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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Who cares **** about promises? It's about ******** right onto the face of a customer. Sure, they didn't LEGALLY promise anything, but c'mon...PvE guys...


I have a BM sniper, I'm disappointed about not getting ranked warzones too bud, but I don't feel **** on because they aren't providing it simply because my expectations weren't completely met.


My expectations apparently wouldn't have been met had they released ranked warzones anyhow. So which way would you prefer to be **** on exactly?

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For the ranked WH gear, you need a certain rating from ranked WZ's, so yes there will be something that players can save up for after the release but it won't last long.


Originally War Hero gear required Ranked WZ Comms, and Normal Comms.

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This is like when someone in school said "hey Ill give you my desert for one of your tacos"... then when you handed that person a taco they ran away. The only difference is I can't chase bioware down and beat them


I agree, there are either a lot of very thick people who play this game, or the EA bots are running on overdrive again.

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This thread went from 22 pages, to 116 (as of this moment) in like 5 minutes. Wow.


Most of it is filled with...I can't even find the words to describe it.


The sheer amount of entitlement is...staggering.


Some start with a good constructive post about business practices (your own view, I might add), then destroy it with a dose of the above.


I had hoped that this game might bring a more mature community, partly because it's Star Wars, and partly because the game didn't launch with certain features. In the last week, I have seen that most of the vocal community for this game don't fit that description.


To Bioware: I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but this looks very much like a bait-and-switch. Personally, I don't care, because PvP isn't the reason I pay to play this game, but others do care. Even if you only read 1 post per page, you will see just how much they do. Despite the fact this was only Preseason, and going to be wiped into oblivion, this could have been handled much better. My advice to you at this point would be that the implementation of this feature becomes a very, very high priority. Copy my character over, and I will gladly help test it as my time allows.


To the Constructive folks in this thread: Thank you.


To the Entitled Crybabies and Ragers: Your behavior is disgraceful. You make me ashamed to be part of the same species.



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You promise, then deliver. That's what builds company reputation and customer loyalty.

Repeatedly promise, and then repeatedly fail to deliver, and you do the opposite.


Bioware should never have made these promises. The should never have set a timeline without knowing whether they could meet it or not; certainly not without doing a little preliminary work on identifying the scope of the problems.


This is a business mistake par excellence. It is a textbook case of amateur business practice; poor planning; poor understanding of customer base and consumer expectations. Consequently, the focus in 1.2. has been misapplied, and the whole process botched.


To notify expectant paying customers that a hotly anticipated feature is delayed for the foreseeable future a few hours before due release is the sort of stuff that sinks games. These days people are not going to wait - Bioware needs to learn quick smart that we are not living in the bad old days when content was only ever released on CD, and people would wait for years for expansions and updates. We live in a digital age where paying customers expect efficiency and promises to be delivered.


People will not continue forking out money month-after-month without getting what they were promised. Bioware has failed, spectacularly. They will learn that word-of-mouth will warn off prospective new customers, and that existing customers pull the plug.


Bioware needs to get professional administrators and customer-service gurus onto their team to avoid making textbook business mistakes. And all within less than 12 months of initial release!


damn nice post.

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I'm pretty sure I remember reading above the patch notes.


"The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change."


That includes Ranked Warzones I'm fairly certain.


No promises were made or broken.


so then by your logic why even make patch notes? rated warzones were expected, most people expect them to make changes regarding balance issues and certain bugs, but people dont expect a major part of the patch to get completely removed/postponed.


its safe to say that after testing rated warzones for months, watching the trailer of rated warzones and having the developers talk about rated warzones for at least a month that most people expected rateds to come with patch 1.2

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So for you all ************ that Bioware is bad for not releasing content on patch day i say go look at WoW and the Cataclysm release. Where is the the Path of the Titans they had planned to release etc.


For anyone arguing they are entitled to everything because you think being a paying customer means you are always correct is wrong.


Bioware does not need to give you anything as you do not have any right to say they need to do something.


Now i am unhappy they did not release the rated warzones but i am not going to cry like a baby because they did not release it due to a serious issue they asked for help testing with a lack of responsiveness from players due to the players not wanting to waste time on a beta even if Bioware was offering free copies of characters from the server that the players were playing on.

Edited by Bakinpacman
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Unfortunately, this is the case. You will be able to queue in an eight-man team IF Ranked Warzones are implemented.


Regarding the timing of this announcement, the decision was made late in our testing for Game Update 1.2, after the team had examined the data and done additional internal testing. This was the same data and the same process we swore by in beta, and epic failed so bad that we had to nerf 7 out of 8 classes in 1.2 in various ways. Someday we might figure out that hiding behind this process and this data just pisses our customers off after so many repeated fails. There was no deliberate delay. As soon as the decision was made, we communicated that to you. We realize it's a late announcement, but we felt it was only fair to communicate the change before Game Update 1.2 was pushed live.


Work on re-instating Ranked Warzones has already begun, and is the highest priority for the PvP team right now. Plus Ilum, since that is a complete disaster. They all want to bring the feature to you as soon as possible. However, we will not compromise on quality by rushing it to launch. Like we did with this game already, as we launched with things like a bar to represent the legacy system, unbalanced classes, and factions so poorly implemented that we have a massive faction imbalance across virtually every single server...As Daniel said, once we are satisfied Ranked Warzones work well and are fun for all who want to take part in them, we'll launch them.


My free fixes in red. yw. And here is another free clue, you might want to think about actually letting people pick which WZ they want to play, since WZs represent the SUM of pvp in this game now, and people are getting REALLY sick of them.

Edited by Dyvim
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Are you seriously understanding what I am saying?


The 1.2 notes were never final, not even up till it's launched a few hours from now, everything is still in flux and subject to change. Which means they don't promise that any of the stuff in 1.2 will be guaranteed on it's release.




Also calling me 'young' isn't giving you any boy scout points or street cred, don't know what you are trying to achieve by saying it.

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I applaud your courage in coming to the forums after dropping that bomb. I wouldn't have wanted to read the thousands of comments against the company lol.


I, for one, am glad that they will have a more polished system, but I do think that at this point it would've been better to go ahead and release and have a patch to fix things. Going back on something you have put so much press into is not a great idea, but I am sure you are just doing what you have to do. I am sure you are aware of how hard this is going to hit your subs because people are too impatient to wait it out.


One suggestion I would make is to make the WZ comms a 1-1 ratio to Ranked WZ comms instead of 1-3 for the time being. The reason I say this is it isn't fair to penalize the people who would have skipped regular WZs completely in favor of Ranked WZs, and thus would have geared up much more quickly. Now, only the people with ridiculous amounts of time will be able to get the new gear, and they will quickly outpace those of us that are just as dedicated but don't have the copious amounts of time to get 3x the number of commendations we were expecting to have to grind.

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This is like when someone in school said "hey Ill give you my desert for one of your tacos"... then when you handed that person a taco they ran away. The only difference is I can't chase bioware down and beat them


It's responses like these that continually remind me of how long I've played MMOs. Bugs, delayed features, shifting timetables/priorities...these are part and parcel of playing games in this genre. Every SINGLE MMO to ever come out has faced these issues, especially within the first six months. Compare TOR2012 to WOW2012 all you want, but TOR doesn't have 7+ years of revenue to cycle into development and figure out all of the bugs/fill in content gaps.


Basically, if you expected everything to be shiny and on-time, you're in the wrong hobby.

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"With Legacy, the new Warzone, Operation, and Flashpoint, as well as many other amazing features of Game Update 1.2 ready to go, we're very excited for tomorrow's additions"


Legacy... I will never have the patience to reroll and level up another character just for the storyline, because once we hit 50 there will be nothing to do once again. Although I loved the storyline aspect in an MMO I just don't want to do it alll over again.


New warzone...Always good to get new warzones, but it will not keep people busy for that long..Whats the point of pvping when valor is meaningless and the new War Hero gear is extremely ugly.


New Operation...Again always good to get new end game content hopefully it will not be as glitchy as the current operations. Once again like the addition of the new war zone it will get played out quick.


New Flashpoint... Cool, but that doesnt really mean much to level 50s.


"In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams"


Alternate purchase route for War Hero gear.. Wonder what that will be...

Figuring out your teams ....? ROFL Teams were figured out a loooong time ago. Haven't laughed so hard in a while .


UI Customization...Awesome been waiting for that for a while can't wait...On the other hand I mostly wanted it so my moves could be closer together for pvp and I wouldn't have to go to one side of the screen to the other..The middle actionbars really just needed to be longer to fit all of the moves you gave us.


Other "amazing" features... Dont know what they are, but I highly doubt that they will be amazing.. I am not excited about the patch at all...Used to be, but not anymore..


When I PvP what I want is to obtain the high end gear that only people who work hard and are skilled can obtain.. There is nothing special about getting good gear when its so easy for everyone to get! People who are good at their class and work hard at it should have the advantage over the casual unsklled Pvper. The new War Hero gear is what should have been delayed since it is so ugly we wont want to wear it.


I understand that the rated warzones were not "polished" so you did not want to release it, but if the stuff you do release is "unpolished" that will prove that is not the real reason you did not release rated warzones. Every other aspect of this game is glitchy from raid bosses to Illum...So, why not go ahead with the pre-season and fix it along the way..?

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But was it ever promised to us? Nope.


To think anything is guaranteed in a future patch is a bit naive. Even if it's less than 24 hrs away.




there's a Difference.



When you see a car advertised on TV with power steering, when you go to the dealership to buy the car you expect it has power steering as advertised.


I dont know about you, but im pretty dang sure theres video's, and informational posts straight from EA/BW that state - these are the changes coming in 1.2



I saw it advertised that 1.2 would have a new warzone, and ranked PVP. This is what i expect.



You keep acting like its ok, perfectly ok, and acceptable for whats happend here to have happend. Youv'e even been cheering BW/EA on in posts for "taking it slow".


Yet if you went to a car dealership and they told you that power steering had been delayed and wont be included "untill its ready", would you not turn around, and seek to buy a car elsewhere? Then encourage all you're friends to steer clear of that car company.

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Are you seriously understanding what I am saying?


The 1.2 notes were never final, not even up till it's launched a few hours from now, everything is still in flux and subject to change. Which means they don't promise that any of the stuff in 1.2 will be guaranteed on it's release.




Also calling me 'young' isn't giving you any boy scout points or street cred, don't know what you are trying to achieve by saying it.


So if the Legacy portion of 1.2 Legacy Update didn't come with the patch, you would say what, exactly?

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