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The new Flavor of the month : I'm missing sorcerer :(


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Hey all!


Just wanted to know if you guys got the same thing on your server. Here on Kath hound, we have an explosion of marauder. About all team are Marauders with Assassins and 1-2 randoms class.


Man do I miss sorcerer now. They were strong in group fight, but at least if one of them was focusing you, you know you could beat them.


Tankassin are strong as hell, but you can still put a decent fight vs them. It will take 5 min to put them down, but still, they don't have a great burst.



Now the new flavor, a class that people discovered and is now a plague : Maurauders. I can't judge yet if they are OP or not, because I didnt play one myself at 50.


But my friend started playing one, he wanted to verify if they were as strong as people are saying.


Result of our last duel (we are prolly equal skill-wise and gear-wise) : He killed me in 5-6 sec and with 70% HP. Didn't have to use is invul CD.


As much as I can kill most people 1 v 1, he can kill people 1 v 2.



Can you people enlight me with your opinion about marauders? :)

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Can you people enlight me with your opinion about marauders? :)


Marauders are really the only class that can frequently come out on top of a 2v1. Tank Assassins probably too.


Marauders have every tool a well-rounded DPS could hope for. It makes them very potent in the hands of a decent player.


It's hard to call them OP because they don't really overwhelm enemies, launch surprise attacks or burst somebody down instantly with stuns which is the most common cause for QQ.


They always give their opponents an opportunity to fight back. More often then not however, this will be in vain. As a DPS Jugger I'm jealous of their awesome CDs which no other class comes anything close to.


Some might say it makes them OP, and it probably would in a 3v3 arena, but in 8v8, it's not that big of a deal.


So yes, Marauders are OP in small scale PvP. But since SWTOR isn't about small scale PvP in most cases, it isn't quite as apparent.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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Well I'm a sniper.


Tried every spec.


You might say I'm bad, I have nothing to prove you wrong. But I dont get destroyed like that by any other class.


Sure vs a poorly geared Marauder, I will prolly beat him.


But somoene with decent skill, and at least champ gear, will prolly kill me even if we are 2 vs him.


Like I said, they aren't godly OP, cause most people don't use all their skill, and they need to gear up.But once you reunite that, you have a killing machine.


And we can't balance around average player, we have to balance around the best player. What can a pro marauder do that a pro of any other class can't?

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On Lord Adraas there are mostly Marauders and Operatives, and a fair few Snipers. The other classes appear in warzones in 1s and sometimes 2s. I've noticed the decline of Inquisitors, Bounty Hunters, and Juggernaughts steadily happen over the last few weeks.


I'm guilty of dropping my PT because of the nerf, and the fact I'm bored with it. I picked up Healer Inquisitor, and Juggernaught instead. I figure they wont nerf the healer any more than what they have, and the juggernaughts are hit and miss at times.

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My sniper eats marauders/sentinels. They mostly keep their distance unless they have support.


there are alot at the moment. mostly just fodder. There are, however premades of 3 - 4 organised marauders that become paintful to deal with. The all focus fire and disappear/invul 1 after the other. THATS annoying...

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For the incoming patch just pray the pts notes weren't final and devs were multiple builds ahead. Because i don't see how anyone can enjoy pvping seriously with how broken and op assas and sith warriors are :mad::mad:


And we can't balance around average player, we have to balance around the best player. What can a pro marauder do that a pro of any other class can't?
Everyone knows maraus are op. But a pro marau will lose to a pro sniper. As a sniper you should not have problems. Yes i'm serious.
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For the incoming patch just pray the pts notes weren't final and devs were multiple builds ahead. Because i don't see how anyone can enjoy pvping seriously with how broken and op assas and sith warriors are :mad::mad:


Everyone knows maraus are op. But a pro marau will lose to a pro sniper. As a sniper you should not have problems. Yes i'm serious.


I'm mostly enjoying all the marauders and sentinels. More than sorcs/sages I would have to say (even though I like them too).



- Sniper

Edited by Kalliadies
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For the incoming patch just pray the pts notes weren't final and devs were multiple builds ahead. Because i don't see how anyone can enjoy pvping seriously with how broken and op assas and sith warriors are :mad::mad:


Everyone knows maraus are op. But a pro marau will lose to a pro sniper. As a sniper you should not have problems. Yes i'm serious.


Indeed, Marauders don't like my sniper, or even my operative for that matter. I don't find marauder nearly as overpowered as tank assassin.

Edited by vimm
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The player base continues to evolve and climb the learning curve for different subclasses. Right now there are a horde of new Mara/Sents. A lot of them aren't very good. It's like the situation with Sorc/Sages right at the time of game release. As a result the ingame stat collection shows Mara/Sents to be NOT OP. That will change over time.


Mara/Sent really does need the correct team composition in order to be effective. In particular it needs good healing on the team. Low healing output = lots of deaths/churning = lots of downtime = lots of Rage/Fury buffer flushing = poor Mara/Sent performance. But I also heavily question the view that only 1 Mara/Sent on a team is optimal. If they are good players, I think the more Mara/Sents, the better - up to 4 or 5 on a team. Good Mara/Sents with voice comms can coordinate their team buffing and put both Bloodlust & Predation up for all team members for a minute or more at a time. No opposing team can withstand that in a PvP match that requires them to fight for fixed objectives.

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The real punchline is everyone is flocking to Sentinel/Mauarder, and they have no idea why... its just what they heard is op now. However, the changes to the class arent a major buff, afew things were fixed and a few things padded but its mostly tweaks and reshuffles amongst the 3 specs. Maurader/Sentinel is good, but at the bottomline its not than it is now, by and large its power level is going to be the same. People running to the class arent going to be any stronger than if they ran to it 3 months ago.


If enough people conspired to start a rumor that 0/0/0 specced smugglers were OP, there would be a mass exodus to play the class and a slew of posts about how 0/0/0 smugglers need a nerf.

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The real punchline is everyone is flocking to Sentinel/Mauarder, and they have no idea why... its just what they heard is op now. However, the changes to the class arent a major buff, afew things were fixed and a few things padded but its mostly tweaks and reshuffles amongst the 3 specs. Maurader/Sentinel is good, but at the bottomline its not than it is now, by and large its power level is going to be the same. People running to the class arent going to be any stronger than if they ran to it 3 months ago.


If enough people conspired to start a rumor that 0/0/0 specced smugglers were OP, there would be a mass exodus to play the class and a slew of posts about how 0/0/0 smugglers need a nerf.


So true, some people who didn't understand or play the class at all read the patch notes and saw what they thought was huge buffs and spread it amongst the forums. They don't realize most of the changes are just fixes for the two sub par trees. Granted they are powerful in there current state, but of all the people that have been playing them from the beginning, there is still only a small percentage that can make full use of them. I see so many who barely reach 150k dps in a wz, and all these people who think they are gonna be the op fotm are going to be sitting in that damage range letting there team down.

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The nerf to camouflage is going to hurt them a lot and overall their best spec (annihilation) is getting a nerf.



I don't think people realize this at all though and are flocking to them anyway since someone said they were getting buffed when the buffs aren't in the tree that is already strong.



The real buffs are Snipers/GS (healing debuff FTW), Guardians/juggs (lots of small improvements) and Tactics/AP spec VGs/PTs (significant buffs).

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The real punchline is everyone is flocking to Sentinel/Mauarder, and they have no idea why... its just what they heard is op now. However, the changes to the class arent a major buff, afew things were fixed and a few things padded but its mostly tweaks and reshuffles amongst the 3 specs. Maurader/Sentinel is good, but at the bottomline its not than it is now, by and large its power level is going to be the same. People running to the class arent going to be any stronger than if they ran to it 3 months ago.


If enough people conspired to start a rumor that 0/0/0 specced smugglers were OP, there would be a mass exodus to play the class and a slew of posts about how 0/0/0 smugglers need a nerf.


Most of them understand that while Marauders aren't getting any significant buffs, they are remaining pretty much the same as they are now. However, other classes are getting nerfs, therefore it's something of an indirect buff for Marauders. If they are already strong, and other classes are getting nerfed, it only makes them stronger.


Sniper/Gunslinger is where it's at though. Not because they are OP, but because they can wreck Marauders. In about a month you'll see many QQ posts about them simply because they counter the next FotM.

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The nerf to camouflage is going to hurt them a lot and overall their best spec (annihilation) is getting a nerf.


I play Anni Mara and I don't see a nerf there.


Re: Camouflage, they just gave me a free skill point. And then they gave me the option of spending 2 skill pts to extend the effective break/disengage distance Camouflage offers me by 73% (1.5*6)/(1.3*4).


Then they boosted my Ravage damage by 15%. And made Obfuscate free and off the GCD.


The real boost of course is a relative one. The nerfed pretty much everyone else.

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