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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Bioware's Dev meeting:


Dev 1: "Alright guys, we have Tera and GW2 coming out soon. They're both gonna be major competition. What should we do to make sure we don't lose a ton of subs to them?"


Dev 2: "Remove Rated Warzones from 1.2 mere hours before it goes live?"


Dev 1: "Brilliant idea! Start on it right away!"


and so began the end of PvP in SWTOR

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While we have no current ETA for Ranked Warzones to be implemented, as a full development/testing cycle needs to be completed, we're hopeful it'll happen before the next major Game Update (1.3).



Queuing for solo Ranked Warzones will be implemented after the eight-man queuing system is implemented.


Stephen, stop posting please. Youre only making it worse.


Either internal testing produced red flags and nothing was done to fix it, or no internal testing took place and last week's Ranked WZ test produced red flags, and now there is no time to fix it.


If the problem is large enough that it requires ANOTHER full development cycle, its a problem youve known about for a while. If you are telling the truth, and the problem did just pop up out of nowhere, it should be something your PvP department can handle and fix in a week.


Major gamebreaking issues do not just come out of thin air. Just admit, please, that Bioware does not do internal testing of anything. It will make understanding your decisions that much easier

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While I agree that this was indeed a low blow to announce so last-minute... people need to grow the hell up... if you hate the game as much as you all say you'd be gone. Simple as that. You're not entitled to anything because you dish out $15/month like the rest of us.... It's a game people get a grip. I'm a PvPer and my server population blows compared to how it was at launch but jesus they'll fix it, the game is still young... LIFE GOES ON PEOPLE.


Yes many people overreacting but I heard what you said before and it didn't end well to be honest. ;)

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Bioware's Dev meeting:


Dev 1: "Alright guys, we have Tera and GW2 coming out soon. They're both gonna be major competition. What should we do to make sure we don't lose a ton of subs to them?"


Dev 2: "Remove Rated Warzones from 1.2 mere hours before it goes live?"


Dev 1: "Brilliant idea! Start on it right away!"


and so began the end of PvP in SWTOR


Seriously, this is probably an EA call. Let's not forget who's fiscally pulling Bioware's strings.


The Bioware people themselves are good people.

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My guild, my server and my friends are all beyond words at how asinine and rediculous this last minute redaction is on bioware's behalf. For context, nearly 40+ Players that I know will NOT be coming back because of this.


You can make the argument that it wasn't ready, but the fact of the matter is that it was at a functional level on the PTS. Holding back ranked WZ gear would have been one thing, but this is just... I can't even express how disappointed I am in you guys.



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So....TO sum it up, server population on most servers are suffering...So, the band aid answer was cross server Qing which would come after 1.2...To hold us over, we could Q with 8 when 1.2 goes live....But low and behold, this isn't happening either....That is a big fat fail.
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A lot will be upset and rightfully so. Not being level 50 yet I can only hope they are available by then.


Any reason behind this change? If it truly is gear was too easy to obtain then that kinda irks me, but I doubt that's the reason. If it's because of other reasons such as dev philosophy being that it separates the community, then let it be known that if solo rated q'ing is not available I will quit immediately seeing as how my computer overheats if I play for more than 20 mins at a time. I have a top end PC too.

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I'm honestly at this point completely curious as to what the PVP team is thinking. The Ilum Daily's are gone now right? So there's NO incentive to go there anymore (if there was much before) so basically we're forced to stick with 4 man queues after being told that we would have rateds in 1.2.


I'm all for releasing a finished product but you tell us hours before.. And then tell us you're "hopeful" it'll be before 1.3!? Sorry Bioware I'm done.

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Is this still the biggest update ever? I was reading on the internets that bioware was saying biggest free update ever. With this taken out does it knock it down to 4th or 5th? Lol


I miss the old bioware. You guys were awesome before you joined EA.

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Rushing it? Bioware does one thing, they delay stuff saying "We want it perfect" And they release a poor product. They need to get rid of whoever is in charge of the PvP content, because he's obviously a PVE'er.


It's all good. It sucks all the same too but patience, I know I'm tired of hearing or seeing it too :), is the only answer. It's a huge feature to add. Getting it right with the small amount of time spent testing it would have been way over anyone that's complaining expectations anyway. IMO I think the whole applying for character copy was a huge waste and failed utterly. When they get that right then I'll have a lot more faith in things rolling out in a more timely manner.

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If we had level 50s on the Test Server to tst the pvp content, 75% of my guild would have gone. That option was not offered. How could they expect a meaningful number of people to grind a character to 50 on a server that was temporary?


It cannot be that hard to put generic level 50s on people's test server account. Have them pick which ones they want on your website so when they log into the test server they do not have to grind to 50 to HELP you FIX YOUR GAME.


^This, so hard..

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If you are unsubbing because of this, please comment that you are unsubbing because of this idiotic **** up.


also, if you are unsubbing, please type /unsubbing right in this forum. Lets get across to the devs that their stupid **** attention on legacy and RP ******** is not gonna keep players in the game.

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While we have no current ETA for Ranked Warzones to be implemented, as a full development/testing cycle needs to be completed, we're hopeful it'll happen before the next major Game Update (1.3).



Queuing for solo Ranked Warzones will be implemented after the eight-man queuing system is implemented.


Please stop talking Stephen. You only look silly with remarks like these.

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If you resubed for the 1.2 patch and that was the reason, you paid with any type of credit card cheack your company police regarding delivery on internett products and so on.


Only way they understand is when they lose money. 1.2 patch has been promoted with promises of content and so on for weeks, now some of it is not gone be deliverd. Consumer laws are diffrent from contry to contry and credit companys have diffrent rules regarding "delivere of internett products". I know that in my own country if this had been a physical product the money whoud be returned asap. as long as product is not deliverd at right moment as it was presented whole, so said agreament is broken and void.


Other then that a unsub is also an idea.

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I understand your frustration, but that's just not the case.


While I can't give you a window into the studio other than my word, the decision to cut this feature was made very recently. There was no deliberate delay and we brought you the news as soon as it was known. It was a very difficult decision for the development team, and not one that was taken lightly. The PvP team is hard at work on reinstating Ranked Warzones right now.


In the interim why not allow 8-person queuing for normal warzones even though it isn't as intended. Surely it wasn't intended not to release the ranked warzones but it is what is happening.


Give us 8-person queue ability so guilds can actually pvp together as a full group!!!

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I hope you realize this will single handedly lose you thousands of subscriptions, mine included. 1.2 was your saving grace and you just **** on the player base that's waited patiently for a real game. This game shouldn't have even been released in its current state and now you're going to delay it even more..... what a joke.
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While we have no current ETA for Ranked Warzones to be implemented, as a full development/testing cycle needs to be completed, we're hopeful it'll happen before the next major Game Update (1.3).


This... is a joke right? Hopeful before 1.3? Please tell us you have some idea of when 1.3 will be, otherwise I feel as though you shouldn't have mentioned that.

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