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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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You weren't lead to believe ANYTHING. You came to your own assumptions. BTW 3 days of info isn't reliable, and less than 1 mil played that beta.



I came to that conclusion because that's what the information in the testing forum at the time stated ... it was a stress test and would allow them to gauge server handling of a large number of players, and so lead to a smooth launch process.

And what has the fact less than 1 million people played the beta have to do with it? You think all 1 million were on one server with room to spare? Of course not, that 1 million would have provided brilliant data about how many to pack onto a server before things started to go wrong. Please, engage your brain before you engage your typing fingers.

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Heh, its so random, i was on queue position 1600, went away for 1 hour ... came back saw message saying i was afk too long and it kicked me out... and now i have to wait again being back at the end of queue.


Dont tell me, theres AFK checker even on loging/queue screen.


/hail to all Legions of Lettow players

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I came to that conclusion because that's what the information in the testing forum at the time stated ... it was a stress test and would allow them to gauge server handling of a large number of players, and so lead to a smooth launch process.

And what has the fact less than 1 million people played the beta have to do with it? You think all 1 million were on one server with room to spare? Of course not, that 1 million would have provided brilliant data about how many to pack onto a server before things started to go wrong. Please, engage your brain before you engage your typing fingers.


It is probably way more than a million. Those figures that we saw were based on box retail purchases if im not mistaken. I personally ordered online, as im sure alot of people did that didnt go CE

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Welcome to launch.



The only servers that aren't full are the EU ones. Every American server is packed with a 15 minute to 4 hours wait.


Are you seriously THAT ********?! My server is making me queue for 90 minutes and there is no grace period for disconnects. Just becuase you're Ameeeeeeeerican does NOT mean you're the only one affected.

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Another evening of gamebreaking queues. This is a disgrace. Early access... For waiting in line.


Servers can be as lag free and stable as they want when people have to spend hours waiting to play. Part of an MMO is developing a character over several months. Can't jump around servers to do that.


I could see this coming when I got into Beta and sadly discovered Bioware decided to so many diffrent shards/servers. Its a flawed MMO-design. Its better to have a low number of servers, make sure that there is players from all time zones for even load during the day and rely on heavy instancing to keep content from beeing overrun.


As it is right now its the no-life people that can play the game, anyone else is left waiting in line when they get out of the RL threadmill and want an hour of gaming before doing RL stuff again.


I can't see how this will be any better when the doors open for everyone next week. The only thing that can save the gaming experience for those of us that did get early access is if registration of new accounts break down.


I predict even longer queues, anyone want to bet against that? I can promise one thing, if I cant play I wont pay.

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I've been looking forward to play SWTOR after a hard days work, the initial 40 minute queue was fine... but now I disconnected, and I have to stand in line again. I've spent more time with customer support and in queues then in game.


I can't help laugh though. Usually at launch people have issues with lag, and too many players. Bioware fixed this problem by basically putting half the players in >30 minute queues and posting "We are taking the queue issue very seriously, but **** ain't easy".

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you are all the same people crying about not being in yet a few days ago. HERP DERP!!!



80% of people wont be on at the same time in 2 months and they dont want empty servers. The only options are letting people in slowly or queues. YOU CHOSE QUEUES SO STOP QQING!


Exactly Everyone asked for this, LET ME IN .I expected ide be in on a wave the 18th or 19th, but all the Let Me In NOW rageing everyone got what they asked for.


Like they say Be carefull what you ask for.[i WANT MY FULL[b] UPTO 5 DAY [/b]EARLY ACCESS NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!]

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I play other games while in queue. I've got 12GB of memory, so I just alt+tab and play something else for a half hour or so, then check the queue.



Came in at 792, took over 1 hour just to get in game.


If it's still like this after me 30 days, I'll probably choose not to pay for continuing my access.

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My game doesn't crash, is it your PC? If so, that's your fault.


My game stops responding on 1 specific place in game (probably some graphic glitch, on planet Tanris). I had to queue twice for 3 hours to get from that place, I wasnt fast enought with that 30mins CD fasttravel so i second try was fleet transport.

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They are artificially low on high pop servers....Thats how a MMO manages a server in pre-release / launch weeks...


So when more people get in the game and see a 1:30 queue they are more inclined to roll on a different server.


Or alternatively you just shut the server to new players and let 'full' actually mean full. Then you don't penalise the players who are already on that server by also forcing them to wait in a queue. At a future time when people haven't renewed their subs and population drops then server can start accepting new players.


The current advice of rolling on a new less populated server just causes false impressions of way more characters than really should exist ... and ghost towns will develop on *those* servers once the players who have alts there shift back to their mains on the previously heavily queued servers.


It might be perceived as 'just how it is', but there are better ways.

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I had my computer do a total lockup twice now in 3 days, and both times it was while playing SWTOR.

I never had this issue before, so I have good reason to suspect this is cause by the game in some way.

The only way to solve it is to reboot.

This leaves me with the unfortunate situation that I have to wait in a queue of 1000+ and a wait time of 1+ hour.


If it is this bad now how bad will it be when the game goes live and everyone who did not pre-order comes in?

Considering we are still in the Early Access period, I cannot help but fear a near total disaster on launch day.


I will not pay to sit in line and wait for hours on end only to be able to play for a short while then have the game crash my computer so I have to start all over.

Unless BW does something about this and ver soon t hey will lose a large portion of their players in a very short amount of time.

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Why do there even have to be queues? Bioware uses instanced areas when there are too many people. Can't they just increase the number of available instances and assigned hardware dynamically to remove the need for queues?


servers able to handle infinite number of connected clients, sadly, don't exist right now :/

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Still queqing and quegin in EU Frostclaw. I know that many games have had samekind problems before but in this case I really relyed to Bioware but seems that same problems happen again. There was really big beta weekend and still no learnings?. I really hope that Bioware will made some improvements fast. :mad:
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The easy solution would have been to just provide more servers for launch, and leave the option open for merging servers once everything has 'cooled' down a bit. But letting people wait in huge queues cannot be the solution. I really wonder what they are planning to do when the game is officially released. You have to wait 24h to play?!


I would like to play together with my guild friends on the server, but I'm not ready to wait 2 hours to be "allowed" to play. And I actually pay/paid for that?!

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Yeah it's not just the queue's it's the horrible performance as well once it gets towards the full status. Even in instances with an High End Machine it lags horrible once the server approaches full. This needs to be addressed or the 30 days will be my last.
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things are designed with this and that capacity and they cant just increase it ... honestly said i hope they caped the limit for now to encourage players to change serwers.


i belive every major mmo got queue problems at launch , and expecially in EA we have them - imagine many preordrs wont actually turn into bought game but those ppl do use their time to play during ea ... i hope on 20th queues will lighten up.


That said it doesnt mean its fine that you need to ahead queue few hours to be able to play.. and then never logout or iyou wont be able to play on that day anymore....

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