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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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The major issue here is communication. If the Ranked WZs were not ready it would be helpful if the developers would specify what was lacking in general. Second the problem is compounded because of the timing of the announcement - on the eve of the release. This makes it appear to be a bait and switch. This is unfortunate not only for the player community but the game as a whole. A recent developer stated that it was a surprise that the PvP was popular in this game. Delaying rated warzones may eliminate this "surprise."
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Well looks like Bioware is really digging their own grave, and rather quickly. They wont change the ending of mass effect 3 due to "artistic integrity" and now this. Jar jar must be running this company or something.
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Go do a brief search on the PTS forum. There are far more bugs and threads with the new Operation and FP than there was on the Ranked WZ.


Yup. Not to mention the issues with their class changes... Guardians/Juggernauts got useless changes and nerfs... Marauders/Sentinels got buffed to be even more OP.... kinda the opposite of what needed to happen...


You can be an apologist all you want but pulling away a feature a couple of hours before deployment without any sort of adequate explanation is just cutting it deep. If there was a major problem, tell us.


You expect behavior like this from idiots, not industry professionals.


What's worse, the way they have to make these builds, they knew earlier in the week, if not last week or even before then that rated warzones wouldn't be in this patch.... they can't just hit a checkbox... they knew well before the announcement, and worse, they waited until the end of the business day, just before going home for the night, to publish the blog post.

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That's cause there's a total of about 5 apologist/fanbois/BW employees that are doing the majority of the retorts and supporting of BW/EA. The vast majority of the rest are angry customers, and rightly so.


I myself have nothing better to do because I cant play tonight due to an earlier issue caused by BW when they accidentally released tomorrow patch earlier than intended (another 90+ page thread...they're on a roll tonight). So I've read the whole thread (yes!) and it really is less than a handful of ppl responding with ad hominem and tossing a few non sequiturs for good measure.


Either that, or they're just regular players who are equally pissed at BW because this will undoubtedly affect their game play...in the form of less people to play with. So rather than take it up with BW they rather troll this thread and hope it goes away...reassuring themselves that nothings wrong, the game is fine, people aren't leaving.




Ya, this is what I don't get either.


All the apologists are missing the bigger picture.

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It takes a lot to get me to leave an MMO, i played SWG until the servers were shut down, i still play DAoC sometimes, and actively play Diablo 2, I have unsubbed. The large promise for pvp and lack of support for that promise has left me ashamed of BW, and I have all their games, Tsk.
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Go do a brief search on the PTS forum. There are far more bugs and threads with the new Operation and FP than there was on the Ranked WZ.


If Bioware actually had the decency to remove the Ranked WZ feature from 1.2 at least 1-2 weeks before the release, the outcry will definitely be not be as bad as this. Sure there would be some QQ as always but if they actually told us and gave us a reason why, players would be more understanding. Sure there were not many people around to test the Ranked WZ but there were no major problems with it at all.


You can be an apologist all you want but pulling away a feature a couple of hours before deployment without any sort of adequate explanation is just cutting it deep. If there was a major problem, tell us.


You expect behavior like this from idiots, not industry professionals.


That is probably because there was no one really testing the ranked WZs until last week.

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What in the... I dont even.. I litterally could care less about anything except for ranked warzones. I dont PvE at all. :/ Wow I really hope 1.3 comes out soon. Plus I was basically planning to just solo queue. Sounds like that will be even longer. :/
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And I gave you proof, I told you about a recent court decision, rather than verify it you just dismissed it out of hand and ran off screaming that I'm a liar.


The one you provided wasn't really on topic friend, that one dealt with the idea that the original seller had not actually purchased the software in question, but rather purchased a set of rental licenses.


Nothing at all with an EULA protecting against software not functioning or lacking features as advertised.

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And I gave you proof, I told you about a recent court decision, rather than verify it you just dismissed it out of hand and ran off screaming that I'm a liar.


The thing you posted had nothing at all to do with this situation.

Edited by Arzhanin
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The one you provided wasn't really on topic friend, that one dealt with the idea that the original seller had not actually purchased the software in question, but rather purchased a set of rental licenses.


Nothing at all with an EULA protecting against software not functioning or lacking features as advertised.




This Section is to be read subject to Sections 6 and 7.


No Warranty on Software Operation or Game Play; Force Majeure.


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.


And thats within the EULA that every single person posting here agreed to.

Edited by Shingara
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Someone remarked that a dev said the success of PVP was a surprise, but it shouldn't have been.



A lot of people want to play a sci-fi, Star wars MMO. So they came to TOR. PvE is basically broken, considering that it is nearly impossible to form groups to do high-level content. The only other alternative is PvP.


Anyways, the new armor is out, and as long as they don't make it a total pain-in-the-*** grind, it will keep people happy for awhile, which will give the Devs time to get ranked WZs out. If the grind for War Hero gear is really boring (like BM commendations drops are now) or if players get all their gear and ranked WZs aren't out, leaving them with no reason to PvP, then Bioware will start to have a serious problem, especially with the games coming out in the next few months.

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I don't even begin to understand how this could have happened--it is not if somebody came in and erased all the coding for ranked pvp.


BW obviously does not understand how to "do" what they "say." In this world there are lots of things you can't control. Your WORD is one of few things you can. Please exercise that control.


Sometimes its okay to come straight out say... "look we kno its a work in progress. we thank you for paying to play our beta... soo, because we said we'd do it... here it is--hot patch coming soon."


How does one simply decide the day before the patch to remove content for basically half the user base? Are there not half the servers marked "pvp"? Whoever made that decision needs to be re-evaluated.


They really fubar'd this bad boy.

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