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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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I never needed any renewal of my faith, so to say, but I reckon 1.2 is great! I can't understand all the people bawing their eyes out for either not reading coming changes, reading ingame information, or things not living up to their poor expectations. It's impossible to please /everyone/.


While we're at it I wish all the crybabies who compare SWTOR to a game which has been out for nearly 8 years. Personally I couldn't be happier with SWTOR (well aside from letting me move my main to the Oceania servers already so I can make my legacy <3 XD).


Most, if not all, scifi MMOs I've tried have all been insanely boring and while I don't particularly have any more love for the starwars universe than I do for the startrek universe and SG, etc, SWTOR is actually FUN to play. It's well executed and just feels nice to play :). Heck the scifi MMO I played the longest was Anarchy Online. When it came out. Back with Broken Home, skating mobs, missions in which all mobs instantly aggroed the party through all walls and so on for a surprise wipe just inside the entrance, but it was a well executed game never the less XD. Bioware are yonks ahead of that, easily, and I find this a LOT more fun than WoW ;).

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All I can say is wow. This game has gone from a game I like to a game i frikkin love.


Solid job Bioware, its awesome now. everything feels so much better. ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.


All I can say is that you seem to have VERY VERY low standards if you think this dung heap of a game is good.

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RPGs and MMORPGs have been my chosen form of entertainment for 20+ years. I know more about gaming than I should. Many people like me love this game. I love this game and where its headed as I know you cant have everything all at once and there is no messiah game.


I didnt insult you, I simply made a suggestion. Perhaps you mistook it as insult because you are one of the ones who believes GW2 is going to save your life. You however did and continue to insult those who might enjoy the game. For what purpose? Why spend your days here bashing others for enjoying something you do not?

Edited by Notannos
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The entire UI is a joke, all you get to do is move stuff around and hide or make it visible.

You can sometimes Flip something, but you cant flip the Action Bar 3 and 4, you can scale entire frames, but you cant change their height or length.


You cant hide portraits, you cant increase the font size on player names, there is no visible class indicator, you cant change the colors of health bars depending on the class, you cant change the color of the text depending on the hostility and so on.




You cant see debuffs on you detatched from your frame, you cant scale your own debuffs, so when there are 4 afflictions on the target you have no idea which is yours.


You cant change the graphics of the UI, so its still the same thing, but now you can move it around and hide things...


There are many many other things you cant do, that any decent warcraft UI addon like AGUF or Xperl or pitbull or nurfed allowed you to do, and remember those were made by fans who got no money for them.


This is just a gimmick, not a real UI modification.


So no, just this one thing made me realise how ****** this game is.



Its obvious that you fail to appreciate the effort that Bioware has put behind this patch. Theres a difference between a knowledgeable consumer and an impossible one and you fall into the later category. The new UI tool is more than adequate to perform excellently. What you enumerated was a list of good additions for the future. God forbid a product is allowed to mature in this day and age.

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They really need to restrict posting privileges to people who are currently subscribed. There's no reason for us to have to deal with people who have unsubscribed but still have remaining sub time left.


Oh how I wish somebody would listen to this man!:)


The best way to enjoy this game currently is to completely avoid these forums altogether and that is a sad thing.

Edited by Reklektos
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Its obvious that you fail to appreciate the effort that Bioware has put behind this patch.


Effort? have you seen the fail armor graphics? Check out the epic top teir smuggler look.




This is the gag of the MMO industry.


Can't wait for Guild Wars 2 to release and show TORtanic how to do things properly.

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The entire UI is a joke, all you get to do is move stuff around and hide or make it visible.

You can sometimes Flip something, but you cant flip the Action Bar 3 and 4, you can scale entire frames, but you cant change their height or length.


You cant hide portraits, you cant increase the font size on player names, there is no visible class indicator, you cant change the colors of health bars depending on the class, you cant change the color of the text depending on the hostility and so on.




You cant see debuffs on you detatched from your frame, you cant scale your own debuffs, so when there are 4 afflictions on the target you have no idea which is yours.


You cant change the graphics of the UI, so its still the same thing, but now you can move it around and hide things...


There are many many other things you cant do, that any decent warcraft UI addon like AGUF or Xperl or pitbull or nurfed allowed you to do, and remember those were made by fans who got no money for them.


This is just a gimmick, not a real UI modification.


So no, just this one thing made me realise how ****** this game is.


You're entire post is a joke...


The UI overhaul is a MASSIVE improvement. Its leagues beyond what other games have out of the box and it competes easily with custom UIs in other games.


The only things you are complaining about are the few things YOU wanted to use in a UI. Sorry to burst your bubble pal but the UI changes weren't made to just suit you. The truth of the matter is the UI suits 90% of the population and I am sure the other 10% are getting along just fine.


I don't need any of the stuff you mentioned though I can't wait to get in there and move some stuff around.


You people are the angriest bunch of "me first" entitled gamers I have ever seen.


Ever since WoW allowed custom UIs you think every single developer has to include all the features of the custom UI that you like.


Well, it doesn't. Get Over It.

Edited by Arkerus
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They really need to restrict posting privileges to people who are currently subscribed. There's no reason for us to have to deal with people who have unsubscribed but still have remaining sub time left.


While it would be great to be able to distinguish people based upon motives, forum posting privileges are tied to one's subscription and runs the entire length of that time, regardless. If someone buys a 6 month sub, but cancels auto renewal a day later, they are still "active" for that 6 month period and have access to everything that the subscription affords them as a paying customer, including forum posting privileges (whether you like what they say or not).


Wouldn't be practical to try and restrict posting to only those who love the game and are willing to extol its virtues.


However, you can "ignore" any posters you want.

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Effort? have you seen the fail armor graphics? Check out the epic top teir smuggler look.




This is the gag of the MMO industry.


Can't wait for Guild Wars 2 to release and show TORtanic how to do things properly.



So something doesnt meet your expectations and suddendly you conveniently write off hundreds of man/hours of coders, artists, programmers? Your failure to understand the scope of this patch is almost funny to behold.


One among many of such changes is the ability to wear any gear you want, but i guess it doesnt count since God forbid someone made ONE item that your deem ugly.


Jesus, they need to truly limit posting to responsible players with a semblance of a baseline IQ

Edited by Ethrundil
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I find it funny that in most MMOs, they have addons that let you change UI. These addons are done by people in their spare time. In SWTOR, they think it is some major accomplishment. We added something to the game that a 12 year old could do!
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While it would be great to be able to distinguish people based upon motives, forum posting privileges are tied to one's subscription and runs the entire length of that time, regardless. If someone buys a 6 month sub, but cancels auto renewal a day later, they are still "active" for that 6 month period and have access to everything that the subscription affords them as a paying customer, including forum posting privileges (whether you like what they say or not).


Wouldn't be practical to try and restrict posting to only those who love the game and are willing to extol its virtues.


However, you can "ignore" any posters you want.


That's not what I'm asking for and you know it.


People who are actively supporting the game could still post constructive criticism, and people who intend to quit could still post their goodbye threads before they unsub.


What we don't need, are professional trolls on the forum that are frustrated about buying a 6 subscription who make it their personal goal to make everyone else as miserable as possible. This forum is full of people who do not contribute in any way to this community.



I understand why they don't/can't make the restriction, but hey I can hope.

Edited by KrittaB
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Only played about 45 mins... had to go to work.


So far, I got to say that it's pretty solid and it looks like good add. I am extremely happy that I can finally take off my ugly BM gear and put the mods into a nicer chest piece!


UI customization looked weak at first but as I played with it, I can see where it's going and I like it. I like how you can switch to a social UI to a Combat UI.



If each major patch are of this quality, the game will take shape and form in no time.

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I find it funny that in most MMOs, they have addons that let you change UI. These addons are done by people in their spare time. In SWTOR, they think it is some major accomplishment. We added something to the game that a 12 year old could do!



I don't think 12 year olds program UIs on a regular basis.


Most add-on authors spends hours upon hours working their UIs. They do it in their "spare time" but in reality that is the time they choose to use for it. Its not really spare time. Its what they enjoy doing.

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LoL these are all Bioware, friends & family lol


This is pretty much the end of SWTOR


For the love of...whatever, Quintan, could you please stop putting forth these preposterous assertions?


SWTOR is just beginning and the problem with some folks is they lack the patience to see it through. Okay, fair enough but if you are one of those, go...leave...do something else and check back occasionally to see if the game has grown to be something you can play.


But please stop with these wild statements. Please!

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That's not what I'm asking for and you know it.


People who are actively supporting the game could still post constructive criticism, and people who intend to quit could still post their goodbye threads before they unsub.


What we don't need, are professional trolls on the forum that are frustrated about buying a 6 subscription who make it their personal goal to make everyone else as miserable as possible. This forum is full of people who do not contribute in any way to this community.



I understand why they don't/can't make the restriction, but hey I can hope.


I didn't know that, but I do now. :)


And yes, it would be nice. And I think BW does police their forums pretty aggressively. I have even gotten a warning or two when I put a toe over the line (okay, maybe several). I have even seen where someone was looking to get "banned" and sure enough, they were! :D


That said, you really can put certain posters on your "ignore" list and you won't have to read their posts ever again.


As a side note, I would say that the "rabid fan base (i.e. fanbois)" can be just as vile and seem to be on a personal mission to flame anyone with a single inkling of negativity or feedback on the game. Just getting them to even admit that the game isn't perfect is something that would make their head explode. Unfortunately, we have extremes on both sides of the aisle.

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As a side note, I would say that the "rabid fan base (i.e. fanbois)" can be just as vile and seem to be on a personal mission to flame anyone with a single inkling of negativity or feedback on the game. Just getting them to even admit that the game isn't perfect is something that would make their head explode. Unfortunately, we have extremes on both sides of the aisle.


Absolutely they can. The thread about who SWTOR is intended for started out as a great discussion but quickly turned into people insulting the OP for no reason.


You could probably argue that they've become that way due to the people I was referring to, but it's the internet so who really knows.

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