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Cancellation of Ranked Warzones for 1.2 and subscription renewals


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EA might be total douches and have a sole interest in monetary income. However I doubt that Bioware and EA are removing Ranked Warzones simply to troll with us. EA care about money which means that they desire as good products as possible when it's launched. They are probably more afraid of losing people when they release unfinished content that's buggy than they are of losing subs because people can't wait. Hopefully the new Warzone and Operation will keep us busy for a week or two and give them time to finish the Ranked Warzones.
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my guess is they were working on it the whole time, and they were trying to get it "right" before a deadline...


they couldn't and had 2 choices:


1. push it out anyways as a buggy mess and watch people complain


2. delay it till it was acceptable and watch people complain


i'm ok with their decision...

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I don't want to discourage you from posting your feelings, but the main point of this thread is not to find out if the cancellation is a good or bad thing. Obviously it's a good thing if they were gonna release a faulty feature.


The problem here is the way/time it was announced, which is what will cost them more subs. Not because we won't get the Ranked Warzones yet, but because of how unprofessional the way/time of the announcement was.


People paid for a product (sub 1 month) and they won't get it if they don't pay more (sub the next month).

Edited by tiMetoKiCkasS
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BTW Lol @ some peoples reactions...


They get mad because Ilum was fail in 1.1.

They get mad because they hold off release of a faulty feature.


Honestly, so bad.


i also am amused... :D



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BTW Lol @ some peoples reactions...


They get mad because Ilum was fail in 1.1.

They get mad because they hold off release of a faulty feature.


Honestly, so bad.


- Ilum? No serious PvPer cares about it.

- It may be faulty, but even a kid could program a basic premade-vs-premade warzone. Ops leader -> right click on other ops leader (or via \ranked LeaderName or other command) -> queue ranked warzone. If other ops accepts it and they are both made of 8 players they start (or are queued for) a random warzone. Was this SO difficult? It's really simple, but would be a great beginning for organized PvP.


And let me say, PvP IS GvG.


But no. They're full of 'LEGACY!!!11!!1!' and 'YOUR TROOPER CAN USE THE FORCE!!!11!!1!', but they aren't able to set a flag. This may be okay, for 10-years old kids maybe...

Edited by -Garindan-
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I personally believe the Postponement of Ranked Warzone is them trying to polish it off make sure it's close to perfect. They are perfectionist, they don't like releasing things half done. Now EA is the ones who would probably try to force things out for subscribers.


About the subscribers, there's plenty of people who played in Beta, and Early Game Access who needed a break, that are still subbed. I know I needed a break for a bit after playing non stop through several Beta Test weekends and then through Early Access. If you think your servers are dead maybe your not on at the right time? Because theres been several times I was bored and went to make a new character and the Servers say light and I go to switch back to my main server and the Server Pops jump. It all depends on times.


They released the entire game half done....... 1.2 is what the game should have been at launch if BW where perfectionists. Now 1.2 is half done and we are yet to see the mass amounts of bug reports when it goes live followed by days of downtime while they fix the new content.


It is a real shame. I love Star Wars. I loved Warhammer also and I am getting a sickly feeling of dejavu. I am sad that EA and/or Bioware have this franchise to develop.


When ranked warzones go live they now need be absolutely flawless as the comments from Bioware have allowed for nothing else other than perfection. That remains to be seen and I will resub if it is confirmed once they go live.


People say that WoW sucked for a year before it got good blah blah. The industry standard has been set and Bioware expects us to pay the same sub fee for less features and content. It's a laughable situation, in what other gaming market are products compared to something that is 7 years old and considered to be of equal enjoyment and value for money.

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I find it funny that people try to blame Bioware, but EA can push things or deny things to. I think the Ranked Warzones weren't polished enough so they decided to hold back. People crying because they resubbed for it. Well keep QQing because if that's all you wanted why did you resub theres other games that have Rated PvP already.
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BTW Lol @ some peoples reactions...


They get mad because Ilum was fail in 1.1.

They get mad because they hold off release of a faulty feature.


Honestly, so bad.


Dont know what you are talking about....


Ilum was an Epic fail, enough with that.


This is a new fail, has nothing to do with Ilum. And on top of that they deliberatley hold the anouncement to the last minute just so they could have as many as possible to resub.


There you go, now have an good day.

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I don't want to discourage you from posting your feelings, but the main point of this thread is not to find out if the cancellation is a good or bad thing. Obviously it's a good thing if they were gonna release a faulty feature.


The problem here is the way/time it was announced, which is what will cost them more subs. Not because we won't get the Ranked Warzones yet, but because of how unprofessional the way/time of the announcement was.


People paid for a product (sub 1 month) and they won't get it if they don't pay more (sub the next month).


Agree, I find it really bizarre tbh. After hyping it up so much to pull the plug literally the night before the patch. Its hilarious cause most of our guild had looged off for the night at11pm EU, they will be in for surprise when they login!


I cant helping rofling when people write "Bioware are perfectionists and want it to be perfect" with the amount of bugs and oversights in this game. For the first 1-2 months I couldnt even pvp on my sniper because of the 2 seconds delay when entering cover.

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They released the entire game half done....... 1.2 is what the game should have been at launch if BW where perfectionists. Now 1.2 is half done and we are yet to see the mass amounts of bug reports when it goes live followed by days of downtime while they fix the new content.


It is a real shame. I love Star Wars. I loved Warhammer also and I am getting a sickly feeling of dejavu. I am sad that EA and/or Bioware have this franchise to develop.


When ranked warzones go live they now need be absolutely flawless as the comments from Bioware have allowed for nothing else other than perfection. That remains to be seen and I will resub if it is confirmed once they go live.


People say that WoW sucked for a year before it got good blah blah. The industry standard has been set and Bioware expects us to pay the same sub fee for less features and content. It's a laughable situation, in what other gaming market are products compared to something that is 7 years old and considered to be of equal enjoyment and value for money.


Your right the game was buggy when it got released, but it being pushed could have something to do with EA and not Bioware? Or even Lucasarts? I personally find more enjoyment in TOR than I do in WoW anymore probably because WoW became repetitive in end game and quests.

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I understand more than anything how big a decision was it. However, if the decision WAS made at the last moment and announced immediately then, I don't think that we would have a patch today. It's not that simple of a click to remove those Ranked Warzones from the patch.


Umm it could be a simple toggle turning off the ability to queue for ranked matches. All the necessary code and structure will still be in place in the patch.

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I think it's the other way around. It takes some major guts to pull such a feature from the patch because you don't like it as it is. I'd rather have them doing this then playing some half baked broken stuff waiting for a fix.


i agree and people r still forgeting that the ranks were not going to be permanent it was going to be a test of the ranks sys

it was all going to be reset so there is no point to this argument if ranked war zones r the only reson u want to play this game wait a few more months and they will be here and fingers X it will work


mabie they didnt like it as it stood and thought we can make it much better more like what the people want or mabie it sucked and they didnt want to recive the rath of your fury posts lol

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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As I understand a lot of people renewed their subscription a couple of days ago just to check the new content. A part of those people (maybe the minority but that doesn't matter) did this for Ranked Warzones.


As a result, these people paid money to experience those ranked warzones and they are not gonna get them. If you apply this situtation into other "Real Life" stuff, replacing the Ranked Warzones with another product, I think the guy who claimed to sell that product would be accused of deceit.



I dont get something. Why anyone who only wants to renew subscription to play ranked WZ would do that BEFORE ranked WZ go live? It is so hard to let subscription drop and renew it when whatever you are waiting for is already on live server? I mean, seriously?

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I dont get something. Why anyone who only wants to renew subscription to play ranked WZ would do that BEFORE ranked WZ go live? It is so hard to let subscription drop and renew it when whatever you are waiting for is already on live server? I mean, seriously?


People are not rational.

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I dont get something. Why anyone who only wants to renew subscription to play ranked WZ would do that BEFORE ranked WZ go live? It is so hard to let subscription drop and renew it when whatever you are waiting for is already on live server? I mean, seriously?


Just so we clear sth up. I have a 6 month sub on SWTOR, so I'm not one of those guyz.


Hardcore PvPers would sub before the patch so that when patch hits live, they can QUEUE for Ranked WZs immediately. That's why.

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I personally believe the Postponement of Ranked Warzone is them trying to polish it off make sure it's close to perfect. They are perfectionist, they don't like releasing things half done.


Likewise. If you release content with errors and bugs in it, people are complaining it isnt worked out well. So I understand their choise. And I dont know about you, but SWTOR has more content then just PVP. Can understand your frustration, but look at it from their side as well. Big flaws in games is a garantueed for a drop in product satisfaction.


Bioware makes up for it; garantueed.

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Obviously because it was a tough decision that they needed to consider before actually pulling it from going live...it's not like they were trying to trick people into resubbing with candy dangling in their face then yanking it away just for their amusement.


So naive.


Or am I for indulging a troll?

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people are so melodramatic. i wonder if any of the wingers saying they're going to unsub actually have.


as a player that since hitting 50 has done 1 HM and spent the rest of my time in wz's or ilum i was looking forward to rated wz.


they haven't come in, is it going to make a huge difference to my life? no.


it'll be ready when it's ready and whining about it isn't going to change that.


plenty to do in the meantime.

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