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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Yay hour queue to play today, almost a 3 hour wait last night :) I do not believe that between EA and Bioware they do not have the capability to work out demand based on how many invites were being sent out. I know they will not over provision but they are no where near an acceptable level.


The only saving grace I can see is when I do get into the game its very stable. Could be they are being over cautious and limiting the amount of players per server to avoid the "omg server crashed again" threads with a view to increasing the number of connections after some performance monitoring.


If they want to keep customers then need to get the customer service right. Just a simple:


"We are aware the issue and investigation is underway. We appologise for the inconvenience this is causing and will provide an update in x days on our findings"


Is all it takes to let people know that its been noted and updates will be provided.

Edited by psyborg
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I think another reason is they might be trying to lvl out the server pops.

Becasue there is no way there servers cant handle more than the few hundred that are on at any time.


Indeed.. a form of digital herding that is not unheard of. Sadly we have to suffer as a result.

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This is quite unacceptable, only half our guild is in the game so far and we are having to que to get in!


Get This the game hasnt even LAUNCHED yet


Bioware sort this **** out NOW

Edited by Tolo
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It would help if BW stopped people from creating new characters on servers if they aren't guilded. I went to the server my guild was assigned too, leveled up quite a lot and am now having to wait ages to play, it's not so bad during the week as I can get someone to log me in before I finish work. But at weekends I'm tempted to play for as long as possible to avoid the wait, which isn't healthy but I don't want to miss out..
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I would say 90 % of the people in this thread have never been in a MMO release before. because everyone else who has are just dealing with it. I would rather wait in a que for a good mmo server them jump right in to one that will lose its pop in the first month. also for everyone saying open new servers and cap pop on all the servers just google warhammer online .


I never had to wait on high populated servers and i played so far:


Star Wars Galaxies (European Release)

WoW (European Release)

Age of Conan (Europe)


The problem is Bioware should have released all servers on day one with an virtulal High pop limit which should incerase with the new invites.

New Servers will not Change anything because new Players will choose the server their friends are on.


Has Bioware stated that they are working on this?


The Game itself is good no game breaking bugs so far, but its not a smooth release.


I have been playing since 13.dec and dont give up my level 28 Sith Inquisitor, or role a new char on another server.


So Bioware please fix it.

At least don't allow newcomers to create chars on servers that have a high population.


Btw: Please adjust the waiting time! When it says 35 minutes it means you have to wait 2 hours.

Edited by Skarus
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Has Bioware stated that they are working on this?


The Game itself is good no game breaking bugs so far, but its not a smooth release.


I have been playing since 13.dec and dont give up my level 28 Sith Inquisitor, or role a new char on another server.


I believe I read somewhere they said if your server queue is too busy try a different server... yeah like I want to waste all the time spent leveling.

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I never had to wait on high populated servers and i played so far:


Star Wars Galaxies (European Release)

WoW (European Release)

Age of Conan (Europe)


The problem is Bioware should have released all servers on day one with an virtulal High pop limit which should incerase with the new invites.

New Servers will not Change anything because new Players will choose the server their friends are on.


Has Bioware stated that they are working on this?


The Game itself is good no game breaking bugs so far, but its not a smooth release.


I have been playing since 13.dec and dont give up my level 28 Sith Inquisitor, or role a new char on another server.


So Bioware please fix it.

At least don't allow newcomers to create chars on servers that have a high population.


Btw: Please adjust the waiting time! When it says 35 minutes it means you have to wait 2 hours.


WoW had hideous queues on the European release, most of my guild cancelled their subs until a few months later when the hardware had been improved.


The issue is not that SWTOR has queues where no other games had, it's that most other games have had queues and companies like Bioware do not seem to be able to learn fromt he processes.

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when they put guilds on servers they should close them for ppl with no guild imo, maybe then there wouldn't be big queues, i cannot imagine how raids will look like when ppl come from their jobs/school etc. Ppl get free days especially for this game, but if problem won't be solved and their free days will end it will be a disaster for them to log in
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This game hasnt even launched yet your lucky to get to play before the game releases.

No, being in beta is lucky - getting to play in the pre-release is a bonus giving to those that PAID for the game. I have infinite patience for problems during beta, but we're not in beta anymore. As others have said, my time is precious and split between family and work. If I can't log on and play a game when I want to, and have to play when they want me to, then there is a serious misunderstanding on the part of the game owners about the service they are providing.


As I've said before, my main problem with this is that it has penalised those who are early adopters and/or are part of a pre-formed guild. Official advice so far has been:

- Log in at an off-peak time

Great idea, unless you have a job. I have a specific window that I can play the game, and that happens to be peak time on the server I was assigned to.

- Create character on new server

Yep, done that now but it does mean that my EA time has been wasted creating my main character who is part of a guild ... because that particular server is heavily loaded now at peak times. The first days of EA logging in was fine, but they've kept ramping up the numbers of players allowed to join that server until it is now unreachable during peak. Way to go.


If I was coming into this fresh today then sure, just pick a random low population server. But I'm not, I was assigned to a server on day 1 of EA and now that server is a nightmare to log in to unless I'm prepared to waste an hour of my limited time sitting looking at a queueing screen.


Their balance between population and queue times are seriously seriously out of whack, and need to be sorted. Yes things will improve after launch, so does that mean the advice is not to pay for a subscription until loads of players use up their 'free' 30 days and the population declines? Seems like crazy business advice.

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if they want to keep customers then need to get the customer service right. Just a simple:


"we are aware the issue and investigation is underway. We appologise for the inconvenience this is causing and will provide an update in x days on our findings"


is all it takes to let people know that its been noted and updates will be provided.



^^^^^ qft

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We pre ordered to sit in queues yo!

Seriously though what was the point of the guild system that was in put into place?

BioWare had the perfect system for making sure that servers were divided equally yet anyone and his mother were still able to make chars on servers that were already "FULL".


Sitting in hours of queues should not be the case at this point surely.

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90 min queue for Legions of Lettow (LoL, indeed) now.

Having my guild there (pre-launch guild positioning) means that rolling on another server is a pain and I bet that queues are going to increase along the day, so...


Oh well, I guess I'll just browse the forums.

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Welcome to launch.



The only servers that aren't full are the EU ones. Every American server is packed with a 15 minute to 4 hours wait.


Wrong. I am on a America server and I have yet to have any que..none. Been playing sence the second wave invites too.

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