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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I suppose this gives people a few extra weeks to get augment crafted gear and play with the new skill setups.


that said, dropping this a few hours before the servers are brought down is the latest in a long line of terrible communication issues. BioWare really need to get a grip. Many of the in game issues are blown out of proportion by people who like to hate on the game but poor communication is probably their biggest problem right now. I don't think they lack respect for the community, but because of things like this, I can see how people may think that way.

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just a question: would you feel the same if say 12 hrs b4 release they said Ok no legacy this patch sorry but not ready yet even though we advertised it would be


Yes, I would.


I play PVP everyday. I was also looking forward to Ranking. But throwing yourself on the ground and stamping your feet won't do anything but make you look foolish, and that is being accomplished in droves in this thread.


Suggesting that I'm not a hardcore PVP'r or else I'd be behaving like a spoiled brat says more about the attitude in this thread than me.

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The point is that THEY ARE RELEASING NEW FEATURES. PvP is a chunk missing but they didn't cancel the full 1.2 Update. AN operation is coming out, a New Flashpoint is coming out, Legacy is coming out, AND WHY DID PEOPLE FORGET THE HIGHER RES SETTINGS, yes that is aesthetic, but still pleasing ;)

It is a shame it was pushed for release, and everyone was expecting more, but this isn't a standpoint for the game, MORE is being released, MORE is in the works, I have read what the upcoming 1.3,1.4 and 1.5 patches will include and I am sticking around this game whether it has less content than it should, because I KNOW it will become the game to own.


Exactly we are actually getting alot of free content coming so by the time in a year or so when all of the bugs are sorted and the game is stable ,I am confident the greatest MMO expansion or at least one of the greatest will come to TOR.

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the issue is not with content it's with their honesty and TIMING of honesty


Well, ya , that is a valid point, but i am not going to ragequit, if they constantly do that then i would be upset, but maybe it just came down to a last minute decision, you ever think that they were going to release it but they had a last minute meeting weighing the pros and cons. i will give them the benefit of the doubt, they are on a learning curve and are entitled to a few early mistakes. i really dont see why its ruining peoples lives so much they feel the need to quit the game because they were promised something, they will come through, seriosly, whats another couple weeks or even a month? big deal, everyone wants everything "NOW NOW NOW" just take a deep breath and everything will be ok lol ;)::p

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1more WZ ??? nah.

It will be boring after 1 months.


1 months and we clear the new OP, and the 1 new wz will be boring after a months, 1 more Huttball and i cut my hair.


But honestly 1,2 nothing to do, if only 20ppl on the fleet. I need to wait an hour??

I kill only the same ppl again and again, i already know all of them and theire playstyle 2.


Server merge or free character transfer 1st.

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I will cancel my Subscription. Its lie, I paid for next month only because Ranked Pre-Season and in last minute BW said they cut off it... Shame on you BW, SWTOR is last game which I bought from you. Edited by Chosens
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Have fun continuing to pay a subscription cost to beta test their game.


Apparently, even when you tell sheep that they are sheep, all they can say to you is "Baaaa."


You are the type of player that EA's marketing team can ignore. Seeing as how you are completely okay with the terrible launch and the deceptive profit plays by EA, you will play anything with a Star Wars name on it.


The rest of us, the ones with standards, have evolved our needs from MMOs, so we seek much more from the product. SWTOR simply did not deliver for us, and getting slighted once and again by EA has to end at some point. After investing over $100 in this product, I can say that I've tried it, and that it does not meet my standards.


You said WoW's current endgame is stale, yet SWTOR offers less content, less balance, less competition. But you are okay with it (for whatever personal reason you have). WoW is more easily accessible, has more people playing, has more difficulty levels for PvE and PvP, is more organized, and has a much better customer policy.


You are saying that you are okay with buying a laptop that has no ethernet or USB ports. You are saying that you are okay with buying a house with no bathroom.

You are saying that you only need a cell phone that makes calls.

You'll roll down your windows in your car instead of blasting the AC on a hot day.


No hate against you, but just realize that other people have more demands from the product we call an MMO. The franchise of Star Wars deserves a higher standard than this.


Why are you here then? Just asking, why not just go? Go back to WoW? If you won't please tell me why? If you stay, Please tell me why? The only thing I see from your comment is that you do not like this game and would rather play wow, so why waste more time on the SWTOR forums?... Unless you do not like pandas, then I can understand you staying here.

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Yes, I would.


I play PVP everyday. I was also looking forward to Ranking. But throwing yourself on the ground and stamping your feet won't do anything but make you look foolish, and that is being accomplished in droves in this thread.


Suggesting that I'm not a hardcore PVP'r or else I'd be behaving like a spoiled brat says more about the attitude in this thread than me.


you forgot to mention how you would actually respond to no legacy just a silly comment about brats......... your power company says yes you will have electricity this winter then in winter you have none.....same basic premise what you SAY and ADVERTISE should be accountable

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Im glad Bioware are taking more time to polish the ranked warzones. Better near perfect than botched together just for the sake of fast delivery. Just with GW2 having awesome beta PVP zones, Bioware has got some serious brainstorming sessions to appease the swtor pvp crowd from leaving.
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Wow. Really? You are unsubbing because the devs took a long hard look at the feature, a feature they obviously REALLY wanted to get in and they make the hard but mature decision to hold it back so they can perfect it?


Would you have been happier if they had pushed the broken system with tomorrow's patch instead?

Or would you have preferred 1.2 to have been delayed completely for this feature? Because those were the only two solutions to this.


Oh you silly naive person, bless you.


They announced the exclusion of rated in the 11th hour because it was driving up re-subscriptions. This is a typical move of a money grabbing sham which knows it is on its last legs. If you think otherwise, as mentioned above, bless you.

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bioware, you really dont get it, dont you. you just dont care about your players and what they want. if i had to take ranked wz or legacy. OFC I WOULD TAKE RANKED PVP!!!!! this is really a big failure!!!! you have to make the MMO endless and if you dont have that, well then people just get bored and stop
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you forgot to mention how you would actually respond to no legacy just a silly comment about brats......... your power company says yes you will have electricity this winter then in winter you have none.....same basic premise what you SAY and ADVERTISE should be accountable


No it's more like "You will have Ultimate Power in the next few hours" then just get power without the ultimate part.

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Cancelled as of a few minutes ago (only had 6 days left remaining)


This will be remembered as one of the biggest fails, grats and enjoy your conference call with your shareholders for next quarter.


Sleep well tonight, I will now knowing my money is better off elsewhere!

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Ok, now, ranked WZ are off - what can we do...


I am interested does anybody know anything about the following:


- was the change of the mods in BM suit also as announced, or was it aborted too?

- Ranked WZ had one feature that was making me feeling good about future PVP - peeps who log off in first seconds after they see the team/log off in the middle of pvp. Is there gonna be anything to fix this? Like, no log in to PVP zone for 1 hour penalty?

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I am a ranked 82 player on main and 70 on alt and to be honest i am happy ranked WZ are not out yet. Why?

Because classes are not yet balanced out there and those ranked WZ will make those unbalanced classes even more visible. So, it is beter that first of all Bioware and Devz balance classes beter (dont wana see healers killing dpsers and doin 400k dmg and 500k healing-see Operatives lately).

If they ofer the posibilities for all clases to keep their specific and gain honor/medals in apropiate maners then the game will be balanced somehow.

Also hybrid specs must be nerfed drasticaly. In old WOW they did same mistake but they also corected short after. We have that sad experience alrdy (see holy paladins killing dpsers/tanks with exorcism instant cast or 1 sec cast, or disc priest doing the same)

Many things must be corected like stuns Operatives put on players. It is a 4 sec stun but u need 6 sec in reality to recover from the ground where u are after the stun to stand up again on y feet. Dont count here they open with 5k+ backstab and another 3k and 2k short after wondering how u died.

They have to make tanks hold most dmg ( see sentinels/marauders who have beter survivability then tanks with lower CD also-1 minute for guarded by the force, while tanks have 3 minutes for their abilities wich absorb less, alot less dmg).

Healers must be healers not dpsers and dpsers must be dpsers and not tanks.

After all this short fixes they can implement ranked WZ.


The Force is my ally.

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All in all it opens my eyes TY Bioware there are SO MANY mmo's out in the next 4-6 months that have not lied to me as yet as a paying customer. I was really enjoying swtor since dec but it comes down to this i PAY for honesty no honesty no pay.....gg bioware...even letting me know honestly about ranked 2 weeks ago would have been enough
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