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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Hyping (marketing) rated WZ's = a lot of ppl re-subbed just for these type of features. Telling people 8 hours before the patch hits live means they grabbed a month worth of subscription from a lot of people before having to make the announcement. If you did not realize that this was all calculated, then you fail at basic life (I don't mean YOU, I mean any person that think sthis was all a big coincidence...).


Now I know that quite a few signs do point at this. I feel it's still only an assumption that they planned this. While a genius short-term business play, I'm not so sure we're dealing with masterminds who also have incredibly bad foresight.

Edited by harlander
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Now I know that quite a few signs do point at this, I feel it might be making the assumption that they planned this whole fiasco. While a genius short-term business play, I'm not so sure we're dealing with mastermind's who also have incredibly bad foresight.


Case in point, my theory stands.

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To all the tossers out there that cry about waiting and how pro wow are. Think how long it took wow to bring out rated bgs....around 2yrs from release if i remember right, and how many bugs did it have when it did come out.... meh i'v been pretty happy with swtor since release, theres been a couple of issues but overall not a bad release, when u consider most mmo's. I dont like the random crap with rewarding pvp'ers ie bm badges. Think thats just unfair for some and totally unjust for others. Anyway i'm not going anywhere soon keep up the good work looking forward to the patch. Edited by helquin
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Daniel U take as much time as u need to perfect the ranked pvp system..I enjoy pvp as much as the next guy or maybe even a little more..Do not listen to these people who want it now because they can not grasp the idea of what would happen to pvp in general if the flawed ranked system was released..I enjoy to pvp and i enjoy the fact that we can be ranked to see who the ones who put time into the pvp woirld and who r the ones who slack during it and do not give pvp the full respect it does deserve. The only thing i have to say is Less huttball intervals lol
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I think ranked warzones will work very well when there are cross server options available.


I currently think the biggest issue is to merge servers, or to get cross server options working. I'm currently almost at the end of my patience with having to queue 20 mins for a game for it to be 5v8 or similar, almost every game.


Please sort the above issue out as soon as possible. Please.


As for ranked warzones, whether they are here today or in a month, if they don't sort out the lack of players to play against first then no matter how good it is, it will be terrible for warzones as a whole.


Once again, please merge servers or allow cross server warzones, and make it the absolute top priority.


I haven't seen any plans for server merges, so like myself you're gonna have to reroll on another server or wait a couple months for cross servers. Which both don't sound very appealing to me.

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Now I know that quite a few signs do point at this. I feel it's still only an assumption that they planned this. While a genius short-term business play, I'm not so sure we're dealing with masterminds who also have incredibly bad foresight.


I really want to believe that, but this is not the first time this happens, it's been going on since before the launch of the game: empty promises, never to be delivered, over-marketing etc. I'm sorry, but it is really hard to believe anything positive at this point.

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Daniel U take as much time as u need to perfect the ranked pvp system..I enjoy pvp as much as the next guy or maybe even a little more..Do not listen to these people who want it now because they can not grasp the idea of what would happen to pvp in general if the flawed ranked system was released..I enjoy to pvp and i enjoy the fact that we can be ranked to see who the ones who put time into the pvp woirld and who r the ones who slack during it and do not give pvp the full respect it does deserve. The only thing i have to say is Less huttball intervals lol


The main point in which you all fail to grasp is the bait advertising employed......they KNEW ranked was'nt ready but did not disclose this until under 24hrs we're left till update, classic bait advertising.

Edited by gorgenator
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If its borked its borked fair enough..


But EPIC FAIL imho Again!


they spend too much money making flashy videos and telling us how awesome the game is.

instead of reealy listening to the player base.. if they had of listened half the healing nerfs would not be in , or at least reduced,


very dissapointed , our big guild only realy has PvPers left , and i know what a lot of them will do after this poorly timed announcement..

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Now I know that quite a few signs do point at this. I feel it's still only an assumption that they planned this. While a genius short-term business play, I'm not so sure we're dealing with masterminds who also have incredibly bad foresight.


They Short term millions will be meaningless when an exodus for Guild Wars 2 or Secret world comes out. I still like this game and don't plan on leaving, but Bioware just screwed over their base. Gamers may be fickel, but you don't want to poke them with a stick either.

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Pvp is only a part of this game, not 99% of it but whatever. All the crying here cracks me up mostly. Its a game kids, not real life


Indeed. Ive now officially stopped answering entitled pvp players questions myself.

Edited by Karkais
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I really want to believe that, but this is not the first time this happens, it's been going on since before the launch of the game: empty promises, never to be delivered, over-marketing etc. I'm sorry, but it is really hard to believe anything positive at this point.


Sadly BW is catching up to Blizz in this regard.

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If you had asked me what i was most looking forward to, well this would be it. I am unable to fathom why people don't understand why people are upset about it. Does it mean I'll stop playing? probably not...i just do not like being deceived.


Waiting until this time to tell players a core part of the promised patch will not be introduced is deception to a degree. People can try and sugar coat it but they must have known this was a possibility a time ago.


To make matters worse Ilum is broken by the devs own admission so you have to wonder if they can ever do any high lvl pvp competently.


For a maxed lvl 50 the pvp is sub standard as it stands and it should have been one of the first things done right.

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/chuckle...some of you guys are just sad. I read it here, where they said they just play this game for the pvp. I lol'd at that. Anyways, keep up the good fight Bioware. Take the time you need to make it right the first time or as close as can be before you launch it.


I am still waiting on word what the "Special Project" around space, and how Guild Ships is going to be!!

Edited by Skjoldr
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They should apply ranked warzone into live as a TEST PHASE, allowing players to play and gains valor/comms but all rating will be wiped upon official release. Unless they can have the auto-copy of level 50s available very soon, I think this is a more realistic solution. Admit that it is still a test phase and may have a lot of bugs, let them play and find out bugs instead of keep them waiting with frustration.
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I play on a server where Imp's outnumber Repubs by about 6 to 1. Will the Ranked Pre-Season be cross-server? Also as mostly a solo player i feel it's a bit unfair to do 8 man ranked pre-season and not give us solo players a way to get in asap. It's difficult to get an 8 man team together when our fleet pop never goes over 20-30. Thank You for your time and consideration. Antics-Darth Malak Edited by Johntjones
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I am quite certain that I recall people complaining about how this feature was working on the test server and saying they would leave if it WAS left in...


Now, here's a drekload of people leaving over it.


I have formulated a theory that the MMO community (or people who provide feedback about multi-user experiences online, generally MMOs), feeds into the same brain centers as subscribing to conspiracy "theories".


So many want to be the "one" who sees it differently than everyone, that isn't the one being fooled. The sheeple can keep playing, but I, I have discerned the real truth!!


So yes to you all, yes, yes YES.. You are the geniuses that discerned the downfall of the game. Now go play something else, or go post how excited you are about "As Yet Unreleased MMO X" because IT will be your new panacea. The rest of us are playing a game that is pretty fun and worth the monthly fee, TO US.


For God's sake people, this is a game that hasn't been out a year yet. I am having fun playing. I enjoy it a few nights a week, and I like the concept and content.


Lighten the frag up.


You said it "a drekload of people leaving over it". The servers are already barren places. How many people do you think BW can afford to lose before they they have to call it a quit?I personally might not unsub over this, but if this games turns to a F2P game I rly am going to because a P2P game turning into a F2P one is a big fail in my book and as I see it they sure are heading that way.

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Seriously, i love this game, i love it because I love the star wars universe. Am mostly a PvP boy and what happened with removing ranked warzone from 1.2 patch highly disgust me.


Here there is a huge mistake. Half of the PvP community has already left the game. Some were coming back for 1.2 and ranked warzones. What can you say to the guys who just took back their subscription and get stolen now. And what about all the people who are leaving the game right now after this mistake?


I was realy hoping the best for bioware and it's promisefull game. I always supported them on the french community forum but i have to say that now i feel like a ***** black baby bird.


I can understand that the system for ranked warzone is not ready yet etc... but how can you realise it 8h before the patchnote to be released. You had to know it before, you had to tell it to the community earlier. Here it is a real robbery for PvP community. It seems you only act regarding to the release of the competitors new games and it will cause the opposite than what you expected.


The fact is that you dont have enough level 50 people on your test server to check the endgame features. Why can you not allow people to copy/past their level 50 toons from live server to the test one? Did you wasted all your money (and hell you had so much money for this game) on marketing campain?


I am really afraid that now the game goes on his end, and this is so sad considering his potential. I'm a member from a cool PvE/PvP guild on a french server (with modest population). We already cleaned the PvE operations in 16 nightmare, we already beat everyone in warzones. Now we got a new operation (with no nightmare mod). We will probably clean it in 1-2 weeks. What will we do after this? 80% of the guild is already looking for new games. Can you tell them they are wrong? You promised tons of features but the truth is that half of these were already living during the beta. And the most waited one is just ninja-deleted 8 hours before the patch release.


Well am posting here because I hope some dev will notice it - even if lot's of people are saying the same - while our french community forum has no visibility for the devs.


By the way, I notice that english speaking community is really more polite than the fench one. Our anger has no limit anymore and I think this is justified.


Well I stop here, sorry for my bad english and the lack of brevity of my post.

I hope you will find some solution as soon as possible or at least give a free month or something. This seems huge but it's nothing considering the tons of people that are leaving the game right now.


Good luck, kind regards,


A french PvP boy

Edited by Makhno
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I am quite certain that I recall people complaining about how this feature was working on the test server and saying they would leave if it WAS left in...


Now, here's a drekload of people leaving over it.


I have formulated a theory that the MMO community (or people who provide feedback about multi-user experiences online, generally MMOs), feeds into the same brain centers as subscribing to conspiracy "theories".


So many want to be the "one" who sees it differently than everyone, that isn't the one being fooled. The sheeple can keep playing, but I, I have discerned the real truth!!


So yes to you all, yes, yes YES.. You are the geniuses that discerned the downfall of the game. Now go play something else, or go post how excited you are about "As Yet Unreleased MMO X" because IT will be your new panacea. The rest of us are playing a game that is pretty fun and worth the monthly fee, TO US.


For God's sake people, this is a game that hasn't been out a year yet. I am having fun playing. I enjoy it a few nights a week, and I like the concept and content.


Lighten the frag up.


Then sure, this is probably great for you... Others play MMO's every night, and you can call that whatever you want, I call it a hobby. Now when paying for this game, and having been promised a certain product for that payment and then not recieving, even you faboi oh fanboi has to see that THAT is pretty f'ed up...

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The day before, no I'm sorry the NIGHT before 1.2 comes out, you pull the only real content in the patch. Bioware, you KNEW well before last night that you weren't releasing rated warzones. Many of my guildies resubbed to play 1.2, or rather i should say rated because 1.2 is a big joke without it. You lied to them straight up Bioware and gave them a plate of crappy PVE garbage.



90% of 1.2 is just fluff that should have been in at launch. 5% is PVE content which will get old in 2 days. The other 5% is rated warzones which is the only REAL content in the patch.


Leveling an operative so I can get the jedi knight buff is NOT real content. The legacy system is NOT real content. It's all smoke and mirrors that appeases the farmville and hello kitty island adventure crowd. How about in a game that's suppose to be this EPIC galactic fight between two superpowers we actually "interact" with the other faction a little bit.



You're a joke bioware. I really honestly can't see any other company telling their customers at the last minute like this. You knew well before hand and didn't say a word hoping to slip it in at the last second. What a joke.

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