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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Here is my take. Simply put, why pull something that is "pre season" as in not going to matter when the real season launches, and the real system launches. If it is about the gear, then don't release the gear.


Truthfully, this is ****. I am sick of having to leave people out of my pvp group, and i am sick of having my team of 4 be the only competent thing in the pvp match.


Id sooner have the ability to have two teams of 4 like it is now, guaranteed to be in the same pvp match than more of what it is now. especially with the level 50 pvp.


That is it. I do not find the fact they waited until now to tell us, but honestly i am subscribed until the 24th anyways so I also do not care. The fact 1.2 is releasing before next month is enough to make me glad, i was not cheated out of another month.


Truth be told, tomorrow morning might very well be my last day playing.


I already gave three close friends on my server gifts of 300k credits for their "congratulations hitting 50 for 1.2" present.


So they could keep up on illum with the rest of us ;)

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What hacks are these ?


There are no hacks. I had a guy say I was hacking once because he didn't realize the warzones had speed buffs littered around. Another said I was hacking because he didn't know about the resolve bar.


Srsly people, if there is any hacking going it certainly isn't wide-spread. Learn to lose with dignity.

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Those 196 pages are mainly the same people, there is a command or something to show who has posted the most and how many have posted but i cant remember it.


PS good luck on logging in to be humbled, the servers have been offline for an hour.


Red Herring.


Another Assumption.

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Well, after careful consideration, time to put my money (or lack of it) where my mouth is and unsubscribe.


Sad to leave - SWTOR had great potential, but I don't enjoy PvE in end game and I'm afraid that PvP is fail (open PvP being epic fail).


The failiure to roll out ranked warzones is just the final straw.


If Bioware get their act together, address the PvP balance issues (and despite their opinion, there ARE balance issues), multiple CCing and (importantly) implement cross-server queuing then it may be worth returning.


However, I shan't hold my breath ...

Edited by rediconoclast
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There are no hacks. I had a guy say I was hacking once because he didn't realize the warzones had speed buffs littered around. Another said I was hacking because he didn't know about the resolve bar.


Srsly people, if there is any hacking going it certainly isn't wide-spread. Learn to lose with dignity.


So what do you call 12 vs 8?

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Red Herring.


Another Assumption.


smoke me a kipper ill be back for breakfast, someone give me the line of code you put after the forum topic link for the breakdown of posters plz, or link the link to show it.

Edited by Shingara
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Yeah and I thinks that's the point of this thread, which is probably why it hasn't been locked yet and why everyone's being funneled to it.


There will be nothing done, but at least they're giving everyone a forum to vent. This thread will be quietly closed by end of the maintenance period.


On that note, I just received a notice that one of my posts in this thread was moderated for rude behavior. I dont see how, I try to keep it clean and concise. It was a response to a couple of the "dont let the door hitcha on the way out" posts, but I guess those are not rude at all right?


Yes, they just removed the ability to use the system, they didn't remove it. The likely scenario is that the PvP team has been working 24/7 for a long time now and they wanted to give the team until the very last minute to see if they could release it even half-assed, they couldn't. The best way would have been to give a heads up a few days ago that it might not make it but, what's done is done. Regardless, no one did this to "grab your moneis" or to spite you. Everyone did their very best, and failed, it happens.


The point that annoys me is the crucifying. If the new operation was delayed, I honestly would just shrug and focus on something else instead of spewing vitriol at the devs. Do they deserve it? Debatable. Does it accomplish anything? No, nothing besides helping you vent. I assure you, everyone at BW feels like **** for letting people down like this but, if it makes you feel better, it's your choice.

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ROFL. hire some programmers/designers that know what they are doing. Clearly they can't handle projects/timelines.


I guess no reason to play anymore.


Thats what happens when you take a team of people who failed at a game(see warhammer) and hire them for this so called greatest mmorpg of the year

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Nobody paid a single CENT to Blizzard about Diablo 3 before they announced they were nixing PvP, so there goes your argument.


EA waited until 12 hours before patch day, after thousands of players had resubbed specifically to play in Rated Warzones.


Way to sway your statement to into emphasizing your point. I'm sure all of the pre-orders for Diablo 3 were payed for by gamers only wanting the single player experience. I'm sure the figures could match, or even surpass you're quoted demographic of players who ignore every aspect of SWTOR, (even the existing PvP) except for rated PvP.


Yes, it sucks that this announcement came so late before the patch implementation. But from my perspective, their decision shows they truly care about the state of quality their game is in.


The dev team isn't purposely trying to swindle the small percentage of people who only want to play rated PvP. They've been busting their asses trying get this patch out as soon as they can. They noticed towards the end of testing that the rated PvP wasn't where it could be. God knows they're not going to take any chances on PvP after all the raging about Illum. They knew that this would be a blow to the PvP fans, but they still made the adult decision to not release an inferior product.


Good game developers want to make their games better; and that means holding some things back until they're ready. It's a very common story in this industry. Yet in this case, we still have this huge mountain of content to see while we wait for this feature to come out.


My original comment was a statement to tell everyone who's raging to calm down, and stop complaining as if BioWare stole your first-born child.

Edited by digitalclover
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I don't particularly care that it's not going to be released before bugs. I do care that you told us in such a crappy fashion. It might as well be just in the patch notes as we download. Seriously. Who thought it was a good idea to wait and tell us at the last possible minute?? Fire whoever the f**k that was. How rude. Not a way to build any sort of loyalty.
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I really don't understand. People continually complain about things that need to be fixed, and then when someone listens and attempts to make a game better for us, the players, people complain because they suspend play for maintenence. Either enjoy things the way they are, or stop complaining. I personally am excited about the update and 8 hrs without play time is worth any patch that can make my SWTOR experience better. Thank you, Bioware, I welcome any further patches.
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I don't particularly care that it's not going to be released before bugs. I do care that you told us in such a crappy fashion. It might as well be just in the patch notes as we download. Seriously. Who thought it was a good idea to wait and tell us at the last possible minute?? Fire whoever the f**k that was. How rude. Not a way to build any sort of loyalty.


Its a bait and switch move, they waited until the patch date was announced, every hardcore pvper that was unsubbed resubbed, and got a slap in the face announcement like this

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