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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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well thats the end of the game, so many people were waiting for rated warzones to come back or start playing this was the last chance for the game.


Gear of wars 2 is coming out soon...no rated warzones means this game just became rift 2...pointless

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Yes thank you, some people are getting too worked up over this. I am sure when it does finally come out that it will be polished and great. Also all those people that are un-subbing will never see that final product. I shall stay loyal to you Bioware! :D


And in 3 months you might take the rose tinted glasses off and understand BW just failed big time, people are NOT happy and hell the euros haven't had there say yet. How meny more times are we gonna have fail after fail. Earlier 1.2 was released and oh wait now people are bugged 11 gig emmm no :/ now no ranked pvp whats next no wz at all.

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It will be certainly fun to listen to my guild members shouting at me for how big a fail this update is. Tomorrow is gonna be fun... :D


I'm already hearing it tonight from the ones that are left, unfortunately. I might have to server transfer out eventually due to lack of guild after this week. Hope I'm wrong.

Edited by islander
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Shame on you Bioware. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE EVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED IN YOUR COMPANY! If you had allowed single character copy instead of only entire guilds, you would have had more testers available for your Ranked Warzones. This shows me how much you really care about providing a great product for your your customer base.



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1.2 will be the final nail in the coffin for TOR... it will permanently put a cap on where it ends up... BW has consistently promised things and not delivered... they haven't learned to not promise things either.


If you say something in public, you'd better be damn sure you back it up by doing what you say.


Months ago, you said Guardians/Juggernauts needed help in survivability and mobility/anti-kiting... well, we were told to wait until 1.2... guess what... not only did we not get anything useful to help those issues, you nerfed survivability and basically killed the 2 trees we had that worked, while not fixing the tank tree. We have 46 pages in a thread on this, and several other threads dedicated to specific aspects, yet not a single response... instead I guess you were all too busy writing up content that nobody will ever get to see since the game won't last long enough for you to even get voice actors into the studio to record the vo's.


Several things have to happen VERY quickly:


1) Stop internal testing builds and builds ahead of what is on Live and PTS... it's just stupid to be internally testing something that we won't see for months and months. Instead, redirect those testers to what is currently on PTS so that we don't have the debacle like we did with the 1.2 PTS - where a lot of concerns basically go unnoticed/unresponded to.


2) Get 8-man queues out before the end of next week.


3) Give a credit/refund out to regain some of the trust you lost by putting out that little note at the end of the business day (9-5) that you weren't going to have rated warzones... I'm sorry Mr. Reid, you personally may not have known, but someone sure as hell knew that rated warzones weren't going to be in this patch.


4) Learn to not make promises in public you can't keep.


5) Listen to what your PTS testers say. 46 pages on the changes for Guardians/Juggernauts and not a single response from even a CSR saying that they're taking it to the devs is unacceptable. You said back in January that Guards/Juggs needed help... here it is the middle of April, and still no love.

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Did bioware hire all the ex soe dev's or what. We are paying for a game that is still in beta. Bioware claims to listen to the community. Over half the beta testers are pure pvp. I have not seen any action that would make me believe bioware is listening. I think bioware needs to concentrate on making a game for the community and not trying to take ideas from other mmo's, just to make a buck.


Kind of hard to listen to a community full of children. So many jaded views coming from all directions.

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All of this depends if a court would take the inclusion of RWZ in the 1.2 trailer, and on this website as advertisement or not.


Remember no matter what they put in an EULA, they don't get to break the law.


Actually what they put in the trailer and what exactly is released has been debated in court. Some movie companies advertise a movie yet some of the scenes in the ad never made it to the move or DVD, yet the courts did rule that it did not constitute false advertising.


So no matter what we saw within the ad just doesn't hold water for false advertising if something in it is delayed.

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I can see where you are coming from. But look at it like this as well. yea the idea is to get you to want to stay so you resub. kind of like giving a person a taste and then saying okay if you want more...pay up. all this stuff should have been in here at launch. And what about the "known Issue" where the game makes you re-down load it? but hey still pushing the patch with that not ready. They do not even offer a reason as to why it is not ready. And yes they are allowing people to vent. But watchout... they will remove your post if it is not to their liking. I build houses, if i do not complete on time i have to either give them their money back and they find someone eles or finnish it for free. So what do we expect now.. a free month? not likely. Just a sorry but here you go try this and we will have what you want next month after you resub. Now I also Have to remind people that they did say right out before launch to razor company that they were not focusing on pvp. the game is more pve. The only thing I can say is I am relizing that I do not enjoy buying only part of a game.


I do see where it is that you're coming from and don't get Me wrong, just because I stated that I can see where Bioware is coming from and accept the fact that they decided to pull this to make it more polished before it goes live, doesn't mean I actually agree with it or don't feel that we shouldn't be compensated in some way. This was a fairly large feature that MANY were looking forward too, including myself, and I'm a raider, and only pvp really in my spare time but it was something we were looking at doing on offnights. For us, yes, we have raiding and other things to keep us occupied, for someone that just purely PVP's? It is a huge blow to them, and I understand the outrage, certainly, I'm just stating from my own personal point of view, I don't see it as a reason to just drop everything and be done. However the fact that others do, I'm totally cool with and support their point of view, and think more people should do that on both sides of the coin. I was just expressing where some of those not in the "omgraging" side were coming from, but I definately and totally -do- see where they're coming from on the side this is effecting majorly.


And on another note for the record, I also do disagree with the timing of this announcement. And to what someone had said way earlier if "the op wasn't ready would they have pushed it back?" I think that's a fair question and I think they would have, that's alot of content, and before you go nuts, I'm -not- saying rankings isn't alot of content for pvper's I just think bioware thought the introduction of all the new gearing systems and the new warzone is enough to tide people over until they phase this in. I hope personally they're right even if it is crappy to the pvper's.

Edited by Dephyrius
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EULA isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Get it, because it's not printed on anything, see what I'm saying, it's worthless, it means literally nothing, it's just there to make people THINK they are giving up your rights.


Just lol.


EULA don't overwrite law, never have and never will.


Clearly other people in this thread see the promo material as an advertisement, if some one with legal power also views them that way, then EA-Bioware would be in a lot of trouble.


Hell Capcom are in more or less the same trouble right now with their latest fighter, and how it doesn't have a feature that in all the promos.


Who said anything about eulas overwriting law, they are within the law, who do you think designs and writes them, scooby doo.


But tell you what you report it and then come back to us and tell us what happens aye.

Edited by Shingara
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EULA isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Get it, because it's not printed on anything, see what I'm saying, it's worthless, it means literally nothing, it's just there to make people THINK they are giving up your rights.


So please, show me all these cases people have won against MMO developers regarding this issue, now. There have been many instances of the exact same thing in the past. SOE even changed their entire game, making what people payed for actually completely different from what they got. Where were the lawsuits? Oh, that's right, *nowhere*.

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And in 3 months you might take the rose tinted glasses off and understand BW just failed big time, people are NOT happy and hell the euros haven't had there say yet. How meny more times are we gonna have fail after fail. Earlier 1.2 was released and oh wait now people are bugged 11 gig emmm no :/ now no ranked pvp whats next no wz at all.


Like I said I will stay loyal to them, I am sure this must seem very bad to most of you but I am having fun and will keep playing unless I stop having fun which I doubt they could do anything that bad. I trust you made a good decision for the communuty Bioware. :)

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So please, show me all these cases people have won against MMO developers regarding this issue, now. There have been many instances of the exact same thing in the past. SOE even changed their entire game, making what people payed for actually completely different from what they got. Where were the lawsuits? Oh, that's right, *nowhere*.


It's called google.com kid don't make him substantiate his own claims.

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It's not really a straw man. I'm using your behavior to underline my belief that you aren't really quitting the game. Which is what I believe for a large percentage of the QQers in this thread.


Yes it is a straw man. Also, what I do in my free time is not a behavior.


To be honest, I think the way you feel is the complete opposite as to what you portray. I openly admit I am disappointed this game turned out to what I believe to be utter garbage. Not to mention I think the attitude the developers have and the actions they took (priority especially) was not only embarrassing, but down right failure. And an expensive failure at that.


But you do not openly admit why you are in this thread--defending the game, defending why you play and curious as to who really is quitting. Because now the people who screamed "no one cares that you are unsubing!!" is starting to realize that those 'negative' (realists in my opinion) subscribers are adding up and you all, like it or not, need people in the game to improve your experience. So instead of agreeing with what you deep down know to be true (that if this wasn't Star Wars you wouldn't like it), you continue to spend your time defending something that you don't truly believe in yourself.


We all have to wake up sometime--I did. It hurt, but I feel much better now that I do not deny it.


SWTOR is a failure. Maybe not in a business sense, but in an MMO sense... it fails with no sign of reprieve.

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I'm already hearing it tonight from the ones that are left, unfortunately. I might have to server transfer out eventually due to lack of guild after this week. Hope I'm wrong.


Same here... my guild was on the ropes even before 1.2 was announced... this will pretty much kill it I think...

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Go do a brief search on the PTS forum. There are far more bugs and threads with the new Operation and FP than there was on the Ranked WZ.


If Bioware actually had the decency to remove the Ranked WZ feature from 1.2 at least 1-2 weeks before the release, the outcry will definitely be not be as bad as this. Sure there would be some QQ as always but if they actually told us and gave us a reason why, players would be more understanding. Sure there were not many people around to test the Ranked WZ but there were no major problems with it at all.


You can be an apologist all you want but pulling away a feature a couple of hours before deployment without any sort of adequate explanation is just cutting it deep. If there was a major problem, tell us.


You expect behavior like this from idiots, not industry professionals.

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