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10pm downtime? Really?


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This isn't an expac release, it is a patch ... A game patch that is introducing some content but just a patch ...


So you work for another huge game developer and know how to launch huge patches in a short time frame that doesn't conflict with player schedules?


Damn, why aren't you working for Bioware?

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Eeewwwww spare us anymore... we get it.. SWTOR servers go down, another game server goes up..... nuiff said ... ENJOY your up/down time and we'll see back over on the flipside :D


Our Anniversary is today ... so this patch couldn't have come at a better time.


I don't think there will be any up/down time though. We're in our 60's ...

Edited by Alkiii
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Nope. 4th or 5th.


And in the other MMO's I played, the downtime was a consistent day, and a consistent time.


So you could schedule around it.


LOL you need to schedule around your MMO going down? Do you like plan to have shower and eat during the downtime so that you don't miss a minute when the game is up.


Perhaps a night off is just what you need :)

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How about Bioware keep their word for once and live up to their promise of "keeping downtime consistent"?


The last time this issue came up, that's what we were told.


Looks like they lied.


This is hysterical. They can go into downtime tonight at 10pm pst limiting downtime for Europe and Oz on Thur, and providing a full day of 1.2 for NA on Thur.


On top of that, doing this Thur morning gives EVERYONE 1.2 for the entire weekend. But this guy would rather wait to get it till NEXT Tues morn so that the down times can stay "consistent".


Just quit. lol

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It's implied in the leading sentences.


Actually, there are exactly 0 or 1 business days in each 24 hour day. Business days are days of the week excepting Saturday and Sunday and public holidays.


For each individual, time accounting for the business day lasts from 9am to 5pm for their given timezone. So for the op (who's pacific time), it's ~1.5 business days of notice.


If you'll note, the first term is the one I ascribed to your argument as the correct label. You should have used one of those terms rather than pedantic (which is an incorrect label).


Breaking down the fact that a day isn't actually 24 hours is pretty pedantic. Pointing out that when the OP broke down the amount of time they received from the notice to when the patch will be deployed into hours the numbers used were technically incorrect.


It can be difficult to explain ”how long is a day on Earth” because there are many variables. The most convenient convention is to say that it is 24 hours for normal conversational situations.


I was going for humour. But hey ho.


Approximately 5 Earth days ago I found out that the patch was coming this week.


Breaking down the amount of time the OP had into business days is irrelevant as at no point was the OP promised 3 days. Business days, Earth days, Jupiter days or (my personal imaginary favourite) Verubian days.


And if you really only want completely relevant posts I would suggest avoiding this forum altogether.

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Breaking down the fact that a day isn't actually 24 hours is pretty pedantic. Pointing out that when the OP broke down the amount of time they received from the notice to when the patch will be deployed into hours the numbers used were technically incorrect.


It can be difficult to explain ”how long is a day on Earth” because there are many variables. The most convenient convention is to say that it is 24 hours for normal conversational situations.


I was going for humour. But hey ho.


Approximately 5 Earth days ago I found out that the patch was coming this week.


Breaking down the amount of time the OP had into business days is irrelevant as at no point was the OP promised 3 days. Business days, Earth days, Jupiter days or (my personal imaginary favourite) Verubian days.


And if you really only want completely relevant posts I would suggest avoiding this forum altogether.


You forgot Marklar Days. :D Where everything is Marklar. lol

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No, I'm pretty sure he's talking about scheduling your game playing around it...


This right here.


I find it incredibly amusing, the people in here claiming all I do is play this game, and my whole life revolves around it, etc, just because I dared to speak up against this.


Gaming is about 4th, 5th, 7th, or 10th on the list of things to do, considering the day of the week.


In other words...


My time, is very limited. And, because it is limited, I tend to get more than a bit annoyed, if it is lmited even further, considering that I PAY for it.


If it was free? No big deal. But there is money involved in this, and yes, I'm a tightwad. I don't like to waste money.


Og course, these trolls, jokers and general lowlifes, see anyone that raises an objection, in the same sterotypical window of view.

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I understand downtime. I have no issue with it.


What I do have an issue with is:


1) West Coast constantly getting the shaft on downtime, and this time around, getting it even worse.


2) We were told we'd have 3 days notice of 1.2. Apparently, that was a lie.



Heck, if they would have gone with the patch at Midnight, AS USUAL, then maybe I'd have not posted at all.


You may resume your trolling now.


Come play on the EU servers then whine about down time, lol.

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Your limited scope/view of the world and things outside of your own life is what is causing this to get flamed/trolled, not that you are complaining/being opinionated.


First, stop extrapolating that this is going to become regular. It's a patch on a Thursday, not maintenance on a Tuesday. Special circumstances that you can't foresee how it will affect the future. There has also been nothing posted indicating this is going to become commonplace.


Second, and I'm not kidding about this, private message me your mailing address and I will personally send you a cheque for the 2.00 you would be losing if this did end up being changed. I'll give you my math and if you don't agree then let me know in the PM and we can discuss it:


15.00 ($) / 30 (days) = 0.5 (per day)

0.5 / 24 (hours in a day) = 0.02 (per hour)

0.02 * 2 (hours lost) = 0.04 (per 2 hours)

0.04 * 4 (Tuesdays a month) = 0.16 (per 2 hours of 4 days a month)

0.16 * 12 (months in a year) = 2.00 (per year)


If this turns out to be normal, I will send you a cheque for 2.00.


If this turns out to be a one off, I will send you a cheque for 0.04.


I understand your argument, but you are overreacting and extrapolating. You are more upset because you expect this to become the norm. Your initial response is to be upset, but now you are more upset because you expect this to be normal which we have no proof of as this is a special circumstance. Plans change, things happens. You are living the PERFECT life if you have never experienced something unexpected change your plans that you have paid for.


As an engineer, you may not understand the lack of communication between head offices and the workers (I don't know, I'm not an engineer), but often what is said by individuals not on the line and what is actual has discrepancies. They probably wanted 3 days notice, but wanted it to get out for the weekend as well. So for a weekend launch, you do it on Thursday so that you have the day to watch for bugs and get special patches out. Then Friday comes and everything is smooth for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Any other date misses the optimal launch time for a weekend release. Either they did it now or next week. They opted to miss the "3 days" for an earlier launch. If there was a contract, I'd accept your argument more. There was no contract, the EULA provides them the leverage to do this and it's about getting content to the players. If you work in an environment different that this, I understand where you are coming from, but you have to recognize the world you live in is different that the world someone else does. How things work for you is NOT the same as how things work for others.


Personally, I am from the West Coast and I play about 4 times a month for a total of about 8 hours. More or less depending on how I am feeling or if I am interested in reaching a goal. If part of that time is interrupted, I don't give a damn because I'm practically paying to not play. I'm paying to support this game because I think it's going to be big. I want it to be big.


Gut reaction to change is, "Well damnit. I'm angry, let's complain." THAT'S NORMAL. Your OP is fine, but then normal people realize, "Okay, that a was a bit of an overreaction. My bad." You have not reached this point and you need to. Otherwise, you are just another entitled ******* in this world who needs to be terminated.


The bottom line: Fall on your sword or Unsubscribe. I make more than enough I would be happy to pay for an extra subscription to compensate. I'm definitely NOT paying for YOUR normal subscription though because THAT would be a waste of my money.

Edited by pRagmata
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Why the sudden change to 10pm as a downtime? You've already alienated the West Coast, New Zealand and Australia in the past, by shutting down at Midnight, now, you gotta screw over the West even more, and go at 10pm?


The downtime is 8 hours, same as every other downtime. Why the early shutdown? Why move it more into primetime?


Oh, and @StephenReid....3 days notice? Looks like about a 1 day notice to me, but then again, they didn't teach them new fangled math-e-ma-matics at my grade school, high school or college.




You agreed that they could do maintenance at any time they deem appropriate. This is covered in the EUALA. Complaining about it just shows your lack of reading or lack of reading comprehension.

Edited by Babyduck
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because the OP is the one doing all the complaining? i hate how ppl like you take 1 persons opinion and bash then cause of what others have said. and they have a valid point we were told we would have notice, every other patch has been on a tuesday why bring this one out of left field and release on a thursday?


and as a person who lives on the west coast this does piss me off, i usally go to bed around 12-1 now im gonna be sitting around watching old tv shows or movies. and to anyone that will say "get a life" only a few of my friends go out that late and they go to bars. i dont drink and i only have an M1 liceanse so cant be the driver.


So its either play SWTOR or drink...


those are the options?



wow... you must live in the dullest place in the world...

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First, stop extrapolating that this is going to become regular. It's a patch on a Thursday, not maintenance on a Tuesday. Special circumstances that you can't foresee how it will affect the future. There has also been nothing posted indicating this is going to become commonplace...


...I understand your argument, but you are overreacting and extrapolating. You are more upset because you expect this to become the norm. Your initial response is to be upset, but now you are more upset because you expect this to be normal which we have no proof of as this is a special circumstance.


How can anyone from the West Coast or Oceanica NOT think this will become the norm?


It used to be a 2am shutdown for maintenance.


Then it became 12am.


Now, we're looking at 10pm.


It has happened before. The first time it went down at midnight instead of the normal 2am, people said the same thing you are saying. "It's special circumstances, it won't be like this all the time."


Then a few days later, Bioware announced that yes, in fact, it is to become the norm, and West Coasters will just have to deal with it.


So it's more than a little difficult to sit here and watch it happen again, and not expect the other shoe to drop.


Two things:


1) Had the shutdown been at midnight, as usual, there would have been no post from me. That's norm, I would have accepted it, and thought nothing of it, other than the short notice.


2) Had the patch window been longer than the normal 8 hours (which the shutdown notice indicates is NOT the case) I probably wouldn't have thought much about it either, accepting they needed additional time, hence why they moved it up.


But neither of these things is the case. The patch window is the same 8 hours it almost always is, but, if they can do the patch in 8 hours, like a normal maintenance cycle, then why the move up by 2 hours?


The only reasoning I can ascertain is because they intend to make 10pm the new normal, and I fully expect them to announce as much, once 1.2 has dropped.

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How can anyone from the West Coast or Oceanica NOT think this will become the norm?


It used to be a 2am shutdown for maintenance.


Then it became 12am.


Now, we're looking at 10pm.


It has happened before. The first time it went down at midnight instead of the normal 2am, people said the same thing you are saying. "It's special circumstances, it won't be like this all the time."


Then a few days later, Bioware announced that yes, in fact, it is to become the norm, and West Coasters will just have to deal with it.


So it's more than a little difficult to sit here and watch it happen again, and not expect the other shoe to drop.


Two things:


1) Had the shutdown been at midnight, as usual, there would have been no post from me. That's norm, I would have accepted it, and thought nothing of it, other than the short notice.


2) Had the patch window been longer than the normal 8 hours (which the shutdown notice indicates is NOT the case) I probably wouldn't have thought much about it either, accepting they needed additional time, hence why they moved it up.


But neither of these things is the case. The patch window is the same 8 hours it almost always is, but, if they can do the patch in 8 hours, like a normal maintenance cycle, then why the move up by 2 hours?


The only reasoning I can ascertain is because they intend to make 10pm the new normal, and I fully expect them to announce as much, once 1.2 has dropped.


And I will repeat what I just wrote for you. You agreed that they could do maintenance at any time they deem appropriate. This is covered in the EUALA. Complaining about it just shows your lack of reading or lack of reading comprehension.


Patches are always going to interfere with some ones playing time. BioWare decides when that will be and they do not have to give any explanation. You agreed to that when you agreed to the game EUALA.

Edited by Babyduck
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