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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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I've abandoned my characters and moved to the asia/pacific server for just this reason. Do i ping close to 400 in contrast to 40 on my old server? Yes but I prefer it to the ghost town that is Vornskyr.


The fact that this game has no community or cross server LFG system only compounds the problem.


I think they will fix it when people start leaving by the thousands but in all honesty by then it will be too late.


Yes the game is dying, as evidenced by low populations on the vast majority of all servers. Every day we get closer to an RPG than an MMO.

Edited by Zajen
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Wow had to travel through almost 4 full threads just to be able to post. I play on Ahto City EU and the server is dead most times, during the day there is perhaps 30people in the citys. I play mostly at night and have done a search of the whole republic side and see 18people online for the whole things. Its game breaking, just give us all a free legacy transfer (i would move servers but iv worked for a lvl 18 legacy, i shouldnt need to redo it all because of low populations which massive amount of people want addressed)
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Well there actually a phew threads going on about this issue.


I could think of one thing to put more and more pressure on BW to do something about this issue without cancelling your account.


Just make a character and play around a bit on the already full population servers. Even if you are not playing just stay ingame and queue up to make it so long and unbearable that all the players there will start annoying BW to do something about it.


For the rebellion!

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I sent a the question and this was my response.

"Outside of the information available on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website , we are unable to comment further on your question."


take your time Bioware, I think there is some other games coming very soon, so do not worry, we do not need server change at all.


I will keep on soloing, its way more fun than flash points and ops, who needs that anyhow.

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I sent a the question and this was my response.

"Outside of the information available on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website , we are unable to comment further on your question."


take your time Bioware, I think there is some other games coming very soon, so do not worry, we do not need server change at all.


I will keep on soloing, its way more fun than flash points and ops, who needs that anyhow.


Take there time? ya im sure thats what there doing, or maybe there figuring out the best route with all the LEGACY NAMES/Char NAMES/Ontop of all other sorts of crap thats involved with a xfer, think thanks...

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I sent a the question and this was my response.

"Outside of the information available on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website , we are unable to comment further on your question."


My followup to which would've been; "There's something on the website!?!?!? :eek:".

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Take there time? ya im sure thats what there doing, or maybe there figuring out the best route with all the LEGACY NAMES/Char NAMES/Ontop of all other sorts of crap thats involved with a xfer, think thanks...


That's a major issue... Not something that a team of 1,000+ people all highly paid, highly talented people shouldn't be able to work out fairly easily... And, you know, they are the first people to ever merge any kind of database, let alone game server databases... - Please don't defend them. Communication is key, they have not provided ANY. This task has been done by most MMO's shortly after launch (by shortly I mean the first couple of months, not the first six). There really isn't any excuse other than wanting to save face to the media.


They should've really addressed the server issues before rolling out legacy. They've just built themselves an extra 20 stories on the building they've got to scale.

Edited by Solo_Han
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That's a major issue... Not something that a team of 1,000+ people all highly paid, highly talented people shouldn't be able to work out fairly easily... And, you know, they are the first people to ever merge any kind of database, let alone game server databases...


They should've really addressed the server issues before rolling out legacy. They've just built themselves an extra 20 stories on the building they've got to scale.


Rofl 1000+? pulling numbers from you're 6 oclock are ya? wts some CS pst...

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Rofl 1000+? pulling numbers from you're 6 oclock are ya? wts some CS pst...


Apparently so, at it's peak it was 570... Still doesn't dilute my statement at all. If RIFT and WAR can do it within 60 days, with development teams closer to 200, why shouldn't TOR?


SOURCE: http://www.vg247.com/2012/03/08/star-wars-the-old-republic-development-team-reached-570-members/

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Apparently so, at it's peak it was 570... Still doesn't dilute my statement at all. If RIFT and WAR can do it within 60 days, with development teams closer to 200, why shouldn't TOR?


SOURCE: http://www.vg247.com/2012/03/08/star-wars-the-old-republic-development-team-reached-570-members/


You obv can't comprehend very well, re-read the post and get back to me...

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Ok heres a good link http://www.nowgamer.com/news/1324496/swtor_bioware_reponds_to_criticism_server_merges_still_possible.html

and to the butt hurt high pop servers it takes longer to get a group on a light server than it takes to log in on a heavy one ALLOW TRANSFERS FOR THE HIGH POP AND MERGES FOR THE LOW WHO GIVES A **** about what your characters name is i want to play the damn game

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Why dont they just cluster the servers for instances and warzones already? Even if they allowed transfers it wont help me any. Because of work I can play from 5Am-8AM. PvP queues are terrible then and theres 20 people in fleet. But holy crap if I log into WoW at the same time I can be PvPing or in a group in 5 minutes or less. I dont give a crap about it ruining the server communities. I dont pay $15 a month to socialize I pay it to play. And right now I cant play.
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A lot of these posts are bang on. I am lucky enough to be able to play this game a lot.

However I have been trying to get into flashpoints for 2 days with no success. I honestly don't see the point in trying any more. I sure as hell don't want to know how bad the people only playing for a few hours a day feel about this.

The servers are dying. This will only get worse if dedicated fans and players keep logging into quiet servers.


I loved the game on Release!!!!

I sure as hell didn't expect the populations to die down I expected them to GROW.


Please Allow Server Transfers


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"Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that."

Complaining is over for me.

Edited by FailBoatCpt
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"Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that."

Complaining is over for me.

complaining is over for me when I understand the details, such as:

1. When will the other transfers occur? Will they be free? Will you be able to retransfer?

2. When will mergers occur? Only a year after the transfers have occurred and the dust settled?

How are tranfers handled for the AP group? How is that going?

Edited by Drunkenpig
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i cant wait for them to do this, logging in the morning and seeing you are the only person in a- your guild, and b-on the rep fleet is quite sad.. they could prolly cut the servers in half by just merging 2 low pop servers into 1.
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The Elephant in the room is the ability mirrored per class.


Clearly the favortism for Imperial over Republic has yet to be even slightly addressed.


Bio Ware has said they want fix this but have done so little it is pathetic.


I would suggest that Bio Ware post fixes they intend for mirror class so they do not appear to be so Imperial biased.

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Just made a post like yesterday and foud out there was one existing allready. I agree we need to merge the servers I play on europe servers and tbh there is no more peak time its always low low low low....


I suggest server merge, I suggest a Flashpoint system like the pvp system some are against the cross server on this i dont care wich tbh aslong as players can get into the content of this game.


There is no reason to think that swtor cant grow big again and im certain that with the right content updates and more fun stuff to do the game can not only grow but surpass alot of games out there.. :rolleyes:


Make it happen Swtor and you will have all of us spreeding rumors about how good the game has become bringing you more players hell you might even be able to open all servers up at a later date.

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There's something i really don't understand, i'll write it on capitals, because i feel like noone is going to read it if i don't.




Would be nice, the same way as I can freely create any character in any server i want. It would be a nice way to look for servers where "people are now" just to be able to choose the standard (not the full nor the empty) to find a suitable level of players.


I suggest this from my utter ignorance of whether it is technically possible.

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There is no reason to think that swtor cant grow big again and im certain that with the right content updates and more fun stuff to do the game can not only grow but surpass alot of games out there.. :rolleyes:


The problem is if alot of players arrive to servers who are ghost towns they will not stay beyond 50 and there will never be any server community. Then its better to reinforce other servers to be able to hold more population so they are more often active than not.


Kind Regards


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"Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that."

Complaining is over for me.


What you quoted was just a very lengthy way for BW to say: It's coming Soon™. As anyone will tell you, Soon™ means anywhere from next week to never. Usually the Soon™ line is used as a band aid to keep people from leaving. Perhaps the above has influenced some people to stay and wait but, so far, my experience is that people are still dropping like flies from the four servers I have characters on, three of which have been in the tank since mid-February.


By the time Soon™ rolls around, it will be far, far too late. Solutions need to be presented now. Not sometime later. But since we're still waiting for issues from launch to be addressed, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting.

Edited by Captiosus
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The problem is if alot of players arrive to servers who are ghost towns they will not stay beyond 50 and there will never be any server community. Then its better to reinforce other servers to be able to hold more population so they are more often active than not.


Kind Regards



I agree with the people they need to adress this problem now and not in, the far far far away future.


I must admit im lucky cause my guild is still active and doing raids daily missions and alike. But the fact remains that some are not lucky at all and that needs to be fixed it pains me to see people struggle for hours at end to get a group for there 4hc missions or alike, I actully had begun to just check up on people and helping em do em.


But these quest's where not meant to be boosted threw they where meant to be played with new people and maybe even future friends.

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