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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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"We are aware of long queue times on some select EU English PvP servers. If you are attempting to enter an EU English PvP server and are encountering a 2+ hour queue, we strongly encourage you to select a different EU English PvP server. "


I've allotted 4 hours to play today on Bloodworthy...have so far been queued for 2 hours. Normally, this wouldn't bother me as much because server populations usually do level out, but I find it insulting that with all the data they received from the Guild program and beta tests...they placed us on this server!!! It's just a bit of a slap in the face to now be told 'glad you enjoyed early access, but now you'll have to reroll on another server if you dont want to face queues, so say goodbye to your lvl 30 toon'. And of course, our entire guild has the same issues. They knew beforehand how many guilds were gonna be deployed, and with how many members. How did that get screwed up?!


I just pray they're capping the servers atm.

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People keep bringing up free transfers..last night almost all the servers had big queues..where will you transfer to?


To wow? :)


kidding. In any case, this will not get sorted by adding new servs, they just need to lock a couple of servs to new accounts and expand their population a limit a bit, sure.. maybe a bit of stress ont he machines, but it's a temp measure, things will prolly settle mid january

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90 min queue for Legions of Lettow (LoL, indeed) now.

I Play on German T3-M4 Server the queue was 500 People, estimated waiting time 35 Minutes. Waited 35 Minutes place in queue 200.


So you can double the estimated waiting Time and have your real waiting time.

Edited by Skarus
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biggest problem seems to be the guild placement.

e.g.: the red eclipse is filled with guilds, thus suffering large queue times.

i've been sittin in a queue for 1 hour, to stay at position 900 (!!!).

plus, the only reason i got there, was because of being afk, gettin logged to char screen and having error code 3.

thanks alot -.-

i mean, i've seen worse.

aion for example. you could connect to a server, go to work for 8 hours and still be in a queue for a straight hour.

still it's not acceptable, since this is PRE-launch.

i don't even want to image how this will be at the real launch.

the recommended server transfer is also no option.

since i'm level 30 now and i don't want to re-roll on a different server.

plus everyone of my guild would have to do the same thing.

there needs to be something done here...

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If it's this bad now, what is going to happen on the 20th?

We are gonna be sitting in 5 day queues, holy ****!


I like swtor, but not that much. Give us back our money, give us extra days or go jump off a bridge


I donot think it will be worse on launch day. My local Gamestop store only has 10 copies on preorder and are not going to have a midnight opening even. The great majority of the players who will be playing TOR are the ones who have preordered.


Each server has a population cap, which is normal and to be expected. The problem is the assigning guilds to certain ones and then allowing new non guild players to create characters on them. They ether have to allow free transfers or lock the servers for making new characters.

Edited by Valkirus
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"We are aware of long queue times on some select EU English PvP servers. If you are attempting to enter an EU English PvP server and are encountering a 2+ hour queue, we strongly encourage you to select a different EU English PvP server. "


I can understand this if someone is rolling a toon, but now I'm heading towards level 20, I dont want to go start all over again on another server.


So, We really need a solution for this BW , I thought that was the whole point of " Ramping" the population so servers could be added ,to avoid this situation.


It would seem that little difference has been made to the queue, by inviting in Waves,

Opening the doors full to everyone last Tuesday. would have had the same effect.

Edited by Darkstar_IE
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No, being in beta is lucky - getting to play in the pre-release is a bonus giving to those that PAID for the game.


As I've said before, my main problem with this is that it has penalised those who are early adopters and/or are part of a pre-formed guild.


+1 QFT.


I've paid, received the CE, did an unboxing. I use the security token, bought CE VIP items, brought out Mouse Droid. I understand queues, and I'm glad BioWare hasn't had major server downtimes. But....


This is the *controlled* portion of launch. Having 1,000+ server queues on any server is a serious problem, and a dark portent of things to come.

Edited by ArkhamNative
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Wrong. I am on a America server and I have yet to have any que..none. Been playing sence the second wave invites too.


Unless you are playing at odd hours, I find this VERY hard to believe. I live in the US and last night nearly every server had a 30+minute wait (some near 2 hours) between 6-9 pm or so CST. Plus, to those that say that this is acceptable, just wait till the game drops you and you have to re-que, good times. They need a system in place to at least allow a grace period for people to log right back in when this happens. I work for a living and waiting 1 hour to play and then a drop means I'm done for the night whether I played 10 minutes or an hour. Unacceptable as is and I hope Bioware/EA does something to address this, I have confidence they will though. They can't ignore this big a problem /knockonwood.

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I can understand this if someone is rolling a toon, but now I'm heading towards level 20, I dont want to go start all over again on another server.


So, We really need a solution for this BW , I thought that was the whole point of " Ramping" the population so servers could be added was to avoid this situation.


It would seem that little difference has been made to the queue, by inviting in Waves,

Opening the doors full to everyone last Tuesday. would have had the same effect.


Level 20 allready? I been in sence the second wave invite and my character is only level 18. You seem to have had lots of play time. :cool:

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I donot think it will be worse on launch day. My local Gamestop store only has 10 copies on preorder and are not going to have a midnight opening even. The great majority of the players who will be playing TOR are the ones who have preordered.


Each server has a population cap, which is normal and to be expected. The problem is the assigning guilds to certain ones and then allowing new non guild players to create characters on them. They ether have to allow free transfers or lock the servers on creatining new characters.


IMO they need to start raising the caps on the 4(?) servers with an "estimated" (also known as wild guess that's buried in optimism) queue of over 90 mins. No one is going to pick these servers to roll on anyway unless:


a) their guild was placed there

b) they have a lot of friends already playing


I don't see the harm in working to lower the queue's by 30 mins to an hour when there are still some servers with capacity for no queueing out there.


Also - please just create a new server and designate it Italian, Spanish and Czech or something then migrate guilds that want to onto this server. The unofficial business is to blame for the issues on LoL ToNS and BW and it needs addressing soon. The queues are crazy and its the middle of the day. Come 7pm we are all going to be sat in 5 hours queues again.



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Unless you are playing at odd hours, I find this VERY hard to believe. I live in the US and last night nearly every server had a 30+minute wait (some near 2 hours) between 6-9 pm or so CST. Plus, to those that say that this is acceptable, just wait till the game drops you and you have to re-que, good times. They need a system in place to at least allow a grace period for people to log right back in when this happens. I work for a living and waiting 1 hour to play and then a drop means I'm done for the night whether I played 10 minutes or an hour. Unacceptable as is and I hope Bioware/EA does something to address this, I have confidence they will though. They can't ignore this big a problem /knockonwood.


Beleave it or not...but what I posted was the truth. The problem we have here is...the guild placement program and non guild players wanting to roll on a cool named server. :cool:

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I dont mind an hour or 2 wait to get in.. it happens.. its a launch..


what i do mind, is having to spend 2 hours waiting to get in, then some bug crashing me out after 10 mins, and having to spend another 2 hours waiting..


it is what it is tho, and its a cracking game, so im not going anywhere.. i just hope BW get it fixed up asap, it can be extremely annoying

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I Play on German T3-M4 Server the queue was 500 People, estimated waiting time 35 Minutes. Waited 35 Minutes place in queue 200.


So you can double the estimated waiting Time and have your real waiting time.


Estimated times are a long way out.


Double it and add some.


40 minutes is often closer to 2 hours

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I would really like to know if I can still cancel my 3 month subscription so I can make sure during the 1st 30 days that the problems get solved otherwise I would much rather not pay the monthly fee if you don't mind.


Thanks for any answer you can give me on this

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Beleave it or not...but what I posted was the truth. The problem we have here is...the guild placement program and non guild players wanting to roll on a cool named server. :cool:


Yup - they should start a server called "Bumblingoaf" Just so those that don't care could roll on it.

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This is a huge snafu. Today is my play day and so far i have been waiting for 4 hours. EA/Bioware do something about this, I have paid you money.

Hopefully you'll fare better than we did late last night. Someone I arranged to play with was in and I was queueing. Before I got in, he got a server error and had to re-queue. Then I got in and he wasn't. Rinse, repeat. Others have gotten a crash/error right when the queuing ended, and they had to re-queue. Because multiple people wind up queueing multiple times, this problem is an order of magnitude worse than it sounds.

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Beleave it or not...but what I posted was the truth. The problem we have here is...the guild placement program and non guild players wanting to roll on a cool named server. :cool:


As I said and it seems to be mirrored by everyone, only a handful of server did not have a wait time last night. As I checked in on my place in line, I watched the estimated wait times just go up and up and up. Even the new servers they opened were under "Heavy" by the time I got in to play. Here's to hopping this is resolved soon, happy gaming.

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