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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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I never played Rift, so I'm not sure what they did, and I'm not trying to argue. Your statement seems counter-intuitive in the sense that if you give someone the chance to transfer to another server, wouldn't they head for an already highly populated server over a medium populated one?


Nope, not always. Many players in RIFT went to medium ones instead of heavy, realizing that they don't want queues, either.

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It looks like the transfer options are being discussed with the devs involved HERE!


Looks like Summer is when it's going to happen.


Free transfers to targeted low pop servers or paid transfers to any server you want.


So it wouldn't be too difficult to transfer your legacies to a targeted low pop server that will (hopefully) start to grow.

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Nope, not always. Many players in RIFT went to medium ones instead of heavy, realizing that they don't want queues, either.


That makes sense. Looks like the Devs are offering free transfers to low pop servers, so hopefully it will work out for everyone.

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BW has said they are working on it and it will probably be out by 1.3.

The problem is that the game's population is still around 1.7 million player (according to BW not me), but people aren't logging in that many hours into the game. when the game released the average player played 8 hours a day, now they play about 2 hours. BW is afraid that if they merge the servers and a patch comes out more players log in then people will be pissed about long queues again. So they are trying to figure out a balance servers between queues and healthy server population. They said it is be okay to have a queue at special events and right after a patch, but they don't want queues on every server at primetime. A lso don't forger server cap has been increased and most players being at 50 causes most servers to feel emptier than they are. According to BW the overall sub accounts hasn't changed since late december. So just give them a little time and be patient, we have waited this long what another 2 to 3 months.


Check out forcejunkies.com for the big change about the GTN that will help most servers.

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Actually, it's VERY constructive,


No it isn't. You act like no one has ever considered it before. All you are doing is aggravating people by telling them to do something they already decided they don't want and shouldn't have to do.

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No it isn't. You act like no one has ever considered it before. All you are doing is aggravating people by telling them to do something they already decided they don't want and shouldn't have to do.


Maybe we're missing each others point.


I'm not suggesting hopping to a populated server as the "fix-all" solution to the problem. I'm referring to the people who are logging in, seeing that there's no one to play with and then logging out in frustration.


Bioware is already in the process (on the Asia-Pacific Servers) of transferring characters to targeted servers in order to create some balance in the amount of other players to interact with. Even though SO many people on this thread kept saying they didn't care, they didn't see it as a problem, etc. So your solution, If I'm understanding you correctly, is on it's way.


So what do you do in the meantime?


Are you just going to unsub until the transfers are offered? Okay, that's one way to go. My personal feeling is that I enjoy playing the game, even if I have to play a character type I've already maxed out. I just enjoy the game itself. So I re-rolled a few characters on a populated server so I have something to do and I'm not just logging my 50 on at my dead server, attempting to find people to play and then logging off in frustration, and hopping on the forums to complain there's nobody to play with.


To me, it's a silly way to spend your $15 a month.


Once the transfers are available to me, I'll either consolidate all my characters on one of the targeted PVP servers, or I'll pay to move the few I absolutely have to have.


If your problem is that you don't find any enjoyment in the game without playing the 50's you've invested so much time into, I understand, and my suggestion wouldn't be constructive to you at all. My suggestion is aimed at those who just want to play the game, whether it's a 50 or a low-level alt. I will be able to put them together in summer-time.


I apologize if it seemed like I was only trying to aggravate you. My intention was to splash some cold water on the over-heated dev-bashing that was going on.

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Population in an MMO is "fluid". If you just merge servers, the problem of "light" and "heavy" will still be there. In fact, some servers will still be empty while others will have queues. That's obviously bad for the game.


However, transfers will cause the "fluid" population to automatically find lower ground, thus leveling the population across all servers, or a strategically chosen group of servers. If you tell a low-pop server "You have x many days to transfer to a server of your choice, then we're shutting this one down" that fluid movement is more advantageous than just merging it with another low-pop server.


This is what RIFT did, and it worked beautifully.


Is that clearer?


again, i am not sure you understand what anecdotal evidence is... but tell you what, since you seem to be such a fan...


when it was announced that transfers will be allowed on zez-kail-el, which group of people acted as if a rough beast was slouching towards bethlehem to be born? not the folks who would take advantage of transfer, but rather the people in the one viable guild. these are folks with a considerable amount of mmo experience, and they see what is coming with transfer-- free or otherwise. zez-kai-el will likely die. the population is already extremely low, and it will only decrease once transfer is allowed. and if people leap from zez-kai-el like rats from a sinking ship, what makes you think that rats from other sinking boats will decide that zez looks like a grand place to be? see, you are assuming into fact that there is a proportional number of hi-pop servers to allow some sort of balance to occur, and that is hardly a proven. a large number of servers have extreme low populations, and there are no similar number of servers with high pops, so...


merger, while hardly a popular expedient, looks like a plausible solution based on views of server populations, and your curious observations about actual fifty population on a single server is hardly the kind of evidence that would alter that conclusion.



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I apologize if it seemed like I was only trying to aggravate you. My intention was to splash some cold water on the over-heated dev-bashing that was going on.


Whenever theres are unhappy customer on the forums, Jaavik is ready again to defend BW.

We get it already, your t-shirt says I <3 Bw. :cool:

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Whenever theres are unhappy customer on the forums, Jaavik is ready again to defend BW.

We get it already, your t-shirt says I <3 Bw. :cool:


I guess I could play along just like you see in most every game forum if it makes everyone more comfortable....


YEAH!! <Insert name of evil corporation here> has no idea what they're doing. All they care about is getting our money from us and not giving me personal updates or responding to my every demand! They obviously don't care! They are just using us! OCCUPY <insert name of whatever game that displeased you>!!!



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Merge the servers soon before those of us left get tired of waiting an leave the game ourselves. There's a reason theres some of us left, but as we are forced to game on empty servers, we will also soon leave. MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) not NAO (Never Anyone Online). I want to stay and keep playing, give me a reason to by merging the servers, or allow guild transfers. Cross server Flashpoint Finder and Warzones would also help substantially.
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again, i am not sure you understand what anecdotal evidence is... but tell you what, since you seem to be such a fan...


when it was announced that transfers will be allowed on zez-kail-el, which group of people acted as if a rough beast was slouching towards bethlehem to be born? not the folks who would take advantage of transfer, but rather the people in the one viable guild. these are folks with a considerable amount of mmo experience, and they see what is coming with transfer-- free or otherwise. zez-kai-el will likely die. the population is already extremely low, and it will only decrease once transfer is allowed. and if people leap from zez-kai-el like rats from a sinking ship, what makes you think that rats from other sinking boats will decide that zez looks like a grand place to be? see, you are assuming into fact that there is a proportional number of hi-pop servers to allow some sort of balance to occur, and that is hardly a proven. a large number of servers have extreme low populations, and there are no similar number of servers with high pops, so...


merger, while hardly a popular expedient, looks like a plausible solution based on views of server populations, and your curious observations about actual fifty population on a single server is hardly the kind of evidence that would alter that conclusion.




?? Are you even reading my posts? I said that what will likely happen to servers like that one is a server message saying "move it or lose it, server's being shut down" thus ALL players on that server will be moved to a Standard or Heavy, then closed. NOT a server merge.



Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Transfers are going to destroy servers, every one will transfer to 2-3 heavy pop servers...


Yeah great idea!!! Hey as long as $$ is involved...


And what am I spinning? that's a direct quote.


Yes im totally agree with you it will destroy the game at all. I already left the game at valor 84 reason of empty server queue time is too long ussually at fleet were 120 ppl now only max 30 at weekends. I changed 3 guilds and all completely died all left the game for many reasons the most popular reason is empty server, many left because GW2 and D3 same as i did im going to play D3 because SWTOR is died and i can see everyday how the servers rating going down http://www.torstatus.net/.

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Guys maybe it will safe you if you move your character but anyway i can see there are will be huge drop of players i read many forums many isnt happy with 1.2 many ppl borred but the game only 6 months old in wow ppl playing ages and didnt bored and its still 10.3 million players. Edited by Algaaa
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Even the godly Fatman is light atm.


The world is ending.


I didnt expect huge drop of ppl. It happend for 1 month the ppl just gonne after 1.2 realease. Guys i really can say its a big changes in wrong way were made ppl didnt like it and they stoped playing. Some ppl who still play around server i know them very well they going to stop playng as well when 15 may will come.

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Im not a wow fun. Im looking for facts whats going on in game now. Why i should wait for queue hours? and when will server merge realease? everything what swtor is promise they said it will come at 1.2 but many promises didnt happen. I was harcore pvp but anyway i stopped playing enough wait time for me Edited by Algaaa
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Im not a wow fun. Im looking for facts whats going on in game now. Why i should wait for queue hours? and when will server merge realease? everything what swtor is promise they said it will come at 1.2 but many promises didnt happen. I was harcore pvp but anyway i stopped playing enough wait time for me


Point me to these so-called "promises". I want to see them. I'm fairly regular here, and so far, EVERYTHING they've said with the usual caveats of testing going successfully. That's hardly a "promise"...

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Point me to these so-called "promises". I want to see them. I'm fairly regular here, and so far, EVERYTHING they've said with the usual caveats of testing going successfully. That's hardly a "promise"...


ye i know it. read my message carefully what i said im tired to wait, server is empty the reason why ppl leaving they give up and dont care about promises and what they testing...

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