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What was so bad about SWG?


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This is the problem with the battle between liking and hating SWG. SWG was designed to make people put time and effort into a game, it was not a relentless mission game where you got new little icons and skills every level. You had to put time and effort into your class and making sure all the skills you learned worked well for your character.


SWTOR nor any other MMO other then maybe EVE will have the open ended game play that SWG had, Imagine you could land on a planet and you wanted to explore, you could do this. The world was not a pre-made map where you are dictated where you went, the planets where huge and open. SWG makes SWTOR look like a WoW knock off...


SWG Had over 45 profession classes you could choose from, on top of the large profession system and classes you could place homes. Players could colonize together and place a city hall declaring there own personal city. This city could grown and obtain banks, garages and other city structures to help make your town its own little chunk of the game. Lots of people would put down custom vendors, yes custom vendors the trader classes could put down to sell there items they crafted. They would put tons of these vendors in homes allowing basically they construction of personal shops.


Decorate your house how ever you wanted, all the items in your inventory where a world model that could be dropped, placed and moved around to be put on tables etc as a decoration. Tons of furniture to choose from, the trading classes could make every and any item in the game like tons of selections of furniture.


Do not listen to the idiots tell you the game was bad cause they were probably around the age of 12 and there small pre-pubescent brains could not handle a game that required time and thinking since everyone at the age wants instant gratification with out hard work. SWTOR in it self could probably fit on 2 of the planets, the reason SWTOR is such a large game memory wise is cause it has a larger texture size and better graphics but I hate to break it to the world, I will play a good looking game once but a game with good mechanics I will play forever.


SWG Is one of the most influential MMO's ever made and will always be on top on my list, nothing like own multiple vehicles that other players could ride in with you traveling different planets, owning homes and fighting with multiple class skills under your belt. You lived , breathed and ate starwars in the game. The crowded cantinas filled with dancers and the player placed cantinas in city filled with roleplay. Nothing will beat SWG.


So don't listen to these fools the game is more then most can comprehend...


Source: I played that *********** from start in 2003 beta till close last Christmas.


This^^^ People that say they didn't like SWG is because they want instant gratification. They want to play for a little bit and have the best stuff, the best hero, etc. SWG was like living in the Star Wars world, where as TOR is like playing a Star Wars game. In SWG you could go anywhere on the planet and things were unique. In TOR, every cave looks exactly the same and there are instances that you cant go in unless you have that quest.

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yes it was a sandbox game and thats why a lot of people liked it however.


1. Quests. There really wasn't any. What you did was go to a mission terminal and get 3 missions. The missions would say go to these coordiantes (always random btw and never close to the other missions) kill the 3 guards and destroy the item they are protecting.


Half the time it was bugged and the thing you were supposed to destroy spawned under the ground. After you finished that you go to the next one and so on and so on.


That was it.


2. Levels. People love to say "oh it was so great there was no level grind" That is complete and utter Bull ***** There where no levels like a normal mmo but you had skill levels.


So lets say you wanted to become a smuggler. Well first you had to be a pistol experert. Which means you had to aquire several MILLION points in pistols which you did by GRINDING. Then you would need 1 or 2 other skill sets by grinding out more millions of skill points. THEN you would have access to the smugler tree.


Ohhh i found a screen shot of it here is what you had to learn to be a bounty hunter AFTER you unlocked the bounty hunter tree




To be a master bounty hunter you had to go up at least 2 trees i beleive.


Now entertainers could do this easily because they would just create macros and walk away from their computer for a few days and when they came back they where a master entertainer.



3. Combat. COMBAT WAS HORRIBLE. It was unbeleivably unballnced. Do you know what deadliest class was? Jedi? Sniper? Bounty Hunter? Nope it was Combat medic. They had a ranged attack that would attack your mind point pool and kill you INSTANTLY. A combat medic could one shot anyone.


Aside from being unballanced it was filled with bugs and it was BORING.


I almost forgot before you did ANY PVE you needed to get buffs from a medic and from a entertainer. Which meant you had to find one and pay them like 20k credits (it was heafty amount) otherwise you couldn't kill anything. This was the same for everyone.


They weren't hard to find becuase there would always be a line of people waiting to get buffed. I'm not joking there was always about 20 or 30 person line waiting to get doctor buffs and it took about 20-30 mins to get through the line.


It was ridiculous.



4. Crafting. - ok this is a hot topic some people absolutely love the crafting in SWG because it was complex. Those are the people who all they want to do is craft. Me i have to disagree crafting in SWG was like having a second job. It was INSANELY time consuming. Yes you could make a lot of things but even then you would have to spend HOURS AND HOURS to get good at them. It would take less time to go from level 1 to 85 in WoW then it would to become a crafter in SWG.



5. Armor. When SWG launched (and for about 4 months after) there was barely any diversity in the armor. The two sets that people would buy was Padded armor and Composite armor. Thats it







Now the composite armor looks cool but not when that is the only armor anyone wore. They eventually added 1 or 2 faction based armor but that wasn't at launch.


I am not joking there is more diversity in armor in the first 10 levels of this game then all the armor SWG had at launch.


Even later the diversity wasn't much. They had STormtrooper armor and Boba Fetts armor but not much else.



WORSE THING ABOUT ARMOR AND WEAPONS. when they broke they where broke for ever. You could not get them repaired.



6. Dungeons- I remember 2 dungeons.


1. was a cave filled with droids. It was buggy as all hell. Mobs would randomly disapear, doors wouldn't open. It was a mess.


2. There was a Rebel Blockade runner that was being boarded by the empire. This was just really really boring. It was just tons of storm troopers and dark troopers. The boss was a super dark trooper. Thats it. Standard tank and spank.



I could go on but I think you get the point.


If you want to try it go play SWG EMU. Now people will say " Its not finished " I say its exactly how SWG was at launch.


Must've never really played it then...


or maybe you just QQ alot?

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Must've never really played it then...


or maybe you just QQ alot?


no it was my first MMO and my first MMO love. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I played it well into the Jump to Light Speed expansion.


HOWEVER the game had it's time in the sun and now it's passed. People who say they want it back or would play it right now are just fooling themselves.


If they really felt that way they would go play SWG EMU.


If all the people say it was so great then why was the game dead BEFORE they added NGE. yes i said before. The reason they did the CU and NGE is because they where losing subs at a rate of 10k a month.


The MMO genre was still young so people where able to look past the TON of bugs and lack of content because it was something new and exciting. If you launched SWG right now with cutting edge graphics it would be a major flop because of the bugs and massive lack of content.


People just like looking back with rose colored glasses.


this pretty much sums it up



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SWG was a fantastic sandbox but an absolutely reprehensible representation of the Star Wars Universe. Nothing about it felt like Star Wars, between composite wars PvP and high-end space combat handling that amounted to two ships spinning around each other for 20 minutes at a time until someone got insta-gibbed. Combat balance was also never really all that great, ergo revamping the entire game twice to try and fix it (the latter of which ended up mauling part of the sandbox features that made it fun to begin with). Making iconic outfits that were super common in the films into ultra rare veteran rewards kinda pissed me off too.


Basically, if it hadn't been Star Wars and they'd just made combat more straight-forward (ie. avoided the 3 different health pools that can kill you if ANY of them reach zero thing) I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have anywhere near the rap it does, and it may have actually had more flexibility to grow into something great.

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SWG fan base are obessed and have to make 1million threads to annoy and harrass the TOR players to death with their dead game .

Go play your EMU and show your support on that or just keep on wasting Forum space with constant rants .


I have no clue why SWG threads aren't considered Spam as they are littered across TOR forums ............

Edited by mefit
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SWG fan base are obessed and have to make 1million threads to annoy and harrass the TOR players to death with their dead game .

Go play your EMU and show your support on that or just keep on wasting Forum space with constant rants .


I have no clue why SWG threads aren't considered Spam as they are littered across TOR forums ............


This game will be even more dead a lot sooner if they can only come up with is Rakghoul outbreaks, cutting med pack usage and 600K for guild banks.... God what next, Mr T grenades too?

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A lot of the game was bad but that is just my opinion. However I did thoroughly enjoy socializing and some content inputs, despite them being released rarely. But the last thing I can remember that I enjoyed about it was the Death Troopers update, beyond that everything they did was meaningless to me and I unsubbed six months prior to it shutting down.
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HOWEVER the game had it's time in the sun and now it's passed. People who say they want it back or would play it right now are just fooling themselves.


If they really felt that way they would go play SWG EMU.


If all the people say it was so great then why was the game dead BEFORE they added NGE. yes i said before. The reason they did the CU and NGE is because they where losing subs at a rate of 10k a month.


The MMO genre was still young so people where able to look past the TON of bugs and lack of content because it was something new and exciting. If you launched SWG right now with cutting edge graphics it would be a major flop because of the bugs and massive lack of content.


People just like looking back with rose colored glasses.


this pretty much sums it up




I am not fooling myself. The day SWG ended I had 5 accounts. I WOULD go back if I could go back to what I had. I worked several years for the stuff I had. EMU? No way I'm going there.


I started playing the first month it was out. I had to stop playing for real life reasons just before "Trials of Obi-Wan" was released. I did not make it back until after NGE. I guess I am the only person who played both who liked NGE better.

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People need to learn what "sandbox" means.


SWG was not a sandbox game. It was a heavily bugged grinder.


The only "sandbox" feature was the housing and the harvesters, and even that wasn't very sandbox.


Sandbox means I can kill that NPC over there and shove his body into the mill in Riverwood after decorating my house with troll skulls while developing my character free of any class/skill/ability restrictions in lieu of doing anything constructive... like finishing the game.


SWG was destroyed when it was utterly revamped and most of the original player base left.


We didn't like having every decent feature replaced by a tawdry level 1 Jedi.


I guess you forgot or did not know about the "Chronicles" system, where PLAYERS created quests for other players? How much more sandbox can you get?

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I guess you forgot or did not know about the "Chronicles" system, where PLAYERS created quests for other players? How much more sandbox can you get?


Except not very many people used chronicles at all, even then it was more just to grind the tokens to buy the stuff from the vendors more then anything else.

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I am not fooling myself. The day SWG ended I had 5 accounts. I WOULD go back if I could go back to what I had. I worked several years for the stuff I had. EMU? No way I'm going there.


I started playing the first month it was out. I had to stop playing for real life reasons just before "Trials of Obi-Wan" was released. I did not make it back until after NGE. I guess I am the only person who played both who liked NGE better.


You're not the only one, though I didn't have as many accounts. I also played both and preferred the NGE. Furthermore I would go back to what I had in a heart beat and drop TOR like a sack of bricks in a flat minute. I preferred SWG, even as deeply flawed as it was. I don't get why people find it so hard to believe that some of us loved the game regardless of its flaws.


No rose colored glasses, but for some of us the merits outweighed the flaws.


Except not very many people used chronicles at all, even then it was more just to grind the tokens to buy the stuff from the vendors more then anything else.


Probably depended on server or group involved. On Starsider, the Jedi folks I knew liked using the chronicles to create missions for the younger Jedi in training.

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I am sure that you and others will take this the wrong way but I am not directing this at anyone specific



The content was there for people that didn't have to be lead around by their nose. Maybe it was more PvP and Crafting focused but it was deep and complicated. Granted there were bugs, rollbacks and problems that can't be ignored or denied but I can't help thinking a little less of this type of game mixed with more swg type of game that actually had a player community would be amazing.


They had a wider range of people in that game than this ever will. The fact that people could just dance, craft, pvp or pve without doing the other things they didn't like made for a bigger group of people with more social interaction. I wish the PvE was deeper in SWG and it's hard to believe how badly they screwed it up later in its life but it was far from boring.


I played from day 1 where I had to sit in a med center and be healed a few hundred health at a time for hours before doing a corpse run through all the holo grinding (which I hated to see) and beyond. I laughed, I cried but 200 people flooding out of a guild meeting to attack imperials who decided that was a good time to try and take our bases is something that this game will never have and that's a bad thing. The crafting differences between SWG and TOR is like reading "See Spot Run" and "Of Mice and Men".


I feel like I lose a few more IQ points every time I open my crew skills menu in this game and the crafting here has already driven some fun and entertaining people away.


This post motivated me to bring something up....do you, or anyone else, remember when SWTOR was first brought onto the forums before development and all the systems had been implemented? When the devs would come here and get player feedback? At that point, it sounded like they wanted a perfect blend of SWG pre-NGE, and theme park.


The first pressing question that kept the bloggers busy, was the discussion on how Jedi was going to be unlocked. People wanted something similar to SWG but not as much of a grind. The debate went on for over a year before I lost interest. The launch date hadn't even been given at this point....


Does anyone else remember this? It was in 2008.


I decided I would just wait until launch and take what I was given since it seemed everything was moving in the right direction.


I was extremely surprised when I started playing a few months ago....it's just WoW with a SW skin.


There is nothing complicated about this game. Nobody says...I wonder if I'll ever make it to lvl 50....or I wonder if we'll be able to kill this mob....or I wonder if I will get that awesome piece of PvP gear I want....the answer is ALWAYS YES! You will get whatever you want because the game was designed for impatient kids. Why?


Because the same sort of people responsible for the NGE, keep thinking they can cash in on the huge market of kids who come and go. The problem is, they don't realize you can't keep a game going for very long like this. It requires keeping the same people's interest for YEARS, not months. In 5 years, no kids are going to want to play this, or any other 5 year old game.


Let the kids have their Xbox, give us back our MMO'S!



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You're not the only one, though I didn't have as many accounts. I also played both and preferred the NGE. Furthermore I would go back to what I had in a heart beat and drop TOR like a sack of bricks in a flat minute. I preferred SWG, even as deeply flawed as it was. I don't get why people find it so hard to believe that some of us loved the game regardless of its flaws.


No rose colored glasses, but for some of us the merits outweighed the flaws.




Probably depended on server or group involved. On Starsider, the Jedi folks I knew liked using the chronicles to create missions for the younger Jedi in training.


What could you possibly like better about the NGE? Sorry, but whenever I see this, I doubt the person played before the NGE....or if they did, probably not for very long....OR maybe you thought it was too hard??


If that's the case, then I will give you the same suggestion I give to everyone who is responsible for watering down every MMO since EQ....go play Xbox and leave our MMO's alone!


Yes, it IS a game, but it's meant for adults who have patience and an understanding that in order for somehting to be cool, it must be difficult to get. It's not cool if everyone has it. Also, giving everyone the same exact abilities, CC's, CC breaks, heals, sprints, etc....is just like turning it into a console game.

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What could you possibly like better about the NGE? Sorry, but whenever I see this, I doubt the person played before the NGE....or if they did, probably not for very long....OR maybe you thought it was too hard??


If that's the case, then I will give you the same suggestion I give to everyone who is responsible for watering down every MMO since EQ....go play Xbox and leave our MMO's alone!


Yes, it IS a game, but it's meant for adults who have patience and an understanding that in order for somehting to be cool, it must be difficult to get. It's not cool if everyone has it. Also, giving everyone the same exact abilities, CC's, CC breaks, heals, sprints, etc....is just like turning it into a console game.


You're making a few asumptions, and that's very narrow minded of you. Be that as it may I'll go ahead and answer your questions. As I was primarily a crafter (Shipwright both before and after NGE), my profession changed actually quite little between Pre-CU and NGE. As I figured, Shipwright was the last of the crafting profession to retain the complexity of its pre-CU counterpart. The reason I stuck so close to crafting was because the combat system in the pre-CU set up was pretty awful. I could kill myself with a carbine and that was just bad. Not to mention being able to simply queue up a bunch of shots and walk away.


Now, what I preferred about the NGE was the combat system and the mass of content that was added after the fact. The planetary control scheme of the GCW2, the chronicle system, the little nickknacks and odds and ends for houses. There was a lot of stuff added (Never a fan of that TCG mess, though).


Had sony gone ahead and improved the combat system in the game, but left the character development system as it was without condensing it down in to 9 classes and a bunch of levels, it would have been much better, but everything else I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Alot of haters. Some were justified because they were upset over the way NGE was handled, so while I disagree with them on spreading the hate, I do understand.


Most Haters have never even played SWG or they logged in and logged out because it wasnt like WOW. Most of these people just heard nothing but bad stuff from the original players that were still upset 5 years later and they rolled with the same opinions. It was like a virus of hate.


Personally I was happy just to log into my little home on tattooine and check on my moisture vaporators, watch the sunset and ride into town just to hang out. I did not care about being a jedi. It was the open world that was incredible. It was an interactive opporunity to enjoy the starwars universe in way that I am afraid we will never see again.


To me this is the big difference between the two. SWTOR is a video game where SWG was a virtual world.


Beautifully put... hubby and I played with some friends of ours back from like 2003-2005. The friends played from beta up through when they pulled the plug. We stopped because we just didn't have the time with everything else. I was hoping this would be more like it, and am sad it isn't. SWTOR is fun, but SWG was awesome! :):):)

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This post motivated me to bring something up....do you, or anyone else, remember when SWTOR was first brought onto the forums before development and all the systems had been implemented? When the devs would come here and get player feedback? At that point, it sounded like they wanted a perfect blend of SWG pre-NGE, and theme park.


The first pressing question that kept the bloggers busy, was the discussion on how Jedi was going to be unlocked. People wanted something similar to SWG but not as much of a grind. The debate went on for over a year before I lost interest. The launch date hadn't even been given at this point....


Does anyone else remember this? It was in 2008.


I decided I would just wait until launch and take what I was given since it seemed everything was moving in the right direction.


I was extremely surprised when I started playing a few months ago....it's just WoW with a SW skin.


There is nothing complicated about this game. Nobody says...I wonder if I'll ever make it to lvl 50....or I wonder if we'll be able to kill this mob....or I wonder if I will get that awesome piece of PvP gear I want....the answer is ALWAYS YES! You will get whatever you want because the game was designed for impatient kids. Why?


Because the same sort of people responsible for the NGE, keep thinking they can cash in on the huge market of kids who come and go. The problem is, they don't realize you can't keep a game going for very long like this. It requires keeping the same people's interest for YEARS, not months. In 5 years, no kids are going to want to play this, or any other 5 year old game.


Let the kids have their Xbox, give us back our MMO'S!




QFE. This game is WoW with Star Wars pasted on top. No ingenuity whatsoever.

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I spent close to a year grinding on my Trandoshan Tera Kasi Master ( In the navy, on sea duty, subs.) Then, it was just gone. I didn't want that, and I didn't want the NGE shoved down my throat. I got both, so I departed the game and never returned, nor will I give SoE anymore of my money. I don't know if it got any better, I just never really cared. It probably had something to do with being in the military at the time, and having stuff crammed down my throat with little to no choice , and this time it happened, and I DID have a choice, so I departed for Azeroth. Never to look back. Although I was a bit sad and nostalgic when it did close down...
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This post motivated me to bring something up....do you, or anyone else, remember when SWTOR was first brought onto the forums before development and all the systems had been implemented? When the devs would come here and get player feedback? At that point, it sounded like they wanted a perfect blend of SWG pre-NGE, and theme park.


The first pressing question that kept the bloggers busy, was the discussion on how Jedi was going to be unlocked. People wanted something similar to SWG but not as much of a grind. The debate went on for over a year before I lost interest. The launch date hadn't even been given at this point....


Does anyone else remember this? It was in 2008.


I decided I would just wait until launch and take what I was given since it seemed everything was moving in the right direction.


I was extremely surprised when I started playing a few months ago....it's just WoW with a SW skin.


There is nothing complicated about this game. Nobody says...I wonder if I'll ever make it to lvl 50....or I wonder if we'll be able to kill this mob....or I wonder if I will get that awesome piece of PvP gear I want....the answer is ALWAYS YES! You will get whatever you want because the game was designed for impatient kids. Why?


Because the same sort of people responsible for the NGE, keep thinking they can cash in on the huge market of kids who come and go. The problem is, they don't realize you can't keep a game going for very long like this. It requires keeping the same people's interest for YEARS, not months. In 5 years, no kids are going to want to play this, or any other 5 year old game.


Let the kids have their Xbox, give us back our MMO'S!




This is the simple truth. When SWG closed i had 8 accounts with 18+ toons on 1 server. Thats why SWGEMU or w/e isn't a option.


The kids now a days want insta gradification , just like the ones that complained so much during the start of SWG. What SOE and SGW (and it seems SWTOR) didn't/don't understand is that now , those same kids (most of them anyways) are now grown and understand they want more from a game. They want a game that actually takes a bit of time and some work. The rest out there won't go far because they get bored and move on in 2 months after they hit 50.


I meet some people tonight while doing dailes. They played a ton of games , but never SWG , so that talk never came up. 1 thing i did find out is that they still play skyrim , eve and a few others , but after getting to 50 on at least 3 toons , they don't plan on sticking around and gave me all their creds.


Sad part is , it takes less time to lvl to 50 than it did for SWTOR/Bliz to come out with their first add on/patch.


In 6 months , if they don't do something , we're gonna see mass exodus from everywhere. Once you get to 50 , what else is left to do? I know for me , i've got 4 toons to 50 and 1 is at lvl 60 valor. (i stoped worring about valor when it became pointless) and 1 toon has pvp gear on all its alts. Now what? Crafting sucks. I don't do anything , hence its no fun. There is no decoration to do , so the ship is just there and i've no vendors to keep up. No house to arrange. Pvp is a bore as its the same thing everytime with nothing but everyone doing the same exact tactics (if u can call it that) to get the ball to point a or capture so and so. Nothing is about tactics and being able to beat the other team outnumbered 10 to 1 because you used tactics or outsmarted them.


In SWG we were outnumbered every day , but it was a accomplishment to win because we knew we pulled something off that we shouldn't have. There is no planing here , its just que up and same old same old. Thats not pvp , thats shooting people while stuck in a box with a timer.


I wish SWTOR would listen to some of us out there and make planet pvp more of a option.

Make 4 bases , 2 for each faction , 1 for each on say Voss and the other on Quesh. Each time any lvl of the other faction gets near , a alert is sent out so EVERYONE in that faction sees it. Those who show up get defend tokens that work like comms and the attackers get a chance to raid the base and get attack tokens depending on how far they get into the base or how long they are there. The up side to the attackers getting into the base is , they can pretty much shut down the planet , cutting off all shuttles to that base and making it so the defenders have to bike ride out there. They can also shut down all but the main city cloner , thus making them have to clone farther and farther away from the pvp base. Once they get to the bottom of the base , there is a big chest with major loot for everyone. Like 40k credits and a end game lvl weapon and 1 peice of armor. Kinda make it a weapon storage center and they can choose what they want , but only get so much per attack.


Something like that would bring in some good pvp , i know it did for SWG (and other games coppied it with greater success)

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Let's be clear to the TOR players here. I don't want Bioware to change your game to become my game, I just want my game back. That's all.


To the TOR players? Then what are you, a troll who made an account here just to complain about SWG not being around anymore?

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In my opinion, SWG was great fun. Yes, it did decline after some terrible updates (CU and then NGE) but it still had a lot of fun elements. If you played on high population servers there wasn't trouble finding players. The thing that made SWG so special and fun to me was that it really focused on player intereaction. Almost every item you needed was player made, in order to do quests, you would need players of various professions. To get buffs you would have to visit in game entertainers or doctors. Player made cities offered malls. It was just a really cool virtual SW world that earnestly made me feel like I was in the SW universe, much more so than SWTOR ever has.


When the game began there was no leveling system, you chose a weapon and became specialized with it, you could be three different "classes" at once, and that was really interesting. Just my take on it.

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To the TOR players? Then what are you, a troll who made an account here just to complain about SWG not being around anymore?


In this thread? Good question. One I ask myself every day. The game is fine. The story is fine, but it is just lacking...something that SWG had. Something that wasn't a part of the programming or the implementation of the features, or even the dev team's idiocy. TOR just seems to be missing that THING that held me in SWG for so long, whatever that might be.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Sniperrecon, to contrast your first post about being a Jedi with a bounty and running away from the BH who just got off the shuttle...


I played an MBH (Master Bounty Hunter,) for three years, took me about 3 months starting from launch to get to MBH.


A thankless, cut-throat, brutal existence, travelling from world to world, constantly needing new gear, avoiding mobs whilst tracking your mark across every locale imaginable... Credits were sparse for a solo Bounty Hunter, constantly taking shuttles from one place to the next, hoping beyond hope that your mark would be easy to find, only to realize that he's some 600 Kilometer's away, on what seems like the other side of the planet, and have him or her be gone by the time you got there. Personally, I was lucky to have two credits to rub together half of the time...


But the thrill of the hunt... You finally manage to close in on your mark. You've just crested a high ridge, they're in the valley, fighting some trash mob or another from a Mission Vendor. Fifty Meters... They haven't noticed you yet. You could open fire now, but you risk losing them, and god forbid he's a sniper, his weapon would be more effective than yours at this range. Close the distance. 40 Meters... 30... 28... Ideal weapon range. Somehow he's unaware of your presence... Or he's confident he can take you. Check your equipment, make sure your traps are on the hot-bar, get ready for a fight. You net him, let loose with your blaster, and before long, the chase is on.


He runs down the valley, training every mob he possibly can behind him in hopes that they'll aggro to you should you mess up. One wrong move and 30 red's will be swarming you... And more importantly, you'll lose your payday.


Finally, the mark makes a mistake, tries to crest the hill without... (Damnit, what was the skill called? Scout skill, made difficult terrain, like hills, easier to negotiate...) The mark slows to a crawl as he trudges up the hill, and you get right in on him. Forget the blaster, it's time to end this; time to use the acid gun. (Yeah, BH's totally had Acid Guns. Lightning Guns too.) Three meters. Douse him in acid. Confirm the kill, and return to the terminal.


Back in the city, you buy any new equipment you might need, maybe buy a new speeder with the latest influx of credits you've managed to save... And spend the rest being (pretending, in my case, I was under-age at the time. =P) drunk in the cantina. Mess around, lose some bar brawls, lose a couple bets... And before you know it, you're broke again... Guess it's back to the Bounty Board.



SWG was, let's face it, a terribly broken game. I was young then, so I saw it through rose-colored glasses, as we all did, but it was bad for me. I've played SWG Emu; that's broken even worse at the minute, but even so, it brings back all the old memories...


As broken as the game was, as poorly as every feature was implemented, as terrible as the development team was.... It was still a game that was somehow greater than the sum of it's parts. It was a game that rewarded you for just doing whatever the hell you wanted, for being stubborn and really going out of your way to play the game exactly the way that you wanted to play it... Because you could be unique. Maybe not in aesthetic, (Too true about the lack of interesting armor, but armor was only one small portion of the available clothing) but in character, in purpose, in how you chose to play the game.


An efficient, well-geared, and smart Bounty Hunter could rake in the credits, going only for the easy targets, going for the targets they knew they could take, or specifically catering themselves to dealing with certain types of individuals, like Jedi. And if that's how you wanted to play, it let you do that. Me? I wanted the targets no one else wanted to take, I wanted the hermits, the recluse's, the targets that would give me the most interesting scenario, especially if it wasn't a straight-up fight... And SWG let me have that. My version of 'Big Game' and most BH's version were two completely different things... But SWG rewarded my version of it equally. Maybe not in credits, but in a different kind of value.


And as a Bounty Hunter, the best thing was probably the few occasions where I ran into other Hunters with the same mark as me, tracking them at the same time. It was always a question of "Do I take the mark right along-side him, and risk him winning the contract, or do I take him out, and risk losing the mark again?" There was always those three seconds where each player had to make a decision, and who shot first, and at what, could spell either victory or death.


I didn't make many friends there that carried over into RL, but within the constructs of the game itself, Maldricus Xevalian made tons of business partners. A droid maker whom he helped off the ground, early in both their careers, a weapon smith who liked his all-business attitude and would sell him guns for cheap, a smuggler he'd saved from an Imperial Corvette that would always make time to slice his weapons, and occasionally even help him bait a mark out into the open...


SWG was truly a game where your narrative, the narrative that you and only you wrote, mattered. Sometimes only to you... And sometimes...


Yes, SWG was a broken game, unfinished in almost every regard, and it definitely had its issues... But none of that mattered when you were at the center of the universe. And SWG let you be there.


Beautifully put, I being a Master Rifleman / Smuggler will always cherish the brushes I had with ensuing Bounty Hunters. It was an exhilarating feeling knowing that at any moment, when I'm questing or just relaxing at the cantina, some BH geared to the teeth might come rolling in, guns a blazing. Man, this thread is making me nostalgia really hard, and I'm only 19.

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Honestly love it or hate it ppl have strong opinions of it. Personally before the nge during precu i couldnt stop playing it. Didnt have the boring *** quest that most games have or a set course you take like themeparks have and thats probably why alot didnt like it. There was no direction which is why the ones that loved it still love it today. You could really just do what you wanted and go where you wanted. Sure you go to Dathomir or endor early by yourself and youd end up dead but it was one of the few that had huge 20 man groups that didnt make taking 20 ppl a chore. They were simple grind groups for experience or money. Precu there was nothing more enjoyable for me then hitting my guilds city getting all the players short on cash or needing skill boxes(levels by comparison) together, hit up our entertainer and doc to buff everyone and then go take rancor and baznitch missions on dath for money and experience.


Honestly if your one of those that likes the themepark games of today where your sent from one area or planet to another area or planet and your in a set progression then you would have hated SWG. But if you liked to play the game your way maybe just relax and hang at a cantina and talk to people or hit your house for crafting, late afternoon when people logged on you make groups for nothing more special then gathering resources and getting lower skilled players alittle further in their grind then you'd have enjoyed the game alot even with all the bugs and short comings. Frankly alot seem to blame the devs for this but most should go to LA and SOE for not only pushing the game out way before it was ready to hit shelves but also for not sticking to one game design.


Most the hate for it really brews from them pushing not one but two different combat revamps they deemed upgrades most players saw as downgrades. Another group i see bashing it are the ones that don't like games without directions, the need the path and the missions leading them from place to place otherwise they got mad and called the game crap and said it didnt have content. It didnt have themepark content (quests, flashpoints/instances, raids/ operations). It had player content, as in you had to interact with others and get into the mechanics to really experience the content the way the orginal designers made it. There was resource gathering both from combat aka killing creatures and getting hide bone or meat and from just laying down machines called harvestors to do the gathering for you. You have the best crafting i've ever seen in a game with items that if you got lucky and used the best resources could produce the best weapons/armor/med supplies anyone on server had ever seen so alot used that to keep them going. Plus there were the tough bosses like krayt dragons and kimo's that were giant dinosaur/dragon looking creatures to kill, Nightsisters that used the force and the gorax that looked like a giant confused ape lol, deathwatch in the dwb, geos in the geonosian caves. All these had rare drops that could improve certain weapons armor or medicines and also other crafting i didnt mention.


So yea in closing it was the worst most buggy no content game this side of the galaxy and also had more content then some ever could do in a year. Amazing i hear no content ingame alot and yet precu and even Cu there was hardly a time i logged on and didnt have something to keep me busy ingame, sure it wasnt always the most fun but I havent played a game that didnt have soemthing that you needed to do that wasnt all that fun.

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