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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 1.3 Speculation Thread


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So, now that 1.2 is dropping tonight, its time to turn our attention to 1.3. What will it contain, when will it drop, how long before it hits the PTS, etc...


I am hoping a cross server LFG tool is implemented and also hopeful of June 15, 2012.


p.s. no, you can't just enjoy 1.2 for a while before we start speculating on 1.3! This is the other half of the game.. the forums! We have to have something to speculate and debate. ;)

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Well if what James Ohlen said at PAX is true then we won't be waiting long for 1.3 as according to him the content updates will be rolling out month after month once 1.2 goes live. Link provided at the bottom.


As far as what will be in it? Well from what they've said their priority is to get an LFG tool and character transfers ready as soon as possible. So I would bet that at least one of those will be ready by then. From the datamined information we got back in February we'll also be getting a new set of dailies on Belsavis, a new flashpoint, new operation, and the HK-51 companion. Probably some additional UI functions and a Guild Calendar. We know we're getting more Legacy unlocks. I would be willing to bet on yet another warzone and then a few other things we didn't know were coming.



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Well if what James Ohlen said at PAX is true then we won't be waiting long for 1.3 as according to him the content updates will be rolling out month after month once 1.2 goes live. Link provided at the bottom.


As far as what will be in it? Well from what they've said their priority is to get an LFG tool and character transfers ready as soon as possible. So I would bet that at least one of those will be ready by then. From the datamined information we got back in February we'll also be getting a new set of dailies on Belsavis, a new flashpoint, new operation, and the HK-51 companion. Probably some additional UI functions and a Guild Calendar. We know we're getting more Legacy unlocks. I would be willing to bet on yet another warzone and then a few other things we didn't know were coming.




I don't know if we will get LFG but I think I remember reading somewhere (maybe one of the Q&As) an allusion to Multi-spec and gear manager in 1.3.

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I don't know if we will get LFG but I think I remember reading somewhere (maybe one of the Q&As) an allusion to Multi-spec and gear manager in 1.3.


I do recall hearing something about dual spec and I definitely remember them saying they were aiming for some type of group finder (may have only been for pvp.)

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Everything below taken from guild summit :


Probability 99% :

- Dual Spec and abilities to switch Hotbars and Gears automatically

- Automated LFG tool (not cross server) that works for FP and Missions

- Abilities to put Bounties/Contract on someone' s head

- Additional Class Story


Probabilitty 70% :

- Space Combat massive new mission and new playing style (hinted at group/multiplayer FP space combat)

- Organic Mounts (rewards)


Probability 40% :

- Guild Capital Ships , on design phase now

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I hope they don't even hint at a release date for 1.3 so the forums don't fill up with the "WTFBBQQQ They said it would be out by XX/XX/XXXX and it isn't, BW suxxorz, my life is ruined, my account is canceled WTFWTFWTF" BS again ....


Bwahaha, so true.

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Everything below taken from guild summit :


Probability 99% :

- Dual Spec and abilities to switch Hotbars and Gears automatically

- Automated LFG tool (not cross server) that works for FP and Missions

- Abilities to put Bounties/Contract on someone' s head

- Additional Class Story


Probabilitty 70% :

- Space Combat massive new mission and new playing style (hinted at group/multiplayer FP space combat)

- Organic Mounts (rewards)


Probability 40% :

- Guild Capital Ships , on design phase now


woah Woah WOAH!!! Are you serious!? I knew chat bubbles were coming in 1.3 but bounties and new space stuff!!! 1.3 is already shaping up to be better than 1.2 in my books!

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woah Woah WOAH!!! Are you serious!? I knew chat bubbles were coming in 1.3 but bounties and new space stuff!!! 1.3 is already shaping up to be better than 1.2 in my books!


Whoa whoa whoa! Temper your expectations my son! It is a speculation thread. Do not let what anyone says here to somehow become the law because we all know what will happen if it doesn't come true. People will scream on these forums that Bioware lied to them when the truth was it was a random person simply saying what they believe will happen.

Edited by Varteras
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I hope they don't even hint at a release date for 1.3 so the forums don't fill up with the "WTFBBQQQ They said it would be out by XX/XX/XXXX and it isn't, BW suxxorz, my life is ruined, my account is canceled WTFWTFWTF" BS again ....


I actually thought about jokingly predicting that 1.2 would get pushed to 2013.. but I figured some people would jump on board and run with it.

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woah Woah WOAH!!! Are you serious!? I knew chat bubbles were coming in 1.3 but bounties and new space stuff!!! 1.3 is already shaping up to be better than 1.2 in my books!


Those would be HUGE in my book as well! I think once the Legacy stuff is implemented tonight, BW can start to concentrate on things that will really bring this game along nicely!


And, personally, I would like to further the class stories. It really is necessary.

Edited by Meldwyn
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Everything below taken from guild summit :


Probability 99% :

- Dual Spec and abilities to switch Hotbars and Gears automatically

- Automated LFG tool (not cross server) that works for FP and Missions

- Abilities to put Bounties/Contract on someone' s head

- Additional Class Story


Probabilitty 70% :

- Space Combat massive new mission and new playing style (hinted at group/multiplayer FP space combat)

- Organic Mounts (rewards)


Probability 40% :

- Guild Capital Ships , on design phase now


Shouldn't put your numbers, as they are probably wrong and heavily skewed (which gives the wrong impression. So far, this interview we have a confirmation from Ohlen on two things:


JO: I think I already gone a little bit into that direction talking about the group finder and character transfers, so those are things that you are going to see in 1.3. I don’t really want to go into anything more specific about that. No more special hints.


Everything else is conjencture until we get more confirmation, from watching the Guild Summit stuff, I don't remember any of things you mentioning as having a heavy possibility of being in 1.3 so don't start spewing it like it is.

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Well if what James Ohlen said at PAX is true then we won't be waiting long for 1.3 as according to him the content updates will be rolling out month after month once 1.2 goes live. Link provided at the bottom.

Uh huh...I'll believe this when I see it. 1.2 killed the only tiny bit of open world PvP incentive we had - Ilum daily/weekly. Although Ilum lags like **edit** and is overall the worst PvP 'zone' in any MMO I've ever played, it beats nothing...which is all 1.2 gives us.


1.3 better come sooner rather than later.

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I thought our attention was supposed to turn to ripping 1.2 apart and finding fault with every minute decision?



Shhh, it's been pretty peaceful around here this morning.


Don't jinx it!


*edit to add.


perhaps I spoke too soon ;)

Edited by Sparklehorse
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For those people who want more info, please check the official bioware guild summit videos, they give info on their short term plan and long term plan in the next patches





- Dual Spec done right (along with the right way to implement hotbar swap and gear swap), there will be NO dual AC.

- Automated Grouping system that works for Flashpoint, Operations and ordinary missions like Heroics

- Continuation of current Class quest as bioware aware of their strength in story.

- Additional FP , OPs and Warzones (1 each per major patch)

- Abilities to put bounties / contract on players (opposing faction)

- Organic Pets will be implemented as Rewards

- New Season for Ranked PVP




- Adding Achievement system, this is already on design phase

- Additional Space combat missions and a 'secret suprise' that will turn SPACE COMBAT into something far more enjoyable than rail based shooter now. Hinted to be group space combat with free-form flying (not rail based)

- Guild Capital Ship , already on design phase


everyting above already public information.. so shouldnt be a suprise to anyone who watch the guild summit videos

Edited by dprijadi
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woah Woah WOAH!!! Are you serious!? I knew chat bubbles were coming in 1.3 but bounties and new space stuff!!! 1.3 is already shaping up to be better than 1.2 in my books!


if you want the juicy details , go watch guild summit videos.. =D

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