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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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No answer in my latest thread and now it's closed.

So I'm asking again here:


I planned to play today and buy the items that tomorrow will be no more available, so:

- How about my Battlemaster commendation?

- How about my Champion/Centurion commendation? (I wish buy pet's equip)

- how about colour crystal?


I can't re-download the whole client 'cause it takes hours and hours..


Someone said that in the terms and conditions you saved your a** writing that you are not guaranteeing the service all days, that's ok.


So, just say to us this:

"We are sorry but you lost the opportunity to buy things that tomorrow will disappears thanks to our mistake"


I hope I can see this in yellow, written by someone of Bioware.

I want to be written explicitly that for this mistake we will LOST the chance to:

- Buy battlemaster with commendation

- Buy equip with Champion and Centurion

- Buy colour crystal unique


Stop going around with "sorry" and "apologize". Let us know what we are loosing with this fail.



Take your role on this.



edit: To ppl who said "errors could happens" I just want let you know that we are paying for a service, it is not like a child how didn't make the homework. This is another fail.

The only way to fix this is to NOT REMOVE the opportunity to buy Colour Crystal, Battlemaster with commendation, Centurion and Champions sets tomorrow!


I agree with all this, i was very close to BM rank and was hoping to get it before patch, with patch coming tomorrow didnt leave me much time and now i cant get online. I was also grinding last bit of credits i needed for my white crystal that wont be available tomorrow and now i wont be able to get it. Extremely disappointed

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Yeah, how about we look at it from the "other side's" perspective. Multiply that 0.50 by how ever many ppl affected, or hell let's assume they know anything about customer service and decide to give everyone credit for a day. How much do you think that adds up to?


While I am as frustrated as most people about this, let's be real to those of you saying "you are missing a day's paid game-time".


Assuming you do a $14.99 monthly subscription, that's about 50-52 cents per day based off of a 31 day month. (48 cents before tax). FIFTY CENTS. And it's even less per day for the 3 month and so forth.

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It's not about the money it's the way they are communicating and give you 2 options. Re download or wait.


I choose re download but that is being throttled by Bioware. Guildies are waiting for some people that got affected to raid 16 man. I only ask for some kind of compensation in game or a client fiks for the people that where affected. Again costumer support is again meh


50 cents is your compensation. 1 days credit. Enjoy!


What if the server just crashed and you couldn't play today? Things happen. They aren't just giving you 2 options because they're being jerks. It's because there's only 2 ways to fix it. What other options do you want? You want them to go back in time and create a backup program? Good luck with that.

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Nothing new was installed so I don't know why people would expect windows to create a system restore point.


The only way to backup is to manually backup the game's asset files in preparation for mistakes by Bioware employees.

Edited by Moitteva
removed IC/"retarded", PMed
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Seriously bioware get ur stuff together. I took a day off so i could hit 50 before 1.2 and now i gotta re download my client? This is pathetic, I defend bioware and Swtor all they time when ppl ***** about this game and how poorly its managed but now i have to agree because seriously? you cant manage important things like that? it's pathetic.
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The download speed is ridiculous even after installing from hard copy of game. Even patching 100 mb is painful. Very frustrating to those this happened to. To those that mentioned system restore....doesn't work. Tried it.
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Accidents happen. But the way BW is handing this is totally inexcusable. Either wait a day to play, or download (in my case) ELEVEN GIGABYTES of client data that I mostly already have? I'm sorry, but those are both terrible workarounds.


You guys need to get a dev on this ASAP, and come up with a set of instructions for people to "delete X", "rename Y", etc. so that we can revert this patch quickly and with minimal re-downloading of client data.


The lack of accountability here is, frankly, quite disgusting.

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Yes I agree that they did not anticipate the "over use" of their sever, but when you yhave to stop and start the download every 5 minutes because of "Network Errors" , they need to put more servers online for the "small amount of people affected" by their mistake. was I clear on that?


You keep implying that "small" amount of people isn't the case. If they optimized their servers in preparation for tomorrow it would be for everyone to download a smaller file. Yes a small amount of users all downloading a huge file on that configuration could cause the problems we are seeing. In addition, the fact that you think putting servers online is similar to calling an extra checkout guy up to the front of the store when their is a long line speaks volumes.


Even if the window of error was 2 hours (it wasn't even close to this), how much of the total population could possibly have actually gone through the attempt to log in? The vast, vast majority of people would already be logged in and wouldn't be affected or doing something else entirely and wouldn't be affected. This would actually apply to any given short time span.

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The download speed is ridiculous even after installing from hard copy of game. Even patching 100 mb is painful. Very frustrating to those this happened to. To those that mentioned system restore....doesn't work. Tried it.



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Was also affected by this. Now the launcher is downloading atrociously slow with occassional connection errors.


I at least wanted to finish the weeklies before the patch comes tomorrow...


I'm honestly annoyed by the generic downplayed response we got as well. Good thing my subscription lasts only 3 more days. I may be overreacting but I already had quite a bad day to start with.


I wonder how "small" the number of the affected people really is...

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that isnt the point. people were finishing things like spending the last of their champion and centurion comms, grinding the last little bit they needed for a white crystal..... any number of things that will not be available tomorrow... now we are told, sorry YOU cannot finish, you are screwed.....


I guess you are screwed... unless you want to reinstall the game, in which case you're not screwed. Either way, there are a lot of people acting like this is the end of the world. It's not, and this is just a game. Is some ephemeral trinket that exists only on the servers belong to BW really so important that you are going to act like a 2 year old because Murphy's Law kicked in and an error occurred?


It's no wonder that MMO gamers have such negative stereotypes associated with them.

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50 cents is your compensation. 1 days credit. Enjoy!


What if the server just crashed and you couldn't play today? Things happen. They aren't just giving you 2 options because they're being jerks. It's because there's only 2 ways to fix it. What other options do you want? You want them to go back in time and create a backup program? Good luck with that.


Error's happen but if they give you an option than don't throttle the download speed of the 11gb. I don't care about the money, i care about the lack of costumer feeling with this company.


I stopped the download and indeed go and do something else, but as other that are affected i wanted to buy some things that aren't ingame any more when 1.2 goes live.

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And some of us have disabled system restore because we normally don't screw up our systems, besides I'm pretty sure system restore, restores the SYSTEM files..not program files. Do you really think your entire hard drive is backed up regularly?


Everything of value to me on my hard drive is backed up regularly. Sometimes I wonder if PC gaming really is going to die because people treat them like consoles. Sad.

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Basically we are being told that if you want to play today your best bet is to install from discs then update to the latest patch (before 1.2) but if you can wait til tomorrow just quit the 12gig download and log in after the 1.2 patch is live and it should work fine.


Thank you,i just started resintalling the game,and i cancelled the subscription too,i will play the last days before play TERA.

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I sure Hope Somebody is getting FIRED!


I suggest you to employ someone who knows how to RELEASE A PATCH!

This is not your first fail.


I would call you by phone just to hear the voice of who made this fail.

Even if it cost me 4-5€ :cool:

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