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What was so bad about SWG?


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Browsing the forums, I've noticed the name SWG (Star wars Galaxies) pop up various times during a discussion - and it's usually described as a terrible title when that happens.


Since I never got to play the game, I had to rely on my research (skimming through Wookiepedia's page on the game) to learn about it. Turns out it had quite a few interesting features, such as housing and player-built cities, bounty hunting, diverse space activities and the feature that impressed me the most, a third-person shooter-ish combat.


My question here is: why is SWG considered such a sub-par game? Was it the new features that scared off players? Was it poor implementation of these features?


Anyway, thanks on advance.

Edited by TheSkyPirate
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Whoever said it was a subpar game never actually played it. IT was a great sandbox game.


What most ppl are referring to was the CU upgrade "combat upgrade" or the NGE upgrade "new game enhancement" which completely ruined the game.


It was more or less had a bad dev team which ruined the game

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It was buggy as heck when it came out. The combat was a complete joke due to lag. There was no content at release as it was a sandbox game. The only thing to do was grind skills, and if you wanted to be a Jedi, which wasn't in at release, you had to find holocrons that told which skill to grind to master. Rinse and repeat. After a few years, it started to be mildly enjoyable, but by then it had the LOL overcrowding problem of all MMOs with mostly free housing placement.
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The houses...THE HOUSES! EVERYWHERE....So....many houses...so many cities!...Cluttering...planets..cluttering...*rocks back and forth*....also the community on the forms was nothing but a bunch of ******s, and trolls. Sure you found some good people on there, but for the most part it was the former who posted and did some really stupid things...though some of it was funny.


Big thing also was that the devs were kinda slow with coming out with new content. By the end, it was a pretty decent game its just they took WAY TOO long with content.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Alot of haters. Some were justified because they were upset over the way NGE was handled, so while I disagree with them on spreading the hate, I do understand.


Most Haters have never even played SWG or they logged in and logged out because it wasnt like WOW. Most of these people just heard nothing but bad stuff from the original players that were still upset 5 years later and they rolled with the same opinions. It was like a virus of hate.


Personally I was happy just to log into my little home on tattooine and check on my moisture vaporators, watch the sunset and ride into town just to hang out. I did not care about being a jedi. It was the open world that was incredible. It was an interactive opporunity to enjoy the starwars universe in way that I am afraid we will never see again.


To me this is the big difference between the two. SWTOR is a video game where SWG was a virtual world.

Edited by kirorx
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Whoever said it was a subpar game never actually played it. IT was a great sandbox game.


What most ppl are referring to was the CU upgrade "combat upgrade" or the NGE upgrade "new game enhancement" which completely ruined the game.


It was more or less had a bad dev team which ruined the game


I played for 8 years on and off and it was ****** 90% of the time.


The CU was the only era that was worth playing TBH.


As for the "great features" ppl remember....rose colored glasses....rose colored glasses.

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yes it was a sandbox game and thats why a lot of people liked it however.


1. Quests. There really wasn't any. What you did was go to a mission terminal and get 3 missions. The missions would say go to these coordiantes (always random btw and never close to the other missions) kill the 3 guards and destroy the item they are protecting.


Half the time it was bugged and the thing you were supposed to destroy spawned under the ground. After you finished that you go to the next one and so on and so on.


That was it.


2. Levels. People love to say "oh it was so great there was no level grind" That is complete and utter Bull ***** There where no levels like a normal mmo but you had skill levels.


So lets say you wanted to become a smuggler. Well first you had to be a pistol experert. Which means you had to aquire several MILLION points in pistols which you did by GRINDING. Then you would need 1 or 2 other skill sets by grinding out more millions of skill points. THEN you would have access to the smugler tree.


Ohhh i found a screen shot of it here is what you had to learn to be a bounty hunter AFTER you unlocked the bounty hunter tree




To be a master bounty hunter you had to go up at least 2 trees i beleive.


Now entertainers could do this easily because they would just create macros and walk away from their computer for a few days and when they came back they where a master entertainer.



3. Combat. COMBAT WAS HORRIBLE. It was unbeleivably unballnced. Do you know what deadliest class was? Jedi? Sniper? Bounty Hunter? Nope it was Combat medic. They had a ranged attack that would attack your mind point pool and kill you INSTANTLY. A combat medic could one shot anyone.


Aside from being unballanced it was filled with bugs and it was BORING.


I almost forgot before you did ANY PVE you needed to get buffs from a medic and from a entertainer. Which meant you had to find one and pay them like 20k credits (it was heafty amount) otherwise you couldn't kill anything. This was the same for everyone.


They weren't hard to find becuase there would always be a line of people waiting to get buffed. I'm not joking there was always about 20 or 30 person line waiting to get doctor buffs and it took about 20-30 mins to get through the line.


It was ridiculous.



4. Crafting. - ok this is a hot topic some people absolutely love the crafting in SWG because it was complex. Those are the people who all they want to do is craft. Me i have to disagree crafting in SWG was like having a second job. It was INSANELY time consuming. Yes you could make a lot of things but even then you would have to spend HOURS AND HOURS to get good at them. It would take less time to go from level 1 to 85 in WoW then it would to become a crafter in SWG.



5. Armor. When SWG launched (and for about 4 months after) there was barely any diversity in the armor. The two sets that people would buy was Padded armor and Composite armor. Thats it







Now the composite armor looks cool but not when that is the only armor anyone wore. They eventually added 1 or 2 faction based armor but that wasn't at launch.


I am not joking there is more diversity in armor in the first 10 levels of this game then all the armor SWG had at launch.


Even later the diversity wasn't much. They had STormtrooper armor and Boba Fetts armor but not much else.



WORSE THING ABOUT ARMOR AND WEAPONS. when they broke they where broke for ever. You could not get them repaired.



6. Dungeons- I remember 2 dungeons.


1. was a cave filled with droids. It was buggy as all hell. Mobs would randomly disapear, doors wouldn't open. It was a mess.


2. There was a Rebel Blockade runner that was being boarded by the empire. This was just really really boring. It was just tons of storm troopers and dark troopers. The boss was a super dark trooper. Thats it. Standard tank and spank.



I could go on but I think you get the point.


If you want to try it go play SWG EMU. Now people will say " Its not finished " I say its exactly how SWG was at launch.

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The houses...THE HOUSES! EVERYWHERE....So....many houses...so many cities!...Cluttering...planets..cluttering...*rocks back and forth*....also the community on the forms was nothing but a bunch of ******s, and trolls. Sure you found some good people on there, but for the most part it was the former who posted and did some really stupid things...though some of it was funny.


Big thing also was that the devs were kinda slow with coming out with new content. By the end, it was a pretty decent game its just they took WAY TOO long with content.


i forgot the housing.


It was cool to put a house on the beaches of Naboo and see cool player made houses. (oh also the missions would bug out because they would put them inside of peoples houses)


But like he said they had cluttered planets.


Imaine Skyrim where you have a city off in the distance. Now outside of the walls in about 50 foot radious there is nothing. Then there is a ring of 1,000s of player made houses around the city.


Just randomly placed around the city making almost a maze of houses. When you arrived on a new planet you had to naviagte around them to get out in the world.


It is EXACTLY like the slums surrounding Rio de Janeiro


it was really really bad.



edit: The reason they switched to the CU and NGE is because since it launched it was losing subs at a rate of about 10k players per month. It's not like they did it out of the blue. They did it because the game was failing to begin with.

Edited by jarjarloves
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reading through it sounds like jarjarloves either played the game for a cpl days very early on or never played at all and is just answering from things he has read. I started playing SWG about a month before the first CU and continued until the last day. As with any game it had good points and bad points. I happened to like the game very much I didn't particularly like when they cut it down to a handful of proffesions and made it so easy to be a jedi. Player bounties was one of the things that made it fun, player housing and cities was another thing I really liked. Crafting was another good thing. Getting buffed by medics and entertainers was also a good thing imo as it encouraged socialization
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reading through it sounds like jarjarloves either played the game for a cpl days very early on or never played at all and is just answering from things he has read. I started playing SWG about a month before the first CU and continued until the last day. As with any game it had good points and bad points. I happened to like the game very much I didn't particularly like when they cut it down to a handful of proffesions and made it so easy to be a jedi. Player bounties was one of the things that made it fun, player housing and cities was another thing I really liked. Crafting was another good thing. Getting buffed by medics and entertainers was also a good thing imo as it encouraged socialization


Having fond memories of a game does not mean the game's features were implemented properly, nor does it mean these features were actually "good".

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What I find so interesting, is how those of us that truly enjoyed it say simply that.. while those that detested it present walls of text bashing it.


Because we actually like to give voice to actual reasons why we disliked it, because we have legitimate reasons to not like it. And because the guy asked why the game was bad, you should assume he would want more than a few words.

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Browsing the forums, I've noticed the name SWG (Star wars Galaxies) pop up various times during a discussion - and it's usually described as a terrible title when that happens.


Since I never got to play the game, I had to rely on my research (skimming through Wookiepedia's page on the game) to learn about it. Turns out it had quite a few interesting features, such as housing and player-built cities, bounty hunting, diverse space activities and the feature that impressed me the most, a third-person shooter-ish combat.


My question here is: why is SWG considered such a sub-par game? Was it the new features that scared off players? Was it poor implementation of these features?


Anyway, thanks on advance.


6 year vet here. the game wasnt subpar. the support just seemed to have stopped a year out from closing. I didnt enjoy the last major updates.. and the rest of the "new" content was terrible, a last ditch effort to make money.


I think it closed in september or november of last year. and I can honestly say the only reason i played for the last year of the games existance was community and pvp. I had the opinion it was on its last legs about 12 months before it shut down (I didnt even know about swtor) but just the vibe, and the lack of content... its like beating a dead horse.


the game was over about a year before it closed. and that last year left a bitter taste in your mouth. so it wasnt that it was subpar as such. just overdone. it could have been let go a year earlier, if that makes sense.

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Because we actually like to give voice to actual reasons why we disliked it, because we have legitimate reasons to not like it. And because the guy asked why the game was bad, you should assume he would want more than a few words.


lmao you have a point ....but sometimes little needs to be said

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Browsing the forums, I've noticed the name SWG (Star wars Galaxies) pop up various times during a discussion - and it's usually described as a terrible title when that happens.


Since I never got to play the game, I had to rely on my research (skimming through Wookiepedia's page on the game) to learn about it. Turns out it had quite a few interesting features, such as housing and player-built cities, bounty hunting, diverse space activities and the feature that impressed me the most, a third-person shooter-ish combat.


My question here is: why is SWG considered such a sub-par game? Was it the new features that scared off players? Was it poor implementation of these features?


Anyway, thanks on advance.


SWG was a really good game, if you could look past all the bugs, until SOE decided to change it. When they changed every thing in the game they broke every thing that was good about the game, like the crafting, player cities and so on. This made allot of players really mad and they all quit.

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but the system for creating things and home and interiors and space was at an altitude of, and atmosphere and great location and could not play the fighting class but howl the others-this was for me SWG
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Whoever said it was a subpar game never actually played it. IT was a great sandbox game.

Alright, here goes.


Yes I played it. Through beta. Through the pre-CU era and into the early stages of the post-CU era, and it was a subpar game and it wasn't a sandbox title. Not in the least. It was a conventional Might & Magic clone mmo with messed up combat and a legacy of neglect that lead to a massive overhaul which alienated the bulk of the original player base.


Yes, we could build houses and harvesters anywhere we wanted and fill bases with vendors. Yes, that was cool. Yes, it was a novel concept the likes of which couldn't be duplicated by DAoC or FFXI or anyone else until Everquest 2 came out with its insanely customizable homes, and even that didn't come close. But what happened? Well, one day everything just stopped working and was replaced by a dumbed-down version of itself.


And that's where the "sandbox" ended.


The rest was grinding Krayts and falling through holes in the fabric of the game world. It was building up crafting professions like Architecture and making nothing in saturated markets. It was investing months of work in classes like Creature Handler only to have the people running the game completely remove said class and everything that made it cool for the sake of "Warcraftifying" the game to get new subs.


There were parts of it that I enjoyed. Immensely. But the better part of my time was spent watching good ideas die slow deaths after being partially implemented and never sustained. SWG was a failure in almost every regard. A lovable failure. A beautiful failure. But a failure nonetheless.

Edited by Blistrich
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