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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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I'm enjoying all of it...


Except for the Daily Commendation quests. Those quests make me want to ring my neighbors doorbell and hack his whole family down with a chainsaw. I hate grinding quests, most boring thing ever. Especially because of the fact that it takes 10 minutes just to get to the damn zones. Never doing those damn dailies ever again! 18+ days of that is enough to put me in AA for life.

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im liking the changes so far and look forward to more

I PVP and PVE and contrary to a lot of moaning i do think that PVP is

a lot more balanced and actually makes me think more when playing.


Which part is more ballanced? The part where we die faster (due to the fact that the expertise to healing has been taken down and the dmg done has been upgraded)? Or the changes that have been made to the different classes. And what class do you play? :-)


I guess time will tell if the changes have made it more ballanced.. right now everybody is probably still getting used to the changes to their class. Some more than others probably.

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the only faith that's been renewed is my faith in BioWare rushing something out before it's ready and having no forethought.


have you seen the price and grind it takes to get those low lvl blue items that you'll out-level in an hour or two?


some companion armors making the respected "slot" invisible on them..pretty funny seeing a companion with a head but no body and floating bracers...no really.


fubar'ing some helms so your character now has a bald head (my JK used a helm that covered just his eyes and made the stupid hood on his robes disappear so I could see his hair..all was fine....now, after fail.2 he has cornrows ONLY when he uses that helm)


a family tree, that has no benefits (which I'm fine with), that won't allow you to add..oh..I dunno..the SPOUSE companion you MARRIED in a STORY DRIVEN GAME.


lack of server char slots with Legacy unlocks that almost beg you to make duplicate classes (thankfully can do alternate specs) so you're FORCED to DELETE characters to use a good HUGE portion of fail.2


I can go on but the point is made.


the only "faith" this patch has renewed, again, is my "faith" in BioWare rushing things out the door and taking stupid shortcuts.

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Didn't have complaints before, but 1.2 adds alot of cool stuff.

I get sad reading these forums, since people will always find crap to complain about. Like the one above saying the patch is boring and unimaginative. They've stated this is what they wanted the game to be at launch.. Well If they'd waited until now with release, the community would've raged. If they had rushed and added the 1.1 and 1.2-stuff in release, it would've been buggy and people would've raged.

Whichever way they do it, people will complain, and yell "you're not fitting me".


Now people are all of the sudden whining "oh noes I gotta grind to get all my legacy stuff!!11". Yeah, so? Aren't these the same people who complained about nothing to do in endgame? They've added operation, flashpoints, warzone etc just 4 months after release.


Come back and whine when you have your entire legacy unlocked, have cleared everything on NM, and really have NOTHING you can do that you haven't already done ingame.

It's time the people who started MMOs with WOTLK and CATA learn that you can't both be handed all you want on a silver platter just so you can yell "Moar content!! NAO!!" and at the same time whine about having to work for your accomplishments.

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Originally Posted by gnerevo

Come back and whine when you have your entire legacy unlocked, have cleared everything on NM, and really have NOTHING you can do that you haven't already done ingame.


I see what you mean overall, but this is why some people are complaining. It takes around the million credit marker (and above) just to buy some of those things. Yes, it made it so only the determined can get those upgrades, but when you have a job you can be on all day playing SWTOR. I guess it comes down to BW being a bit more aware that not only 12 year old WoW kids play this game.

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I love the new patch, as simple as it may sound.




Its hard to ignore whiners since they are pretty loud and stuff.



The younger the MMO, the more patience you need.



Mabe I should have mentioned I'm playing a COMMANDO.

Edited by Hel_IV
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All I can say is that you seem to have VERY VERY low standards if you think this dung heap of a game is good.


Or perhaps you are simply one of those people that cannot be satisfied no matter what?


There are alot more of us enjoying it then people that believe as you do. ;p

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the only faith that's been renewed is my faith in BioWare rushing something out before it's ready and having no forethought.


But you are still hear?


I'm not understanding. You hate the game, you hate the company, you hate the patch, but you continue to hang around. There has to be a reason for that.

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1.2 fixed a lot of stuff, but there's still a ways to go before we're out of the beta. Looking forward to the patch that'll fix Dark/Kinetic Ward.


My absolute favorite change in 1.2 is the unification of armor colors. I love it.

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When i've entered these forums in these past days, all i've read were criticism and bad remarks. Thanks for this thread OP. I feel as though this is the most fun mmo that is out at the moment. And I have faith that, in time, it will become the most preferred game in the market.


People have been complaining so much and threatening to unsub just because of some of the pvp mechanics and the lack of ranked warzones. I really want to know what mmo they've played that was perfect and the way they wanted it to be since Day 1.


I have a lot of faith in Bioware. They've always come through with great rpg's. This one being one of their most accomplished ones in my opinion.


Thank you BioWare for putting out such an awesome game. Patch 1.2 really motivated me to stick to this game even more.

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Personally I am quite pleased with what Bioware did. Sure, the game could still use some more work but it's a new MMO. I think patience is a the key to anything brand new, especially new video games, because they aren't going to be perfect right away. It's important to be patient and give Bioware some time to fix what needs to be fixed, improve on the mechanics that are already there, and add tonnes of new features.


So, good job Bioware and I am looking forward to what you do with SWTOR in the future!

Edited by vadess
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