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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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What a great year Bioware has had, Epic FAIL in every department SWTOR Not finished and still not finished making promises they never keep. They make a good game they FAIL so hard at making a ending for ME3 after about 3 years of waiting, someone Sue Bioware for being absolute Idiots!
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No character copy tool on the PTS - WAHH Unsubbed

No Ranked Warzones - WAHH Unsubbed

No Arenas - WAHH Unsubbed

Not how it "should" be - WAHH Unsubbed


...you are aware that BioWare is working from scratch here... right?


Blizzard set a very high standard with WoW. They've had SEVEN YEARS to perfect their craft... and they still don't get it completely right half the time. It's understandable that people are crying over this patch - You came from a well-established MMO that has existed for 21 times the length of time that SWTOR has existed. You've been spoiled. That's ok.


Blizzard is not BioWare, BioWare is NOT Blizzard. I'm pretty sure that at no time did BioWare devs have access to WoW's source code, nor were they assisted directly by Blizzard devs at any point in the game's development or anytime thereafter. They're the competition, why would they? Everything they've done, they've done on their own, and I think they've done a decent job so far. Not a perfect job, because no one is perfect. There are aspects that can and should be fixed. But they've done a decent job overall. Everyone that's unsubbing - Why don't YOU make your own MMO? Developing and coding a project of this scale is a monumental task. I'd like to see what you can come up with... on your own.


By the way, I feel it fair to mention... all those that are looking forward to Guild Wars 2... the publisher, NCSoft, also made a little MMO called Aion, recently gone F2P. Let me know how GW2 works out for you, mmkay?


/rantmode = 0


Your right in terms of the coding but to cut them slack by saying wow set the standard high... wow also gave them the perfect platforms for success Im pretty sure blizzard didnt have anyone to look towards and say hey we should use those ideas... lets be real here man you make an 8v8 warzone without the ability to 8 man que your forgo your right for any sympathy

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PS. I and the vast majority of my guild, as well as all of my friends and coworkers that play the game, cancelled our subs today.


It's clear to me now that Bioware have every intention to finish the game they started making 5 years ago at some point, but it's also clear to me that I'm not willing to pay for a game that is in no way finished, offers nothing new or interesting (aside from a veneer of Star Wars) and doesn't even offer comparable quality in gameplay where it HAS managed to get the content in.


Quite simply. Star Wars The Old Republic is a vaguely OK game suffering form a lack of feature sets that other games - such as Rift and WoW - are offering front, left and centre.


Therefore: I'm out.




PS. WoW having 7 years on SWTOR means nothing. Ford has 40+ years on every other car manufacturer. That doesn't mean that other car manufacturers are saying, "oh but they've had more time, which is why our cars aren't as good as theirs." Grow up. In addition, the Bioware team consists of developers and designers that have been working with MMOs for as long as Blizzard have. There leads come from games such as DAoC, SWG, and EVEN WoW. There are ex-ArenaNet, Blizzard, Cryptic, SOE, etc etc, people at Bioware Austin. They have more than enough experience, more than enough knowledge, to get this right and they're failing.


There IS no excuse, so please stop embaressing yourselves by making them.

Edited by indelible
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Ah, cool didn't know that, but then my forte is not within consumer law (or law at all :))


A EULA is only good for intimidation and saber rattling. If a software company can't sue/prosecute you for violating copyright law they can't touch you. There was an attempt back in the 90's to get various states to legislate the legalization of "click through" EULA's as a standard but it went almost nowhere. Most contracts (and a EULA is a contract) are null and void IN THEIR ENTIRETY in most places if a single part of it violates contract law in your locality. The severability clause in them won't preserve the "legal" bits because statutory contract law>contract.


One example: Every software EULA, especially for MMOs contains a clause that allows them, at their whim, to change ANY OR ALL of the EULA's terms at any time, for no compensation, and you do not ALSO have this right. That piece alone makes the EULA illegal under contract law, because contracts are supposed to be agreements between equals with no coercion.

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Worst community ever, You would think they paid for the FREE content. The fake rage is so pathetic. This is the age of entitlement gone nuts. You pay 15 bucks a month, they have had patch after patch, 1 content update, and 1 huge game update, since launch. There are blogs, podcast, all kinds of communication with customers, AND still the people cry, rant, rage quit like the little kids they act like. What game has had this much released in a 4 month period? None that's right. Get a grip people its not the end of the world.
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Worst community ever, You would think they paid for the FREE content. The fake rage is so pathetic. This is the age of entitlement gone nuts. You pay 15 bucks a month, they have had patch after patch, 1 content update, and 1 huge game update, since launch. There are blogs, podcast, all kinds of communication with customers, AND still the people cry, rant, rage quit like the little kids they act like. What game has had this much released in a 4 month period? None that's right. Get a grip people its not the end of the world.


What game has ever had to release so much in a short time? your argument alone betrays you my friend

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Meh I'll still play. There's more to this game than WZ's. And I'm not finished gearing my alt, so this gives me more time.


Keep at it Bioware. We complain now, but we'd complain more if you released a shoddy product, so I support the decision. People need to have some patience is all.


Btw, you working on that "Hood up, hood down" feature yet? My Juggernaut's head is getting cold.

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EULA's are not worth the paper they aren't printed on (because every single one has something in it that's illegal to have in a contract in nearly every jurisdiction). Which is why no software company in history has ever taken anyone to court over them.


How about just reinstating Ilum as it was pre 1.1.5 until they have something better?


Like I said, we PVP'ers log into the game today with LESS than we had at launch!

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What kind of question is that? Make sense and Ill answer


They had 6 years to put an even partially finished product released it before they should to start the cash flow coming in and then HAD to release update after update after patch after patch.... the things they fixed in that span as well as the things that everyones pissed about now should have been done before the release. You play pve that is quite obvious but for those of us who have spent the majority of the past 2 weeks just trying to keep players active so our servers dont completely die this is sad and just cause for outrage

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How about just reinstating Ilum as it was pre 1.1.5 until they have something better?


Like I said, we PVP'ers log into the game today with LESS than we had at launch!




I don't get it...I REALLY don't get it.

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People like you are the reason Bioware will get away with lying and cheating their customers. It must be nice not understanding what a Bait and Switch tactic is, but those of us that do (and yes, there's a LOT of us), are gonna talk with our money. Mmkay?


You think they WANTED to pull RWZs? Come on... use your head...


And it's not like it's "gone" forever... if it came out next week, I'm imagining that everyone unsubbing would feel pretty stupid.


"Do you want it right, or do you want it right now?"


/agree with previous poster... worst community overall ever, by far... the 360 kiddies have nothin on you guys. /applaud

Edited by LexiCazam
Inappropriate content/old post
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Worst community ever, You would think they paid for the FREE content. The fake rage is so pathetic. This is the age of entitlement gone nuts. You pay 15 bucks a month, they have had patch after patch, 1 content update, and 1 huge game update, since launch. Th
ere are blogs, podcast, all kinds of communication with customers, AND still the people cry, rant, rage quit like the little kids they act like. What game has had this much released in a 4 month period? None that's right. Get a grip people its not the end of the world.




You pay 15 bucks a month


Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Theres a contradiction somewhere...

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if you cannot do ranked warzones the only of which you could que 8 man,.. then no you are not gettin 8 man ques... that means no 8 people can not que up in a warzone... it means pvp is the exaact same as it was befor... Edited by LexiCazam
IC/old post
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Jesus Christ. You all remind me of when GW first came out. Yet, half of the rage quitters are going to go to GW2. Rage quit there cause a company cant give them everything at once. =/ I mean for the love of *********** the bottle of tequila under the kitchen table. =/ This is the worst ************ I have seen in years. All over a gosh darn game that you are all acting like you have been just shot in the heart and your dog was brutally ***** by this company. Then again, I too would cry if my whole life was revolved around a video game and the decisions the creators made effected how I live my fantasy life as well I suppose.:(
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You think they WANTED to pull RWZs? Come on... use your head...


And it's not like it's "gone" forever... if it came out next week, I'm imagining that everyone unsubbing would feel pretty stupid.


"Do you want it right, or do you want it right now?"


/agree with previous poster... worst community overall ever, by far... the 360 kiddies have nothin on you guys. /applaud


The reality is if they had added 8 man ques which should have been in there from the start most of the pvpers wouldn't mind the rated being delayed. For all the people they employ who are gaming experts and all the listening they do to the community they don't grasp the simple flaw of having an 8v8 wz without the ability to field 8 players of choice... it's simple logic that is lacking and they way it was handled 12 hrs before launch is only a sign of disrespect and as you can see the community is acting accordingly

Edited by LexiCazam
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if you cannot do ranked warzones the only of which you could que 8 man,.. then no you are not gettin 8 man ques... that means no 8 people can not que up in a warzone... it means pvp is the exaact same as it was befor...


No, it means warzones are the same as before, you are forced to group with random idiots instead of being able to group with people who know what they are doing. Which was what we WANTED, which was by far the BEST feature of ranked warzones. The ability to do this is what would have made warzones (which are a lame form of PVP) at least TOLERABLE.


Where it is NOT the same as before is that Ilum is now only a place. The one open world system we had IS GONE FROM THE GAME. Here yesterday, gone today.

Edited by LexiCazam
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They had 6 years to put an even partially finished product released it before they should to start the cash flow coming in and then HAD to release update after update after patch after patch.... the things they fixed in that span as well as the things that everyones pissed about now should have been done before the release. You play pve that is quite obvious but for those of us who have spent the majority of the past 2 weeks just trying to keep players active so our servers dont completely die this is sad and just cause for outrage



Servers are not dying some were underpopulated at the tail end of being created during launch and def need to be merged. Who said it should have been released at launch? You? and the couple thousand armchair designers? When they have an expansion is that the right time to launch it? Or do they need the permission of a kid sitting in his basement nerd raging about 1 part of a major release not making it in? IF they released it and it didn't work what the heck would these cesspools of a forum be then? Crying about releasing it premature, right? ALL games get patched, are you people seriously deluded that they don't? This is my last post on these forums or whatever you call them, its one cry fest after another. Going to where good conversations take place on some of the same concerns, but without all the stupid fake rage.

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Jesus Christ. You all remind me of when GW first came out. Yet, half of the rage quitters are going to go to GW2. Rage quit there cause a company cant give them everything at once. =/ I mean for the love of *********** the bottle of tequila under the kitchen table. =/ This is the worst ************ I have seen in years. All over a gosh darn game that you are all acting like you have been just shot in the heart and your dog was brutally ***** by this company. Then again, I too would cry if my whole life was revolved around a video game and the decisions the creators made effected how I live my fantasy life as well I suppose.:(


Alot of people have sacrificed parts of their lives for this game whether to start and maintain guilds or do raids or level their characters. yes there is frustration and Im sorry you feel the need to mock people who are feeling slighted Mr Casanova Im sure you lead quite the life yourself considering your here reading complaints and posting on them

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Servers are not dying some were underpopulated at the tail end of being created during launch and def need to be merged. Who said it should have been released at launch? You? and the couple thousand armchair designers? When they have an expansion is that the right time to launch it? Or do they need the permission of a kid sitting in his basement nerd raging about 1 part of a major release not making it in? IF they released it and it didn't work what the heck would these cesspools of a forum be then? Crying about releasing it premature, right? ALL games get patched, are you people seriously deluded that they don't? This is my last post on these forums or whatever you call them, its one cry fest after another. Going to where good conversations take place on some of the same concerns, but without all the stupid fake rage.


All games get patched yet yoru first post stated oh how many games get patched this much... your lack of intelligence amuses me... the fact you aren't posting anymore makes me downright joyful

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