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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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Those "standard" servers are extremely empty, you know that right? I had friends on darth malek which was a "standard" server and it averaged 30 people at prime time on the fleet...30...Now imagine how dead the light servers are. If only 3 servers can even manage heavy at prime time then there is something wrong. Server mergers need to happen, simple as that.


Lol ok so now even being standard is not good enough for you? Come on I am on one of the standard servers. 80 some people in the republic fleet. 47 people online in the guild. So ya your numbers are WAY off. If 71 servers isnt enough for you I dont know what could ever please you. Not all of us love queues and people ganking all the quest mobs etc. I like my server the way it is now. You want crowds there are 5 servers in NA alone available to you.

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Even standard rated servers can be ghost towns. Log into a few. There are planets with less than 10 people on a standard server.

The main Imperial and Republic space stations can have 30 or less people online in a standard server.

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Even standard rated servers can be ghost towns. Log into a few. There are planets with less than 10 people on a standard server.

The main Imperial and Republic space stations can have 30 or less people online in a standard server.


There are 5 people on Hoth right now on my server. Yet there are 26 people in my guild. If you refuse to make friends then whos fault is it you cannot find groups?

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I'm not happy with the population and this is why:

  1. I paid $150 for the Collectors Edition
  2. I paid $140 for e gaming keyboard
  3. I paid $400 for a new video card
  4. Paid 2 three month subs...


This is an AMAZING GAME...The best I've experienced, however on a pvp server one should have pvp. Waiting 15 minutes in a solo cue for a 6 man unbalanced pvp experience is horrible. So with 3 level 50 toons, unable to get enough warzones to make a dent into getting even one piece of War Hero gear, what's the point? This is frustrating. We need transfers or something.


$400 for a video card for an MMO is a mistake. MMO games are mostly CPU bound.

Your second mistake was buying a PvE game and expecting good PvP.

This game that was marketed and designed around the epic storylines. PvP is just a bolt-on afterthought.

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There are 5 people on Hoth right now on my server. Yet there are 26 people in my guild. If you refuse to make friends then whos fault is it you cannot find groups?


When those 5 people ignore chat and your guild is dead there's not much you can do.

Congrats on finding a stable Guild, but there are many servers that have had massive player drop-offs and dead guilds.

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$400 for a video card for an MMO is a mistake. MMO games are mostly CPU bound.

Your second mistake was buying a PvE game and expecting good PvP.

This game that was marketed and designed around the epic storylines. PvP is just a bolt-on afterthought.


Also the KB will work with another game. The video card works without swtor. I mean come on thats crazy to spend so much on a KB tell the truth heh.

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When those 5 people ignore chat and your guild is dead there's not much you can do.

Congrats on finding a stable Guild, but there are many servers that have had massive player drop-offs and dead guilds.


I bet most standard servers have guilds like the one I am in. There are tons of guilds on darth bandon with similar if not more people. You have to be social in this game. Im used to it coming from LOTRO where there is nothing fun you can do at end cap without a full group of at least 6. Finding groups without a guild is near impossible. One thing that would probably fix things is if they had a globally broadcast lfg channel similar to lotros. No matter where you are in lotro you can talk in a global channel to look for groups.

Edited by Leggomy
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Let me first say that I never post on the forums but felt compelled to post a response in the hopes that BW will take some action fast. I have been playing this game since launch and have kept faith in swtor because I sincerely enjoy this MMO. I used to see myself playing this game for months to come...perhaps longer than that, at least until recently. There needs to be a server merge...and very soon. It has become simply too hard to get into PVP, find a party for Flashpoints or any of the things that a successful MMO requires. I love this game but I am reaching my breaking point. Merge servers Bioware...merge them soon or I will at the very least have to suspend my subscription until you do.
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I bet most standard servers have guilds like the one I am in. There are tons of guilds on darth bandon with similar if not more people. You have to be social in this game. Im used to it coming from LOTRO where there is nothing fun you can do at end cap without a full group of at least 6. Finding groups without a guild is near impossible. One thing that would probably fix things is if they had a globally broadcast lfg channel similar to lotros. No matter where you are in lotro you can talk in a global channel to look for groups.


LOTRO founder here, know all about the social aspect of MMOs.

I have re-rolled on multiple servers only to see the population die. It's kinda sad. One of my friends tells me I have the SWTOR death-touch. As soon as my characters boots touch down on a server, it goes into it's death-throes.


I am debating re-rolling on another server, but it's such a grind having to do all the quests again.

The voice acting and storylines are played out when you've done them before. And those are this games main selling points.

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Merge servers soon, or the game fails. Guild aren't for everyone.


They're going to do that, I bet. That is, if by "merge" you mean transferring people off the low-pops and shutting them down, which is NOT a merge. It's a transfer. Also, since BioWare "transferred" hundreds of entire guilds onto servers for launch (including mine), I doubt that guild transfers will be much of a problem for them.


However, if you really mean the actual meaning of "merge", that is combining the software, complete environments, loot tables, economy, world differences, etc. of two different servers into one that usually results in a plethora of bugs, unplayability, and unhappy subscribers, I doubt it, as it's a convoluted, unnecessarily buggy process to accomplish pretty much the same thing as transfer/shut-downs.



Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Those "standard" servers are extremely empty, you know that right? I had friends on darth malek which was a "standard" server and it averaged 30 people at prime time on the fleet...30...Now imagine how dead the light servers are. If only 3 servers can even manage heavy at prime time then there is something wrong. Server mergers need to happen, simple as that.


Well, I know there are many servers that need to be transferred/shut down. However, my server The Ebon Hawk, is regularly rated at STANDARD and has over 150 on the Fleet almost every day at peak.


I think his point is that the issue isn't as bad as people are trying to make it out to be, i.e. "the game is dying". It's not. We're just experiencing the very same thing all MMOs face 4 to 6 months after launch. Transfer/shut-downs will fix it. The game isn't dying. ;)

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Lol ok so now even being standard is not good enough for you? Come on I am on one of the standard servers. 80 some people in the republic fleet. 47 people online in the guild. So ya your numbers are WAY off. If 71 servers isnt enough for you I dont know what could ever please you. Not all of us love queues and people ganking all the quest mobs etc. I like my server the way it is now. You want crowds there are 5 servers in NA alone available to you.


Congrats, you like empty servers, some people actually like a server that looks...ya know...alive. Some people want to face more then the same groups of people in pvp every single day. 80 people is not a lot of people on the fleet when you compare it to the more populated servers like fatman harbinger and jedi covenant. Servers need to be merged, planets need to be more lively. Running around a planet with 5 people on it doesn't feel very mmoish.

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In Scepter of Ragnos (EU), we hardly reach 50 rep players at peak hours, i wasn't able to play a WZ in the last 4 days… (yesterday i checked every hour from 5pm to 23pm, and none wz was played).
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Just unsubbed as well. I still have 74 days of game-time pre-paid.

Tired of re-rolling and empty servers, amongst other issues. I am going to take a brief hiatus from the game, and then try to grind out another character on another server.


If they can revive some servers and there are actual people to play with I might resub.

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You know I wonder how many people here crying for Merges were the same ones crying for new servers at launch?


I mean I'm with you, servers have to be consolidated either by transfers or merges, but had the whiners not QQed for new servers at launch we'd not really be in this mess atm. So you can thank them for that.


Any Veteran MMO player can tell you that once the MMO Hoppers are gone, this crap always happens.


I am not one who cried for new servers. I have started playing in early access, there were many servers full with ques to join in, so I have choosen one of the new servers, which was my biggest mistake. I am never going to start playing on new servers, I would rather wait now 20 minutes to join game or even more at the launch of the game, those server are mostly populated later on. Your right about too many server at launch because of people QQ... I've read many posts during the launch where people said they cba wait 1 hour to play, that they paid for it to be properly working, and now we got what they asked for.

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Why do you have all these idiots getting on here and saying you should be happy with a standerd pop. I play in a standerd pop server and it's dead. Try looking for a game with 3-5 people on planets and 30 people in fleet. Guess what you can't! And this is a game we are paying for. So there for we are paying for a game that we can't play properly. And by the way. Why are all these people saying don't worry we are getting player transfers. So where does that leave the servers that people are leaving? I have been asking this question every day. Is Bioware still gonna ignore this server merge thing and leave a server to die? Just do a freakin merge and get it over with. So freakin what if I have to change my name from Shockwave to Shoc***wave. As long as the game gets Better , that's all that matters.
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Right now stats:


71 servers standard or better

4 heavy

1 very heavy


North american servers only. I dont see the problem.


If you look at the population by the server status, you are really wrong. There were times when my server had 80 people at fleet on empire side, about 30 on republic. We had standard status. Now, with 20 people at Empire side, and sometimes not even 10 on republic, we still have standard population status. I feel lonely in MMO game. That is wrong.

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Just as an FYI, I ran a brief census on my server, using 25 search locations, all the planets, main flash points, WZ's etc. "STANDARD" equaled ~250 people on the Imperial side. 250 scattered around the place. It was dead.


STANDARD doesn't mean anything, because with STANDARD, you can have literally on average 8 people per world.


8 people! at night! are you kidding me? that is "LIGHT" to anyone else!


So, STANDARD servers feel dead, play dead, and looking for a group? GOOD LUCK.


I did 3 different population census's on that night, and only one group was running EV, and they failed at it. So, in 4 hours, between 7-11pm EST, only 8 people were able to attempt an EV run and they failed. Really?


We need the server to be jumping with life so its exciting. social opportunities! easy to find groups! a vibrant GTN! we dont see those really on STANDARDs anymore, except Friday and Saturday. Thats it.

Edited by -Dench
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Just as an FYI, I ran a brief census on my server, using 25 search locations, all the planets, main flash points, WZ's etc. "STANDARD" equaled ~250 people on the Imperial side. 250 scattered around the place. It was dead.


STANDARD doesn't mean anything, because with STANDARD, you can have literally on average 8 people per world.


8 people! at night! are you kidding me? that is "LIGHT" to anyone else!


So, STANDARD servers feel dead, play dead, and looking for a group? GOOD LUCK.


I did 3 different population census's on that night, and only one group was running EV, and they failed at it. So, in 4 hours, between 7-11pm EST, only 8 people were able to attempt an EV run and they failed. Really?


We need the server to be jumping with life so its exciting. social opportunities! easy to find groups! a vibrant GTN! we dont see those really on STANDARDs anymore, except Friday and Saturday. Thats it.


Yeah, they need to tighten up what qualifies as STANDARD. My server is a STANDARD, and there's around 150 on Fleet every day, more on weekends (usually Fleet has at least 2 instances), and last week I had no problem at all on Tatooine getting a full 24-man ops group going three times in two days spamming only Tatooine chat and LFG channel.


So, yeah, the window is way too wide for what a STANDARD is.

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