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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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How? lol


As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.

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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


I'm glad you have decided to answer the extremely unimportant questions while dodging the question everyone is asking.


Can we atleast queue as 8?

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Wow.... i know quite a few people on my server who during the past few days resubbed in anticipation of ranked WZ's.


This feels like the one of the biggest MMO money grabs in history, draw people back in for ranked WZ's only to announce hours before the patch it wont make it in, thus hoping people will keep those subs open until they make it in.


BW i had alot of faith in you, i kept going with you till now, fully hoping you would get it right, well you havent, its still completely wrong, and as much as i hate looking like one of the other forum warriors.... F IT! I'm done, unsubbed, OUT!



Good luck, not that i think you have much future with this game.


Would you rather them release it in it's garbage state? OR would you rather them make sure it's as epic as it should be?


It will be in the game and they just want to make sure it's done right.

I and others have no problem with that.


Edit for.. CAn I have your stuff?????

Edited by DeathDealKill
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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


Creative, very creative... lol

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my guild and i have been waiting for months for rated warzones and after constant bioware saying 1.2 will have 8man queues and rated matches and to find out the day b4 1.2 goes live that there wont be any ranked matches.... HUGE disappointment. Not even sure i want to continue playing at this point
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As a fanboy from the start, I am now ready to fully admit this game is a failure. It was launched with 60% of the content it should have had. The pvp is a joke. Many of us play TOR purely for pvp. We get huttball 80% of the time because of faction imbalance, which is going to be around in ANY MMO. So why WZs were made faction specific (except Huttball) is beyond me, and beyond stupid.


We couldnt move our UIs.

We have no target of target, necessary for both pve and pvp.

We couldnt queue to warzones with 8.

We had this legacy system with no perks, why launch with this incomplete.

We have plenty of hackers in PVP that never get any punishment, let alone a ban.

World pvp is disgustingly broken, unused.

THE LEVEL 50 PLANET IS DESERTED. Ilum is no longer used.


Bioware, I know a lot of getting this game pushed through incomplete is EA's fault, but come on, it's beyond a joke now, and I just preordered Guild Wars 2 and will be unsubscribing.


To anyone that is going to chime in with, "Well X MMO (99% sure its going to be WOW) didn't launch with this or that! Be greatful you had this and that." TOR was launched to compete with WOW, in its current form. Get with the times, the bar has been raised and you need to meet or exceed it, not fail dramatically to come near it. New car companies dont launch with tech from the 80s and go "Well Ford didnt launch with those options, it took years!" Irrelevant as this games pvp has become.


I really wanted to like this game. I tried really hard to enjoy it, and I have. But because of how pvp is set up, after 3 weeks post 50, it's boring as watching paint dry. You have failed to keep the avid pvp'ers, I wouldn't be surprised if you see servers even more desolate now.


No mmo can launch with 7 years worth of content, patches, fixes, and features out of the gate. Welcome to reality.

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They will add 8vs8 guys, what they dont add is solo ranked


Actually, if you read their post, the wording makes it sound like they will roll out 8 man queueing in the future, not in 1.2. Also, I posted this in another thread, but it's a good fit here:


What will PvP endgame content be in 1.2?


- Players will be discouraged from going to Ilum because the devs feel it doesn't live up to their standards.


- There is really no world pvp since all quest areas on almost all planets are completely separated.


- Outlaw's Den has been, and will continue to be, a non-factor. Yes, you can organize your own events there. No, that doesn't count as "PvP Endgame Content."


Essentially, the only content in 1.2 that will be available to PvPers is normal Warzones. Imagine the outrage if the game launched with only Flashpoints, but no Operations. Imagine if the first Operation was slated to come out in 1.2. Imagine if less than 1 day before 1.2 is set to launch, Bioware announces that the Operation will be canceled. This is exactly how all of the PvPers feel right now.


The good news is that Guild Wars 2 Beta weekends will be starting in 2 to 3 weeks.

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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


I assume that since you haven't answered the question of whether we do or don't have the ability to 8-man queue that you don't know.


Then tell us that. Then find out. This is a very important question to many of us who are disappointed. This announcement will be much more tolerable with a favorable answer to this question.

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my guild and i have been waiting for months for rated warzones and after constant bioware saying 1.2 will have 8man queues and rated matches and to find out the day b4 1.2 goes live that there wont be any ranked matches.... HUGE disappointment. Not even sure i want to continue playing at this point


Can I have your stuff??

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Only reason I stayed on this game was for the ranked WZ.


Maybe if you guys didn't spend so much time on legacy and more on end game where it matters, you're game wouldn't be so ****.


Have fun with your dead game.

Edited by Sharpiie
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This really just shows how foolish they were in their character copying process. Nearly all the guilds that went out were done purely for the PvE portion, they seriously need to get single character copies opened asap for actual rated warzone testing. And then they try for focus ranked warzone testing just the past week or so? What a joke and we shouldn't really be surprised looking at it now.


Still sucks though. :( And announcing it at this last minute is a joke too, 7 hours before the servers go down? Please. I'm sure they've known for a few days that rated warzones was not gonna make the patch.

Edited by ILonestarI
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Wasn't the entire purpose of a preseason for ranked warzones to allow fixes and changes to be made with people that are actually able to test this with their real characters rather than with the 25 people that got a lvl 50 moved to the PTS? Just release ranked warzones, fix bugs as you go, then wipe the stupid preseason scores when it's working enough to move to a real season.
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You do this at the 11th hour?


This will go down in mmo history as one of the biggest failures ever.


Thank god my job isn't affected my moronic descions made by people like you.


This will hurt you big time.


To the fan boys....


Took 4 months, but "I told you so!"


This was going to keep me going through pvp, as that's all I enjoy, you just upped GW2 preorder rate /über golf clap!


Jesus patch?


Lol more like the judas patch!

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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