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1.2 PvP: Who else is excited about a ~250 hour grind?


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Seeing as how you don't need valor rank anymore to get the gear, it's less of a grind. Plus, it's also not random like the BM bags.


Going from fresh 50 to full WH will take about 2-3 months. I don't see how that is bad. It should take that long to go from fresh to best gear in game.


I totally agree. I got my BM stalker set and half the survivor set way too easy/fast imo. Rediculous really. I do have more time to play than some people though so I can understand it being a frustrating grind and I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy my time advantage over others.

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Only the people on the healthy servers IE The fatman AJunta and the other one thats not dead are going to farm this much honor considering your gonna farm 300 + hours for gear when all the good PvP teams quit the game because of delayed patch??!i think not.
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Such a joke that it's ranked in the 5,000's for world websites?




Please, indulge with us what you consider to be a great website then...


The site where EA CEO talks about how great EA is :D


Only the people on the healthy servers IE The fatman AJunta and the other one thats not dead are going to farm this much honor considering your gonna farm 300 + hours for gear when all the good PvP teams quit the game because of delayed patch??!i think not.


I thought SWTOR by now has 3m subs and growing!


True story :D

Edited by GrandMike
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Irrelevant of the time it takes to get a full set of gear, if I have to continue to spend longer queueing for warzones than to actually play them, then my time in the game and subsequent money is running on limited time.


The absolute priority is to make queues no more than 5 minutes a time and to try as hard as they can to start matches 8v8. How they achieve this is open to argument - cross server warzones and server mergers being two of those options.


In fact I'd go as far as to suggest that I should never obtain a full set of the best gear or reach the highest possible achievement to keep me playing the game. (If I get close to achieving this it probably suggests a new update is needed to keep me striving for the next best set)


I'll play warzones all day if i have something to work toward becuase a) it's fun and b) I like to work toward something.

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Such a joke that it's ranked in the 5,000's for world websites?




Please, indulge with us what you consider to be a great website then...


EA worst company in 2012.


*looks at the calendar*


It's only April. That 'article' was posted near the beginning of April when the year was barely 1/4 done.


There is your joke. There is no possible way to declare a company worst or even best for AN ENTIRE YEAR when that year is only 3 months old.

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EA worst company in 2012.


*looks at the calendar*


It's only April. That 'article' was posted near the beginning of April when the year was barely 1/4 done.


There is your joke. There is no possible way to declare a company worst or even best for AN ENTIRE YEAR when that year is only 3 months old.


Well lets see the first 2 months most servers were full/medium pop..Now all the servers are Light minus 3 which all the light servers have rerolled to. Now this latest blow most of the PvPers have quit now so those light servers are now going to read Dead this coupled with TERA, Diablo 3, GW 2, Secret Socities, Pandaland all on the horizon for this year will flatline whatever base of Swtor there is left leaving 1-2 "Healthy Servers" left.


This game will be Free 2 Play come November which will make it the MMo that had a shorter life-span than Age of Conan with 4x the Budget of AoC/Rift....Talk about FLOP CITY.

Edited by warkat
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Well lets see the first 2 months most servers were full/medium pop..Now all the servers are Light minus 3 which all the light servers have rerolled to. Now this latest blow most of the PvPers have quit now so those light servers are now going to read Dead this coupled with TERA, Diablo 3, GW 2, Secret Socities, Pandaland all on the horizon for this year will flatline whatever base of Swtor there is left leaving 1-2 "Healthy Servers" left.


This game will be Free 2 Play come November which will make it the MMo that had a shorter life-span than Age of Conan with 4x the Budget of AoC/Rift....Talk about FLOP CITY.


And the crystal ball told you this?


If you are going to vote a company WORST of the year you can onloy go on what HAS happened so far. What has happened is that only 3 months of the year had passed. All that other stuff you speculate about HASN'T happened. Might not happen.


How would you feel if tomorrow at work the company announced who was the BEST employee of 2012? How can you be the best/worst in a year when the year is only 1/4 old.


Besides, that consumerist website? If it is so relevant and trustworthy... how come a vast majority of people have never heard of it?


Again... let me spell it out for you. THE YEAR IS ONLY 1/4 DONE.

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Well, this was in the patch notes (with the date it was added), so unless it has changed, I don't see the daily and weekly helping much at all.


New! 4/4/2012 Daily and weekly PvP missions now reward 99 Warzone Commendations.
Edited by Odiym
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And the crystal ball told you this?


If you are going to vote a company WORST of the year you can onloy go on what HAS happened so far. What has happened is that only 3 months of the year had passed. All that other stuff you speculate about HASN'T happened. Might not happen.


How would you feel if tomorrow at work the company announced who was the BEST employee of 2012? How can you be the best/worst in a year when the year is only 1/4 old.


Besides, that consumerist website? If it is so relevant and trustworthy... how come a vast majority of people have never heard of it?


Again... let me spell it out for you. THE YEAR IS ONLY 1/4 DONE.


I posted this in another thread, but alexia has the consumerist only ranking about 200 slots lower than swtor.com for US website rankings.


and still in the top 2,000 for US websites.


Tell me, how is a website that ranks in the top 2,000 for US website traffic something that "the vast majority of people have never heard of it".

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If you want WH gear before they release the pre-season then yes it will take time(probably not 248 hrs though you math is calculating for MAXIMUM time in each WZ). You have to realize that this grind is a drop in the bucket compared to the time investment it took for full BiS gear in other MMOs like WoW. People raided for 500 hours in a single tier for BiS gear. Not only that but the WH gear will be MUCH easier to acquire when ranked WZs get released in 1.2.1. Think of this as a pre-ranked WZ headstart period for you to acquire gear at a significantly higher time investment.



The bolded part! You people are already over reacting to this, never satisfied. They didn't want to release ranked until they felt it was fully polished, you should be thanking them for not releasing another unfinished addition. They are giving people a chance to get some WH gear before it becomes much easier when ranked wz's are released.


CALM DOWN, this is not how it will be forever, ranked wz's will lower the timeinvestment needed.

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Well assuming that you are only playing the game to obtain virtual pixels (aka gear items) and not enjoying the game on your journey to getting better gear (aka grinding/working for pixels). Lets see how much hard work, time and effort it will take to get.


Based on the math of ~248 hours.


If I played (worked/grinded) on average 3 hours/day it will take ~82 days ( ~3 months).


If I played (blood/sweat/tears labor) on average 5 hours per day it will take ~49 days (~2 months)


If I played ( slave like dedication labor and I didn't have a real job) on average 8 hours per day it will take ~31 days ( 1 month).


For those without any kind of social or love life, no job and a piss bottle next to their computer (slaving almost non-stop only for a catnap every now and then) on average 18 hours per day it will take ~2 weeks.


So based on how hard you work/grind/labor in this game of entertainment you can achieve the best pixelation in as little as 2 weeks or if you want to go the more casual rate in about 3 months.


Also when did PvP become a grind at all?


Back in the early days of MMOs, grind was being forced to go and kill same creature over and over a thousand times until you could move on to the next creature (rinse and repeat).

The other variant was same quest types over and over ( kill 10 of these etc.)


PvP while repetitive in the activity each engagement is different due to the dynamics of human controlled opponents and teammates that change/adapt tactics and playstyles.

Edited by NicholasTylerD
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Oh good, more months of people with 10 hours a day to play roflstomping people who have jobs and responsbilities. Guess it'd be silly to play a game that's competitive instead of gear to win.


For the average person who has 1-2 hours to play- and won't necessarily spend it all in WZs- it'd take about half a year to gear up so you stand a fighting chance in WZ. In a way- gear bags were better because they'd cap out how much you could get- so someone with 2 hours a day to play would be getting only a bit less than someone who played 15 hours a day.

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The math of 248 hours was based on getting a que pop every 15 minutes and winning every game and earning 90 tokens. It's more like an average 1000 hour grind.


If it wasnt that would mean the other side would be loosing every WZ and would quit. That in turn would reduce your "every 15 minute" pop. The 15 minute warzone finished and pop would, on many servers, only happen during prime time.


To more realistic you would have to consider it will be a range of sorts with some people completing it in 500 hours to as much 1300 hours .


How many days would also be based on if you just qued up or ever did other things. Let's not even consider having an alt or not logging on every day or playing an other game ever. Summer is coming ...it's not just how many hours a day.

Edited by LancelotOC
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If BW stated that they've revamped their pvp team, brought in new faces, new ideas and better management, I'd resub. Not because I'm petty, but because I've lost faith in the current developers to get the job done. I'm sure they're great people, but their litany of errors, thus far, is impressive.
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