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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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Bioware, along with most ANY experienced MMO gamer, KNEW that after the game launches, a lot of people leave for one reason or another and the populations on the servers DROP! They even told the people complaining that this was their concern and why they didn't want to open up so many servers. But the whiners demanded it, they got it and what happened? The server populations dropped and many servers became ghost towns.


Now the same babies that were crying that they couldn't get on, now want to play on a server that has a queue time so they can find people to play with. And once again, it's ALL Bioware's fault! And they aren't l;istening to their customers because they want server mergers and character transfers! YEESH!




So let me get this right, an experienced MMO developer absolutely KNEW something would happen and when it does they're not ready for it !!


Understandable I guess if it happens much sooner than they expect.

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i have a 50 jug on Krath server, the pve side there is entirely dead. The pvp side is doable but only during peak time and night time when the que rounds up to the 10-15 min. In between those times im forced to play my trooper on fatman. Its been months since game launched and im yet to be able to run battle of illum , false empery or any of the new rakghoul flash points. Ill probably get around to it with my trooper on fatman but come on .... i had to reroll servers 3 times before fatman. All that to be able to do regular content.
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My guess is that for PR reasons, there will not be server merges.


I can see the headlines now. "SWTOR merging servers due to poor subscription rates."


Given that, I can just about guarantee that there will just be transfers.


- P




The Trion model has proven this. Give the players freedom to tranfer, issue vacate notices to players on very low pop servers, close low pop servers after vacate notice expires....rinse and repeat over time.


I guess maybe I should repost this every 24 hours in this silly thread since people seem to be oblivous to why mergers is very old school for MMOs.

Edited by Andryah
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Age of Conan did server merging. Players with highest levels kept their names, lower levels chose another. no big deal. I doubt player names are the issue here. It`s probably the PR problem.


To those, who are attacking about whining. Have you even played the game recently? It`s empty. Theoretically people are there, they just not online when needed. You cannot do Heroics, PvPs or Flashpoints because there`s not enough ppl in an instance, which is huge part of the game. You have to play the game as single player and hope for Heroics +2, not to mention +4.


You cannot sell the game to ppl as MMO ir there`s 20 ppl to play with. that`s not a MMO, that`s just simple multiplayer. Whatever the issue, they will lose a lot of subscribers not because of the content or other crap, but because of lack of players to play with. And a manual character transfers is the best they can come up with?

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enough people... ****


they know


nothing you say, however important you might think your ideas are, is adding anything to this conversation


the horse has been beaten beyond death... the ground has now had the body pulverized and indistinguishable from the red clay around it

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I think the reason why Bioware is not merging the servers is due to arrogance and overconfidence and denial. I realize it might be a technical challenge as well but the server populations are negatively impacting the game. Many options are available to improve this.


This issue needs to be addressed immediately. I refuse to sit at the imperial fleet staring blankly at a screen trying to enter a warzone. I don't have open world pvp.. I have nothing. Now I just get to sit and wait and stare at my screen hoping a warzone pops with a well balanced match, which almost never happens.


Please do something before its too late.

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So it's the customers fault that we are stuck on dead server?


Of course it is...


Maybe not in the overly-dramatic way you are trying to represent it, but the only way the server becomes less populated is if people (the CUSTOMERS) stop playing on it. It's the same game on every server (not counting PVP aspect), so you can't really blame BIOWARE for the low population on YOUR server. You just happened to roll on a server that a large population has either left the game or gone on to other servers. It happens, adapt and move on...


Bioware will try to make the customers happy, but sometimes, you have to do it yourself. If you like the game enough to stay, then either come to terms with the low population, reroll on a more populated server, or transfer when the option becomes available. If you want to just sit here and try to insult or guilt Bioware into doing what you want, go for it, but it doesn't solve your problem.


And for those who are complaining that you spent real money to build up the 8 50's you have on your server, you obviously like the game. Play it again somewhere that will make you happier. if the game dies or you quit playing, you don't get to take the characters or gear with you, so whether or not you paid money to create them is a moot point.


All I'm saying is there are solutions to your problems, maybe not the solutions you want (at present), but take some control and either go to another game that will make you happier, or start over on another server until you can transfer your favorites over. Stop throwing yourselves on the floor in a ball and whimpering about people not playing with you.

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It's clear they would rather do paid transfers than a free merger. No money for them in a merger.


I bet you paid transfers are going to make more people unsub. They are unlucky to be on a server that everyone left its bioware's fault that people have been leaving. Free transfers, or people will unsub. This game has way too many flaws right now to be even worth paying more money.

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Ok I know I may be a new Sith, but after only playing for one week, I have come to a decision, THERE ARE WAY TO MANY SERVERS!!!!!

Almost every server has a light load, meaning that there are more often than not very few people to actually party with if you want to do anything.

We need less servers so that the population is more balanced, feel how you want about this but when I play an MMO I want to party with others and actually have a social experience, so let's let Bioware know that we need to consolidate the servers and actually have some fun running flashpoints.

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Of course it is...


Maybe not in the overly-dramatic way you are trying to represent it, but the only way the server becomes less populated is if people (the CUSTOMERS) stop playing on it. It's the same game on every server (not counting PVP aspect), so you can't really blame BIOWARE for the low population on YOUR server. You just happened to roll on a server that a large population has either left the game or gone on to other servers. It happens, adapt and move on...


Bioware will try to make the customers happy, but sometimes, you have to do it yourself. If you like the game enough to stay, then either come to terms with the low population, reroll on a more populated server, or transfer when the option becomes available. If you want to just sit here and try to insult or guilt Bioware into doing what you want, go for it, but it doesn't solve your problem.


And for those who are complaining that you spent real money to build up the 8 50's you have on your server, you obviously like the game. Play it again somewhere that will make you happier. if the game dies or you quit playing, you don't get to take the characters or gear with you, so whether or not you paid money to create them is a moot point.


All I'm saying is there are solutions to your problems, maybe not the solutions you want (at present), but take some control and either go to another game that will make you happier, or start over on another server until you can transfer your favorites over. Stop throwing yourselves on the floor in a ball and whimpering about people not playing with you.


This guy is so misinformed it's unbelievable.

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To those, who are attacking about whining. Have you even played the game recently? It`s empty. Theoretically people are there, they just not online when needed. You cannot do Heroics, PvPs or Flashpoints because there`s not enough ppl in an instance, which is huge part of the game. You have to play the game as single player and hope for Heroics +2, not to mention +4.


If I'm coming across a little agressive, I don't mean to. I just get fed up with people being as NASTY as possible to the devs. It's not constructive and only shows how crappy people turn out to be when they are behind the anonymous safety of a monitor.


Yes I have played recently. I have 6 characters on a low population server. i hate the fact that it's hard to play with them because nobody is ever on, but it's nobody's fault, except the people who left. My server was half Australian and there was a 16 hour difference between them and their American friends, so it was difficult to play together. Once they had their own servers, they left and our server was low population. I can't do anyting about that.


I'm eager for server transfers and am waiting patiently. It will happen. In the meantime, I'm taking my game enjoyment into my own hands and decided to re-roll characters on a higher populated server so I can enjoy the game and have people to play with. Staying on a low-populated server because you have characters you've invested in doesn't solve your problem. If the only acceptable solution to you is waiting in solitude until servers merge or character transfers are enabled, then sit back and wait. That's YOUR choice and there are consequences to your choices.

You cannot sell the game to ppl as MMO ir there`s 20 ppl to play with. that`s not a MMO, that`s just simple multiplayer.


Here's the drama that I can't stand. There are more than 20 people to play with. You just have to go where they are. If low population is your issue, then move to a populated server - problem solved. Your ACTUAL problem (I'm assuming) is you have characters you've invested in that you don't want to leave behind. They are working on it. You aren't going to get your results "right now". You aren't going to get regular updates of how close they are to rolling it out until they want to release that information. This particular aspect, you are not in control of. Focus on what you CAN control and go from there.

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This guy is so misinformed it's unbelievable.


Well then... please..., inform us!


I'm assuming you have more to add to this debate than just saying, "Well, you're wrong!" and stomping away?

Edited by Jaavik
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I know that on the back end, character transfers are much easier then server merges, but i honestly feel that they need to do this first instead of character transfers. This will make things simpler for guilds to stay together.
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Well, please, inform us....


"so you can't really blame BIOWARE for the low population on YOUR server."


Ugh, yes I can. They made the servers like this by not properly managing them correctly.


Release game with like 10 servers. They figured it wasn't enough so added 80ish. Now the populations are spread too thin and by this time people have already lvled to 50.


Now they say merges aren't a priority and populations are fine.


Incompetence. Period. We shouldn't have to re-roll at all because the devs can't even manage their servers correctly.

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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There are more than 20 people to play with. You just have to go where they are. If low population is your issue, then move to a populated server - problem solved


So i just have to leave their precious 1.2 legacy behind, everything i have achieved and start a new on a different server just because BW don`t know how to manage servers? And that somehow sounds fine to you?


I understand devs have lots of work on their hands and lots of issues to fix, but this one been around for a while now and all we got in response is, that everything is fine. And 20 ppl in an instance is how it should be. In Europe all of the servers are like that, not just the one I play on. Asian servers are heavy , just because there are only 3 of them.

Edited by tomaaac
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So i just have to leave their precious 1.2 legacy behind, everything i have achieved and start a new on a different server just because BW don`t know how to manage servers? And that`s somehow sounds fine to you?


I understand devs have lots of work on their hands and lots of issues to fix, but this one been around for a while now and all we got in response is, that everything is fine. And 20 ppl in an instance is how it should be. In Europe all of the servers are like that, not just the one I play on. Asian servers are heavy , just because there are only 3 of them.


Exactly my thoughts. Jaav must be a dev himself.

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The problem really stems from the fact that BW doesn't respond to the players in the forums at all. The opening of this thread states that the thread has been redirected because the original had more responses than the thread could handle, and that should really tell them something. The only other MMO I play regularly is Eve Online, and I will have to say that CCP reacts to the player base frequently and effectively. Hell, last year they even scrapped an entire expansion idea because the loyal player base revolted against the idea, so CCP being a company that wants to keep their players happy said sorry and started over. Troll the CCP forums and you see that any original and good idea is flagged by the dev team and they actually comment on it. Most things in Eve are done at the behest of the player base. Economy is thriving, but then 90% of all things on the market are player made. I have always loved BW, going way back to BG etc, but at the current time I am pretty disappointed in the way they are handling current issues and with the lack luster way that they respond to the player base. I do however feel that it may also be an EA issue, since we all know that EA could care less about the players who fund them.


I think a server merge is needed, as I am not willing to re-roll and start from scratch over and over again.

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People who say to reroll like its no big deal, must not have lives, or have crappy characters. The people who state that its easy to lvl to 50 either are invalids who have no other things to do with lives, or have skipped all the crafting, have low lvl legacy, have no pvp gear etc, are not in a guild and spend their time farming droids to pass the day. Others who have spent a lot of time and effort into their characters reverse engineering every design in a craft, or have all of the top level pvp gear, are not so cavalier about tossing it down the toilet and rerolling on fatman. Or worse yet, rolling again on another server they thought would become full, only to see it eventually become "standard" (lol). So, for the mentally impaired. let me state the obvious:

1. The population issue has been seriously mismanaged, worse than on any MMO on which I have ever played (and I have played on about 20 of them, just about them all). No other company started so soon with so many servers. It is ridiculous. Noobs at work.

2. People dont like seeing four or five months of effort go to sht for no reason. Rerolling is not an option.

3. BW is screwing around with this problem and shouldve/couldve addressed it in March

4. Transfers will not work as well as mergers, and BW could deal with the name and legacy issues if they put their minds to it.

5. SWTOR is a good game and will be successful if properly managed. But I dont see that happening any time soon. The published comments from the BW team only makes me more sure than ever that they dont know what they are doing.


My character is not uber but I have seen posts from people who obviously put a lot of effort into theirs and now are being ignored. I got bored with being the only dmn person on the entire planet so I am playing Tera. BTW check out how Tera uses channels BW. You might learn something.

Edited by Drunkenpig
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This guy is so misinformed it's unbelievable.


agreed. it is the customer's fault that they are on dead servers? PAYING customers should be blamed because they have stuck around on servers with dwindling populations? nuts. it should be obvious that if people are leaving swtor, it is NOT the customer's fault.




i am on zez-kai-el and on the pub side there is only one functional post-50 guild. one. if that guild does an op, there is zero chance of getting enough 50s to que for a wz even during peak hours. heck, if the guild is doing an op, it is almost impossible to get enough people together for an hm flashpoint. and we aren't talking about a particularly large guild either.


for the past couple of weeks, most of my game time has been spent mindlessly grinding dailies on ilum and belsavis because there is nothing else to do. there aren't enough people on the server to do anything else.


i quit. at the very least i am quitting my current server. having to once again level a character through missions i have already done multiple times has very little appeal and i am anticipating the Chore of playing swtor with the same verve as cleaning the cat's litte box, but i see no other option.


it is not my fault that the server population is so low, but continuing to play is my choice. i can pay to experience swtor tedium or i can quit. it has shocked me just how great my tolerance is for this increasingly substandard product, but i am clearly approaching my threshold for dross. it is up to bioware/ea, not me, to improve the situation, or the population on their servers will continue to decrease.



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