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Please dont: Guard or heal me !


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Please dont: Guard or heal me !


Why ?? You ask..


Its simple. I am a JK Sent, By myself im as squishy as warm Jello. But I rock out the damage in epic numbers, In my short lifespan I Destroy Imps in ways that will leave them crying in the showers for days.


BUT !! If someone is guarding me. I get accused of being OP. If im on a good team where everyone knows what there roles are. I truly am indestructible, To the point where I even make your gramma cry.


Too many people call NERF THIS ... NERF THAT!! but none have ever takin into account that perhaps ive got a good healer covering my backside. That shield thats on me Thats not mine thats another class taking part in co-operative play, Lending me an assist.


SO ... Im not OP, I dont need a Nerf, Im not a cheat or an exploiter. It just so happens that sometimes im in with good company.


But even then Because I spend more time running back from my respawn point because of my epic desire to visit the cloner, Then I do out on the fields of fire. You wont usually find me at the top of the damage boards where I should be.

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If people played their classes correctly, Sentinels would top the damage charts unconditionally.


But, you know. This isn't a perfect world. Some people aren't comfortable with hitting more than 4 button in any given fight.


You have no idea what kind of crying these forums would contain if even half the sentinels in this game knew how to play their class.

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Was that "Sentinels" and "squishy" in the same sentence?



Guarded by the Force


Saber ward

and passive self-healing would like a word.


So would DPS Guardians and many other DPS classes who really can be considered squishy. In fact, I consider Sentinels the most durable DPS class in game (unless you consider tank Assassins DPS classes).

Edited by Dee-Jay
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Was that "Sentinels" and "squishy" in the same sentence?



Guarded by the Force


Saber ward

and passive self-healing would like a word. <<< UMMM WHAT ??


So would DPS Guardians and many other DPS classes who really can be considered squishy.


Wow still going with this ... Those are not as usefull in actuality ..

This thread is not about kicking a falsified dead horse.


The claims on those mitigation's are waaaay over exaggerated .. .. like its been stated b4 .. ROLE a sent, try those out..

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Please dont: Guard or heal me !


Why ?? You ask..


Its simple. I am a JK Sent, By myself im as squishy as warm Jello. But I rock out the damage in epic numbers, In my short lifespan I Destroy Imps in ways that will leave them crying in the showers for days.


BUT !! If someone is guarding me. I get accused of being OP. If im on a good team where everyone knows what there roles are. I truly am indestructible, To the point where I even make your gramma cry.


Too many people call NERF THIS ... NERF THAT!! but none have ever takin into account that perhaps ive got a good healer covering my backside. That shield thats on me Thats not mine thats another class taking part in co-operative play, Lending me an assist.


SO ... Im not OP, I dont need a Nerf, Im not a cheat or an exploiter. It just so happens that sometimes im in with good company.


But even then Because I spend more time running back from my respawn point because of my epic desire to visit the cloner, Then I do out on the fields of fire. You wont usually find me at the top of the damage boards where I should be.


While I agree that asking for nerfs for other classes is lame, I feel like I need to clear a few things up:


- Sentinels are not "squishy" by any means. In fact out of all dps builds/classes in this game they are the least squishy one.

- Every class appears to be "immortal" when it is being well guarded/healed. That is not exclusive to your class at all.

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- Sentinels are not "squishy" by any means. In fact out of all dps builds/classes in this game they are the least squishy one.


If they have all their cool downs. Sure! Without cool downs, they are very squishy. Focus fire on that dual wielding Jedi/ Sith and watch how fast he/ she truly dies.

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Was that "Sentinels" and "squishy" in the same sentence?



Guarded by the Force


Saber ward

and passive self-healing would like a word.


So would DPS Guardians and many other DPS classes who really can be considered squishy. In fact, I consider Sentinels the most durable DPS class in game (unless you consider tank Assassins DPS classes).


Then play one, because you're opinions are obviously not based on first hand experience.

Edited by getdownsb
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Guarded by the Force


Saber ward


Notice how all of these have 45 seconds to 3 minute cooldowns...


Rebuke? Stop hitting him for 6 seconds. Over.

Guarded by the Force? CC or snare him for 4 seconds. Over.

Force Camo? 4 seconds of stealth? With 2 talent points you get 100% damage reduction for 4 seconds, until next patch...

Saber Ward? 3 minute cooldown....

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Then play one, because you're opinions are obviously not based on first hand experience.


I did. I am far more squishy on my guardian- and thats supposed to be a tank. You know that defenses in PvP is almost only defensive CDs.


Armor means nothing with the few attacks its used against, same goes for shield, absorb and defense stats. That leaves %talents which are usually NOT giving you 15+% reduction or something in the meaningfull regions.


Name me a Class with more or as many defensive CDs who are on such small timers?

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Then play one, because you're opinions are obviously not based on first hand experience.


Most people are coming from a 1v1 perspective and that tunnel vision they have causes them not to see the healer behind the sent/mara and so they think they know everything about that class by fighting em 1v1.

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If they have all their cool downs. Sure! Without cool downs, they are very squishy. Focus fire on that dual wielding Jedi/ Sith and watch how fast he/ she truly dies.


HEHE actually ive done a lil bait and switch because of this... Ive tried not using the 2nd saber, as im a "focus / smash" build and it has very little significance ..

Not using the 2nd saber has been alot more effective then you would have imagined.

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I did. I am far more squishy on my guardian- and thats supposed to be a tank. You know that defenses in PvP is almost only defensive CDs.


Armor means nothing with the few attacks its used against, same goes for shield, absorb and defense stats. That leaves %talents which are usually NOT giving you 15+% reduction or something in the meaningfull regions.


Name me a Class with more or as many defensive CDs who are on such small timers?


Actually a lot more of the attacks in this game are mitigated by armor then you think, also force and tech attacks don't hit defenses, there as there are some that probably should.

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The fact remains that Sentinels have the best cooldowns in the game, have the highest sustained DPS of any class, and with said cooldowns are the most durable DPS class in the game.


Of course this is all your opinion and VERY circumstantial.


For instance, if you just stand there and let a Sent/Mar beat on you and your group allows him/her to as well, yes, they have GREAT sustained DPS on stationary targets.


Also. last I checked, this game isn't focused on 1v1 PVP and without all those great cooldowns you mentioned, Sents wouldn't last 4 seconds in a group setting were they are being focus fired.


Try rolling a sent and play a WZ without using any of your cooldowns or try to 1v1 someone who is equally as geared and skilled without using any cooldown. Let me know how it works out for you.


Also, those "great cooldowns" have short durations and are easy to counter for any intelligent player.

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I call BS, unless you are geared and spec'd for DPS.


Abilities and talents Annihilation Marauders have access to to make them less squishy:


Cloak of Pain




Force Camouflage

Undying Rage

Saber Ward


Cloak of Annihilation




Defensive Forms

Defensive Roll



Abilities and talents Immortal Juggernauts have access to to make them less squishy:


Endure Pain

Saber Ward

Soresu Form

Blade Turning



Guard Stance


Blade Barricade

Shield Specialization

Sonic Barrier

Dark Blood




Take into consideration the first list is a DPS spec'd DPS class. The second is a Tank spec'd Hybrid class. (Also, I know Marauders can also get Payback, but it seems unlikely that they would try to grab that over Defensive Roll. And taunts & guard do not make the tank less squishy, it makes his teammates less squishy so I left those out.)


As far as raw abilities and talents go Marauder is up 14-12 here. If you want to talk about the go-to PvP spec for Juggernauts which is Rage, Payback is the only "less squishy" talent a Rage spec will ever pick up. So if you want to compare best PvP DPS spec to best PvP DPS spec it's 14-5 Marauder. Granted next patch Juggs are getting another defensive cooldown on all specs, so it's all good it'll be 14-6 next patch. 14-7 if you want to consider Soresu Form a cooldown and Shii-Choo form a base damage reduction ability. Is it really necessary to give them that many ways to increase survivability just to make up for the difference between Medium and Heavy armor?

Edited by Semitote
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The fact remains that Sentinels have the best cooldowns in the game, have the highest sustained DPS of any class, and with said cooldowns are the most durable DPS class in the game.


Semantics are cute, but they're a pale argument, guys.


What he said. You still have to name any class that has comparable defensive CDs on the same small timers.

And to your response on my post, maybe you should check the tank tree for guardians and see how much %reduction you can aquire via talents.

And if you count shield chance and deflection and armor as defenses we do not need to continue this discussion.

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Abilities and talents Annihilation Marauders have access to to make them less squishy:


Cloak of Pain




Force Camouflage

Undying Rage

Saber Ward


Cloak of Annihilation




Defensive Forms

Defensive Roll



Abilities and talents Immortal Juggernauts have access to to make them less squishy:


Endure Pain

Saber Ward

Soresu Form

Blade Turning



Guard Stance


Blade Barricade

Shield Specialization

Sonic Barrier

Dark Blood




Take into consideration the first list is a DPS spec'd DPS class. The second is a Tank spec'd Hybrid class. (Also, I know Marauders can also get Payback, but it seems unlikely that they would try to grab that over Defensive Roll. And taunts & guard do not make the tank less squishy, it makes his teammates less squishy so I left those out.)


As far as raw abilities and talents go Marauder is up 14-12 here. If you want to talk about the go-to PvP spec for Juggernauts which is Rage, Payback is the only "less squishy" talent a Rage spec will ever pick up. So if you want to compare best PvP DPS spec to best PvP DPS spec it's 14-5 Marauder. Granted next patch Juggs are getting another defensive cooldown on all specs, so it's all good it'll be 14-6 next patch. 14-7 if you want to consider Soresu Form a cooldown and Shii-Choo form a base damage reduction ability. Is it really necessary to give them that many ways to increase survivability just to make up for the difference between Medium and Heavy armor?


So...let me get this straight, your logic is that because Sents/ Maras have more cooldowns, they have more survivability?

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So...let me get this straight, your logic is that because Sents/ Maras have more cooldowns, they have more survivability?


Almost all defense mechanics have cooldowns... except innate ones like armor lol.


If you have more cooldowns, that means you are more durable than other classes.


or are you being dense?

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