... Something that can be forced onto other players, and NOT as easy to end by those who received the "gift."


Yeah. Makes sense to me... :-/


I agree


I wish they would have given a little more detail about what is supposed to be detrimental about a social party bomb, they were fun. I don't even have one and I miss my firends, did someone find an exploit that caused other players, to have some condition they could not recover from ? it was a fun way to celebrate after a big boss fight.. and if you did not want to take part all you had to do was move a bit, geez how things that are so benign can cause so much grief to someone and cause it to ruin the fun of those that enjoyed it.. /facepalm

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How many of us have obtained heroic quests and spent 30 minutes or more gathering a group for it, only to receive no social points because the turn-in had no dialog choices? The ones from mission boxes are particularly obnoxious in this regard. The game doesn't reward being social, it rewards making dialog choices while grouped.


In my dream world, the game would expand on social, instead of backing out on the rewards. It would be great if social points were awarded for grouping, not just answering conversation questions. In this crazy dreamworld of mine, players would also get social points for assisting other players that they aren't grouped with ("thanks for saving my ***, player X" instead of just watching me die") or for buffing other players, or even for dancing together. You know... giving social points for interacting with other players. I would also have musical instruments that players can play in my "developer for a day" dreamworld, but I digress.


In the real world, it'd be great if they were considering expanding on the social system, but in the meantime, I just want them to consider how to bring back the awesome rewards while at the same time placating those players who are annoyed by them (to some degree, as you can't make everyone happy, especially those who aren't affected by an item but still want it removed simply out of annoyance).

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


Yeah I'm glad I grinded out hours and hours over the course of several weeks to reach social X for these items only to have them removed from game in 1.2 - what a waste of time - I was not happy, to say the least,


It's stuff like this that pisses me off. They have an in game item that you work towards - then it is just removed from game entirely.

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So if the party bomb and party instigator were freezing people on the PTS why can't bioware just come out and say "Sorry we messed up the coding for the party items and they were casuing a root effect. Do to the pressure EA was putting on us to release the 1.2 patch, we did not have the time to fix the code for said items. For the time being these items have been removed while we work on the error and plan to have them returned to the game soon. We are sorry for the inconvenience, for those of you who did take the time to get to Social X, we will be adding a free month onto your subscription. Again we would like to apologize and assure you that we are working our hardest to fix the problem."


Instead they say it was detrimental even though there are other actions that are detrimental to others gameplay already in the game that they didn't get rid of.


Seems like they don't want to admit they made a mistake.

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