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Aussie Character Transfers


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I'm going overseas for 4 months on April 25th.

I won't be returning to SW:TOR if my main is still unplayable after this. Nor will I be paying for a character transfer that was promised for free.

As far as I know I'm not supposed to give my password away, so I'm not really supposed to give someone else my password and tell them to do the transfer for me when (if) I ever can.


I hate people threatening BW with losing their subscription (oh no!!! lol), but I don't have the time or the will to level another character on a different server, so if I don't get this transfer before I leave, I won't be happy =(

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After seeing the fiasco and problem unfixed in patch 1.2 , i doubt bioware's dev team that in charge of character transfer can do it successfuly in april.. A pure server to server transfer shouldnt be much trouble BUT with Legacy system (server wide) and assuming players already have alts on oceanic server and maybe also attained their new legacy there, the risk of problem in transfer skyrockets..


now its not just a simple character move but its now legacy check.. if you transfer all your character this is not a problem assuming you dont have character in oceanic yet. but if you already got high level alts in oceanic , the system dont know if you want your existing oceanic legacy or you want to bring your old legacy and overwriting the one in oceanic.


If you transfer partially ( few character but not all character) , do you got your legacy in both server ? what about the legacy level ? do you lose legacy level when you transfer out few characters out of US to Oceanic ? This will mean you can keep high level of legacy on both server ?


in fact im confused how will bioware handle this transfer ? Single Character Transfer or WHOLE server transfer (overwriting the oceanic characters if you got one there)

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I'm going overseas for 4 months on April 25th.

I won't be returning to SW:TOR if my main is still unplayable after this. Nor will I be paying for a character transfer that was promised for free.

As far as I know I'm not supposed to give my password away, so I'm not really supposed to give someone else my password and tell them to do the transfer for me when (if) I ever can.


I hate people threatening BW with losing their subscription (oh no!!! lol), but I don't have the time or the will to level another character on a different server, so if I don't get this transfer before I leave, I won't be happy =(


Correction, it expires... well, now.

Will I still be able to transfer if my account is out of subscription time but I am planning on returning? Do I still get my 30 free days for having >6 legacy?


I won't pay for a whole bunch of days I won't use just to transfer, as this basically equates to paying for a transfer designed to be free.


Edit for clarification: I don't expect to actually be able to use those 30 free days, they activate after I leave anyway, but if an active sub is necessary to transfer, well, I earned my free days lol.

Edited by PolarNed
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how can i tell if my character is transferable, i heard something that if ur character was created before feb 28th it is tranferable in the upcoming character tranfer but how can i tell if i made my character before then??? plzzzzzzzzzz answer
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More on topic for the complications of legacy transfers, I can't see why you can't just get a single use token mailed to you (Founder style) that gives you the legacy experience from one server and adds it to what you have on another, and allows a one time only legacy rename, should you so desire. After that, it would be simple enough to just transfer characters from one server to another, add them to your existing legacy on that server, and then use the token?
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how can i tell if my character is transferable, i heard something that if ur character was created before feb 28th it is tranferable in the upcoming character tranfer but how can i tell if i made my character before then??? plzzzzzzzzzz answer


What's your source for this?

As for date... Feb 28 was the day before Oceanic launch.

Did you make your character pre-launch?

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What's your source for this?

As for date... Feb 28 was the day before Oceanic launch.

Did you make your character pre-launch?


How do I know if I qualify for the free character transfers?


To qualify for free character transfers, players must meet the following requirements by Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 5:01PM EDT, 7:01PM NZDT, 2:01PM HKT, 2:01PM SGT



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To the ppl coming in here saying "because of what happened with 1.2 don't count on it" etc take your useless rants elsewhere, we aren't asking for your assumptions and conjecture. You aren't being helpful or informative just being negative idiots talking out of your asses. If anyone has some actual information that's factual or a bioware staff can shed some light that would be awesome. Cheers


ps. they are doing some website work/redesign and server maint this week, here's hoping that its to facilitate that transfers and maybe offer even non oceanic players paid xfers and other account features like renaming etc. (this was to balance out the negative conjecture and offer some positive assumptions though I try to do neither because assuming anything is pretty silly behaviour so take it with a grain of salt) Que sera sera

Edited by Sleeplessfox
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If you made it after launch, it was after Feb 28.

Aside from that, if you made it when you bought the game, try counting back however many months from when your sub expires?


I bought an overseas version and ive been playin the game since early january so if u dont know an actual source where i can find out wen i made my characters just dont bother

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There was supposed to be an announcement mail going out to all subscribers eligible for the Oceaic transfer, with that mail going out at the end of March...

All that has been said about that missed deadline is basically "sorry, news coming soon, keep watching!".


At this point, I think Bioware have a developer or two working on the code because they did not anticipate the need for transfers until a few weeks ago. Management estimated a timeline for the work to be completed, decided on the release at the end of April, and gave a developer the task of writing the code in addition to his/her other coding tasks for 1.2/1.3/bugs/team meetings/etc.


In fact, I am 99.9% sure that the Aussie characters are going to be beta testing the character transfer code that is used by the rest of the community to move off dead servers onto Fatman/Canderous Ordo/Tomb of Freedom Nadd/Red Eclips... so don't shout too loudly for the transfers or you will get a transfer service riddled with bugs...

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There was supposed to be an announcement mail going out to all subscribers eligible for the Oceaic transfer, with that mail going out at the end of March...


Again someone talking utter nonsense and conjecture. Why do these people pretend to know things and say 99.9% sure when really THEY KNOW NOTHING! grinds my gears rofl... Didn't your parents teach you that assumptions are bad? This is why so much ******** goes around the internet, Keyboard warriors thinking their little pipe dreams, fantasies and little ideas are factual and 99.9% correct -.-


Mail WAS sent out I received my email confirming eligible for late april transfers....


here is the body of the email SENT ON MARCH 2nd:



"You qualify for a one-time, free character transfer to our Asia Pacific servers. This transfer is targeted for late April and we will be sending you additional information on how to request your transfer in the coming weeks. For more details on Character Transfer, including limitations, please visit our FAQ.


If you request a transfer, the following will not be moved as part of this request:


• Friends List


• Auction Items


• In-Game Mail


• Guild Membership"



screenshot: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/w0rk_1n_pr0gre55/emailTRANS.jpg

Edited by Sleeplessfox
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It's really not cool on Bioware's part to leave us up in the air like this. Some information would be fantastic.


If they just let late April blow over with no mention of it, they can consider that their way of convincing me and probably a few others to unsubscribe. Really tired of 400-500 ping on a U.S server when i get 40ms on an Oceania server.

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I wonder why me nor my flatmate never got that mail o.O We both signed up selecting NZ as country. But hopefully that's just a glitch or something...


I'm in Australia and didn't get that email either. I definitely satisfy all of the requirements for the free transfer.

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Lol I posted a topic an hour ago, urging for attention to be drawn towards this Issue, and in particular, this forum thread as Bioware is making it pretty clear they're not reading this, or they would have responded in some way other than the reoccuring "Its being worked on". WELL NO KIDDING.


JUST NOW, the mods have decided it was time to close it for whatever reason. Apparently a customer asking for information on a service they were told to expect is a place with very little room for constructive discussion. -.-

Edited by Nanglez
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I just had a nasty thought.


We went ahead and bought a guild bank with the release of 1.2......


Guilds aren't going to be transferred over apparently......


Methinks we've just screwed ourselves out of 600,000 credits......

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