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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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I restarted my computer, got the same error a few times, and then finally the launcher asked me to agree to the privacy policy again. After doing that, it let me in the game, so hopefully that will work for you.


Sorry for everyone who doesn't have the CD, I feel your pain.


Yeah, it finally let me in as well! :) Dont know what those crashes were about..

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Another of the "few" people affected here.


Also, let's do some math.


There are 91 EU servers and 123 US servers, if I counted correctly. When there is a server queue on my US server, it takes about 20 minutes to get through a queue of about 400, for a log-in rate of about 400/20 = 20 log-ins / minute.


This glitch happened at 10 am PST for me, which is right in prime EU playing time. I'm going to be generous and say they were going at half the peak rate, so 10 log-ins / minute / server, or 10 * 91 servers * 15 minutes = 13650 log-ins. For the US, since it's very much off-peak, we can probably cut that rate by another factor 4. This gives 2.5 * 123 servers * 15 ~ 4600 log-ins.


Adding these together gives approximately 18,200 log-ins during the 15 minute window. If a little under half of the people stopped the DL, that still leaves about 10,000 people screwed, me being one of them.

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you lot of complainers are rather insufferable, ya know that? the incessant negativity around these parts is absolutely maddening. i wonder how you manage to get through each day without bursting the heaving blood vessels that protrude from your pasty foreheads. you pollute what could be an otherwise productive and interesting community with an unearned and misplaced sense of entitlement. this is my first MMO, and i'm enjoying it until i no longer enjoy it. then i'll move on to something else. i'm just dipping my toes in the world of MMO's, so it doesn't make up a very large slice of my life, and, after discovering what spoiled brats the MMO community is actually comprised of, i am absolutely sure that this will be my last MMO experience whenever i decide to make my exit. the rest of you should perhaps ease off the throttle a little bit...


if you are unable to play SWTOR today because of an error on the part of bioware, then i'm sorry. that's a bummer. but why is it being characterized as something more than a bummer in this thread? why are you calling for the heads of those responsible for a rather minor mistake in the grand scheme of the game's composition and execution? its unseemly. a major patch is often going to be accompanied by technical difficulty. and here's something you whiners would do well to remember: simply paying a monthly subscription fee does not mean that a company should bend to your every whim. if my internet goes out for a day, i'm annoyed, but my world isn't crumbling. i don't threaten to cancel my service while stomping around the room like a five-year old who was told that he couldn't eat ice cream for dinner. i'll take my laptop to a coffee shop instead. or, if i have no pressing online needs, i'll find an alternative form of entertainment...


if my cable goes out for a day, i'm not that upset, because i don't watch that much tv. but even if i were upset, i wouldn't be throwing much of a fit. i can watch a movie. i've got a lot of them, and casablanca really is THAT good, even after watching it the 100th time, especially if you have someone special to watch it with. if my electricity goes out for a day because of inclimate weather, i don't shake my fist at the heavens and curse god. i light a candle, curl up next to my fiancee, and read a book. technology is always accompanied by error, human or otherwise. refusing to accept that is like insisting the world is flat. you're not gonna win such an argument. you might as well exercise the smallest iota of humanity that you can muster and consider the difficulty in managing and maintaining a service that many thousands of people utilize...


bioware may not be perfect in their execution of SWTOR to this point, but where do so many of you summon all of this ill will and unfocused ire? i mean, have any of you actually read the 1.2 patch notes? read them in their entirety. look at how much work this company is putting into as many details of a four-month-old game as they possibly can. as an individual gamer, you may have individual quibbles with various aspects of the game, but if your complaints amount to a desire to cancel your subscription, then why do you continue to play? its an honest question. are you simply enslaved to the MMO grind? can you not turn away once you've begun? and when you've left, can you not do so gracefully? why must you parade around in crooked circles like a cocaine-addled peacock, attempting to justify your exit with all the tact of a teething toddler? aren't you aware that, in an economy of entertainment, you are not always going to be satisfied with a product you've paid for?


**** happens. i've walked out of movies before. i don't sit there and allow myself to be tortured by an unenjoyable experience. i leave. sometimes you can get a refund. sometimes you can't. that's life. either way, remember that there are people behind all of these screens. you may use the anonymity of the internet as your shield, but for many of those at bioware, this represents a livelihood and many years of investment in the creation of a new world for you to inhabit. its likely not any kind of cynical pursuit for them. the developers are not thinking of the bottom line in the same way that bioware's corporate executives might be. don't conflate oppositional forces. creative teams are interested in delivering a worthy creation. if SWTOR is not what you want, if you have to have exactly what you want in this moment, then simply take leave of it. and if SWTOR fails as a result, then it fails. but so many of you have so little grace when it comes to expressing your discontent. constructive criticism is useful, but why dress it up in so much bile and bitterness? you're cowards with a complaint department's worth of tourette's syndrome, as far as i'm concerned. i am utterly baffled by the lack of perspective and the absence of compassion in the MMO community. so many of you are so unrepentantly selfish. its kinda disgusting, to be perfectly honest. you pay taxes that fund wars you probably don't support. do you call your members of congress and complain with this much fervor? what a world we could live in if members of the MMO community redirected all of their angst towards worthy causes...

Edited by mzellmer
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Soooo Bioware should schedule it's mistakes around your schedule better next time? The "well it didn't happen to many of you" is probably true, relative to the total number of subscribers they have. Forum complaints is not an accurate measure of impact.


In sum, get over it. It's some MMO downtime. It happens. A lot.


Mistakes happen all the time.


Yesterday I went to Mcdonald's drive though and I ordered a double quarter pounder with cheese with a doctor pepper to drink. I received a quarter pounder without cheese and a diet coke even though my receipt listed different items and that I paid the price of a DQP.


It happens all the time, but rather than simply eating less than what I paid for and drinking something that I wouldn't enjoy, I took the time to park my car and go inside to wait in line and then complain about my meal being incorrect and to receive the proper meal and a refund.


My point is that mistakes do happen a lot, but not everyone's first instinct is to just roll over and take it like yours apparently is.

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How about us players that screwed over by some dev releasing the patch early get a free day of game time to make up for the fact the my entire day has now been wasted because someone at Bioware is incapable of doing their job.


I don't understand how you could have already lost the entire day when this problem began less than two hours ago.


If you PM me your address, I will send you send you the 4.16 cents you have lost so far.


I have 3 years experince working as a 3D modeller and animator designing and rigging characters and environments so this job would be easy for me to do.


And in your three years, you have never made a mistake?

Edited by Kthx
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In this topic :

People who don't understand that having a fast connection has nothing to do with how fast the content that is being streamed TO them is. You could have the fastest connection in the world but you're not going to get your content any faster if tens or even hundreds of thousands of people are downloading the same content at the same time.

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Another of the "few" people affected here.


Also, let's do some math.


There are 91 EU servers and 123 US servers, if I counted correctly. When there is a server queue on my US server, it takes about 20 minutes to get through a queue of about 400, for a log-in rate of about 400/20 = 20 log-ins / minute.


This glitch happened at 10 am PST for me, which is right in prime EU playing time. I'm going to be generous and say they were going at half the peak rate, so 10 log-ins / minute / server, or 10 * 91 servers * 15 minutes = 13650 log-ins. For the US, since it's very much off-peak, we can probably cut that rate by another factor 4. This gives 2.5 * 123 servers * 15 ~ 4600 log-ins.


Adding these together gives approximately 18,200 log-ins during the 15 minute window. If a little under half of the people stopped the DL, that still leaves about 10,000 people screwed, me being one of them.


Out of what....1.7 million subscribers? so we're looking at less than 1% of the subscriber base maybe affected?

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!5 minutes or not a lot more people were affected than they let on.


I so totally agree. If they small amount they feel they aren't at fault anymore. I am not a bioware hater. Just the opposite.


I am a housewife so this is not killing me to wait for the old patches to re download. However, this is like two issues in one with this "accidental" patch that has happened. First that and now constant network error retrying issues......


I have a friend who is at work when I let him know about this and he is worried of going home and turning it on now.

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you lot of complainers are rather insufferable, ya know that? the incessant negativity around these parts is absolutely maddening. i wonder how you manage to get through each day without bursting the heaving blood vessels that protrude from your pasty foreheads. you pollute what could be an otherwise productive and interesting community with an unearned and misplaced sense of entitlement. this is my first MMO, and i'm enjoying it until i no longer enjoy it. then i'll move on to something else. i'm just dipping my toes in the world of MMO's, so it doesn't make up a very large slice of my life, and, after discovering what spoiled brats the MMO community is actually comprised of, i am absolutely sure that this will be my last MMO experience whenever i decide to make my exit. the rest of you should perhaps ease off the throttle a little bit...


if you are unable to play SWTOR today because of an error on the part of bioware, then i'm sorry. that's a bummer. but why is it being characterized as something more than a bummer in this thread? why are you calling for the heads of those responsible for a rather minor mistake in the grand scheme of the game's composition and execution? its unseemly. a major patch is often going to be accompanied by technical difficulty. and here's something you whiners would do well to remember: simply paying a monthly subscription fee does not mean that a company should bend to your every whim. if my internet goes out for a day, i'm annoyed, but my world isn't crumbling. i don't threaten to cancel my service while stomping around the room like a five-year old who was told that he couldn't eat ice cream for dinner. i'll take my laptop to a coffee shop instead. or, if i have no pressing online needs, i'll find an alternative form of entertainment...


if my cable goes out for a day, i'm not that upset, because i don't watch that much tv. but even if i were upset, i wouldn't be throwing much of a fit. i can watch a movie. i've got a lot of them, and casablanca really is THAT good, even after watching it the 100th time, especially if you have someone special to watch it with. if my electricity goes out for a day because of inclimate weather, i don't shake my fist at the heavens and curse god. i light a candle, curl up next to my fiancee, and read a book. technology is always accompanied by error, human or otherwise. refusing to accept that is like insisting the world is flat. you're not gonna win such an argument. you might as well exercise the smallest iota of humanity that you can muster and consider the difficulty in managing and maintaining a service that many thousands of people utilize...


bioware may not be perfect in their execution of SWTOR to this point, but where do so many of you summon all of this ill will and unfocused ire? i mean, have any of you actually read the 1.2 patch notes? read them in their entirety. look at how much work this company is putting into as many details of a four-month-old game as they possibly can. as an individual gamer, you may have individual quibbles with various aspects of the game, but if your complaints amount to a desire to cancel your subscription, then why do you continue to play? its an honest question. are you simply enslaved to the MMO grind? can you not turn away once you've begun? and when you've left, can you not do so gracefully? why must you parade around in crooked circles like a cocaine-addled peacock, attempting to justify your exit with all the tact of a teething toddler? aren't you aware that, in an economy of entertainment, you are not always going to be satisfied with a product you've paid for?


**** happens. i've walked out of movies before. i don't sit there and allow myself to be tortured by an unenjoyable experience. i leave. sometimes you can get a refund. sometimes you can't. that's life. either way, remember that there are people behind all of these screens. you may use the anonymity of the internet as your shield, but for many of those at bioware, this represents a livelihood and many years of investment in the creation of a new world for you to inhabit. its likely not any kind of cynical pursuit for them. the developers are not thinking of the bottom line in the same way that bioware's corporate executives might be. don't conflate . if SWTOR is not what you want, if you have to have exactly what you want in this moment, then simply take leave of it. and if SWTOR fails as a result, then it fails. but so many of you have so little grace when it comes to expressing your discontent. constructive criticism is useful, but why dress it up in so much bile and bitterness? you're cowards with a complaint department's worth of tourette's syndrome, as far as i'm concerned. i am utterly baffled by the lack of perspective and the absence of compassion in the MMO community. so many of you are so unrepentantly selfish. its kinda disgusting, to be perfectly honest. you pay taxes that fund wars you probably don't support. do you call your members of congress and complain with this much fervor? what a world we could live in if members of the MMO community redirected all of their angst towards worthy causes...


If you are going to write a novel you should get a good editor. All I see is a wall of text and just scrolled past it. Nice troll though.

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Perhaps I need a life which suggests that taking a Bioware game seriously is insane so does that mean therapy for gamers is don't by Bioware games? Okay, that was a stretch and a rant but I'm mad.


Our network can't support the client downloading on the three computers that brought down the new patch and need re-downloading so we can get back in and work on the funds we need for the guild bank and speeders before the prices sky rocket. But too bad, it's forget watching TV, talking on the IP phone or internet surfing instead suck it up and do something else until tomorrow.


Not sure why I'm whining on the forums, feels like Bioware might rethink their week notice about their screw up and making it out to be some small inconvenience for a small group of people.


Dang, I'm still boo-hoo'ing ... I can't believe I deleted all that stuff to make room for what I thought was the new patch.


Flame away, I deserve it...

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You shouldn't have a problem if you haven't even loaded SWTOR today. BioWare removed the "leaks patch 1.2 files" from being automatically downloaded. So it's like normal now.


Kinda late for ppl that have actually tryed to play it today and started the download...

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you lot of complainers are rather insufferable, ya know that? the incessant negativity around these parts is absolutely maddening. i wonder how you manage to get through each day without bursting the heaving blood vessels that protrude from your pasty foreheads. you pollute what could be an otherwise productive and interesting community with an unearned and misplaced sense of entitlement. this is my first MMO, and i'm enjoying it until i no longer enjoy it. then i'll move on to something else. i'm just dipping my toes in the world of MMO's, so it doesn't make up a very large slice of my life, and, after discovering what spoiled brats the MMO community is actually comprised of, i am absolutely sure that this will be my last MMO experience whenever i decide to make my exit. the rest of you should perhaps ease off the throttle a little bit...


if you are unable to play SWTOR today because of an error on the part of bioware, then i'm sorry. that's a bummer. but why is it being characterized as something more than a bummer in this thread? why are you calling for the heads of those responsible for a rather minor mistake in the grand scheme of the game's composition and execution? its unseemly. a major patch is often going to be accompanied by technical difficulty. and here's something you whiners would do well to remember: simply paying a monthly subscription fee does not mean that a company should bend to your every whim. if my internet goes out for a day, i'm annoyed, but my world isn't crumbling. i don't threaten to cancel my service while stomping around the room like a five-year old who was told that he couldn't eat ice cream for dinner. i'll take my laptop to a coffee shop instead. or, if i have no pressing online needs, i'll find an alternative form of entertainment...


if my cable goes out for a day, i'm not that upset, because i don't watch that much tv. but even if i were upset, i wouldn't be throwing much of a fit. i can watch a movie. i've got a lot of them, and casablanca really is THAT good, even after watching it the 100th time, especially if you have someone special to watch it with. if my electricity goes out for a day because of inclimate weather, i don't shake my fist at the heavens and curse god. i light a candle, curl up next to my fiancee, and read a book. technology is always accompanied by error, human or otherwise. refusing to accept that is like insisting the world is flat. you're not gonna win such an argument. you might as well exercise the smallest iota of humanity that you can muster and consider the difficulty in managing and maintaining a service that many thousands of people utilize...


bioware may not be perfect in their execution of SWTOR to this point, but where do so many of you summon all of this ill will and unfocused ire? i mean, have any of you actually read the 1.2 patch notes? read them in their entirety. look at how much work this company is putting into as many details of a four-month-old game as they possibly can. as an individual gamer, you may have individual quibbles with various aspects of the game, but if your complaints amount to a desire to cancel your subscription, then why do you continue to play? its an honest question. are you simply enslaved to the MMO grind? can you not turn away once you've begun? and when you've left, can you not do so gracefully? why must you parade around in crooked circles like a cocaine-addled peacock, attempting to justify your exit with all the tact of a teething toddler? aren't you aware that, in an economy of entertainment, you are not always going to be satisfied with a product you've paid for?


**** happens. i've walked out of movies before. i don't sit there and allow myself to be tortured by an unenjoyable experience. i leave. sometimes you can get a refund. sometimes you can't. that's life. either way, remember that there are people behind all of these screens. you may use the anonymity of the internet as your shield, but for many of those at bioware, this represents a livelihood and many years of investment in the creation of a new world for you to inhabit. its likely not any kind of cynical pursuit for them. the developers are not thinking of the bottom line in the same way that bioware's corporate executives might be. don't conflate . if SWTOR is not what you want, if you have to have exactly what you want in this moment, then simply take leave of it. and if SWTOR fails as a result, then it fails. but so many of you have so little grace when it comes to expressing your discontent. constructive criticism is useful, but why dress it up in so much bile and bitterness? you're cowards with a complaint department's worth of tourette's syndrome, as far as i'm concerned. i am utterly baffled by the lack of perspective and the absence of compassion in the MMO community. so many of you are so unrepentantly selfish. its kinda disgusting, to be perfectly honest. you pay taxes that fund wars you probably don't support. do you call your members of congress and complain with this much fervor? what a world we could live in if members of the MMO community redirected all of their angst towards worthy causes...


well you see, when people are generally unhappy, the smallest things set them off, so this might be small, but many people are generally unhappy so alot of people are very angry right now. for all the wisdom your wall of text may or may not hold it wont be read since you opened with a comment of stupidity

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Should we expect a FAIL for each patch you will release in the future?


Are you planning to do something about noob ppl in your development team?

Let us know if you think this is an error that normal happens..


Because I've never heard about a patch that stuck players from playing and the day after prevent them to buy unique items available only till the day when they were stucked!

And I playied lots of games before from differe SH.



So the real question is:




If yes, I think you should write this and you'll see that player WILL STOP POST about how much you are incompetent releasing patch..


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I don't understand how you could have already lost the entire day when this problem began less than two hours ago.




And in your three years, you have never made a mistake?

less than 2 hrs ago? that's a LIE , get your facts straight, i have been downloading the re-install over 3 hrs now! I got on at around 10am MST and the 1.2 patch installed sometime around then

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you lot of complainers are rather insufferable, ya know that? the incessant negativity around these parts is absolutely maddening. i wonder how you manage to get through each day without bursting the heaving blood vessels that protrude from your pasty foreheads. you pollute what could be an otherwise productive and interesting community with an unearned and misplaced sense of entitlement. this is my first MMO, and i'm enjoying it until i no longer enjoy it. then i'll move on to something else. i'm just dipping my toes in the world of MMO's, so it doesn't make up a very large slice of my life, and, after discovering what spoiled brats the MMO community is actually comprised of, i am absolutely sure that this will be my last MMO experience whenever i decide to make my exit. the rest of you should perhaps ease off the throttle a little bit...


if you are unable to play SWTOR today because of an error on the part of bioware, then i'm sorry. that's a bummer. but why is it being characterized as something more than a bummer in this thread? why are you calling for the heads of those responsible for a rather minor mistake in the grand scheme of the game's composition and execution? its unseemly. a major patch is often going to be accompanied by technical difficulty. and here's something you whiners would do well to remember: simply paying a monthly subscription fee does not mean that a company should bend to your every whim. if my internet goes out for a day, i'm annoyed, but my world isn't crumbling. i don't threaten to cancel my service while stomping around the room like a five-year old who was told that he couldn't eat ice cream for dinner. i'll take my laptop to a coffee shop instead. or, if i have no pressing online needs, i'll find an alternative form of entertainment...


if my cable goes out for a day, i'm not that upset, because i don't watch that much tv. but even if i were upset, i wouldn't be throwing much of a fit. i can watch a movie. i've got a lot of them, and casablanca really is THAT good, even after watching it the 100th time, especially if you have someone special to watch it with. if my electricity goes out for a day because of inclimate weather, i don't shake my fist at the heavens and curse god. i light a candle, curl up next to my fiancee, and read a book. technology is always accompanied by error, human or otherwise. refusing to accept that is like insisting the world is flat. you're not gonna win such an argument. you might as well exercise the smallest iota of humanity that you can muster and consider the difficulty in managing and maintaining a service that many thousands of people utilize...


bioware may not be perfect in their execution of SWTOR to this point, but where do so many of you summon all of this ill will and unfocused ire? i mean, have any of you actually read the 1.2 patch notes? read them in their entirety. look at how much work this company is putting into as many details of a four-month-old game as they possibly can. as an individual gamer, you may have individual quibbles with various aspects of the game, but if your complaints amount to a desire to cancel your subscription, then why do you continue to play? its an honest question. are you simply enslaved to the MMO grind? can you not turn away once you've begun? and when you've left, can you not do so gracefully? why must you parade around in crooked circles like a cocaine-addled peacock, attempting to justify your exit with all the tact of a teething toddler? aren't you aware that, in an economy of entertainment, you are not always going to be satisfied with a product you've paid for?


**** happens. i've walked out of movies before. i don't sit there and allow myself to be tortured by an unenjoyable experience. i leave. sometimes you can get a refund. sometimes you can't. that's life. either way, remember that there are people behind all of these screens. you may use the anonymity of the internet as your shield, but for many of those at bioware, this represents a livelihood and many years of investment in the creation of a new world for you to inhabit. its likely not any kind of cynical pursuit for them. the developers are not thinking of the bottom line in the same way that bioware's corporate executives might be. don't conflate . if SWTOR is not what you want, if you have to have exactly what you want in this moment, then simply take leave of it. and if SWTOR fails as a result, then it fails. but so many of you have so little grace when it comes to expressing your discontent. constructive criticism is useful, but why dress it up in so much bile and bitterness? you're cowards with a complaint department's worth of tourette's syndrome, as far as i'm concerned. i am utterly baffled by the lack of perspective and the absence of compassion in the MMO community. so many of you are so unrepentantly selfish. its kinda disgusting, to be perfectly honest. you pay taxes that fund wars you probably don't support. do you call your members of congress and complain with this much fervor? what a world we could live in if members of the MMO community redirected all of their angst towards worthy causes...



You are calling the complainers insufferable??? With that wall of text, you may want to look at yourself before casting stones.

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Another of the "few" people affected here.


Also, let's do some math.


There are 91 EU servers and 123 US servers, if I counted correctly. When there is a server queue on my US server, it takes about 20 minutes to get through a queue of about 400, for a log-in rate of about 400/20 = 20 log-ins / minute.


This glitch happened at 10 am PST for me, which is right in prime EU playing time. I'm going to be generous and say they were going at half the peak rate, so 10 log-ins / minute / server, or 10 * 91 servers * 15 minutes = 13650 log-ins. For the US, since it's very much off-peak, we can probably cut that rate by another factor 4. This gives 2.5 * 123 servers * 15 ~ 4600 log-ins.


Adding these together gives approximately 18,200 log-ins during the 15 minute window. If a little under half of the people stopped the DL, that still leaves about 10,000 people screwed, me being one of them.



And this math is highly incorrect. Server queues occur when their is a high amount of players/logs in happening and the server is at capacity. In other words, people are logging in faster then they are logging out.


If the server isn't full (which none of them are at this hour) much less logins per minute ar occurring.




Secondly, it was *less* then 15 minutes. It could have been 10 minutes or even 5. You're assuming absolute worst case scenario here.


third - This would only be correct if ALL the servers were at capacity. as far as i'm aware there is only 2-3 servers all together that go to a queue time (and this is at US prime time)




Odds are this affected somewhere around 200 people. Not 10,000.

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Mistakes happen all the time.


Yesterday I went to Mcdonald's drive though and I ordered a double quarter pounder with cheese with a doctor pepper to drink. I received a quarter pounder without cheese and a diet coke even though my receipt listed different items and that I paid the price of a DQP.


It happens all the time, but rather than simply eating less than what I paid for and drinking something that I wouldn't enjoy, I took the time to park my car and go inside to wait in line and then complain about my meal being incorrect and to receive the proper meal and a refund.


My point is that mistakes do happen a lot, but not everyone's first instinct is to just roll over and take it like yours apparently is.


Did you scream at the manager for making the mistake? Did you get mad that all they did was resolve the issue and not give you extra cool stuff as restitution? It's reasonable to be mad about a mistake. But there's a lot of internet RAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEE going on here that's over the top ridiculous.

Edited by Jummyjum
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Out of what....1.7 million subscribers? so we're looking at less than 1% of the subscriber base maybe affected?


I'm not saying it's a large fraction, just trying to give people an idea of the number of people affected. I think 10,000 is a reasonable estimate, BW (and you) are obviously free to form an oppinion on how important it is to appease those affected.

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Did you scream at the manager for making the mistake? Did you get mad that all they did was resolve the issue? It's reasonable to be mad about a mistake. But there's a lot of internet RAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEE going on here that's over the top ridiculous.


No, I did not. I got my meal and my refund and walked out.


But there also wasn't someone sitting at a table with the right meal that got up and attacked me for wanting to get the problem corrected.


I guess Mcdonald's doesn't have as devoted of fanboys. You're really only perpetuating this with the Chris Crocker "leave BW alone" act imho.

Edited by Celebrus
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Did you scream at the manager for making the mistake? Did you get mad that all they did was resolve the issue? It's reasonable to be mad about a mistake. But there's a lot of internet RAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEE going on here that's over the top ridiculous.


every time my order gets messed up, i dont pay for it or my next one is free, compensation is not just correction

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