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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maras underpowered


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Has the OP tried buying the right gaming accessories? A good keyboard and mouse can make a world of difference. I would suggest something like this


Thanks mate.

My gaming performance skyrocketed after buying one of those.

Edited by Sabredance
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point out where i said inquisitors were bws pet class?


point out where im bad?


im surprised you know how to work your keyboard with that logic



The general consensus on this forum for months was that sorcerer's were BioWare's pet class. I'm simply mocking your statement of now calling marauders their pet class as this is what bad players do when they can't handle something in a game.

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The general consensus on this forum for months was that sorcerer's were BioWare's pet class. I'm simply mocking your statement of now calling marauders their pet class as this is what bad players do when they can't handle something in a game.


lol so me pointing out that the best 1v1 class gets a buff and almost everyone else gets a nerf makes me bad? i bet someone turns your computer on for you huh

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Do what I did: Get microsoft ergonomic keyboard. It has a wavey pattern which directly responds to the shape of my face, making facerolling easier and more fun that ever. Also, as someone mentioned earlier, I preapply baby oil to my keys for less friction. Protip: for this technique to work it requires a clean shave.
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lol so me pointing out that the best 1v1 class gets a buff and almost everyone else gets a nerf makes me bad? i bet someone turns your computer on for you huh


We are a melee class that has to run around in a mostly ranged class game with all 3 tree's as DPS. We damn sure better be the best 1v1 class with the highest dps output. But that kind of logic is beyond you I'm sure.

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We are a melee class that has to run around in a mostly ranged class game with all 3 tree's as DPS. We damn sure better be the best 1v1 class with the highest dps output. But that kind of logic is beyond you I'm sure.


Dev's actually posted that just because you are a pure DPS class does not mean you should have higher DPS.


They said DPS targets are the same for any DPS spec/class combo.

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I've found it help if I turn my keyboard upside down or unbind jump from the space bar. My prominent chin normally causes me to jump instead of marauding people like I should.


I don't play a Marauder that was just in character.


I do have a 50 Mercenary I don't use anymore. Oh how I wish I bound all my keys to Tracer Missile and made an actual face rolling live action video prior to 1.2.

Edited by iDubstep
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We are a melee class that has to run around in a mostly ranged class game with all 3 tree's as DPS. We damn sure better be the best 1v1 class with the highest dps output. But that kind of logic is beyond you I'm sure.


Tactics/AP Vanguards/Pyro are melee.


Can those specs get the survivability and damage of Maras too?

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We are a melee class that has to run around in a mostly ranged class game with all 3 tree's as DPS. We damn sure better be the best 1v1 class with the highest dps output. But that kind of logic is beyond you I'm sure.


Haha. Logic.

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Just be sure to unbind your backpeddle key before you start to faceroll, you don't want to accidentally be seen to backpeddle in a warzone everyone will call you Noob!!


WRONG!!! Should have backpedal bound to at least 3 keys for full faceroll optimization, gotta back up to jump sooooo much i didnt take close quarters cause only newbs run the full 31/31/31 spec anyway.

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We are a melee class that has to run around in a mostly ranged class game with all 3 tree's as DPS. We damn sure better be the best 1v1 class with the highest dps output. But that kind of logic is beyond you I'm sure.


you also play a class that is made up almost entirely of instants combined with the best defensive cds in game and also an in combat stealth. arsenal merc on the other hand uses 50% activated abilities that can be interrupted, easily los'ed, and make us immobile. you can run and keep the same dps up, can we? we also only have one defensive cd and no escape mechanisms. does it seem fair that in range you out class us in every category and the only advantage we have is when you are out of range and cant attack us at all?


you sir need to go look up the definition of logic

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