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Consular PVE Armor the Worst Design in Game History?


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Everything about Republic is substandard as compared to Imperial. From male voiceovers to armor appearance right the way across to storylines.


This is why it should not be a surprise that there is a population imbalance.

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Looking at the new consular 1.2 black hole armor....its actually my complete formal opinion that it just literally is the ugliest, worst designed high end armor in the complete history of gaming.


Has anyone ever seen anything worse?






Im not trolling im being serious..can anyone find a game design armor worse than this?


Does anyone in the entire universe even like this armor design?



Maybe its just me, but i dont feel confortable using skirts, (or lower robes if you like) even as a female consular, and those stupid hats. I know we can hide the head gear, and wear social, moddable pants, but we shouldn´t have to go through all this hassle just to equip a character.


Whoever is designing consular gear should be replaced ASAP.

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When you don't even want to play your character because the gear available to them is so horrendous and hilarious, you know it's time to find better designers..


Lol, so true man.


We should blame BW for try and make consulars look, feel and play like mages / priests. Or what i like to call them, battle nuns.


Anyways, i´d have a word or two to say to those designers, if i stumbled upon them at the street.

Edited by ArlindoGMNeto
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I am a female consular and I'll take it any day over the fugly banana boat shoulders/hands look. I HATE the Tionese/Columni/Rakata gear.


That being said, the armor is still a bit lacking for end game gear. End game gear should look uber and all-powerful....not potato-sackish. Also, if they are going to continue giving us drab color options, then put some dang dye in the game...


I will not even get into the nerfs they did for sages, thanks for making me HATE the update, just ridiculous.


And battlemaster on a female toon makes you look six months preggie. Who knew Iresso knocked me up that time he fiddled with my cabin door? Seriously, you guys didn't have it all bad with previous armor designs. I flat out despised Centurion on up to BM since it was all the same butt ugly outfit that added a good forty pounds to my poor consular. Guys simply looked a little more muscular. I can sympathize with your pain over the pve gear, and at least we can pull the mods now, which is certainly what I have planned for BM since it will be a while for me for WH, but thank heavens the WH when I get it won't make the Jedi Council reconsider my appointment. Iresso and I are still engaged, what kind of example would my pregnancy set? We're already breaking the rules....


And seriously.....this is far far from the worst set of gear ever designed. I still cringe when I recall the Kingdom of Sky expansion for EQ2. What dev in their right mind thought purple and green was a great color combo for all the raid gear is still unknown. It could be worse, oh, yes it could.

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Everything about Republic is substandard as compared to Imperial.



This had to be QFT.

ALL sage gear looks like crap save a small handful of mixed pieces, mostly greens.

And importing gear from Imp side just changes the models back to crap so ...

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yeah I'm not Liking that at ALL... the PVP armor doesn't seem So bad... not really my thing, but Not terrible looking.... but that PVE armor looks pretty terrible... maybe with a different color scheme it would be better???...


the pvp armor seems like a left-over from bioware's dragon age. the pve sage armor looks like a skirt made of toilet seat. seriously, WTH are they thinking??!!! this doesn't look like star wars at all! at least when i was leveling i really look like a jedi, but after columni things, i totally look like something else, not star wars at all!!!

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The Designers need to think Jed! NOT, tibetan monks!?! Consulars are Jedi leaders, We need uber looking robes & hoods etc, NOT level 10 green look alikes. Hope the next tier is better, I don't want to be in that one too long. The best idea would be to break the items down and fit them into Columi. Shame :(
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Im pretty upset about ALLOT of the Consular gear in the game to be honest. I have been since beta. When your leveling a good chunk of it's acceptable to ok but not much really jumps out as amazing! So your Expecting to be wowed when you hit the end game and then you see that rakata BS at least the pvp armor was ok looking. now with the new patch, the pve armor looks even WORSE and the PVP armor has some how managed to be, worse still.


It;s almost IMPRESSIVE how unattractive the consular looks now. Actually ALLOT of the new gear for all republic classes looks horrific. I dare say the imperial gear all looks pretty nice still...


So I must ask, Bioware, do you ever intend to stop fanboying imperials to death and actually treat your republic fan base with some respect?

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I thought the BM gear for Stalker was great. It fit the image. It looked awesome.


The new gear design is absolutely terrible. I mean terrible. I can't believe they would have released with that design.


In addition, the fact that I have to trade in the BM gear to upgrade is ridiculous. Having it should be enough. Now I have to waste time doing what I have already done to get what I already had back again. That is a ridiculous waste of time that could be used for acquiring resources for new things. Thanks BW.


That being said. I think BW did a good job with the game. I concur with another poster. I have not seen an armor set this bad in any MMO I have played.

Edited by Sireene
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  • 3 weeks later...
The armor designers of this game must be on some kind of drugs. Almost all of the armor on the game looks completely stupid, with some having large flaps or spikes coming out of them. Just unnessecary additions to the armor that make it look stupid. The only armor i like is the mandalorian blue armor and some of its variations, the republic trooper armor, and the imperial trooper armor, aside from its somewhat weird looking helmet. Whoever designs the armor has got to either lay off some drugs or get serious classes on designing.
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The armor designers of this game must be on some kind of drugs. Almost all of the armor on the game looks completely stupid, with some having large flaps or spikes coming out of them. Just unnessecary additions to the armor that make it look stupid. The only armor i like is the mandalorian blue armor and some of its variations, the republic trooper armor, and the imperial trooper armor, aside from its somewhat weird looking helmet. Whoever designs the armor has got to either lay off some drugs or get serious classes on designing.


Not only does it look stupid, there is not a hint of star warsy-ness to it. It is an embarrassment. It is completely a disincentive to work for so long for something in a beloved IP that looks so ridiculously bad...and then have to pay 100,000s of credits to strip mods out of it. That is complete and total BS. Appearance tab you boneheads...BW seriously needs to pull head from arse on this one, because their art is crap. Its about as much jedi as pebbles, rocks, and junk.


And they wonder why there is a faction imbalance...nubcakes.

Edited by Dyvim
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Looking at the new consular 1.2 black hole armor....its actually my complete formal opinion that it just literally is the ugliest, worst designed high end armor in the complete history of gaming.


Has anyone ever seen anything worse?






Im not trolling im being serious..can anyone find a game design armor worse than this?


Does anyone in the entire universe even like this armor design?




Agreed. The consular gear for PVE looks like a runway model disaster. I'll pull out every mod I can and put it in something else. Who ever though up a one shoulder look for consulars needs to be put on different duties that have nothing to do with gear design.


Talk about a clothing line tragedy. ugh...what a waste.

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  • 10 months later...

Consular gear still looks like a down syndrome baby dressed it....


And the solution BW seems to be giving us is, "Waste a bunch of money on ******** from the Cartel Market :D *wink wink nudgenudge*".



Honestly, I play a lot of F2P (I'm a subscriber) and the Cartel Market is currently exactly how -not- to effectively do a microtransaction market in an MMO.


Price to value ratio is skewed way the hell off, you can buy what is equivalent to power very easily through it, (Credit Booms, etc...) It's all wrong.. and things may seem sunny and cheery right now. But if they continue the path it will slowly eat this game alive from the inside out.


One thing is apparent that the gear designs obtainable from actually doing content is almost intentionally held back in quality to force players into buying items from the Market. There should be laws for that.

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I think the designer is from WoW, look at the growing shoulder pads (puke) and the handles for people to grab a hold of and nail your face with their knee.


How about some Zen designs where less is more?


On the other hand, I think all game designers face this problem. How do you make original gear that people like? I would suggest starting with what artists in the real world use (covers of novels, etc) People usually like that sort of stuff.


Oh, and get rid of loin cloths! We won't die without that little drab of fabric hanging around to clip into everything!

Edited by Droidist
Added one more suggestion
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