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Very disappointed in Digital Deluxe items. Not as Advertised.


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lots of immature trolling in this thread. Most "delux" or "collectors" edition versions of a game give you thinks that are useful by not game breaking. There is nothing USEFUL about anything in the CE or DDE for SWTOR, so many people feel "cheated"


I know for a fact that if i had it to do over i would not of bought the DDE, i love the mount and that was my main reason for paying the extra 20 bucks, however with it being useless by 40 the unique skin becomes pointless to have.

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Is the mount lvl1 usable like the RIFT DDE mount? Should of done like that, would be cool and get a bunch of extra DDE sales, I bought DDE in rift just for the mount from level 1 alone.


no t costs 40k just to rid your DDE/CE mount at level 25 then at 40 you have to toss it because there are faster ones...



whats the point of a "unique" mount if you use it for a few days then its worthless... the color crystal looks like a glowing turd... but the mount should scale...



or atleast give the option for a 20 dollar credit and take the items away...

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Does what it says on the tin, so I fail to see the problem. They weren't intended to give advantages so their price to usefulness/value ratio was always going to be questionable. Hence why I just stuck with the standard edition.
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It isn't about an advantage, I don't believe any of us have said that :) We are disappointed in the quality as well as items not being what we were promised. Just reread the posts if you missed that.

The only item not as described in the training droid. The mount is exactly as described.

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I couldn't agree more with everything you said. I'm pretty much a Bioware fanboy, but I sure do get pissed when I'm lied to via semantics.


Advertisement "You get to change the color of your bolts" (Shows Crystal)

Reality: Crystal is useless in the game, and is one ugly black/yellow color that is unchangeable.


Better then what you start with. Also they posted a long time a go a Pic and there was a Dev post that also told us we could not change it.


Mount: Advertised as a digital/collector mount.

Reality: Give it crappy speed so it becomes obsolete making the mount worthless.


Same speed as all level 25 mounts. They never side it would be faster then that.



The fact that people did not look into what they payed for is on them not EA or Bioware.

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Better then what you start with. Also they posted a long time a go a Pic and there was a Dev post that also told us we could not change it.




Same speed as all level 25 mounts. They never side it would be faster then that.



The fact that people did not look into what they payed for is on them not EA or Bioware.


at no point did they ever say the DDE/CE mount was going to only be the same as the gurbby level 25 mount and then pretty much worthless after 40.


I;m sure if they had actaully told people the reality of the mount and the glowing turd crystal, or even the useless training droid or the inventory space using print screen button, they would of have only a fraction of the DDE versions sold.

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Totally agree with OP.


Don't forget the pre-order crystals can also be bought at a vendor for 10 credits...


So many trollish posts in this thread. Do people really think we want some kind of OP items? I do not call a vanity pet an OP item. I didn't hold out much hope for the Holocam and knew what the Flare gun and Holodancer would be. I'm simply annoyed at the fact that the training droid is blatant false advertising.


I can't really comment on the STAP, is it at least comparable speed with the other vehicles you can get at the same level?

Edited by Azelas
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They're going to want to sell mounts and pets etc later down the line, so they're not going to be giving away an infinitely upgradable mount and a pet that fights for you forever and a buffing stone that levels with you, for like $20...this is just not going to happen. So that said, this thread is patently ridiculous.
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They're going to want to sell mounts and pets etc later down the line, so they're not going to be giving away an infinitely upgradable mount and a pet that fights for you forever and a buffing stone that levels with you, for like $20...this is just not going to happen. So that said, this thread is patently ridiculous.


I don't think most people want the training droid as some kind of fighting pet! I would be happy with something that just follows you around, as was advertised. Sure the description said "combat assistance" but that could be any number of things they could add in that don't give you any real advantage. Currently it is useless and will just get banked and never used. Likewise for the Holocam (I have a print screen key on my keyboard thanks)

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I agree, when I got my DDE items, I was rather disappointed. They all got shoved in my Cargo Hold.


I mean, what's with the Holo-Cam thing? Is it really just a first-person screenshotter for retärded people who don't know how to alt-Z to hide their HUD? Waste of a more valuable inventory slot.


I pretty much only preordered for Early Access, and though the design of the STAP is nice, it'll obviously be replaced as soon as I have the 1.5mil credits to buy the epic Level50 speeder from the VIP vendor. Preorder rewards are not the sort of things that should eventually become entirely useless and eventually never seen again.


I realize preorder items shouldn't provide "an advantage over others," but I don't think anything mentioned here would seriously do so. Everyone will eventually be level 50 with a 110% speed vehicle. Letting the STAP scale to that when you purchase the training at level 50 would not be "OP."


And need I even mention the pïssbat, I'm never using the yellow color crystal.

Edited by Luxora
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There's plenty of other threads talking about this too. Surprised we haven't gotten an answer yet.



For the record, the CE is just as bad off. The store we get access to is pretty obviously unfinished. Especially on the Republic side. Which has maybe half the items the Imperial side has, at most. All those unique "cosmetic armors" we were going to get also never showed up either.


There's only one set currently, and the Republic side set doesn't even appear to be properly named. I've checked a ton of major locations, and not seen any NPC using the "Republic Officer" set, that's an officer. It looks like mercenary gear that's been recolored. Contrast that with the Imperial side armor, which is actual Imperial trooper armor, taken piece for piece.


God forbid you bring all that up, though. You'll get jumped by a dozen people who want to know why you're being so "entitled", to want what Bioware said in the CE store megathread would be in.



Really, the DDE and CE as a whole have been disappointing so far. I wish Bioware would actually come out and say what the heck is going on.

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The droid listed as "assisting in combat" does nothing of the sort. The impression given was that there would be people running around with some kind of extra ability putting you at a disadvantage if you didn't have it especially in pvp. The mount is fine, the rest are pointless.


Standard edition available for £35, deluxe £60. £25 ($38 usd) for a mount that lasts from 25 to 40? That has to be the worst value item mall purchase in history, daylight robbery.


I wouldn't mind if it was as described and I could have kept the $38.

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Since when do advertisments actually match the product? =)


But all that is the reason I went for a standart edition.


Since about the time the U.S became a litigious society.


You don't come out and say there's going to be multiple cosmetic sets, content developed after release for the CE store, and more, on the forums, and then don't deliver on the first point.


The silence is the worst part. If a Bioware rep would just make a thread saying "Yeah, we know it sucks. We'll fix it, don't worry. What we promised is still going to happen", things would be fine. As it is, the silence just keeps feeding people's complaints.


Now is really not the time to be silent on this. It's what, 3 days from release for most people out there?

Edited by Radiatonia
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I agree, when I got my DDE items, I was rather disappointed. They all got shoved in my Cargo Hold.


I mean, what's with the Holo-Cam thing? Is it really just a first-person screenshotter for retärded people who don't know how to alt-Z to hide their HUD? Waste of a more valuable inventory slot.


I pretty much only preordered for Early Access, and though the design of the STAP is nice, it'll obviously be replaced as soon as I have the 1.5mil credits to buy the epic Level50 speeder from the VIP vendor. Preorder rewards are not the sort of things that should eventually become entirely useless and eventually never seen again.


I realize preorder items shouldn't provide "an advantage over others," but I don't think anything mentioned here would seriously do so. Everyone will eventually be level 50 with a 110% speed vehicle. Letting the STAP scale to that when you purchase the training at level 50 would not be "OP."


And need I even mention the pïssbat, I'm never using the yellow color crystal.


I agree. I see no reason for NOT having the mount scale to your abilities. Absolutely none.

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really OP? REALLY?


i feel i got my money's worth from the DDE. i still feel it was 10$ too much but i don't regret buying.



only minor dissapointment is VIP vendor not having anything other than that mount, and i was hoping after iheard we got VIP lounge access there might be an orange set like the CE vendor has, which wouldn't hurt the CE peopel because they would ahve access to both vendors.


i have to assume they'll add more to both VIP_ lounge vendors though. not a big deal right now, helps crafters sell orange pieces, which is a good thing.


i hoep they never make the lower level mounts scale. i use them in every game to help lowbies run through quests so i'm not racing ahead when we're mounted.


90% mount speed for first tier mount is alot faster than most other games. usually you see 40% or 60% for lowbie mount. 90% vs 110% mount speed isn't that big aof a difference usually


anyways, i like the fluff stuff, and aside from teh STAP i assumed it was all fluff. might've preferred the dorid thing to be a pet rather than targetting thing but no big deal. STAP being little more than -8k off 25 riding cost and a nice custom skin for moutn collectors isn't a big deal either to me.


VIP lounge vendor not having anything of merit isn't a big deal either, since it was not expected to get access to it at all at the time i ordered.


holodancer is fun to spawn on top of random people on fleet station. idk how you can complain about it or what you thought it would be exactly. it's exactly as advertised afaict

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As a CE owner I have to agree with the OP. I was very underwhelmed with the in-game "goodies". The STAP is a cool ride but as others have mentioned I wish it would scale with your piloting skill. The VIP area is very underwhelming to say the least, the DD owners and people who pay 1mil to get up there must really feel shafted since they don't even have access to the CE vendor. :/


Don't get me wrong, the game is awesome, but I have to be honest and say the in-game bonus items were disappointing.

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