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Will be rerolling Marauder in 1.2 need help.


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I dont get why people keep saying marauder is hard to play. Annihilation is really easy for me personally. Carnage isnt too much harder, and while rage was the hardest to play its getting buffed to the point of easy mode in 1.2.
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I dont get why people keep saying marauder is hard to play. Annihilation is really easy for me personally. Carnage isnt too much harder, and while rage was the hardest to play its getting buffed to the point of easy mode in 1.2.


rage is already easymode


its our faceroll spec

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rage is already easymode


its our faceroll spec


rage isnt any easier than Annihilation. If rage is faceroll so it is annihilation. On annihilation I do not find anything particularly difficult, atleast when I play Rage I need to land those smash on moving targets and position myself better.


And the sea of facerolling ANNI maras out there, just prove this even further.

Edited by atreyuz
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I think that if you switch to a Marauder from a Tracerspam Merc then you're going to do two things in War Zones.


1) Suck


2) Die... A LOT.


I hate to come across as a troll or come across as insulting but I would argue I play a Guardian/Juggernaut and I feel that the Sentinel/Marauder is the hardest class in the game to play well. My friends who are sentinels/marauders have about 5 - 8 more abilities than me that that they use in PvP. If you think that playing a sentinel/marauder will be ANYTHING like your missile spam you're sorely mistaken.

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rage isnt any easier than Annihilation. If rage is faceroll so it is annihilation. On annihilation I do not find anything particularly difficult, atleast when I play Rage I need to land those smash on moving targets and position myself better.


And the sea of facerolling ANNI maras out there, just prove this even further.


i wasnt trying to imply that annihilation was difficult ... its not


MMOs are not difficult (at least in terms of playing an individual character, the challenge comes in the form of the required teamwork, strategy, and coordination to beat content or win pvp matches, but the actual playing of a class is not hard)


what i meant by rage being faceroll is that with rage you have more room for error than you do with annihilaion, and especially carnage


for carnage a poorly timed gore = a wasted gore = drastically reduced damage output


for annihilation letting your annihilate buff drop off kills your damage output, sitting of fury stacks for too long hurts your damage output


rage is more forgiving, not any easier or harder to play well, just more room for error if you do make a mistake


the sea of annihilation marauders proves only that annihilation is the best spec atm, not that its any easier than the others, they are all easy

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what i meant by rage being faceroll is that with rage you have more room for error than you do with annihilaion, and especially carnage


for carnage a poorly timed gore = a wasted gore = drastically reduced damage output


for annihilation letting your annihilate buff drop off kills your damage output, sitting of fury stacks for too long hurts your damage output


rage is more forgiving, not any easier or harder to play well, just more room for error if you do make a mistake



Only an idiot would not notice his fury stacks fully stacked.


Keeping up the annihilate buff is the only thing an ANNI mara really needs to worry about.


Anyone can just build up a smash combo and smash a single target, fewer maras try to maximixe that smash combo to hit as many people as possible.

Sometimes it is easy to positionate yourself in such way, sometimes you just happen to be in that position, and sometimes it is not.


Also Rage it's the only spec where your Main Skill can be totally nullified by your enemy movement, or unlucky situations (getting knockbacked just when you were using a smash, anyone?)


so no, I do not find rage more forgiving than anni.



the sea of annihilation marauders proves only that annihilation is the best spec atm, not that its any easier than the others, they are all easy



Yes, in mmos most people just go for the cookie cutter spec. (wich atm happens to be anni, as you said aswell.)


And also because with a cookie cutter spec it is easier to reach a good perfomance.



Edited by atreyuz
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I hate to play the devil's advocate but there a very good chance a lot of these rerolls will turn out to be talented players. More than a few Marauders are nervous about this but will never admit to it.


I will say after leveling up my Marauder and seeing the utter amount of Marauders out there and wondering why they are spamming ravage makes me agree with the people on this board.


As a person that plays a Jugg and a Marauder (I have a Sentinel too), I will say that the Marauder is harder to play, but the Jugg talents (Force Push, Stance dance / Guard, Taunts, Intercede, etc.) give you more freedom for playstyle.

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rage isnt any easier than Annihilation. If rage is faceroll so it is annihilation. On annihilation I do not find anything particularly difficult, atleast when I play Rage I need to land those smash on moving targets and position myself better.


And the sea of facerolling ANNI maras out there, just prove this even further.




Rage is the noob spec on the class by far.

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Obviously his vast grav round rotation requires a significant amount of skill and practice, but I suppose he'll be able to lower himself to the level of Marauder and Sentinel gameplay, at least because all the cool kids on his street did.


I know my heart is filled with a sense of dread that he'll soon be welding two sabers in a server nearby. And though the halls of glory will be empty from his missing grav round spam, I'm sure his overpowered might will dominate and desolate us lesser beings with ease.

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Only an idiot would not notice his fury stacks fully stacked.


Keeping up the annihilate buff is the only thing an ANNI mara really needs to worry about.


yes, only an idiot would not notice his fury stacks, but its not about noticing them, its about knowing when to use them to maximize their usage ... use them at the wrong time and you either waste the buff or waste potential damage output


anni marauder do really need to worry about their fury usage as well as their annihilate buff


Anyone can just build up a smash combo and smash a single target, fewer maras try to maximixe that smash combo to hit as many people as possible.

Sometimes it is easy to positionate yourself in such way, sometimes you just happen to be in that position, and sometimes it is not.


fewer maras arent stupid then ... that has nothing to do with the spec, bad players are bad players


p.s. positionate ...


Also Rage it's the only spec where your Main Skill can be totally nullified by your enemy movement, or unlucky situations (getting knockbacked just when you were using a smash, anyone?)


so no, I do not find rage more forgiving than anni.


any spec can have their main skill totally nullified by enemy movement, its called being kited


however, in smashes particular case i will agree that it can be worse than other abilities, but again, its got nothing to do with the spec


its due to the horrid client-server communication in this game, plus there are some easy work arounds



Yes, in mmos most people just go for the cookie cutter spec. (wich atm happens to be anni, as you said aswell.)


And also because with a cookie cutter spec it is easier to reach a good perfomance.




cookie cutter doesnt imply anything about the difficulty of the spec, cookie cutter means most common, and nothing more, they are the most common because they are the best


sometimes they are also the easiest, but not always


particularly in marauders case ... if you could poll all marauders in TOR i guarantee you that rage would be picked as the easiest spec by a massive margin, but annihilation would be picked as the best spec

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you are aware that if 3 button sorcs or 1 button tracerlols had as many defensive cooldowns as you they wouldnt be labeled as such (even though they use 10+ buttons)? i also wouldnt say mara is hard to play, awesome dps and insane defense. if you want hard try being an arsenal merc while focused, i guarantee you that you wouldnt last 5 seconds ;)


If you're being focused as a tracerlol you're not very good at positioning and you're team isn't doing anything to make it better.


Tracerspam yes.


Powertech pyro is not an easymode class, come on. How many powertechs do you even see on a planet at any peak hours anyways, let alone WZ? Pyro spec has limited survivability, little CC (just like mara) and no escape ability - once you are in it you better kill or be killed.


Powertechs are not that different from Mara.


My PT Pytrotech embodies "easymode". Out of the gate as a new 50 with 14k health and 6% expertise, yet facerolling to 400k dmg. Yeah, easy-mode.

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I think that if you switch to a Marauder from a Tracerspam Merc then you're going to do two things in War Zones.


1) Suck


2) Die... A LOT.


I hate to come across as a troll or come across as insulting but I would argue I play a Guardian/Juggernaut and I feel that the Sentinel/Marauder is the hardest class in the game to play well. My friends who are sentinels/marauders have about 5 - 8 more abilities than me that that they use in PvP. If you think that playing a sentinel/marauder will be ANYTHING like your missile spam you're sorely mistaken.


You're right, coming from a BH Merc as my first 50, Marauder is highly different. However, that doesn't imply the person is going to suck or even die a lot for that matter. From my personal experience, I hit lvl 17 on my Marauder and went straight into the arena. After some practice (one to two games) I was always in the top three in damage/medals.


Just depends if the player is able to adapt to that play style or not. Some people just take longer to "adjust" than others, especially with the Marauder learning curve. I know I can't wait till I hit the higher lvl's and have more abilities and better skill tree to cause more "carnage" haha.


I do wish people would stop bashing tracer missle though. Its not an unstoppable beast, especially against a good player who knows how to interrupt... People just have a hard time positioning in this game I suppose, so they QQ when a good placed Merc is raining hell down on them when a simple LOS block would prevent that.

Edited by Animaras
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Rage is the noob spec on the class by far.


I switched back to Anni after being Rage for a 4man premade and lol, man, Anni isn't a more difficult spec to play but there are more than 4 buttons to push and I really couldn't be bothered with it because of the sheer simplicity of Rage. I wanted to respec. Rage is the noob spec, it's so faceroll.

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you are aware that if 3 button sorcs or 1 button tracerlols had as many defensive cooldowns as you they wouldnt be labeled as such (even though they use 10+ buttons)? i also wouldnt say mara is hard to play, awesome dps and insane defense. if you want hard try being an arsenal merc while focused, i guarantee you that you wouldnt last 5 seconds ;)



Hello again.


" 1 button tracerlols " Ironic to see you say that.


Anyway, lets make a deal.


the "3 button sorcs or 1 button tracerlols" can have our 3 defensive CDs but they lose the defensive CDs they have and all their attacks now have a 4m range. But i'll be nice and say that force lighing and tracer can have a 10m range

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You're right, coming from a BH Merc as my first 50, Marauder is highly different. However, that doesn't imply the person is going to suck or even die a lot for that matter. From my personal experience, I hit lvl 17 on my Marauder and went straight into the arena. After some practice (one to two games) I was always in the top three in damage/medals.


Just depends if the player is able to adapt to that play style or not. Some people just take longer to "adjust" than others, especially with the Marauder learning curve. I know I can't wait till I hit the higher lvl's and have more abilities and better skill tree to cause more "carnage" haha.


I do wish people would stop bashing tracer missle though. Its not an unstoppable beast, especially against a good player who knows how to interrupt... People just have a hard time positioning in this game I suppose, so they QQ when a good placed Merc is raining hell down on them when a simple LOS block would prevent that.


The OP was specifically speaking of switching to marauder because he thinks it will be OP. I'm actually convinced that this was just a forum troll at this point but who knows. Anyway, the single button rotation of a missile spamming marauder gets no respect from me. I have a friend who is a grav round spamming commando so I know first hand how OP it is. The fact that they can be incredibly dangerous in PvP by using a single move is ridiculous. I'm glad it's getting nerfed. It was the definition of OP.

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The OP was specifically speaking of switching to marauder because he thinks it will be OP. I'm actually convinced that this was just a forum troll at this point but who knows. Anyway, the single button rotation of a missile spamming marauder gets no respect from me. I have a friend who is a grav round spamming commando so I know first hand how OP it is. The fact that they can be incredibly dangerous in PvP by using a single move is ridiculous. I'm glad it's getting nerfed. It was the definition of OP.


Yeah, I smell a troll too. So I'm voting this thread /dies

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Sup everyone, so as we all know sorcs and BHs are getting nerfed hard, and Marauder is looking like the new OP class next patch. Is there anything I should know about the class before I start leveling? How does it play in pvp and pve? And are you overall happy with the class?:)


I am very happy with the class because for every player who knows how to play the class, there is a legion of idiots who utterly fail at it because they rolled a Mara thinking it would be OP.

The result is that Mara generally looks underpowered and I can carry on steamrollering content.


But to answer your questions, in PvP the Mara is as close to an alpha class as you are going to get. Gunslingers can take us if they get the drop on us, and Shadows are a tough fight that can go either way if the Shadow is good. Aside from those, the easiest kills are generally Grav-spamming Commandos, pebble-chuckers and Sentinels who play the class because they have heard it is OP and have switched from Commando or Sage.


In PvE, the only way I ever seem to lose a fight is if I get supremely overconfident or if I get distracted by a naked woman dancing across the room in front of me.

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In PvE, the only way I ever seem to lose a fight is if I get supremely overconfident or if I get distracted by a naked woman dancing across the room in front of me


I rerolled Mara without realizing about this side benefit, but now I know I made the right choice!


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