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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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Its totally time for server mergers. They created servers too quickly in the December slam. Now they will lose more population because fun gaming opportunities will be limited by player volume. If the Fleet isnt having at least 200 people in it at a time, that will lead to a future problem.


I can't agree more.

So far, I have re-rolled 3 times, and grinded for Legacy just because I would get to 50 and Server Pop wasnt there to do anything :(

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I am in the same boat man. It is frustrating to spend so much time on a single server and then move to another based on server pop. Even more frustrating is all the time I spent grinding mercenary just to get a 1-1 return back on warzone comms. What fail. It would have been nice to get the warzone comms back at a 10 to 30 return.
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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


Wow it takes hours for a PvP que to pop on your server? Which server is that? I play on Black Vulkars and it's usually light-standard population, but I never wait longer than 3 mins for any PvP ques. That's including the level 50 ones and the pre-50 warzones.


I never have a problem finding a group for Heroics or Flashpoints either. Not sure how "low" your server is but my "low" server is still fine. :)

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If the Fleet isnt having at least 200 people in it at a time, that will lead to a future problem.


wow. when i see 50-75 people on the fleet at once i get excited haha


I was hoping for a server merge. Had there been a way to tell the population of a server from creation, i would have selected another server that shows up as "standard" or "heavy" more often than not.


Mine is always "light"



Now, i'm just hoping to be able to do server transfers.. least me and my friends can move to a more populated server when they decide to let us do so... whenever that may be.

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I wish they merge the EU servers they all have low numbers except Tomb of Freedan Nadd (because it seems everyone has re-rolled there) but it's a PvP server.


I wish they merge the RP servers together to make one big RP server. So I either goto Tomb of freedan nadd and give up on RP in SWTOR or stay on Progenitor with hardly anyone on.

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keeep this thread on the top cause EU server merge is the highest priority now !!

servers are dead cant do any flashpoints , heroic quests , warzones not showing up for hours and thre are no players. BIOWARE ?? Merging Servers is TOP Priority mmmmk ?

Edited by wesleybakkie
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I support the idea of a server merge as well. But I also know that Bioware is not considering it at this point.


Possibly another viable option would be to allow people that already have an existing level 50 characters on one server to create Characters on other servers that are already at level 50 with some basic Legendary items and a small amount of credits.


Legacy level would be lost but at this point I would rather have people to play with than rather than a legacy level 15. I just simply don't have the desire to roll out several more level 50 toons. Only other problem is this would further reinforce the low population on the light servers.

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Playing on Chuundar, but it is hard to complete any kind of group quest when there are only 4 players on your planet.


We need a server merge it would benefit us all.


Bioware can give free gametime what they want but if they wont server merge heads will roll for bioware.. ppl will leave when other games hit the shelves.. too bad but true

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Is PAX interviews official enough for you?


No serve merge. Will not happen. Not a big problem, as much as the internet loves to make it out to be. Yes there are a few servers that have low pop, but they are working on giving people who think that is a problem the option to move servers themselves while leaving the people who don't give a crap to continue not giving a crap.




I love the mentality that is you cry about it load enough on the forms that Bioware will ignore there own internal numbers and real time server monitoring and do something.


"Hey Jim, got the server pop numbers right here"


"Yes, yes, your facts are interesting I guess but THE INTERNET SAYS WE ARE FAILING!!! DO SOMETHING!!!"


"Ummm ... sure ..."

Edited by lexiekaboom
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haha read the PAX article and the guys says : we have a very healthy game ATM so server merge wont come and were not looking at it lol did he swapped the info from my little pony online ? or does he makes a joke ? like 90% of the servers is dead.

dont care what they think its just my experience.


Is PAX interviews official enough for you?


No serve merge. Will not happen. Not a big problem, as much as the internet loves to make it out to be. Yes there are a few servers that have low pop, but they are working on giving people who think that is a problem the option to move servers themselves while leaving the people who don't give a crap to continue not giving a crap.




I love the mentality that is you cry about it load enough on the forms that Bioware will ignore there own internal numbers and real time server monitoring and do something.


"Hey Jim, got the server pop numbers right here"


"Yes, yes, your facts are interesting I guess but THE INTERNET SAYS WE ARE FAILING!!! DO SOMETHING!!!"


"Ummm ... sure ..."

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haha read the PAX article and the guys says : we have a very healthy game ATM so server merge wont come and were not looking at it lol did he swapped the info from my little pony online ? or does he makes a joke ? like 90% of the servers is dead.

dont care what they think its just my experience.


I don't care about facts coming from people with access to information, I have MY OPINION, and I am infallible.


If I made a sarcastic example of what everyone sounds like to show how rampant ignorance is, it would sound pretty much the same as you do.


You know the worst game of 2012 if you ask the internet? The game that has the lowest meta-critic rating, will never sell because it sucks, no one likes, no one is going to buy, and will fail?


MW3. Turns out it did ok, even with all the OPINIONS saying it would fail.


You know what the most downloading DLC was?


A cow. In farmvile. A FREAKING COW.


MY opinion is that it's the stupidest thing ever and anyone paying for a cow in a free game is all types of stupid. My opinion is that no one would ever pay to get stuff for a facebook game, and that really ... no one should play facebook games at all. I honestly don't think a single person is stupid enough to pay REAL MONEY so they can water there plants one more time a day, or whatever the hell else money gets you in farmvile.


I strongly hold this opinion as well, and will argue it to the death.


Doesn't stop me from being wrong sadly. And if I try and argue it with Zanga they will laugh at me, but I wont hear them for they will be doing it behind a wall of money.

Edited by lexiekaboom
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I really am in a predicament. My friends have all stopped playing, my guild has fallen apart but some of them have moved to another server. Do I follow them there or stay? My server pop is always light now and there seems to be little reason to stay except that I have a lv 50 there and I really dont wanna start from the start again.
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Actually, I wont renew my subscription until server merge or character transfer is implemented. Not fun to play on a server where I have to write "LFG" in General Chat for an hour without response or que for WZ for an hour. My fleet have like 40-50 players at most at peek hours. The galactic trade market is screwed. Were so much more fun in the beginning when the server were full r heavy load everytime when in-game. Getting tired of the game :(. Very sad actually.


EDIT: Playing on Rogue Moon (EU) btw

Edited by kimhagelin
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Most of the post here from Europe I'm guessing? Cause US servers on weekends and especially after 1.2 been rocking. Hope they merge the light servers for our friends over seas, they count too!


Yes most complaints are from EU


Edit: 1.2 increased population on fleet by 10 ppl at peak time at the 2 servers i have characters on.


on server #1 theres 10 ppl in fleet at peak and server #2 has 40

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Actually, I wont renew my subscription until server merge or character transfer is implemented. Not fun to play on a server where I have to write "LFG" in General Chat for an hour without response or que for WZ for an hour. My fleet have like 40-50 players at most at peek hours. The galactic trade market is screwed. Were so much more fun in the beginning when the server were full r heavy load everytime when in-game. Getting tired of the game :(. Very sad actually.


EDIT: Playing on Rogue Moon btw


ha my first ever toon was on rogue moon :) after gettin my jug to about 30 i thought damn is game supposed to be so deserted???


tbh this is a major major issue people who wont re roll will unsub if they got no one ot team with.


btw did you hear the suggestion of making a lfg channel, so even people who are not on fleet can see lfg's?


in the meantime i feel bad for ppl in your situation

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ha my first ever toon was on rogue moon :) after gettin my jug to about 30 i thought damn is game supposed to be so deserted???


tbh this is a major major issue people who wont re roll will unsub if they got no one ot team with.


btw did you hear the suggestion of making a lfg channel, so even people who are not on fleet can see lfg's?


in the meantime i feel bad for ppl in your situation


Yep i have 3x lvl 50s on a dead server so im not looking at rerolling, unsubbed untill theres a fix.. i guess il use the 30 free days tho leveling alt to see the last story for my faction

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Most of the post here from Europe I'm guessing? Cause US servers on weekends and especially after 1.2 been rocking. Hope they merge the light servers for our friends over seas, they count too!


While 1.2 has temporarily made servers more jam packed remember they activated all previous accounts and gave 30 days away to anyone with a 50. This isn't the norm and it wont be for many servers save for the big four in a couple of weeks.

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I really am in a predicament. My friends have all stopped playing, my guild has fallen apart but some of them have moved to another server. Do I follow them there or stay? My server pop is always light now and there seems to be little reason to stay except that I have a lv 50 there and I really dont wanna start from the start again.


If you really like the game reroll in another server. I know it's not an ideal solution but it's the only solution BW has left us. Otherwise the game will just become a sour experience after so many weeks of waiting for hours for groups or WZs.


The sad thing about this whole situation is not BW's handling but the irrational logic of some players, big companies regularly screw up MMO's that could have been good.


All the threads are full of people who are so in love with the franchise or game that they blind themselves to reality and would be happy for a 100 years to come if you gave them a steaming pile of horse excrement with a Star Wars logo on it. They rely on fallacies like personally attacking the posters and refuse to acknowledge the problems of others, and say ignorant and selfish comments like:

"Im happy so everyone else should be", or "I never wait more than 5 mins for WZ queue so I dont see need for server mergers", "I rerolled 4 toons across 3 servers to keep me busy, so why cant you do the same?"


If you are one of those people, hey I'm happy that you can enjoy the game the way it is and you don't see anything wrong, but remember we are ALL paying customers, and everyone is entitled to voice their opinions, especially when some believe they are paying for a unfinished or broken product.


Don't try to force your ideas or shut other people up, and be willing to put yourselves in the shoes of others before participating in a discussion. One of two things will happen, BW will keep its current direction and all the "whiners" and "trolls" will leave and you can have a handful of servers of loyal subscribers who never "cry" or BW will change its model and improve the game for all which will ideally allow them to keep more susbscribers and retain a good income to keep adding content and improving the game, so it's a win win for you guys, just relax ok.

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I hope this figures give some idea how bad things are for my EU server.


I think it's my 5867th post about this issue. Around ~25 people on fleet and ~10 people on planets any time.






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If you really like the game reroll in another server. I know it's not an ideal solution but it's the only solution BW has left us. Otherwise the game will just become a sour experience after so many weeks of waiting for hours for groups or WZs.


The sad thing about this whole situation is not BW's handling but the irrational logic of some players, big companies regularly screw up MMO's that could have been good.


All the threads are full of people who are so in love with the franchise or game that they blind themselves to reality and would be happy for a 100 years to come if you gave them a steaming pile of horse excrement with a Star Wars logo on it. They rely on fallacies like personally attacking the posters and refuse to acknowledge the problems of others, and say ignorant and selfish comments like:

"Im happy so everyone else should be", or "I never wait more than 5 mins for WZ queue so I dont see need for server mergers", "I rerolled 4 toons across 3 servers to keep me busy, so why cant you do the same?"


If you are one of those people, hey I'm happy that you can enjoy the game the way it is and you don't see anything wrong, but remember we are ALL paying customers, and everyone is entitled to voice their opinions, especially when some believe they are paying for a unfinished or broken product.


Don't try to force your ideas or shut other people up, and be willing to put yourselves in the shoes of others before participating in a discussion. One of two things will happen, BW will keep its current direction and all the "whiners" and "trolls" will leave and you can have a handful of servers of loyal subscribers who never "cry" or BW will change its model and improve the game for all which will ideally allow them to keep more susbscribers and retain a good income to keep adding content and improving the game, so it's a win win for you guys, just relax ok.


No Sir, all the time I spent to roll 2 50s and take them to war hero and battlemaster has to be rewarded by a server merge or a free transfer for all my legacy. I love this game but boredome is coming.....

Edited by NinjaApacHe
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